Saturday, March 8, 2025

Itty bitty Pieces Africa’s Cradle, Abraham Bosom father Khamenei

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling there’s seeing a picture of Israel’s Father Shimon Peres Before Israel is mocked a  busybody shopping mall at the edge of a cliffhanger of them regularly falling to their deaths; and ally UK/BC/US West Rule Rev 9 loosening of bound angels, the keys to the bottom pit and human extinction of hundreds of millions in demon if it weren’t for Star Warring AODHF and standing on his promises and timetables; WEST RULE a for two US quarters multimillion man grocery store, store manger’s keys, barter balan, tollbooth! Marvel not during Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael Dan 9:27, timetable of 7 apocalyptic years it’s Oct 17 two months in Dec 3/4/5 2021, Rev 3 Jesus suggested you WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HGOW/Apb

Sulaiman Ahmed ✅.                                          @shaykh Sulaiman 


Bush/Cheney error Saddam, era Ezekiel 9 sword like syringe carrying, chasing reapers have no mercy; Inkhorn man to mark passions of the Christ for immortal life; told us pray for all human being at the wailing wall Aug 24.25 2023 Rev 9 devils, demons, hybrid angels all, all all hath reign!





X Donald Trump wanna do everything to everybody his our American Dream of a  bucket list, but get hundreds of millions of his own endangered westerners out, like now, like right now! I didn’t have a say dying, ascending. descending again their judgment sentence their weights of blood guilt, blood sports all, I’m gonna but I don’t  wanna sit the judgments of nations, THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT; see when Gog’s Trump wake once a King Nebuchadnezzar type ISLAM IN POWER and his, our y’all everything treasured above obeying GOD commanded, Juneteenth exodus Is no longer this planet! 

X India Times, In stunning surprise Iran has offered help the US combat fires burning through California; 
It doesn’t trip you out every time the gone viral  barbecuing of WEST RULE; states Rev 19 Mighty Angel/17, 7th Angel 100 million dead; like a billion combined crossing into SW Africa’s Coastal cities towns their father Ali Khamene offers help like he too know bible prophecy and they’re in reign since the first Rev 11:1, 2, 42 month interval!

I remind I just saw pure Sunlight here walking and talking among people. This is the scripture Ps 71 KJV father Ali Khamenei I was to intercede holies just now, told no, we’re now assigned worship and praise star warring Rev 11 GOD HATH TAKEN HIS POWER AND REIGN; in only minutes Jesus told calling him LORD once thieving, murderer sins forgiven he’d walk in paradise with him that day; Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee? Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing a Noah's Cousin

Friday, March 7, 2025

Itty Bitty Pieces Of Aug 24/25 Rev 9 Described Alien invasion By Dec 3 2024

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Trump’s 2018/2025 March month of The American Exodus I know waking from John witnessing the book of life, and of death opened; only I'm to see its crafted into a school name roll call, no doubt that school office, line, upon line, never-ending line of children; there's this other portrayed in my work as Moses type exodus ending with witnessing the mount of transfiguration over to Lord Jerusalem, Lord Urusalem and wake from its demonstration in the spirit world you'd actually been Moses exodus its blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit! 

Youtube NewsNation, Mysterious drones swarm New Jersey skies, military bases | Reality Check via @YouTube: you're right I never paid too much attention to these type video, believing predating the genesis man, marriage of procreating God's, what could be for millennia, I just knew fallen, exiled, Angels perpetrated everything about angels until THEY told me no, fallen angels is why aliens exist meaning its just easier for them to believe in ancient aliens over ancient fallen angels, Ancient aliens prove there's not Almighty God, fallen, exiled angels prove, there's an Almighty God and for millennia these ebbing and flowing interstellar star wars! 

Question is since, Fallen Angels is why Hybrid Angel, Aliens exist and regularly being loosed upon the planet our human extinction, what does that mean for you and yours? Remember, beginning as a dominoing Hawaii to US W Pacific, all us westerners are being simultaneously deposited somewhere by April 2/17/2025 and whether you're God's Trump or Gog's Trump determine where, instantly, blink and you'll miss it! Noah's Day HBOW/hearing a Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era, of flooding, 101 Ben Affleck Armageddon!  
Youtube, Brightside Global Will Supereruptions Bring Humanity to Its Knees? via @YouTube: I can only tell you Bright Side Global, with the scripture Joel 2 on the viewing screen mocking between California Dreamer NBA/The Oscars, Red Carpet, 18 years, Juneteenth 17/18 2002, mocked, my procrastinating Pompeii Movie Of Memphians down on all fours, not just their knees pouring in GA's Coast Trump Gabriel, Archangel Michael, crossover into Dan 9, type, Africa's SW Atlantic, exile luxury!
Youtube mrbb333, Yes, this was WATCHING you from 4 MILES high in the sky! Just SITTING th... via @YouTube: IDK, mrmbb333 saying he's not seen anything like it before, when I instead I found it very familiar because i thought he'd featured it before...maybe the like Rev John witnessed star wars, interstellar Armageddon being wedged up there, Jan/Feb/March 12/13 2019....

