Saturday, November 30, 2024


Prophecy links fulfilling Nuclear Nov 30, US Election, fiery doomsday apocalypse 2024, Beware hearing 99 bowls of molten lava: seeing a hand write On a wall 99 bowls of molten lava; the hand writing on a wall clumsily Escape Yellowstone Frightnight to rolling twilight sues, Mighty Angel fretting back and forth the planet to sea to US W Pacific is about Hawaii dominoing into US states of barbecue! Even the designing of race cars to race tracks to skyrocketing to heaven super Mario brothers carts mocked molten lava flooding! 

Nov 13, 2024 3 yrs and two days that mocked Eze 5 designed back turn hall mirror, Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE  revisited that 37 day countdown into that long, long, long duration craft June 10, 2023 warning Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE it’ll be the last day of America.

See here, 2 Peter 3:10/11/Earth ending scenarios, The Movie Knowing/; Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till He come suppose after West Rule Britain, Canada And America fire-rocketed off the planet the voice I heard breaking news, “ after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions” was hers, YouTube On The Pulse with Silki? 

YouTube On The Pulse with Silki? These event are no longer the status que! Can humanity survive a Pangaea reversal; or, then Holy of Mystery walk in offering mansion in heaven, are they safe off to second heaven intercession as the planet as equally prophesied renew itself by an April 2o25/Oct 2028 fiery doomsday apocalypse? HBOW/Apb, see here, To Me Or The Two Witnesses, Waking From Being Told, He Will Kill You, Main Street, On Sabbath Day!

Elon Musk  ✅ X Nov 30

Sean Hannity,  ✅@seanhannity -Nov 30

Hillary Clinton in 2008: ‘If They’ve Committed a Crime Deport Them’

Only you two, we just now witnessed 2023, ASs Of House Speaker Pelosi, Famed Letters USA floating off the continent taking the same trajectory as the once Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Frightnight to Amazing Grace following Dan 9:24-27, close to the Antichrist Hussein's escaping hundreds of millions plus Dan 9:24-27, Magog's Trump's March13, 2018, The same innumerable crossing over, into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, you puppet, puppeteer or stampeding refugee? 

Plus y'all you know this is the Hillary, Pres Hussein Secretary Pres of state, who his July 27/28. 2013, was equally aligned to that Nov 4, 1975, paperboy, bike hand-bars, once greased by  Pres Bush and VP Cheney,  as to mock their mistreatment and martyrdom of Col Gaddafi's here now attached, is a funeral reef, shooting into the heavens growing with we just Hussein's July 27/28 2023, woke to calculating death tolls. Remember since  Bush/Clinton/Bush, Hussein/Trump's 2017 Inauguration and burning Biden/Harris WH that too been 50 million US dead, their error Islam. I remind Mother Africa and Father Abraham has two sons, who gave inherit to the billions of us, Jesus saying before Abraham I Am; like Juneteenth inherit, back to The Genesis Man, Marriage, promised woman seed,  

For when the fulness of time hath come,  great is the mystery of godliness, no way any of you, us get out of this alive, except you get Jesus, get up yonder or over yonder, ancient of days intravenous exile luxury! Anyway those calculations were, remember, these Eze 4/5 to dan 4/5, judgments, according to America, The America's and WEST RULE, own weights o martyred blood guilt go back as far Dec 24/25 2001, followed up, by a sudden loss of 190 years. I wake from seeing, hearing, Sen/Pres Obama's July 27/28, 2023, Britain, 25 million dead, Canada 25 million, dead, that's 100 million westerners dead, also remember, Feb 12/13, 2017, it was waking from hearing, "kill all parents by," perhaps PROPHETIC INGTRAVENOUS/ NASA warn April 2025, "finish all schools!" Marvel not July 27/28. 2019 NBA's California Dreaming again caught fire their Governor revisiting the emancipation to transgender both, suicidal to genocidal act of STAR WARRING, GOD'S CHILDREN, huh, again, huh? 

