Prophecy links fulfilling Nuclear Nov 5, US Election, fiery doomsday apocalypse 2024, the fire father acknowledges your righteousness to wrath. The thousands in pieces commemorate US Lab, bio-covid death and dying and mass dieoffs come, 100 million westerners alone, Britain, Canada and America. The ginormity that send West Rule, both skyrocketing to fire rocketing to the prayer, the smoke of her burning forever and ever, we pray your response to father king Solomon offering of the temple, in reverse. Instead, if they people which are called by thy name, which are stampeding by thy name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their evil ways. Father, hear thou them from heaven, forgive their sins and by the sounding of the 7th angel trumpet. The coming of our lord Jesus Christ, for eons and eons to come, heal them from turf wars, see, pray more here, Ps, 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4...
Youtube Marfoogle CHINA CAUGHT READYING *INVASION * via @YouTube
Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and Alien Apocalypse Destroy!
Hearing Last Day Of America
No longer a mocked slow motion exodus, waking speaking Chinese. A father running with his son. hitting his bank to ATM first! China like Trump is doing what’s predestined, puppeteered and prophesied by this ministry since Clinton/Bush/Cheney! Adam, what are you, yours, again yours doing? HBOW/Apb
YouTube Bright Side Global, What Will Happen When Solar Storm Hits in 2025 via @YouTube; Rev 10 Mighty Angel ten days The Hawaii Missile Morning was stressing, warning between The Planet, The Sea and being incinerated US West Pacific and Bright Side Global just did a short, then about another one of my dates gone viral, I know, I know, you can’t make this’ stuff up, YouTube mrmbb333 would say! HBOW/Apb
Forget Yellowstone - These EIGHT Supervolcanoes Could Destroy The World ... via @YouTube!
Hearing 99 bowls of molten lava; handwriting 99 bowls of molten lava; handwriting clumsily Escape Yellowstone!
Hearing Breaking News Report, “After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!”
Marvel not the single word inquiry Mat 24 Jesus; RUNNING?
Yeah THEY were designing race cars, tracks some bout molten lava flooding. Yeah, but like world leaders, especially close to the Antichrist Ex Pres Obama and newly elected President Trump. Dominoing Hawaii to W. Pacific Into Yellowstone is predestined to end The World, America/West Rule first. Suddenly, again all of a sudden, there’s some bout losses 190 years and 190 million people!
As recently Nov 11 2021, as Juneteenth 10, 2023 reminder YS ends US states of barbecue and 100 million westerners in one day! I know Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, how that happen? Mocking what you know but Isn’t doing; Rev 10, Mighty Angel saying US West Pacific inundated with such forewarnings!
Ben Affleck come into my barbershop saying we’d dodged a big one; since then, Nov 11 2021 wayyy to many to count! He sit, wait until I’m ready, off finding clippers, been a long time, like, never! Next I find him the hall mirror doing it to himself!
The mirror where God’s intravenous Throne is backed into us! Where Ezekiel 5 had shaved his and shaped it all 3 ponytail judgment; where they’d shown me bald into 3 ponytail judgments only it was 4, one had just firerocketed America/West Rule off the planet! HBOW/Apb
YouTube mrmbb333 , Unbelievable Secrets Uncovered on Google Earth! via @YouTube
See here, some of the things Dutchsinse find searching seismic waves to activity on goggle earth!
You tube Bright Side Global, IS NASA Hiding Something in Yellowstone Park? via @YouTube; I know scripturally and prophetically world nations are lined up to nuke us off the planet; with an Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone Of Molten Lava Flooding running Through US States Of Barbecue. Still why would NASA or Any Other Governmental Source hide a forecast of fiery doomsday, VOLCANIC apocalypse from us? Apb, The RAM, see more here,
Commenters @marthalondon
Africa Is America! 13 African Colonies. United States Of America is not approved name of Africa!
Commenter Respond @628heathenpri….
Are you okay bro, have you by any chance been drinking cuz? What you just said makes absolutely zero sense.