You Tube UFO Invasion?! "They're the size of cars spotted over New Jersey" | Reda... via @YouTube UFO Invasion?! "They're the size of cars spotted over New Jersey" | Reda... via @YouTube whattttt? Aren't you the one who told me you're tired of me talking about all this crap; was it that I could link it so entirely To Jesus Christ and end day prophecy? Not yours but some other, saying Dec 3 2024 actually mocked, what happen to Aug 24/25 2023, mocked Rev 9, 200 million in hybrid fallen Angels, invasion; would be covert with Dec 3 2021 aligned to Rev 3 Jesus telling us to RUN! 
Not yours but some other, saying Dec 3 2024 actually mocked, Rev 9, hybrid Fall Angels, invasion would be covert with Dec 3/4 2021 Rev 3 Jesus telling us to WATCH, RUN! Run as in also Mat 24 Jesus saying run, pray its not a sabbath, pray for mothers with infants, actually pray all human beings a Rev 9 demonic invasion; they're designing us race cars, skyrocketing to second heaven intercession Mario Carts and free for all racetracks, like whenever the weather is good, RUN, Trump Gabriel, Archangel Michael US GA'S COAST crossover!

Honestly what Grand Caden described Jan 17, 2025, seeing and attempted to draw, see here,; was more a passenger jet having a UFO as an escort; don't forget 2019, they portrayed me as on in the cockpit, tampering with autopilots causing exploding, smoking, crashes, again like its US  Lab Bio-Covid, Spanish flu/Swine/Avian/ again showing those we trust our worsening covert enemies; 
Marvel not Rev 9, reveal alone, And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them; could warn an inundation of demon possession, I know what that'd look like, some like fear the walking dead to mocked Brad Pitt/Jolie Kids, gorilla/guerilla war/WWZ.     

Article SAN, Scientists monitor Mount Rainier following 1,000 years of dormancy,

FEB 23

Fright night to rolling twilight skies since 1996 death bringer from beneath the earth to warn 2018 US W Pacific is inundated with forewarning a fiery doomsday apocalypse; as dominioing Hawaii to 101 Yellowstones; no earthquake summit can be left dormant!

Actually what I warn, as get out of there! YouTube On The Pulse With Silki waiting a subterranean eruption the state of Oregon how no scientist of any field can anymore know volcanology with volcanoes put on orange alert  24 hours before they warn Hawaii was building Sept 20/21 2022! 

Itty Bitty Pieces Of Aug 24/25 Rev 9 Described Alien invasion By Dec 3 2024 I believe was as much an escape of millions once exiled hybrid as it was an invasion of alien genociders demons, devils! 

For decades suffering, warning what’s recently designed a Pompeii Movie of Memphis warning Colosseum gladiator, of cheering Memphians all I did know what The 2016/Aug 2023 The TIFF/ CME/ EMP was until I watched Cat 8; there’s Cat 10.1 also but especially Cat 8 with The Knowing Movie, Joel 2/2 Per 3 ending; these seeing a clock of years tick under a death bringer from beneath that’s Movies Super Volcano to 2012 versions of a Yellowstone eruption; too 2012 verified my since fie decades surmised submersible cruise ship and world escaping actual billions the repatriation of mother Africa’s SW Atlantic; 

The same can be said so far spiritual world dramatic, fantastic features an Exz 5 2021 revisited as the last day of June  America 2023 that Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone with me explaining to grand Caden how a there was a sun diving comet erupting volcanoes into what appeared wings to horns as we seduced it ofdd Chernobyl April, rapture spring April 8, 2024 solar eclipse, I know I know but like mrmbb333 says you just can’t make this stuff up! 

Even how why files determined the moon isn’t what it seems, seriously the moon don’t make sense; just say skyrocketing off the planet plenty and only arriving a plenteous heavenly structure two thirds the way not the third heaven paradise of GOD often I disappointed; marvel not THEY arriving in my kitchen early 2011 how’d we’d intercede for Rev 13:5 described tribulations saints from up there to down here I have  to agree with Why Files them the moon isn’t what it seems! 