I beg you Elon Musk, instead riddle me this; why am I flabbergasted, (choirs mocked, infant feeder child, entrapments); and talking about this only 24 hours before Potters House Severe Stroke Incident, (mass assembly, inherit, pedophile, teen males); that I witnessed a ginormous carnivore beast clopping, stomping and chomping through pulpits? Again, again Teenage David, soon to be named, King David, Goliath slayer, A HUGE BEAST STOMPING, through pulpits? Hearing Get Holy Bride Of Wrath, reigning HER, is only being used to toss down whatever other Dan 2, stones made without hands, presently Nov 2022,  March 2023 and June 2023, a hammering Rev 17;14, Jesus Husband is hammering off of a reigning Mt Sinai type, I know, I know, marvel not after these interstellar debates, the hovering to prowling of  triangle crafts, Hallow Eve, Halloween 2023, the single word inquiry, RUNNING?

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring King Bridegroom Crystalbal Michael Centi and Queen Bride Charlotte Abiola Biome

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Madisen Alexium Logan and Lorcan Lake (Tangan), Tanganyika Ambrosia was born a godson Kaiserliche (Kaiser) Gustav Logan a goddaughter Cassian Roseau (Rose) Logan a godson Cagney Eian Logan and a goddaughter Cerid Auberon Logan Ambrosia

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse!

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII


"I was thinking the same, if this world system of  migrating Nimrod to Elon’s babel is supposed to shred billions of lives in less than six months then I remember the blinking of an eye speed, even Tribulation Saints suffering Antichrist’s reign are designed blinking of an eye tribe. Young Godeess and Lord had to admit, getting Lord Bastian as a reveal class, just didn't feel right, but even being brand new, he was more knowledgeable about Aqua Juttah Reveals  than they realize. "Then, if you think that’s what Jesus described how for some it’s as the days of Noah, their designed Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era, riches to rags sickbeds taken before they’re even aware apocalypse has happened to them. Then, Paradise Richet, then, then, if you’re also wondering how can we have a successful commanded Juneteenth Exodus under Eze 38/39 Gog and Magog Trump aren’t you questioning ELOHIM for millennia ability to puppeteer them all, all of them?  Speaking of Trump’s US Exodus Lord Bastian, like Isaiah, Zechariah, THE LAMB OF GOD to John, we’ve already seen it, when  Grand Sia, Maaseiah Adonai's s Caden saw Michael out front and while she's suspecting did she just see  breaking news about a 10.2 quake ,it’s revisited 4 years only minutes past midnight Trump's March 13, 2018 US exodus, Right, right,  mercy or sacrifice he and Dan 9:24-27 close to the Antichrist Sen Obama are the only US Presidents aligned to a US to all westerners exodus. I know I know, I have to ask before we’re done, when all around intravenous the number of Jacob’s Ladder stretching into third heavens assuring THEY'LL cover you Lord Urusalem in THEIR wings and under their feathers you’re to trust we hear you’re hoping it’s not intravenous The Huge Eye, Ophanim! Jesus Hawaii missile morning, asking, would THEY all ascend? I’m thinking Lord Urusalem, what would that be like? Equally knowing the Rapture itself will be catastrophe upon the earth! The planet nor The Genesis man would’ve survived the Genesis Fall, Noah’s Ark nor the fall of Nimrod’s/West Rule Babel without Intravenous THEM! Think, during the multimillion man single water cooler, earth home no more mystery of holiness come marching in baring more blacken bowls, tens of millions have been incinerated! Think, Who are you that THEY gonna forfeit the multi-billion man Royal Priesthood, AODHF HIMSELF Star Warring The Two Witnesses Going Under Martyrdom that bring Jesus Millennium Reign.  A multicultural Royal Priesthood THEY'VE  been Star warring over, billions of THEIRS also dead, for many millennia, right into Psalms Book of Remembrance to Jesus’ Lamb's Book of life, to my Torn out page of names, your Grand Sia Wife, laid at the bottom of your foot, own Ps 137, book of Remembrance. right dear, loving Jesus' husband and Michael’s imminent List, which we have to reconsider is also Star Warring him/THEM, Rev 12:1-6, assignment, also see Isaiah, 16:1-5. Who are you? "Okay," unapologetically cutting through the silence of her asking to phenomenally answering that question, soon, billions dead, and they all knew it, 100 million westerners of theirs first, and, and, and the speed! “Okay, Reveal Class, your Lord Renaissance Bastian is signaling one more question. “Lord Urusalem, Maaseiah Adonai, Your favorite Rapture Demo? My Goddesses Napoleon- Anna favorite SOS 2, Chernobyl April Spring, Rapture demos? Wow, Okay, certainly those Goddesses and Lords, when we suddenly skyrocket off the planet of course. Shooting through the interstellar heavens, also guided rockets guys to sky, cloud walking made without Helel, Elon them, hands to AI!” Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, non-innocent, perish?  AODHF

