Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Blessed Assurance Is Jesus Describing How Some 100 million Westerners Are Taken Away Up, Mostly Down At First Not KNOWING to feeling a thang.


Did I just see a flurry of balloons 🎈 I can help but remember standing up watching a ballooning cloud fill up with resurrected ascended Holy Church Bride! Dec 3 2024 Some Predicted Alien Invasion That Happened Ancient ago, now the loosening of said penitentiary, Aug 24/25 2023/Rev  3 2021 Jesus Said WATCH! Today, my BD He Said RUN! 

See here, 

It’s so ridiculously creative I send this to my book character artistic nephew, Memphis, Carter for his BD; heading mrmbb333, I hope you dance; 

There’s 23 years now an apocalyptic Thanksgiving/Christmas fire-rocketing/skyrocketing pending; According to Ancient Intravenous Gabriel to Michael’s timetable we can’t be here past April 2025 ANTICHRIST REIGN but like near misses BIG JUNE to Halloween 2023 mrmbb333 we could go sooner! HBOW/Apb

Article A Warning to All Americans – What Walmart Just Installed In Stores Across America,

Walmart is the only store chain I witnessed burning with the WH and The Kennedy Space Center; I also saw them, well shopping malls used for bomb out and fall out shelters! We know Netanyahu them targeted shopping malls, possibly why they warn no frivolous shopping, even showed a tattered shopping center, the shop sign slammed to the ground! HBOW/Apb

Megatron.                               ✅                @Megatron_ron

Netanyahu went to the top of Mount Hermon in Syria, which he occupied, and boasted about his achievements:

I Know A Sunlight From Reigning Mount Sinai Type Commanding US Like To A Moses “Let My People Go!”

I A Return For The Witnesses, for The Tribulation Saints SO NANO- SECOND, It’s Like We Never Left Flight! 

I know l, The Same SUNLIGHT Just Now Walking And Talking Amongst You? You Think?

Remind Megatron when King Solomon did the same, the offering of Jerusalem Temple! HE was so furious at them HE guided what mrmbb333 says would’ve traveled for billions of lite years. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies a fireball into its astonishing burnt offering; after he told “HIS PEOPLE,” TO QUIT SINNING! Or HE would no longer intervene on their behalf, until they repent! 

‘As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities! Dan 9 

Then revisited upon me Aug 25, 2023, Rev 9 John hears and those commanded killed by, parents and grands who didn’t die by US Lab BIO-Covid relented not! And ALL my GOD, talk about heart stabbers chasing stampeders and the Antichrist having a disguised Anubis Army. The loosening of those bound Angels is also the loosening of 200 million demons! Running? HBOW/Apb

Article, The Kyiv Independent Intercepted Russian phone call suggests North Korean troops suffering trainloads of wounded,


-Fretnot this was no more N. Korea’s fight than it was Russia’s. Just this taking for millennia their eyes off the true human threat. Follow billions dead, suffering, billions dying aligned to two US/West Rule quarters; how long until you get it right? Billions Are Dying! Apb

Blessed Assurance Is Jesus Describing How Some 100 million Westerners Are Taken Away Up, Mostly Down At First Not KNOWING to feeling a thang. 

Possibly on the pulse with Silki’s voice, when are you gonna realized breaking news, “after 101 Yellowstone eruptions. Previously WEST RULE/190 years of tech are no more. Frightnight ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone is a monstrous dominoing worldwide of vulcanism/shaky, shaky shelter, planet earth home. 

Proceeding was seeing the earth open and a death bringer leap out! Then hearing, “behold it is death and its riding against the time it was defeated by Christ’s Cross! I hear his feet stomping around the heavens above. Then  I hear Him; inundated with desolations predicted US W. Pacific now come! 

Including May 10 37 day countdown to June 10, 2023. I can’t count the amount of references to apocalyptic SOLAR to Cosmic to YELLOWSTONE VOLCANIC ARMAGEDDON. Miraculously with biblically described Ancient Of Days intravenous come to us like to Gen 15/28 Lot to Jacob showing the way up out of here or where to crossover to Safehaven territories! 