☀️ 👀 ✅


Piers Morgan says the US is "the defender of freedom and democracy around the world", and John Mearsheimer has to keep himself from laughing in his flabby face as he destroys and humiliates him,; frightnight the maze and of  revealing sin,  lil Miya back seat surveyor, translator two US quarters toll crossover the 3 to 4 human loses during beginning Trump Gabriel Archangel Michael timetable Oct 2021 to April 2025/April 2021 to Oct 17 2028 billions dead is aligned to Piers Morgan WEST RULE/ UK/BC/US putting your instant death tolls at 100 million! 

Hearing GET HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH, she’s only to possess, prep and launch planetary apocalypse! 



You all won’t believe over half way into these comments Grand Caden walked down the stairs asked Grandma what would happened if a missile hit the earth? Eventually I explained what we all woke to Hawaii missile morning Jan 2018 you the falsities of this damning world system; me to what’s really happening in the spirit. Frightnight to amazing Grace when Jacob ladder innumerable intravenous are simultaneously yanking all westerners out Gods to Gogs firerocketing never seen again to skyrocketing, descending with Jesus his Mt Olivet return you, yours! 

Let it snow piers Morgan let it snow riches to rags Rev 1-3 7 letters to the 7 churches designed rags to riches sickbeds. sleepovers. Especially all westerners gonna wake the authentic WOKE and realize Hawaii eruption in it 10th to 12th, see the moment Nov 2024 I warn its too quiet; Jan 22/Gen 15 THEY warn Hawaii is building Mass hysteria concerning shaky quaky Greece Santorini 

Right to Brightside Global a repeatedly warn YELLOWSTONE! Frightnight there’s warn those two named for the TIFF CME/EMP Aug/Oct 2023 not safehaven Florida or cruises, The Caribbean is right now in tremblors! Endangering should’ve would’ve, could’ve’s, how could we have known it was inundated with such forewarning US West  Pacific a million times to millions of lives Santorini endangerment! 

Even 10 days Hawaii missile morning prancing back and forth Mighty Angel is now standing still warning to remember US W. Pacific incineration was inundated with these forewarnings not only do you now know why they suddenly translated my Memphis grand hundreds of miles into the other direction. Equally you know Hawaii missile alert wasn’t a mishap and you’ve been living in the aftermath; post apocalypse The  fall of Genesis Garden to Nimrod’s/ Musk towers and mass world migration!

Marvel not Mal 4 Mighty Angel yanking us out of Chernobyl Nuclear meltdown here’s a hammering Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband having gathered all children unto himself is getting us outta the way a dominoing Hawaii/US W Pacific barbecuing every state in it wake right into Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon; marvel not AND YOU SHALL DREAM DREAMS Duchess of Sussex premonition dream right before Cal fires 2025; marvel not an NBA Game followed by Oscars Red carpet scripture Joel 2, blow the trumpet in Zion’s Africa to Abraham inherit, sound an alarm fiery doomsday apocalypse! 

First sweet then bitter, the little book eaten out of our Jan 22-29 2028 Rev 10 Mighty Angel how God ends this Noah’s Cousin here popped on the screen also with unimaginable Rev 9 revealed bottomless pit of monsters stirred in after THEY snatched us Holies out Rev 12 New Born style I heard ALMIGHTY GOD the reminder THERES ONLY ONE/GOD/SAVIOR, “take him his, but this one,” referring to me as the African adulterer wife, birth mother and when ELO-HIM said she is mine, I as Mother Africa laid back into a grownup cradle! Seems Piers Morgan, just as Abraham has a bosom of early testament worthies, Mother Africa has a cradle of billions it’s Juneteenth inherit; 

Marvel not so many near death experiences testament about who Jesus say black people really are. All I, Apostle Prophet of JESUS THEY say I am, know, like Patmos imprisoned John I’m suddenly standing before a mountain in heaven and can’t get over it, barely noticeable a sunlight is rising, commanding me like a Moses to a march born month of commanded exodus Harriet Tubman; “let my people go,” billions of us are still dying by WEST RULE colonizers to genociders but as reminded billions of you are ascending into second heaven intercession, descending, Jesus THE CHRIST! Noah’s Day HBOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era

Thursday, March 6, 2025

itty, bitty Pieces Of Breaking Records It's Many Timetables, Close To The Antichrist/Gog and Magog US Pres Trump

Prophecy links Fulfilling Nuclear Trumps 2018, March 13 Month Of Juneteenth Exodus' March 6, Apocalyptic Wild Fires The Carolina's 2025; Oct 17, 2018, Pres Trump and Jesus Prophet I am, like King Nebuchadnezzar and Prophet Daniel, (Belteshazzar) began to see, hear this Daniel 4/24-31   

This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the most High, which is come upon my lord the king:

That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility.

