Saturday, September 14, 2024

Marvel not seeing error Islam, HUSSEIN, Burning Bush and Cheney greasing Handlebars With Axle Grease Disallowing Russia, China!


Prophecy Links fulfilling, Nuclear Sept 14, The TIFF/CME/EMP, each month is commented is an apocalyptic event; January, within a day,  even it’s nanosecond Great Whore Mystery Babylon, no longer this  planet; February, witnessing the AntiChrist in great prowess but also witnessing me, myself, as the reigning Holy Church Bride, possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel 2 stone, bringing all Kingdom, Nation building to itty, bitty pieces of charcoal human beings; March, commanded, the exodus of all US from a barbecuing, exception, US Georgia, Atlantic coast, crossover, into Africa's Atlantic coast! April, he since, since yanking us out of Chernobyl Rapture Spring, was Malachi 4, described, Sunlight Of God, assuring by now our enemies are as ashes under our feet! 

May, as the days of Lot, Family, and intravenous angels, A Grand Caden, Archangels Michael, revisited, by a 37 day countdown into unprecedented SOLAR events to SUPER STORMS since, it, May 2023, also its third hammering off of Mt Sinai type, catastrophic events.  June, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH, I'm standing the paradise of God, this multimillion man choir, suddenly brought to a screeching halt, a holy one approach, say he want to see you. Wow, wait, actually come to think, of it, that's May 31, 2022, intravenous Archangel Michael explain to Grand Caden, God wanted to see him. Anyway, yeah, ah, this one approach, when up there I normally know, who's making these approaches, he says. "He wanna see you and clueless, I respond who? He respond him. 

In a flash I'm standing before a mountain god's throne, absolutely floored, there's a sunlight rising, behind him, speaking to me as to a Moses, let my people go! July, ebbing and flowing 9 years,  July 6, 2020, I arrive in time to see Rev 13 newborn snatched, out, hear GOD, "yes, take him his, but this one, she's mine! Then as HE say she's mine, I’m as the African birth mother, lay back into a ground up cradle. Presently Sunlight Of God, commanded, as Moses Day exodus, exile luxury, Africa's SW Atlantic! Fret, there’s also for 9 years, 2015, what happened to Aug, 05/07/31, when suddenly West Rule Britain, America and Canada were found a gone from this planet; presently calculating Aug 24/25 2023 death tolls, 100 millions westerners, with you near a billion other, knowing where, RUN! 

BY SHAKY, SHAKY SHELTER, SEPTEMBER TODAY ITS 14, 2024, actually  I'm on the phone with grand Caden, so I might as well tell  you,  what I just told him, by this Theater stage Nostradamus to Shakespearean the aftermath of world-stretching ginormity. Frightnight as portrayed, Hawaii Missile morning, God's are doing one of three things, period, translating, CROSSING OVER, to skyrocketing, all His Sanctuaries planet wide. 

OCTOBER, I explained, I was coming back upon my motel room, when I realized, why they wouldn't let the  front desk, book me, past Oct 17, 2021. Understand, see even , the number of Jacob's ladder, THEY had just confirmed, we're now in the last 7 years of Daniel, before Jesus millennium, DRAGON BEAST, 7 YEARS, ANTICHRIST, TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS ALL, why we had to go, right then and their Oct 17, 2021! I know, but Sept 15, 2023, to mock for three years, the date of the Daniel 9:27, US/Islamic/Israeli, Abraham Accord.

Lastly to ascend leading captivity captured the church bride leading captivity captured the two witnesses, leading captivity captured Tribulation Saints. So  as far as biblical fulfillment is concern us holies, been up there, outa the way, a year, Sept 15, 2024, which apparently I just realized is tomorrow. Let's just say, when we chose to be thanksgiving dinner, host family, I did remind my grand, I  have a pending Thanksgiving Rapture. Unimaginably mocked Thanksgiving 2018, before one word  passes to another, we're skyrocketing through the planetary bodies. Whereas it’s Thanksgiving,  near miss 2021, I push the curtain, back, and there's mightier than the exploding Sun itself come after me and I’m frozen wondering is that HIM, THEM, JESUS! 

December, see more here,, once Dan 5, type, US/WEST RULE, own weights of martyred blood guilt judgment, sentences, are done! Simultaneously as the RAPTURE, within an eyes blink, we're 190 years back to western days, 1811/18/12 New Madrid, plus a fiery doomsday anomaly no more this planet and some about an outbreak, in the form of a backward letter C/COVID? Knowing, get Jesus, get you, yours, again yours, up yonder!          