So what if you migrate to GA’S into Africa’s  COAST! If millennia of predictions like Mighty Angel mention are wrong. I mean it’s not like you can’t like Lots wife or stone figures Pompeii movie of Memphis look or go back! Whispering, I know the continent isn’t there anymore but a coast to coast impact crater. Those 99 bowls of molten lava but now everyone you tell will know as well! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Insane Curiosity, Cascadia Megaquake: How The ‘Big One’ Could Wipe Out the Pacific Northwest via @YouTube

After we heard, “Major, Major Earthquake, West Pacific Canada; commanded since 2004 to be wiped off the map! Then we heard “10.2 earthquake,” I aligned to dominoing into Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! “Designed June 10, 2023 last day of America! Hearing Get Holy Bride Of Wrath; though there’s been 3 other stones hammered off of reigning Mt Sinai type; she only got this title as I witnessed reigning her possess Dan 2 described stone from Heaven, prep it and launch it! HBOW/Apb


Dan 9:24-27 Gog and Magog Trump Awarded Two Weeks and 7 years A White House Run April 2/20 2019! 

I don’t know Chris kinda like trying to hide the doomed genocidal US/West Rule currency fulfilling biblical prophecy; got that Rev 6, 6th seal John mocking they’re running to erupting, sliding, melting mountains to pristine Islands for help, GODS AS A NOAHS COUSIN WRATH IS COME AND WHO CHRIS BESIDES ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM EXILE LUXURY WILL STAND! HBOW/Apb,

BREAKING !!!! SOUTH KOREA CHAOS !!!!!!!!!! GLOBAL WORLD WAR 3 !!!!!! via @YouTube yeah Chris, kinda has that THEY mocked Pelosi standing up for Taiwan, Asian People the most endangered on the planet; with showing famed letters USA going off The American Continent behind its hundreds of millions to a billion in western refugees! HBOW/Apb

Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (2023) | Full Action Drama Movie | K... via @YouTube

Sorry, all I have are trailers to offer, both David White And Mel Gibson doing their most important movies ever, EVER! What’s the hold up? Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, no one will watching Jesus return from any WEST RULE Nation they’re all gone, and the blinking of an eye or ejected from the driver seat side speed! 

Final the Rapture - the Official Movie in Full HD via @YouTube; Mocking Children Movies Friozen 2 Premiere; the words DISAPPEARED was left frozen on all giant to mini screens worldwide as the last event reported before skyrocketing to firerocketing events!

Sunday Morning Rapture Extended via @YouTube; lead people to Jesus first; the reason why these movies hardly scratch the surface. Simultaneously as The Righteous are skyrocketing America/The Americas/WEST RULE are firerocketing 190 years of tech as it never happened tens of millions westerners dead billions migrating; and the speed! 


The Passion of the Christ 2 "Last Day Events" (2024) Final Trailer | Mel... via @YouTube; 

FlashForward - Series Trailer via @YouTube; While laying my Safehaven Motel bed I did experience the eerieness of a flashfoward. Brad Pit and Jolie Kids once made  safe as I was themselves, now stranded by101 Yellowstones and multimillion man traffic jams while on the phone with me! 

YouTube Troy Black, God Told Me What's Happening by Christmas. via @YouTube the 37 day countdown into Apocalyptic Christmas and they Dec 29 of witnessing Intravenous in n a running race to put these end time events back on THEIR prophetic scheduling marvel not THEY were witnessed Jan 16, 2023 crafting race cars, racetracks and Super Mario  Volcanic Apocalypse, skyrocketing to holy heaven, carts. 


Kill All Parents By! FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!

Woe To College  Campuses Littered With Palehorse/Horse Of Hades Dead!


Right Troy Y’all, just get there fast and furiously. See Gen 15/THE EXODUS/Isa 16:1-5/Rev 7/12:1-6. Don’t worry how you’re crossing over from Safehaven US GA Atlantic COAST to exile luxury Africa’s SW Atlantic, COAST, even famed letters USA. Remember standing oversleeping beds anxious. THESE are for millennia Holy Intravenous on Assignments!

Today Dec 5, it’s Live! Rev 3 Jesus 2021 Dec 3, it’s Watch, presently Dec 3 aligned to the Rev 9 alien invasion I witnessed put into action Aug 24/25 2023. Remember  THEY explained Aliens exist because of fallen Angels, Lucifer Them. Plus we’re over 3 years THEIR predicted Dan 9:27 DRAGON BEAST ANTICHRIST REIGN. Marvel not those serving Mat 24/Rev 18 Jesus are running: it’s Dec 4 suggestion, RUN! All together now, Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus warn WATCH! RUN! Live! 