All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar/ OCT 17.2018 Dan 4/9;24=27 Pres Trump's world reign!!! Know your exits, Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit 

At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon. (begin seven year count, Oct 17, 2019); until Oct 17, 2025 be fulfilled and they wake to a son king Belshazzar type slain to wasted by the Medes and Persians (ISLAM), now having world reign

The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?

While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee. Marvel not ebbing and flowing since what happed to Aug 5 2019, everything ever this planet Empire Rome/Empire Britain, West Rule, a suddenly ginormity took on the planet, look, look and look and you will not find it, its all just gone!

Rev 18, Blessed Are Hearers and Doers, "Come out of them my people, that you be not partakers of their sin, that your receive not of their plagues, their sins have reached unto me and I hath remembered their iniquity, reward them according to their rewards, double upon them double!

TNR Article, Trump Threatens to Wipe Out Gaza in Chilling Rant

Did Donald Trump just threaten to kill all Palestinians in Gaza? 

Donald Trump is planning to give Israel everything it needs in order to “finish” Gaza.

In a harrowing post to Truth Social Wednesday, the president threatened Hamas, as well as the Palestinian public, to release the hostages—or be “dead.”

Is this the same Gaza Biden/Harris error Netanyahu just wiped out while in the spirit world we not only witnessed an Israeli mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to death to mocking, on US soil, here's Rev 9, loosening of four angels, a 200 million demon army to handing over the keys to the bottomless of fallen angel to hybrid angels invading monsters; a multimillion man grocery store, store mangers keys, barter balen, toll booth of Americas to NBA' dreaming deciding between your temporal stomach or your immortal soul?

Britain 25 million dead, Canada 25 million dead, that's 100 million westerners dead; marvel not especially since Bush thru to every WH house Trump threatening Gazans right now, all their Islamic weights of blood guilt, to 50 million US dead; marvel not God's Trump are running, Gog's Trump are burning; 2021 Dec 3, 4, 5, Rev 3 Jesus I hear WATCH! RUN! Live/(repent/ascend)

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to restored unto him/US a new, final Adam, Genesis man marriage of procreation and predestination, Trump's prejudice to discrimination can no longer divide us along lines of being Jew or Greek, bond or free, naturally born male or female; I grew up hearing West Rule was given to intercede for Israel, just now I remind, GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD then what world power, system was given to intercede Abraham's bosom eldest son Islam? 

Like was it Russia before it got bogged down with turf wars Ukraine, or China and its fear-factor error turf wars, Taiwan; intravenous angels, descript, "turf wars." Rightly have we just found the root of them being aligned to abandoned endangered US children to rebellious Jonah and is befriending Gog's madman Trump Putin's cursive everything followed by sudden destruction of God's whale of his last straw; with Asians mocked, the most endangered people on the map, besides Juneteenth inherit to those Spanish speaking; marvel not twice a day when I see the clock hit 12:04 I'm reminder, Dec 04, 2021, Rev 3 Jesus warn, RUN!     

CNN politics Trump preparing to sign order to dismantle Education Department,

💣  Poland vs. Its Own People! Military Buildup Sparks War Fears!  Is Th... via @YouTub; Reigning Sunlight Of God, From Behind Mt Sinai Command Mad Leaders to WORLD LEADERS LET HIS PEOPLE GO BEFORE THEY EXTINCT THEM ALL!

Hearing Kill All Parents By Finish All School Seeming With Gog’s Trump/Trumpians As Executioner! Run Like Syrians or Die Like US W. Pacific! 

As far back FSS as 2003 THEY mocked schools having lost their value, how they’re dying, gone from community, reading writing and arithmetic to don’t worship God, sex education and gun shooting drills. To answer you clearly IS THIS THE  END? For as long as I been warning CHERNOBYL APRIL RAPTURE SPRING, decades now. Evidentiary on a daily basis home planet more and more uninhabitable an outbreak of fiery doomsday apocalypse. You, thru know it’s the end, elephant of staying unaware stampeded, female crying no not the blue pill. 

Right to the huge run on blue pill, to breaking news a pandemic of drug overdoses and 12 reasons why; like FSS what you can’t see, hear, speak to harden your heart against can’t suddenly incinerate 100 million of your US W Pacific and send a billion Africa’s Cradle, Abraham’s Bosom crossing over into Africa’s SW Atlantic exile luxury, Jesus THE CHRIST and his Jacob ladder intravenous suggestion watch! run! live! There’s no question as far back as isa 16 billions as you escaped but as recent as John being shown behind the seals, billions of you didn’t and the decision right now to go or stay decide where you are these staggering numbers Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era of flooding molten lava

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 3/5, Apocalyptic UK/BC/US States Of Barbecue, 2025! 