Youtube BYP Responds To: EP 66 - FINALLY! Some Decent UFO Footage of Craft and A... via @YouTube; X late to the party, some say; I have fallen Angels is why Aliens exist to go with the multiple times there's visiting to hovering crafts alien invasion, that's since Aug 2023. X Will they believe your report? Kinda like when they were hanging Hussein THEY were putting him in the US White House, late for the party! say Alien Invasion Rev 9!!  

X Think who need Aliens stirring the pot, when you have millions of exiled genocidal fallen Angel perpetrating Aliens, I never would've believed, until THEY told me!!! X THEY, one asked? Well short Jacob and Son Jesus aren't the only ones who have innumerable intravenous Jesus right AODHF decides when, where THEY skyrocket us, HBOW!! X Let me just tell you, HE, HE promised, but scripture says "The Lord Himself, only I'm looking at FATHER GOD HIMSELF, and none too happy I'm leaving, I'm like where is Jesus? When HE began showing these immaculate as Jesus' tribulations saints, like your, OUR labor, again the ascending, descending Multibillion, Multicultural Royal Priesthood, haven't been in vain!

Elon Musk ✅ X 


Strange how legacy “mainstream” media all say the same thing at the same time 🤔

Not Jerome Powell ✅


Legacy media is just a propaganda machine to fulfill their masters agendas


POWELL SAYS OVER A POSTER OF A LITANY OF MEDIA TALKING HEADS, This, The Cae For The Movie, Sound Of Freedom, is the authentic dangerous not only to democracy but humanity, marvel not the demo, of children all around learning how Chinese language work, from me, that line upon line, never ending line of children lined behind, Twilight Movie Bella and most concerning, well kinda most, concerning they're showing me tossing a knotted rope into the Anubis underground, fishing out endangered children.

Then, then, then, there's a decade back, smoke from the bottomless, pit, Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9, pouring into church, 'settlements,' leaving pedophile teen boys and their fetus for your infant children! Then, then, then lastly, as in only since June 10, 2023, a 37 day countdown prior and something about monstrous solar events, it's all over, a furious, hammering, skyrocketing Jesus husband using those two drown school brothers, its example, I'm looking at them, they at me, all the foot of my prayer bed as usual, when an eyes blink they're gone, and just before there's keeping me totally phrasing in and out, dan 10, long, long, long duration craft, His, Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband's, I have said, Triangle Crafts are benevolent but so is returning as a Zech 14, 2 Thess 2, described gamma ray bursting, Jesus The Christ, Descending Millennium!

Elon Musk


Strange how legacy “mainstream” media all say the same thing at the same time 🤔

There's Something About In Capital, Bold, Muli-Colored Interstellar SOLAR/Plasma Lettering The Single Word, Triangle!