Kevin-We The P…✅ @bambkbOh

Post, You wanna know the real reason the globalists are going after Russia? 🇷🇺

Listen to retired USA 🇺🇸 colonel, Douglas Macgregor explain👇

“The globalist elites rule in Europe just like they rule over here - The people that control our financial institutions and mainstream media now control our governments. 

They want to destroy Russia because it’s the last superpower in Europe with its own national identity. What have the globalists done to us? They’ve flooded our countries with immigrants with the specific goal of eliminating our national identity.; Jesus The Christ advice fear GOD more I’d wonder why showing HIMSELF equally star warring HE WANT Russia, CHINA. N. Korea launched, incoming, impacting US, western soil 100 million dead, beware still its Eze 5 design Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! 

Marvel not seeing error Islam, HUSSEIN, Burning Bush and Cheney greasing Handlebars With Axle Grease Disallowing Russia, China! 

You have not so learned GOD! GOD IS NOT MOCKED 



‪Legalize F for Fornication, especially same gender is what has pulverized Christian values! Where’s your HOLY BIBLES? Like dangerous, deadly religious leaders of Jesus day. You search the scripture and can find and quote them better than your pastors to scholars but you won’t repent!‬


The same Elohim God in Noah’s Day come see how abominable then as now Genesis man, marriage sickbeds and sleepovers and could it be saved? Could it yet with all its unimaginable detestation produce a palpable WOMEN SEED Virgin Birth JESUS CROSS multimillion man Royal Priesthood? And found hope! ‬


‪So you would KNOW his Apostle, Prophet is among you; why he send Ezekiel, recently Jacob to Jesus’ Ladder in intravenous Star Warriors. To those Elo-HIM claimed wouldn’t see, wouldn’t listen, their hearts are waxed cold! Marvel not the last forty yrs of Chernobyl spring raptures demos of Malachi 4 designed Sunlight Of God, skyrocketing US out, bragging you’re as ashes under our feet, and the speed! HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddesses Bride, Zorya Sophia Carmneh and Lord King Bridegroom, Zephenial Xaneth Uvanstall 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Zorya Sophia Carmneh and Lord Zephenial Xaneth Uvanstall was born a goddess Gazelle Ria Uroral  Carmneh a Lord Osioah Unniah Carmneh a goddess Alentina Elilah  Carmneh and a goddess  Amirlyn Genesis Enzo Carmneh Uvanstall  