Sulaiman Ahmad

X Shaykh Who Did This? Apb Here Began the attempted colonization of Islam, those most unworthy billion to trillion Aires on the planet and STAR WARDING AODHF up to this very moment intervention of refusal. So why allow the colonization of billion to trillion Aire AFRICA! Apparently descendants of Noah and His Sons. 

Especially inherit Cush inherit all play a different role procreating the multibillion man Royal Priesthood snatched of Red Dragon hands since 2023 Jan 16/Sept 15 dancing the lamb’s wedding supper awaiting the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet why what happened to Aug 5 2021, WEST RULE Aug 5 2019 fire-rocketing and not seen heard of since, just gone city of Atlantis style. Fright night to rolling twilight dies and anxiously circling Bride chariot all around to for real snatch us out very, very soon 100 million westerners mostly incinerated blink and you’ll miss it! GODS ARE RUNNING; GOGS ARE BURNING! You, yours, yours?

Joe Rogan News ✅


‼️ BREAKING: Do you support REMOVING the “trans flag” from federal buildings and replacing them with a “IN GOD WE TRUST” motto?

A. Yes

B. No

-The Pride Flag says we’re ANTICHRIST and love it! The US flag says we’re sons of colonizers and anarchy; black lives matters flag remind ink horn man advised to mark for life those passionate as Christ; pray for all human beings at the wailing walls, oh and watch, run, live!! 

I know like did I just seeing a hand writing Joel 2 on an NBA Game followed by Red Carpet Oscars, mocking burning Cal- Dreamers and California Celebs? I think I’m right Joe the hugest US flags fly over The White House, The Capital Building and Pentagon; I saw all blocking out the sky burning US FLAGS by these yet severed, firing, electrical wires but everything not JESUS’ burn! 

Honestly I just woke March 13, 2018 morn since I’m a skywalker it could’ve been from up there I’m inviting all US states, UK/BC since its pending 2004/05 all from a barbecuing into a lesser barbecue US GA Coast. Then that counting up 37 days until Trump’s January 1, 11 more in Pres Carter Jan 1-9; yeah Apocalypse California hit that 8th, eventually dominioing into Pompeii movie of Memphis it’s named for the TFF CME/EMP dad ran with y’all! Noah’s Day HGOW/A Noah’s Cousin

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Authentic Blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT, 2004, Seeing Britain, America Take Forks Hearing HE Wants Itty, Bitty Of Them! KILL ALL PARENTS!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March,  1, month of US commanded exodus repatriation of Africa’s South West Atlantic; by  fiery doomsday apocalypse 2025; I resumed by now US West Pacific know any nano-second HOLY Church Bride skyrocket you are sacrificed that a billion westerners escape to safe haven territory and soon ascend, descend as the multicultural multibillion man royal priesthood I know billions of reasons to pat yourselves in the back but where are you know, ascended into second heaven intercession or are tortuous demons looking at you, you at them because you died so suddenly you chanced damning your everlasting! I know when I heard what happened to July 27/28 2023, 25  million Canadians dead I’m like that’s their entire inherit of 30 plus million, but, but as by their names Britain and America were called into itty, bitty, see Holy Bridevof wrath witnessed launching Dan 2 stone Canada was instead commanded wiped off the planet I even believe hearing beware of North American traffic actually reference them; taken off intercession put on praise and worship Star Warring Ancient Of Holy Father as Noah’s Day having a hard time doing what he must both Jesus millennium Reuters and infinite reign to follow Oct 17, 3028! 

Sulaiman Ahmad

Since April 2/20, 2019, Trump's WH aligned to two weeks and 7 years how Shaykh we know he's not the antichrist. Only as Obama's African/Islamic bloodline, a perfect type, know by prophecy a US/UAE/ Israeli/African Abraham Accord, WEST RULE GONE put THE Antichrist in reign next, April 2/17/ Hitlers Germany 20th?

At least you know who US VP is, I've known two days now, stampeding Iranians got the right lead, but its only that you run, even when you run but where, now that the worse evils ever unleash upon this planet, beside Armageddon interstellar, Megiddo and Ben Affleck why so many people gonna be dead so fast,  devils, demons, hybrid angels, a bottomless pit pouring out, Isa 16 tells us where and Rev 12, tells us how long, father Abraham's Africa's Juneteenth  to Mediterranean inherit!  

frightnight to rolling twilight, first is predicted, Oct 1, 2004, two ones coming, then Oct 3, big ones coming, a dominoing ginomity as Hawaii volcanic summit to incinerated US W Pacific, WEST RULE went off the planet that Aug 5th prior, then Ben Affleck Armageddon ebbing and flowing, since Dec 2001 it's some bout; Oct 17, 2021 Trump Gabriel, Archangel Michael, THEM, shaking my shoulders through to y'all senses we're 7 years from filling Daniel 9:27, final DRAGON BEAST REIGN,  triple great tribulations  upon riches to rags sickbeds to sleepovers and some bout an asteroid commanded to wipe out 100 million westerners and all middle schools    

Zelensky Says He Wants Trump ‘More at Our Side’ | Video - The Wall Street Journal; Eze 38/39 Dan 9:27/Rev 20 Gog’s to WEST RULE close to the Antichrist Hussein/Obama/Trump aide you Zelenskyy in billions dead this planet: 1st 100 million Westerners Beware!!