You know by now, I woke Election, Nov 4, 2020, David Muir and his entire debating broadcasting team are between by living, dining room but especially my kitchen to lemonade of reveal. More oddly some bout two America Media, Dreaming, Chinese girls: I know, is there here hinting to that the case for that Movie, Sound Of Freedom and endangering languages, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and Duh, for, hint, Nimrod Babel Fail to US/WEST RULE, Great Whore Mystery Babylon America, FALL? AODHF/JCON/ JCOR/ RECENTLY CALLED TO ACTION HBOW, DO LOOK UP, DO LEAVE THE PLANET BEHIND, GET JESUS GET UP YONDER! Apb


Get out of Here, Elon. how often I be alarmed something like Hurricane Beryl headed for Texas, go youtubing, a few minutes tops, there's the video, ANGELS SENT TO WARN TEXAS ABOUT BETYL! A day ago, I realize its Dec 1, ah my god, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus warn Dec 3, 4 and 5 Watch! Run! Live! Moments later, only moments, like I saw 2023, Aug 24/25 YouTube Video, Alien invasion Dec 3, huh, huh? Can you even mrmbb333, make this stuff up? HBOW, see more here,


 Article, News Week Nuclear Bomb Map Shows Impact of US Weapons on North Korea, Russia, China.

Natural. Nov 11/21/revisited Bug June 10 2023, Ez 9 Designed BEN AFFLECK ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE! Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic, Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 Alien Apocalypse/Chaldeans  Destroy! HBOW/ApbM

What’s Gonna Be Your Should’ve, Would’ve, Could’ve’s And How Many Family, Friends To Followers Dead?

Let It Snow Tookie Williams And All Those Close To The Antichrist Trump Made Sure Were Executed Before He Left Office!

-Let’s Pray I’m not being sacrilegious and I don’t again end up in worse than burning hell, Jesus’ Threaten outa darkness. Since Thanksgiving 2017 awarded Ten matrix days countdown we’re looking at Hawaii Missile Morn Rev 10 prancing back and forth US W. Pacific Mighty Angel!. Like Have his raised, swearing hand raise mine saying, Rev 12:1-6, Moses Hebrews to West Rule Inherit.

Albeit, from The Slums to Burning Bush/Biden WH you’re only allowed to repent Ps 51/Dan 9 begin 4th verse and Mat 24/Rev 18 run! Marvel not the down on King Nebuchadnezzar’s/all mocked riches to rags sickbeds/P Diddy down on all fours Arkansas old bridge crossover into Exile Luxury GA’s Atlantic Coast/CROSSOVER Into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, Star Warring, HBOW/Apb


Died Suddenly ✅


Nanotech can control your brain

DARPA advisor Dr. James Giordano let the cat out of the bag.

Was this weapon deployed through the shots?

Not just through shots but through children and schools, colleges those who can easily walk in this deadly weapon of mass destruction! Ah my god, I’m just now reading this fully afterwards my comments to questions.

Decades now, there’s something about The Car Of Reveals is red/Dunlap Street, back seat rider Little Miya, all! The Obama’s aligned to endangered children mock their support of children hospitals, so I guess now the emancipation  to Transgender mutations of children but also there’s supporting their and our school to colleges the genocidal seeding of Genesis Marriage Abominations!

Even the mom dying by Alzheimer’s and the son/grandson my autistic/artistic, Pompeii, Movie Of Memphis,  Carter. My eldest sister and her daughters were yet faithful to these vaccine regiments right into at present Covid shots, fully aware its component, the US  Bio-lab backward letter C Pale horse pandemic, take about pick your poison!

Nanotech can control your brain

DARPA advisor Dr. James Giordano

Was this weapon deployed through the shots? 



While watching YouTube Why Files, I got a heavy dose, a minnie universe is the working of the human brain, though made in GODS image, right! Is offering Covid shots/flu shots a stab at herd immunity? Only US lab bio-Covid we were shown Aug 2004, is a million times lethal than common flu, will claim Rev 6, 4th seal, a US quarter we know!

That’s a US quarter dead worldwide billions and Rev 18:6. said double judgments. I can’t tell you how long I been getting back evoking that question. We know Dr Fauci take on herd immunity and its collateral millions more dead. We know after I warned college campuses and religious issues. I warned they’re littered with death and pale horse colored tarps, again, with judgements doubled!

-See here, mocked 2 Frozen Movie Premiere as all viewing HD/ 5G and Social Media Screening suddenly frozen on the word Disappeared. Islam take the planet WEST RULE firerocketing off the planet. Then Hijacker Syed Farook walk up to my running, Rite Aid Parking Lot Car. Frightnight to Amazing Grace Right after it’s back turn Rite Aid counter revisited martyred blood guilty Britain, Canada and America’s 100 million dead, Running?