Commenter Respond @52patann
Waking 2001 Dec 3 Rev 3 Jesus, Hearing Watch! Dec 4 RUN! Dec 5 LIVE! Running Save Lives And Souls! Apb, The RAM!
Just say Pres Barack Hussein and Secretary of defense H. Clinton; firerocketing in US death tolls, Nov 4, 1975/2013 bike handlebars funeral reef. Equally aligned to their error Col Gaddafi, his golden denair currency and US of Africa.
Marvel not when Sen Obama was campaigning for the WH and Pres Trump was two years in April 2019. There’s witnessing hundreds of millions of “commanded, Juneteenth inherit pouring across America into Trump Gabriel and Archangel GA’s Coast. Surrealistically pouring across the Atlantic into Africa’s SW Coastal cities, towns.
Here’s what meant world leaders are predestined either sides of a coin Harris or Trump. Frightnight two US quarters aligned to error Islam and billions earth wide dead! You heard me plenty. WHO IS WORLD SAVIOR? Endgame? Same as 2021 Aug 5 Rev 11/Rev 12 Star Warring AODHF/Archangel Michael, Endgame, Jesus Millennium reign! HBOW/Apb
Concern Citizen ✅ @BGatesIsaPsycho US Trump didn’t just win America - he won over the entire World,
Waking Feb 12/13 2023 As Fathers Running With Each A Single Son Speaking Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Duh (Rev 17/18, In Dutchsinse EarthQuake Forecasting! Marvel Not Sited A Craft Oct 30/31 2023 And Long, Long Duration Craft Big June 10 2023 while up there THEY debated yanking us out, no further delay! HBOW/Apb
-When he wore that huge bandage beside his head he looked The July 2009, Rev 13 beast from Land, world winner. I know I explained showing his 2nd term as President April 2/20 2019. The same timeline Dan 9:24-27 2 wks 7 yrs appointed then 2009, Sen Obama. I said Biden and Harris paused him, his fumbled US Lab Bio-Covid, done!
-Counting down more timelines than any man in human history; some both The US/Arab/ Israeli Abraham Accord, proven to be evident 8 yrs of Sept 23rd demos, SKYROCKETING US OUT it’s 2023 Is Sept 15 revisiting it’s exact date 3 years Abraham/Accord 2020! Who Is He, Rev 13 Obama was prototype Antichrist and how easy by US religious, politics/Arab-US Petrodollar to seat him and Trump?
-Marvel not Aug 5 2021 Rev “11,” Star Warring AODHF! In the spirit world it’s spiritual warfare; PUT YE ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD! Feb thru March 2019 Rev 12 interstellar Armageddon. You’d be surprised how both Obama and Trump Dan 9:24-27 two weeks and 7 years administrations accompany each other. Endgame? Jesus Millennium Reign! Apb
Talking To Me Or The Two Witnesses, Waking From Being Told, He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, On Main Street!'
And There Rose Up Among Them A Little Horn And It Had Great Iron Teeth And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast!