Marvel not calculating into 10” million Westerners dead UK  25 million dead plus Canada 25 million. Trumps 2017 Jan 20 inauguration morning 13 reasons why a 37 day plus 11 days count  their 47th remind every US Priz-Vice since error Islam Bush/Clinton/Bush aligned to 50 million US dead! 

I know imagine knowing you’re adjoining to  allying with a world system that’s fixing to see to 3 to 4 billion dead abd knowing escalate your own human extinction despite how darken the  mirror or how advanced Dan 4 madness curse go  👀 see what beyond imagined evil is influencing you? As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth.

Texting ebbing and flowing, Suddenly Translated Memphis Grands, see Trailer,

See Paranormal Witness 

The Contract

Here’s also a link; 



After some years Cay decided to first find it, it wasn’t easy and watch it again yesterday. Darius these are real examples of seducing to controlling spirits. Told in my prayer closet when your dad and uncle were little that can come by way of all forms of entertainment, especially games. 

Darius between GOD and I, months back The tall slender man mentioned here was seen standing y’all hallway! Serve Jesus, call, claim him, no longer swear, especially on Jesus! I’ve already cast him out, called on intravenous guardian Angels. Still make it clear Jesus loves you, and you love, serve only Jesus! Apostle/Prophet Grandma

Even U.S. STUNNED by What France Plans To Do with its NUKES! via @YouTube: 

WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY? THE LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY THE LORD MIGHTY IN BATTLE (STAR WARS); 2021 Aug 5 two years WEST RULE fire rocketing, showing HIMSELF Rev 11 Star Warring as Archangel Michael THEM; with everything political being about Trump and Musk I just learned who’s our Vice Pres; so this is Macron NTEB claim for years he’s the Antichrist of course scripturally we can’t yet know that!

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

See 2 Thess 2/Dr Who, 73 Yards; The Apostle Paul accused some of suddenly hating him, because he tell them the truth, you're under why this blessed fork, after yo watch Dr Who 73 miles, but remember, Joseph lost his family, to his gifts and knowledge, Jesus lost his , the some exact reason, I'm too naive to realize, THEY build this fund as easy as giving candy to a baby, as evidence, mine too think they hate me, want nothing to to do with me, even to their own ruin!

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together, from 11"00 shopping lunch hours to shopping malls regularly cliffhanging, diving, but you would not; trifecta, the Antichrist is compared to Alexander/Hitler’s Germany and disguised Scorpion King Anubis policing German Shepard; until Holy Church Bride be taken out of the way, 2023 Jan 16/Sept 15 then shall that Wicked be revealed, but is Macron Daniels witnessed little horn/to my/Senator Obama’s/Pulpits US soil revealed Rev 13 two RAGING carnivore BEAST?

Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. Taking us off intercession, putting on Rev 11 vss 15, praise and worship, if the righteous barely be saved, where shall the ungodly, unrighteous appear?

You don’t know, except by bible prophecy Jan/Feb/March 2019 yes like John I witnessed an interstellar Armageddon and Red THEM/Hybrid Angels all the form of a phenom lightning storm to a LAX flight incident exiled here also seeing Antichrist as Alexander/Hitler’s Germany and Scorpion King’s Anubis’s Army 

I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and rider hath he thrown into the sea.

Marvel not mocked Obama’s July 27, 2019! NBA’S California Dreaming, Kobe’s Fiery crash, the calling to ordaining of Dan 7 Rev 17, 10 Kingly heads; remember years back I explained all leaders in position are fixed the end mocked US two quarters world dead, beware dominoing, incinerated millions Hawaii volcanic summit inevitably they’re since announced Genesis woman predestined human extinction explaining Mat 24/Rev 3 Jesus suggesting when it’s obvious your desolation come watch! run! live! Marvel not 2023 Halloween single word inquiry, RUNNING? 

1 chronicle 16-23-31

Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness. 

Yanasa TV MORE FLOODS IN APPALACHIA | What the heck is going on? via @YouTube;

You guys went to see what’s an Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone? Actually after ancient intravenous grabbed my shoulders for shaking three times saying triple great tribulations? During one of the 37 days countdown Rev 2/3/17:14 Jesus did hammer at flood prevention stilts! RUN, beware of 99 bowls of flooding magma and scorched North American multimillion man traffic! 