Megatron  ✅                                 @megatron_ron


🇫🇷🇸🇳 Senegal demands France ends its military presence in the country. Although possibly my Memphians there’s been a run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware. Possibly that multi million man Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter to that Rev 9, Multimillion man grocery store. store manager keys, barter balen, tollbooth. 

I woke to crying, “not the blue pill, please don’t give me the blue pill! Like they too as ABC David Muir entire election broadcast 2020 drank the lemonade of staying aware African Leader have to remain largely neutral, American, The Americas up to a billion Of West Rule Inherit Mother Africa to Father Abraham are being stampeded into them. , 

Hearing Get Holy Bride Of Wrath Is She Mystery Cut Through That Multimillion Man Single Watercooler Baring More Judgment Bowels Offering But Up Mansions In Heaven! 


There shall be signs in  the  heavens and the earth beneath when you shall see the abomination that makes it desolate, RUN! We been in post apocalypse planet earth since they snatched us out a Chernobyl April Spring Rapture! Then I Wake 2015 Grands snatched out into GA’S Coast Sen Obama’s 2009. Crossover Into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Coast!


A Coincidence? I THINK NOT that college grand is home for the next semester. The one I warned Aug 2023 40, 60 thous Gazans lives ago college were about to blowup about religious issues; then turned saw college campuses littered with bodies covered with pale horse/horse of hades pandemic, tarps! You, yours again yours running! 


Maybe this was Father King David’s come into to me faithfulness, showing a death rider from beneath while assuring fret not! Since Gen 15  Lot and family to Grand Caden and family THEY been assigning and sending intravenous to get, even runn us out! As genius as Hawaii missile morn and recent as SOLAR STORMS COME June 10, 2023 beware of endgame Eze 9 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon/Yellowstone,  April Spring Rapture. 2025! 

November 29, 2024 2:56 PM UTC

Article, Reuters Fighting in Syria kills 27 civilians, U.N. official says


Government forces battle rebels fight in northwest Syria

Violence is among the worst in Syria in years

Russia wants authorities to act fast to regain control

Fighting in northwestern Syria over the last three days has killed 27 civilians, including eight children, a U.N. official said on Friday, in some of the worst violence in years between Syrian government forces and rebels,

-Syria feeling left out? Not surprise Russia spoke up I explained he kept Assad from being assassinated by UK snipers tug of westernized Assassin Creed 2015! When 7 yr. old Caden pulled me into his room CNN Breaking News it was about this failed ceasefire!

-Frightnight is Trumps followed by sudden destruction including North Korea militarized activities. Earn by Christ Cross paused by Biden/Harris presently unleashed! I’m not the least bit surprised as he bloodily plowed into the WH we almost lost Florida did lost thousands by Hurricane Helene! 

Frightnight is Trumps everything followed by sudden destruction including North Korea militarized activities, paused by, earn by Christ Cross Biden/Harris presently unleashed!

Remember Bush Golf course reveal, marvel not one of the attempts on Trump involved one as well! He was as a parent choosing the side of fueling fir millennia brothers Islam/Israel I saw it so clearly warned FATHER GOD if he stop Rev 17/18 her she’d kill us all, aligned to Pres Hussein/Trump! 

Asbury University Revival Live 2023 - Feb 13, 2023 (5+ Hours Evening) via @YouTube

I explained Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, THEY, Actually HE AODHF showed those immaculate as Jesus tribulation saints. 

I let Asbury put me to sleep every night; I’m really groggy as I write! It’s that or 99 bowls of molten lava on Trump’s Wal. I’ve gotten as far as 60 plus, just saying!

There’s 99 hovering room only Angels; imagine that many Angels in your bedroom. Then phenomenally as the song you’re standing on holy ground is playing singing Angels all around. while you’re letting go to ascending your for decades husband. Unimaginably that’s not counting the ones as Jacob’s Ladder stretch Into first, second to third Heavens! 