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

“Tell me Maaseiah Adonai again the scripture of your own burnt offerings, pieces this 2 Chron 7?  I think you said. Remember the one dad father King Solomon, he’s making an offer of the newly built Jerusalem temple? Right, God told them Maaseiah Adonai, instead repent, repent, he wouldn’t see them, hear them, deal with them except they repent. Then love, cast a fireball down into that burnt offering of theirs, his raging fury, at the apostate sacrifices of the wicked. You, I read loving daughter something happened in response at your these mocked burnt offerings, not at you but those you intercede. Your grand’s, grand Caden parents home met with a fireball to its Memphians, it’s burning recipients and Archangel Michael it’s skyrocketing intravenous! Dad, how you, your mom and I studied scriptures daily, you know that, plus I keep up with you and your grands, reveals. Read his Cadens testimony he and Archangel entered Gods Paradise by a hole in heaven, more evidence of how tremendous daughter the wars once there. Make more sense of you arriving this ginormous housekeeping to clean-up second heaven intercession. Just as well Maaseiah, proves to be evident interstellar battles wedged to win us back and over time long before The Adam, the woman seed and virgin birth were pulled from Eden’s Red Soil. I know dad somehow the moment bedside intravenous out and said fallen angels is why Aliens exist. I knew somehow, somehow I knew it meant dating the war in heaven even revisited a Star Wars battle up there, Jan thru March 2019, dating Ancient of days would be impossible!”     >>> ‘I’ll be honest it got so trying I begged to be taken out of earthbound outreach ministry; what’s that grand Sia mom, marvel not there’s an asteroid headed this way? Even you hearings go get holy bride of wrath, and she’s bringing the planetary bodies? Spellbinding as usual as she literally float about the class, remarkable, they had Darius, Maaseiah, Adonai in Tribunal Sioux Noel absence, and literally they had to be pulled out kicking and screaming "Yeah and you Prophet Zechariah, and this shall be the plague of this day, when he too began describing a horrid as like what happened to those two Asian cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki eyes boiling out of their holes, tongues frying out of their heads, only if aggressive, possessive of every evil work reigns would they extend WMD’s into nuclear weapons, pity the maddening crowd. Actually mine, this trial was one of those Jesus crying from the cross, their intervention, why hath he been forsaken?  Although THEY circled HIM down from heaven and all around his cries, intravenous cross had to run and finish its course, I related to The Lord Uruaslem in the mirror. Know then also Septennial Juttah equally despite how horrid our transitioning trials too have to run their course, now exempt, like take Royal Priesthood, up, bring Jesus Millennium down.  Each of these reveals," coming back to the front, a loaded blackboard on display and other articles on display, "as a response to those cries, even my cries, they’re not jabs but more African Juttah, like they’re tickling me. Here, look at the board, so revealed were huge, these pointed sticks, a plain fork and eating a huge bowl of white rice. All three relate to events in my ministry and within thirty minutes your team of 7 each are gonna guess which ones? I’ll say this, Goddesses and Angel men dragging Lord Urusalem and husband Attorney Husband an evening to night's stay at the yet being renovated Richat Structure, okay, wait, wait, " exciting the entire room into loud celebrative inquiries. “I know, I know, how inconceivable these Lord of The Kings, Queens suites and all, reaching up to touch heaven balconies, yes, that amazingly close. I’m sharing this lil tit, bit only because there’s 2000 credits, yes, wait, wait,  to the group, the first to solve these riddles. Why you all upside my head El, El, man, with flaming, piercing, suspicion? Did our mom just admit she asked Holy Lords to take her, as off the planet? And El what we gonna do, you know how unimaginably horrid those attacks can be! Actually meaning class, we have three events that’s equal four events; the four as Eze 5, ponytails judgments? Never thought of it until now, but could be, might not be. First there’s like a poured out pack of kabob sticks. Second, a misplaced fork, third and the one that really tickled, I’m eating a 5 Gal bowl of rice. I know how do I keep such a drop dead gorgeous figure, captivating they all thought, impressed, truly there's "if I hardly eat a meal without rice? Okay they better know it all about me, each of your groups will have a godtriplets here, one of these three envelopes and each a Septennial Darius of the Kroff/Coogan lineage, these envelopes here. Who goes first, I’ve chosen a number and from there alphabetical order. Other clues are those Two  backyards, one a Dunlap street; Those itty, bitty pieces of things at world’s end, a table, both Benevolent, Malevolent; riddle me this, what’s does kabob sticks, a misplaced fork and a huge bowl of rice have to do with any of it? Seven members each, the duration of the silence in heaven, you have 30 minutes! 

{{{Darius Heus Agurus and god Triplet, El Shaddai team; “kabob sticks and a misplaced fork and huge bowl of rice. No, she’s eating from a huge bowl of rice, her favorite and Dunlap street. There's both a President Obama and a First Lady Obama, Memphis Chelsea to Poplar, Dunlap Street, reveal, and, and right, where do those three reveals fit? Okay lil Miya girl again revisit Memphis Dunlap street. I remember reading, she's running toward the Dunlap the house when she detour into the backyard, there a garden of roses grew up out of the ground honoring her. But, but were does Kabob sticks fit? Except backyard barbecues, well  at the time, America commanded exodus Darius they’re, well we’re all running from a barbecuing, some bout THE CHALDEANS ARE COMING. Plus we know fork and road goes together. 

{{{ Darius Agurus Heus and Godtriplet El Eli “right team, kabob sticks, misplaced fork and eating a 5 Gal bowl of rice! I’m flushed, I’m drawing a blank. You always Trist man drawing a blank, blankman, we call you! Guys, 2000, credits, Richat, ring a bell? The Kabob sticks, backyard barbecue, remember that massive storm come run them inside churches were, yeah, yeah, they felled prey to choirs portrayed as highchair feeder traps! Sooo, they all celebrated, like one down on to the next! 

{{🤩{Darius Karsiann and Godtriplet Mahaseiah, “we know rice and table probably go together, and since it’s her favorite food, a 5 gal bowl worth that’s like heaven! So add tablecloth that’s where you eat, I mean a feeding tablet. I’m getting Ps 23, The Lord is my shepherd! He prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemy! That’s it, grand said it was assured her during a park visit as she watched grandpa be so sick to death, they reminded her of that psalm in particular, whew, whew, whewwww!}}}

Ten minute’s in clues,  Lil Miya,  the word separate comes to mind, dark shadows, you have ten minutes left.

🤩{{{Darius Heus Agurus and El Shaddai team; “ah ma ru, lil Miya translator, that’s Dunlap street again and here later some bout Ohio. I got it, Fork, Road and separate, that's 2005, Grand Sia witnessed Britain and America!  Ah my God take, separate forks, commanded separated into itty bitty pieces, Canada to be wiped off the map, yes, yes the group all celebrated, next you guys, we're running outa time! 