What mattered the most who people say Jesus was or how the Heavenly Host Jacob’s Ladders intravenous entrusted to entreated hm. I know telling you stomping around upthere the planet, down here the sea, and all around US West Pacific. Frightnight the time Hawaii Missile Morn Rev 10  Mighty Angel warned beware The Midwest, beware The Eastern seaboard we’d already lost those millions. Fiery doomsday dominoing into Memphis, into Yellowstone! 

Mocked fire from prison bars like a sword targeting Pres Bush for those 50 million US dead, what happened to Aug 24/25 2023 100 million dead westerners in all, UK/BC/US! A flaming bush atop Mt Sinai sole to Moses let my people go! I was approached the same rising behind reigning Mt Sinai a sunlight of god, spoke, commanding me as a Moses to your leader let my people go; the repatriation of Africa’s SW Atlantic! Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era,

YouTube Stefan Burns, NASA Just Caught Something MASSIVE Passing IN FRONT of the Sun! via @You

Star Warring AODHF, Rev 11, These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, also hearing as threaten the two witnesses around Trumps attempted assassination months prior 2024 “he will kill you, sabbath day, on Main Street! “

See here, Something HUGE seems to be moving in the sky with the SUN blocking the s... via @YouTube;

Just now Sharing how during HAPPY Holidays 2024 witnessing pure sunlight here walking, talking among people: I can’t count the visions, dreams and demos for decades,
Like I’ve had about a shift-shaping, to designing laborers to even a speaking, commanding Sunlight. When I saw your title I thought about mrmbb333 sharing a video something weirdo going on with a phenom object and the sun! HGOW/Apb
Watch: Lava from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano creates 'showers of gold' as it spews during latest episode, 
See more biblically it’s hands writing of judgement on a wall Dan 5; a hand writing on a wall Feb 12/13 2019 99 bowls of molten lava/a hand writing on a wall clumsily. Escape Yellowstone; 

Instead of taking us off the planet Sept BETA/SOLAR/COSMIC events THEY placed volcanic activity on orange alert and by Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE warn dominoing, incinerating Hawaii Volcanic summit is coming so is molten lava flooding; I grabbed my bags wouldn’t you?

THEY as in for the ancient intravenous Angels been warning us near a billion witnessed western escapee about a death bringer from beneath the earth 1996; designed it Nov 2021 A Ben Affleck Armageddon and by 10 days that Hawaii missile morning stomping around the planet, the sea mighty Angel warn its no further delays US soil/diminoing US W. Pacific! 

Parents Pastors and Politicians of the free world with Elon Musk type stirred in do a father to prophet Elijah as for he and his no further delay they’re getting into a Noah's day God reducing all Rev 17 Mystery WEST RULE inherit into a single UK/BC/US GA Atlantic COAST, blessed crossover, to exile luxury you, yours? 

YouTube CBN 70 Christians Reportedly Beheaded in Congo - Why Is the Media Silent? via @YouTube; John seeing chanting GOD TAKE VENGEANCE, they’re robed, told await other martyrs like themselves; just saying, the last time something this horrid 21 Egyptian Coptics males beheaded I got the foot of my bed. Jesus on the way here and later birds chirping me awake, He’s Here, He’s Here, He’s Here, Apb



Marvel not THEY just showed Zech 14 gamma ray Jesus to Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband hammering to skyrocketing all children out of western leaders licensed genocide! 

See also the prophetic parables of my unimaginable experiences, here.

Just now CBN I went to write come, as in come Lord Jesus and laughed its speedy response, here, as already here; reminded 2024 HAPPY Holidays I witnessed pure sunlight here walking and talking amongst people! I know the same Sunlight that prepped Jesus interceded laborers to called for Moses Juneteenth inherit repatriation of SW Mother Africa?

I know 2013 deliverer Angels assuring THEY wanna be here with me/us; 2015 birds chirping me awake he’s here, he’s here, he’s hear! Just as to descend from third heaven throne to second heaven intercession. Rapture Wait! Surrealically was as to descend into Obama’s 2016 WH finale, take its world rule, I was with THEM seeing the planet littered with interstellar to Megiddo Armageddon dead! 

Whoa, whoa whoa, Rev 12 witnessed Interstellar Armageddon too many to count are we procreated, predestine to prophesied described Star warring together, victorious only together Rev 17:14  Holy Bride Of Wrath gathering in our safe haven territory UK/BC/US GA coast, crossover to do battle with Rev 13 spiritual resistance; marvel not named for the TIFF/CME/EMP Memphis niece was informed Those Memphis Dunlap Obama’s Jan 2022, also The Car is red!