Remember especially Aug thru Dec, with a predicted 23 years now Apocalyptic Christmas are the  must prophetic months of this THEIR ministry! Beginning with US West Pacific Hawaii to California volcanic summits dominoing into 100 million westerners dead and soon billions the planet, Joel 2/2 Pet 3/end of world movie scenario Nicholas Cage, KNOWING!

I know how  I sound reminding those left alive watching Jesus second return won’t be from any West Rule affiliation all went off the planet one days time the blinking of an eye speed? Any wonder Hawaii Missile Morning Jesus asked me would Jacob’s Ladder in intravenous all around would THEY too ascend?  Talking about ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone; what if millennia in intravenous went with her, what about Archangel Michael’s List of tribulation saints? HBOW/Apb

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear!

YouTube History, Ancient Aliens: Extraterrestrial Life Descends On Earth (S1, E99) | Full... via @YouTube; I woke to this video and a female saying THE BIBLE isn’t any help at these mysteries, have no answers! What, Huh? 

Things Seen Temporary; things not seen eternal! 

We can’t depend too much on the bible to help explicate the mysteries of the world, huh? Except The Word of God say our world is made of things that doeth not appear, spiritual warfare Paul explained. Where was salvation Noah’s Ark for? Except, unless we’d never figure our way back to AODHF!

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies being born from the womb to darken  mirrors, veils, a curse of strong disillusionment. Not counting a curse of Dan 5 madness been counting down Gog and Magog Trumps reentry 7 years since Oct 17, 2018/2019. 

I wouldn’t, couldn’t have known Anicent Aliens to Ancient tech except Rev 12 explains there’s mutiny and war in heaven . Lucifer and his, Michael and his fought! Lucifer and his millions didn’t only lose but where stripped and exiled to this planet; some say predating The Genesis man, marriage Adam and Eve for as far back as the jurassic era, that Asteriod strike, ended!

So Apostle/Prophet THEY say I am,  thinking Everything , again EVERYTHING about Aliens had to be perpetrated by them, exiled fallen Angels. Until 2023 intravenous guardians my bedroom just out and said fallen Angels is way Aliens to hybrid Angels exist. Now we understand all ancient mysteries, like Aug 24/25 2023 Like GOD promised nothing is again hidden

Take, like take Rev 9 loosening of 4 bound angels and their 200 million in demons. Unimaginably still including the handing over the keys to a bottomless pit of their for millennia procreated monsters; I know previously you heard “and those who didn’t die by US lab BioCovid repented not.” It is only by scripture we understand no human being should be on the planet at this time of their Antichrist reign, get Jesus, get up yonder! HBOW/Apb

CALIFORNIA 7 plus earth tsunami warning while the named for the TIFF /CME/EMP is hundreds of miles away, coincidence? 

See more pieces of the name Adam here;; rebellious Father King David 70 thousand dead or Adam the beginning to end of this interstellar to Meggigo Armageddon near a billion dead. 

Prophetically 7 months to bury; 7 years to rid of their mass armaments; knowing 2  Pet 3 ask what kind of man out you to be? Like THEIR Mat 24/Rev 18 Jesus, standing all around sleeping bed Anxious intravenous Mighty Angel suggest you run from US West Pacific coast to  US GA Atlantic COAST fast and furiously Rev 17, 7 Angel bearing 7 more bowl judgments imminent! HBOW/Apb 

YouTube Marfoogle, IT ALL LINES UP | DECEMBER via @YouTube

Marvel Not During 2023 Hollow Eve/Halloween The Interstellar Debate Marvel Not The Single Word inquiry RUNNING!

Frightnight THEY'RE Not Only Deigning Race Cars To Race Tracks But With Numbers And Names, Archangel Michael’s List!

Knowing The Born-again which hold up apocalypse now! America, The Americas/WEST RULE all simultaneously goes off the planet fire to sky. rocketing! Ten Matrix days count Hawaii Missile morn Mighty Angel represents the assurity Adam nothing THEY prophesy or predict return void.

Like a Hussein would sit the WH for two weeks and 7 years or Trump also having two weeks and 7 years had another WH win. You’re to imagine for decades now and plan for a world without The American Continent to Britain to Canada to America and simultaneously 190 years of tech.

They’re All world nations who goes off the planet by April 2025! There with preventing recurring apocalypse HOLY CHURCH BRIDE, she’s escaping through stars to satellites missiling down. Clearly Adam nothing but blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT to Blaexit matters! HBOW/Apb

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