I mean so many Gen 15/Ps 35/91/Rev 12 Ancient Intravenous engulfing me Hawaii missile morning/ skyrocketing event. There’s also June 19, 2023 Rev 2 Jesus also skyrocketing children, asking would THEY too ascend?  So is this the church GOD built? The one, The Chosen Series Jesus described to the forbidden Samaritan woman? I can't shake him, pray for Jonathan Roume, the chosen cast. 

Frightnight to amazing Grace is this the remarkable of Paul and I seeing everything else error built it firm foundation, burning? There’s also Peter’s warn planet wide inferno, presently a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, seen Nicholas Cage’s Knowing? HBOW/Apb

 Sulaiman Ahmed @ShaykhSulaimam


The Notes they Left:

 1: “To the family of this house, we ask for your forgiveness, we used your house to eat and sleep in. Signed - the Men of God.”

Commenter Elica De Bon @elicadebon

Did they mention the part about planting the munitions in their homes that caused their homes to become a target?

When You Shall See The Abomination Of Desolation RUN! 

What did it matter. Netanyahu would tell refugees where to run, follow and bomb them, the craziest thing! X @ShaykhSulaiman start sending gory pictures of charcoal children. Not realizing especially during burning Bush  I’d seen charcoal US Soldiers and during Biden burnt up traffic jams that went for thousands of Miles! HBOW/Apb

When You Shall See The Abomination Of Desolation, Like A Dominoing Hawaii to Pacific, RUN!

Watch! Run! Live Rev 3 Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 Jesus

Like Rev 10 Mighty Angel I too explained FSS, no time for any long-term plans. They’re actually in a tug of war, including SOLAR, Cosmic, VOLCANIC EVENTS, who’s gonna be the first to strike US soil!? Those two US quarters met me at the laundry room door this morning. The laundry room mocked those of you without sin, how clean are your hands but your laundry?

I say the equivalent of asking GOD to try your heart, I see them on US soil, Eze watch GOD design, send Eze 9 one strike the telling heart stabbers its  perfect trial! Marvel not a pileup of used Kleenexes followed a pileup of dirty laundry, Jesus saying sin (Satan) can’t cast out sin, (Satan. Post apocalypse everything West Rule, the two US quarters FSS for crossing a toll over into Jesus millennium reign! HBOW/Apb

Referenced Bottomless Pit Alien invasion, the 2 US quarters barter Balen tool booth, grocery store, store manager keys, the Two US quarters  aligning Britain Canada America, Western civilization with billions dead to b for billions dying. Marvel not the handwriting decades now Jer 37:8 The Chaldeans are coming I again warn the closer we’re to a another Trump WH and none will ally them Man to Holy Spirit, just run, like the days when you are f Lots Pompeii Movie of Sodom and Moses and his phenom Red Sea crossing that’s all ancient intravenous can help with, your translations, to crossing over to firerocketing to skyrocketing! 

I Explained A Trump Whitehouse Is The Target Its Why N. Korea Is Active!  

This isn’t Adam your or our history repeating itself, it’s said, done, apparently no lessons learn. The things hereafter John was told, Ancient to even a mythological present come to haunt to bring the final human extinction. 

Marvel not right before the madness The US capital witnessing a mythological stone Anubis, come to life stretch his bow, launch a single arrow, what technological weapons gonna do with that? 

The Antichrist has the entire army of Anubis portrayed in the Mummy movie: loosed bound angels come with 200 million in demons! Then there’s a bottomless pit of monsters stirred in and hath a ruler over them! 

Unprecedented Possessing to persuasion that’s what puppeteering world leaders into nuclear war is, HUMAN EXTINCTION! GOD/Jesus Millennium Reign save us get your everlasting souls outta the way! HBOW/Apb


I’m telling you civil war US soil like THEY did with Covid THEY”ll use some mass disaster as a wrench tossed in. God want cursed judged sentenced Americans to  westerners remembering, returning, repenting and running! Marvel not the down on all fours crossing over the old Arkansas Bridge into Safehaven US Georgia’s COAST! HBOW/Apb

Article, NBC Russia lowers bar for nuclear weapons use, claims Ukraine conducted first ATACMS strike on its soil

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed Tuesday that Ukraine had carried out its first strike on Russian territory using the U.S.-supplied long-range missiles known as ATACMS.