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, the car was red I too witnessed this spiritual warfare of a ground assault; the car was red delivering Lil Miya girl from The Obama’s Memphis Dunlap street making since kidnapper Syed Farouk finale the soon ejected-driverless car crossing lil Miya and I for two US quarters into Jesus millennium reign, was also red as the blood/war red horse I too saw! Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era, Apb The RAM!

YouTube Chaosmoogle UFO Almost Hits Plane and Interdimensional Beings CAUGHT ON CAMERA! via @YouTube; 

Fright night to amazing Grace yanking us out 2015 another SOLAR to Nuclear scare since Chernobyl April spring 1986. We’re warned about Alien Dangers from above. I just didn’t know Ps 91/Gen 15/I Thess 4/Rev 12, THEY meant actual Aliens. 

Remember up to this point right here I believed Star warring. mutineering, exiled here, fallen angels perpetrated it all. But 2023 THEY explained, no it’s also their hybrids y’all call Ancient Aliens! Beware Reference Aug 2023 Rev 9 loosing of bound angels and keys to that bottomless Pit, Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin,Apb The RAM

UFO Almost Hits Plane and Interdimensional Beings CAUGHT ON CAMERA! via @YouTube; X oh you guys speaking of Angels, Fallen, Exiled, Hybrids and Planes. After I too like John 2019 Jan/Feb witnessed a star wars in the heavens, heard some bout fallen angels, not Los Angeles. 

In real-time it’s unprecedented lightning storm terrified and returned its March 2019 LAX Flight! I’ve warn about Air travel since, reminded again before that DC crash and more. Witnessed a cockpit pilot deliberately tampering causing crashes why die? Why perish? Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era,

Sulaiman Ahmad 




This single video destroys billions of dollars worth of Hasbara, and you'll never see this in Mainstream Media

Hamas show compassion against their worst enemy. They have what no Zionists will ever have - HUMANITY; And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side; and the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

Hearing Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above, Pray For Mother With Child, Pray For All Humans Being At The Wailing Wall, Erupting, Dominoing, Flooding 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava Imminent 

There goes that ugly word again, HUMANITY; what a slap in the face of Netanyahu, Biden bear hug precursor to Gaza’s licensed genocide. Remind The Sunlight Of God come a hand marked the forehead that laborers be acquainted to his grieves and sorrows; sat crown lord upon a cloud, hand him its gleaming tool, commanded HIM thrust in thy sickle and reap! 

I don’t know Shaykh Suliman. Should I concern, even pray for this young man; he’s entreated like a suddenly translated Memphis Grand or US Prisoner? We wrestle not against flesh, blood but Islamic to humanity eradication, systemic greed, beware the Antichrist aligned to April 20/Hitler’s Germany/April 20 Pres Trump and come with a disguised army of scorpion king Anubis demons all around! 

I don’t know or do I? Living in the aftermath a gamma ray bursting, hammering off more the apocalyptic events, like unprecedented flooding before skyrocketing all children; holy church bride. Pound guns, bombs, CHURCHES, schools and voting booths into Jesus THE CHRIST repentant altars and get off minute by minute inhabitable planet; why die, why perish, ascend! 

BREAKING: Do you want the Epstein & Diddy lists to be released to the public?

YES or NO?

If YES, I’ll follow you back!; no, not after that movie sound of freedom of revealing like those accusing the woman found in adultery they’re all guilty; especially the report US/The Americans number one provider to consumer of trafficked children.

If Epstein like The Sudden Dead Bank Builder to “ Let It Snow Tookie Williams I Phenomena Intervention Of All Prisoner Could Come Back And Reassure GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD; pray for all human beings

‪-Seeing both a pileup of used Kleenexes and a pileup of dirty laundry Brad Pit and Jolie Kids; 13 reasons why James Wood escaping Cal-fire with a laundry basket got my attention. If you can wear white, you who’s without sin, present lamb’s blood, book washed linen clean laundry! ‬

‪Marvel not reigning SUNLIGHT OF GOD revisited commanded as Moses Hebrew Juneteenth inherit exodus. Showing Ditty US escapees down on all 4’s repentance Into blowing a Trump Gabriel and giving a shout out Michael our safehaven territory US Georgia’s COAST/CROSSOVER, Africa’s SW, Atlantic! You, yours again yours! 

Yeah portrayed hitting holy ground second heaven, running with all others, were this major clean up, a specialty arrival. Big sis Tot Tee pushing a hospital laundry cart before she look up, see me, smile. hug me and I wake up! Marvel not that running, speeding down the hall revealed his blowing in his spied linen white rob! Leave The Planet Behind, Get Jesus THE CHRIST, get up yonder!