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring King Bridegroom Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Bridegroom Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern
The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern a son, Baxter Blaine David Liverpool, twin daughters Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern
Unto Goddess Cayson Ashari Niccola and Lord Leonardo Alexiander Jaxquin was born a godson Jacinta Gliese Niccola. Jaxquin a goddaughter Averill Cervantes Niccola Jaxquin
and a godson Andromedae Calliope Niccola Jaxquin
Song of Song Which Are Solomon Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely:
Scene XXV
"So how long El El you been knowing Lord Leo? (Lord Leonardo Alexiander Jaxquin);"How long Dae, Dae have we known any Lords to Goddesses, they’re all just returning from unimaginable exile to penitentiary (realized just now my for decades Negeb Ophel, Dry Hill, could be Eze's 37, described Valley of Dry Bones), "and El El not even that, right Evden man, even being any element of a celestial to human being is new to them. Anyway, Darius Evolent suggested, more than suggested El El love, right Ajiah, she insisted we make nice with yet perplexed Lords and Goddesses especially us mistrusting, conniving Godtriplets. Wow guys, more Godtriplets on the way, are you kidding. an entire Negeb Ophel Genealogy on the way, some our siblings, yeah brother I love, three of them. Now that you all are here, Sia mom hearing get her, the holy bride of wrath, the missiling down of planetary bodies. Hey y’all catch mrmbb333 (; reported there’s a power source rocking the planet right now and some other than unprecedented, wowing solar power? First, I thought Ev love of her Sept shaky, shaky shelter, we just passed through Oct both, both the two big ones and the apocalypse of yanking us out. Then Ajiah love there’s those three hammerings while Rev 17:14 Jesus is as Rev 12 Trump Gabriel yanking endangered children off the planet and we’re Ajiah surrealistically in the aftermath, the untellable aftermath mrmbb333 describing it an unforeseen force, and yes he used that very descript, unforeseen force! Going back to those hammerings the third so far, come you guys during that May 3 counting down 37 days into unimaginable solar events. We know that huge Sun prior and the alert was a weather alert! We can’t forget there’s a long, long, hovering event, a hammering event and skyrocketing event, while Jesus is reminding Eze 5 designed Ben Affeck Armageddon will be the last day of America. Think, again, think, THEYRE taking us off the planet because it’s totally inhabitable and then she witnessed translated grands pouring in happily, how she’s right about all of it! Bright side global, reporting Yellowstone is on fire while they vote Rev 13 Gog and Magog Trump another, US WH! Think, but you guys what else is gonna turn an Asian Invasion, coming after Trump, moreso it' petro-currency, into a blessed Intervention especially for US endangered children, right? Right Maha love so, so, so sad, sorry just thinking as the days of Noah's, Genesis man, marriage abomination, US soil, tens of millions of us, well them, horribly barbecued by then! Sorry also," feeling wife Chodne rubbing his shoulder, pecking his cheek, all this sweet consoling, "I work midday reports, we really get into these reveals; they also have designed Safehaven territories, you even look faithful to getting to THEM, THEY intravenous across the planet, THEY got you! Man, Evden Blazely you was also saying? How, I was asking, how can they be both Rev 17:14 Jesus is admonishing us endure in his name, crowns of righteousness await! But, but, he’s also the one hammering off the mount Sinai type reigning in Star Warring AODHF absence what planetary bodies Holy church bride is missiling down into the planet! Even she who's seen by John with The Holy Spirit crying down here come up here, so they’re both? Think, Holy Intravenous approach, inquire what's the secret of Memphis? Birds of prey entreat her The Christ calling them to feast on billions. Corral horses think she’s their timing fulfilling 4 horses of the apocalypse. Then reigning Sunlight of God, commanding her, like The Hebrews Moses, just who does HE think she is? Our Sia mom, grandma, even great grandma! Plus, I don’t Eve man know how this gonna sound but just as Michael is battling a Star Wars he’s setting exile luxury all around all who will come but especially he’s, well THEY'RE assigned to westerners, especially some to do with Moses’ Hebrew Juneteenth inherit! Just Godtriplets all," not knowing but by now they had the attending ears of young Lords and goddesses present, and they're leaning in, necks to ears stretched "Remember Hawaii missile morning entreated