Darius Agurus Heus and Godtriplet El Eli, There’s Syed Farook Highjacking also related to the little Miya. Remember when Grand Sia was inside that pharmacy, she said though it was elusive someone was with her, right, she’s assured it was the little Miya girl; and we know Syed Farook of Islamic/Israeli reign was waiting on as it's to follow Holy Church Bride reign. Which, which remind of Gabriel explaining to Daniel like the next to reign behind King Nebuchadnezzar, was Eli, The prince of Persia, as in the Medes and Persians! 

🤩Darius Karsiann and Godtriplet Mahaseiah,  let’s look at reveals with roses to flowers, then there’s ah Dunlap street, the first she witnessed America’s first mass exodus.. then Darius tell us more!}}} I ah, new clues, ah those kabob sticks, I think I know, grand, grand  has a testimony., she’s sitting her mother's in law back porch, sobbing over an otherworldly love happening to her. When she’s soon fascinated how a cactus plant could have these huge starves, like kabob sticks and yet these stunning red, yellow flowers both so benevolent and Malevolent, wow that’s it team, that’s it!

Times up guys. What, the tree reveals are, see here, Darius Attorney Coogan watched me write these reveals down and placed them here last night. Let’s hear what you got!  The kabobs sticks, yes, Grand Sia backyard reveal; misplaced fork, yes, the first reference to a Brexit, 2005, now blessed BRIEXIT/Blaexit.  So, giant bowl of rice, yes, the Lord is my shepherd, as you can see all verified here.  Good, each of your teams solved one but no team solved them all.  I could give you the credits and you split them between the 21 of you or have them forfeited? I’m not asking you, so hands down, but debating out loud, what to do? Okay single question written to GodTriplets per your team, names on envelope first, please, answers on my desk in five minutes. At the end of our world, that’s a hint, besides Dunlap street what other two reveals does the little Miya girl fit in? Said correct answer," seeing them all plenty busy with little it’s time, it’ll reveal who won tomorrow. Team winner decides the fate of 2000 credits, counting down from 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, hand me those, you are dismissed, happy day, sweet sleep! Okay godtriplets, tell us, how did you guys answer, I’m guessing we all answered Syed Farook hijacking sidelined, as Grand Sia was paying those two US quarters for crossing into Jesus  Millennium guess who’s in the back seat? You guys don’t know, but our grand, grand was forced to leave Georgia unknowingly until a day prior it would be in the same exact date 7 years prior she left Memphis., with it is a reveal. Know,  St Elmore street, for the first time the back seat rider isn’t a baby Angel Gabriel but The little Miya girl, right guys but before you're impress those Darius Juttah helping us are our older siblings, I some knew, others didn't right I, well we didn't know and plenty other hands goes up. Guys, I didn't get St. Elmore street, I got Granda, Granda good, but Eli that's was a baby Gabriel, yeah I heard you El Maha, just now, sorry guys, I didn't get it.  Tell them El Shaddai what that date for over two decades entail? Miraculous, Big June 17, 2002, grand Sia mom witnessed at God's Throne, a Sunlight of God from behind a Mount Sinai type command as to a Moses western Civilization exodus. We highly suspect into the for centuries predicated repatriation of SW Africa’s Atlantic Coast, presently Archangel Michael’s list, witnessed torn from the Lamb’s book of life, after its school name roll call, same Feb month 2015 as the back turn Rite Ad Counter, kinda freaking Grand Sia mom, out, with that she'll wait on her. I better go, y’all too, matter fact, don't wanna lost credits, while trying to gain some."     >>>  {{{“Dad, wow, yeah, Shaddai? Where are you, it’s really loud, we’re treated to a lunchtime rugby  game. Holdup, give me five minutes, I’m somewhere I’ll hear better! Okay there, that’s better, is mom with you? No I seen mom since early transit, we’re packing up the grands headed toward you, well sky fall! Mom let it slipped I guess, her recent attack, she ask for resurrection ascension, I’m sorry she ask, says she’s done ask them to take her as they will. Wait, wait she told the class, yes. Including Heus. Agurus and Kars I’ve known her to be so, to dad publicize like that we all kinda played it off, you and grands coming, I gotta find  Shaddai, I gotta she where she is! See you guys at the house, I’ll call ahead let the staff know, okay dad call you have her, I will!”     {{{“Hearing her laughing as she answered the commy bought instant relief; hey, glad I caught you, there’s been changes, trying to see where we can meet up! I thought you coming later, all changed, plus I’m tired looking forward to rest its head on your shoulders all the way. I’m leaving now, so am I see you in about 15, minutes okay, can’t wait, you? No, my heart shipped a beat hearing your laughter, so I’m running to you, then knightly lover I’m running to you, love you and kisses, hold back tears, thus his breath, Nicholas, yeah love and kisses, barely making it to a stall before bursting into a loud, hard cry, horrified at her being horrified enough to reign, thinking she must’ve been terrified!” Why Speak In Parables? For like in the days of Ezekiel rebellious, they yet say The Lord seeth us not, The Lord Is Ascended from the earth."