Aug 24/25 2023 Loosed The Four Angels Bound In The Great River Euphrates! 

Woe To School Buses!

There’s still Adam that question, who sent US Republican Congress a get away train, shooting a missile into dominoing Hawaii, into domining Memphis into dominoing Yellowstone? Marvel not Mighty Angel stressing, prancing back and forth the planet, the sea US West Pacific, dominoing incineration. Get Jesus, get up yonder! 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies rising up forever and forever for in one hour Ps 37/Rev 17/18 described West Rule Is no more this entire planet. They threw NK threats back at him for decades, now we know he allies Russia Against Ukraine for the identical reason US weapons/ Petro-currency, aligned to billions more to die! Running? HBOW/Apb

Pyroxism new Madrid 1811, Dec 16, New Madrid Quake Jan 23 1812 Feb 7 1812

YouTube Asbury Revival 2023 Worship (1 Hour in His Presence) via @YouTube: Asbury Revival 2023 Worship (1 Hour in His Presence) via @YouTube: you’d never believe I got words of this phenom rival happening from of all people; lines and lines of people were just dripping everything and anything like Jesus Christ himself was at Asbury get there, get him, get up yonder! 


WATCH! Run! Live! Dec 3 4,5, 2021 REV 3 Jesus! 

We wouldn’t know for 7 more years; June 27/28 2022, Trump Gabriel saving from Florida recurring disasters bore 7 yrs; is this the church Jesus built? The spirit of worshiping a spiritual God, HE  promised The Samaritan Woman; burning everything else Paul, Peter and I witnessed it, interceded by the smoke of its burning if thy people remember, return, repent! 


We wouldn’t know for 7 yrs we ascended that April, Chernobyl Nuclear threat. When for blessed assurance I was shown too immaculate for Father God’s Heart to behold Tribulation Saints! Like Peter. Paul, even Joel before us, I’d watched it all burn now this bruised, burnt, pile of sweltering untellable worship rising up forever! HBOW/Apb


Make you wonder what was it really Rev 13 Jesus to John revealed  7 horn, ten crown beast; Gog and Magog come after Christ’s heel in me, Anubis demon dogs all, there’s those two crystallized Godzilla’s pretending crystal skies. Really didn’t want me to see, them ancient evils? Not a Mystery or these battled, burnt bleeding worshippers, crowns of righteousness bound! 

Elon Musk ✅ X @Elonmusk 

Europe Is Dying 

 🐇 The Rabbit Hole ✅

Europe fertility rates are looking rather the low,

there’s a map,

Right Elon the speed! By the time I realize THEY were taking me on Ps 91, feather wings, a fiery doomsday apocalypse US States of barbecue; marvel not inviting all US states from a barbecuing into a lesser barbecuing US GA COAST! 

Dominoing Hawaii Into Memphis into Yellowstone was burning everything in its path, WALMARTS, Bush/Biden/Harris/ Trump WH, Kennedy Space Center which I learn is not a Safehaven, Florida! You, Yours again Yours, RUNNING?



EUROPE IS DYING, Only Gog and Magog US WH/West Rule first! The end of this world Jesus Millennium Reign/God’s kingdom following began with the sudden firerocketing of West Rule, emphasis, sudden firerocketing! Aug 2022, Eze 5 ponytail judgment that disappeared so fast I thought there was only 3, that was West Rule! gone in a flash, Apb!


Don’t forget we witnessed the rabbit hole reaped to evacuated, it’s matrix brand white leading rabbit set free, opened wide, double fence all! Okay remember Trump, Abbas and his threaten 8, both territory earth, earmarks the Antichrist reign; when elephants of staying unaware stampeded! Plus, Y’all know how intelligent they are and man instead Dan 4, King Nebuchadnezzar madness cursed!