Kevin Dalton ✅ @TheKevinDalton

Post, Kamala Harris just got hit with the biggest fact check in human history!


I Send You, Ezekiel, To A People Who Won’t Listen That I Might Be Justified When I Speak And Be Clear When I Judge! Rev “11,” Star Warring AODHF!


David Muir a virtual bringing your news cast into your home; living room/kitchen of reveal! Actually his entire Biden/Trump election broadcast. Debated over my kitchen stove I couldn’t get a word in edgewise! In real time I’d been taking those lemons and making ade of being aware!


My people perish not from ignorance but knowing, Bush 2003 it was Stampeding of millions of Americans on their heels Eze 5 design heart stabbers: Trumps 2017 the stampeding of their knowing elephants of staying aware; Biden’s 2024, this major run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware! 


No longer winking at ignorance, extreme mockery I know, just as Ps 2 God warn. One moment he’s crying uncontrollably his people being stripped of everything Jesus has brought them. Causing the silence in heaven! Next how he’ll curse with strong delusion and laugh, mock with Rev 6, 6th seal when their fear cometh!

One the main suggestions, The Book of Revelation be hearers and doers, be blessed! Light hath come Jesus said; pound guns, bombs and voting booths into repentant altars, 3 hammering off of apocalyptic events! Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and l’ll give you rest! Take my yoke upon you for its easy and you’ll find rest! 

Article, Wall Street Journal, Springfield Upended by Bomb Threats, School Evacuations Over False Pet-Eating Claims The small Ohio city has dealt with unwanted attention since Trump spread rumors about immigrants at the debate,

First, I just remine there’s something about Ohio, Grand Miya, dreamed weeks ago. I’m sitting here, shaking my head smiling, thinking this sound like playground jargon. “Well y’all get the neighborhood pets.” President Trump always had a childlike demeanor and millions are dead from COVID because of it. Imbeciles voting for imbeciles, pound voting booths into repent altars, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others.

See here,; somebody asked a question where was Angel Gabriel those 21 days a described Prince Of Persia held him up, until intravenous Archangel come? I’d be dishonest saying this scene explains it I had nothing biblical in mind when I wrote it but kidnapped Gabriel is mocking Lucifer’s proposed advisers and how totally clueless.

YouTube Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, My Help Comes From The Lord,

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, Ps 121 

A Hole Was Torn An Entry Way Into Paradise Heaven, Eze 8 three taken by a lock of his hair witnessed May 31 2022, as Archangel Michael’s Grand Caden, a hole torn out! 

During April Spring 1986, Chernobyl nuclear melt down looking up caught me a  glimpse of  huge, white wings, stretch far and wide, Mali 4, intravenous Sunlight Of God calling us up, out! 

Hearing The Car is red, Pompeii movie of Memphis, Jan 2022, remembering Jesus verifying no man hath come down from heaven except the son of god. Here 1989, descending Rev 17:14, Jesus witnessed come assisting vowed husband, (heretofore, Hawaii missile morning intravenous The Jesus Husband); during Gog, Magog and demon dogs, pursuing, assaulting, persecuting Holy Church Bride! 

There’s the affluent restaurant, of the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh, sitting just there! Presently a penny store damsel in distress who looked to heavens, watched a sunlight slow, curious, meticulous metamorphosis into a diamond carved, crystal dove chariot a phenom escape! 

During May 22, 2022, The Chosen series, cast, maze of revealing sin. accused of flirting to courting catholicism, Virgin Mary! Hearing, Pray again, I looked to a twilight Sunlight and what a Mighty GOD we serve, Selah Singing group, How Great great Thou Art,; lyrics just poured and poured out! 

See more about intravenous warrior angels here, Ps 35/Rev 12/

Just think,  from down here to witnessed holy angels in a Star Wars battle I had to be looking up to HIM/THEM again from whence cometh our help. Soon hearing “Michael Is Setting His All Around! C. O. HBOW/Apb

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