as it was why a Chernobyl nuclear meltdown threaten home planet THEY’RE all Memphis son intravenous, including, Lord Urusalem and Jacob's ladder, including her Rev 17:14 rescuing Jesus Husband, soon earth's inherit accordingy what’s in your heart are either being translated, crossed over, fire-rocketed off the planet or skyrocketed into Jesus Throne bosom, and both grand, grand and grand Sia Mom reminds the speed. Frightnight to rolling twilight’s eyes to skies, hinting most are in tears, "how unimaginably indescribable as Mat 24 Jesus for two millennia having warn the same including RUN! As far as prophetic hindsight those the first resurrection come leading captivity captured The Two Witnesses come leading by, by invitation only, The Tribulation Saints were right now The Lambs Marriage Supper finale, Been celebrating, dancing hallelujahs all around the 7th Angel trumpet sounding heralding them all back Jesus descending millennium reign Until until just now as in just now The Sunlight Himself Is Seen walking and visiting among people, get Jesus or get to your feet, blessed are those flying on angel wings or running to with intravenous Angels! Ah, ah!" Pushing back, roughly taking, kissing wife Chodne hand, "I’ll be excused, we’ll be excused, Evden? Yeah coming, right, ah behind you El. El and ladies there was silence at the pub, its stage, dance floor and opened mic, all around! Group hug guys, the male bath!” Seems a heavily emotional El Shaddai catching them both El .Eli and Darius Evden into tremendous hugs El El is now coming, sharing with all Darius' to Lords alike. Like Maha, did all males just rush into the restroom? Didn’t you hear, we hear? A loud call for group hugging, I know I’m my mom’s, Sia Maaseiah daughter and I’m wanting the stage. Let’s do it, her Dancing Hallelujahs songs, ah two favorites. One I kid you not, she got the guitar down pack, New Boys, God’s not dead,;and there’s Ovations Praise, song, Really, she got Gods Not Dead, the guitar timed perfectly. Yes, and can mock it's timing just right, then let’s start with that. Heck, it’ll look like we’re all having this bachelorette party and when they all come out a bachelor party joining in. Arghhhhhh!!! I love spontaneity, hey maybe we rename the place after the movie serendipity, yeah we even got its reference star constellation Cassiopeia, only spelled differently, as a sister, godtriplet!๐ต Gods not dead he’s not he truly alive," rocking the house, bringing them all out, up singing. dancing, “living on the inside, roaring like a lion, God’s not dead, he’s truly alive!๐ต. Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF
YouTube Bright Side Global Yellowstone Is on Fire: A Global Emergency Unfolding in the Heart of Ame... via @YouTube; by the time in my flash forward Brad Pitt called me; we'd been warn a guerrilla war, taken hotel shelter, beat millions in traffic jams and yet he calls me stranded!
Mocking The Designing Of Fast And Furious Race Cars, Racetracks And Me Squeezing Into A Cart Skyrocketing To Heaven!
Watch! RUN! Live! Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Jesus Christ Of Revelation 3
First know you will run, its volcanic apocalypse, there’s no bugging in. Every US state fast and furious into its US GA’s Coast, crossover; what to do? Pack running shoes, run! Remember, marvel not, Memphis Brides were mocked as be given running shoes, in exchanged for tattered Red Wedding Heels, Noah's Cousin, Molten Lava Flooding coming, HBOW/Apb
There’s no going back, tens of millions are being incinerated, marvel not it's what Rev 10, Mighty Angel was, back and forth as a husband travailing over a wife travailing in birth, about, warn beware as far as the Eastern Seaboard! Be prepared to hit the highway for GA’s coast from wherever you are. Straightly because every member has trained who’s grabbing whom on their way out, all fast and furious, highway bound!
Witnessing when I picked up in, revisited Jan 2022, a red car, the little Miya girl back seat Surveyor/Translator The Obama's Memphis Dunlap Street! Every stampeding member has one goal, get to your rider or riders, get to the highway, get to the meeting site along Americas SE coast especially GA! Get there, both Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael shows here’s where intravenous await, blessed crossover, blessed Brexit/Bllaexit!
YouTube Geology Hub Lewotobi Volcano Eruption Update; Major Eruption Aftermath, Lava Lake Forms via @YouTube
Seeing A Hand Writing 99 bowls Of Molten Lava; Hearing After 101 Yellowstone eruptions; seeing a hand writing clumsily escape Yellowstone; seeing Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone declared the day America End!
This Remind seeing The London Mortal Engine like a pyroclastic cloud swallow up Memphis TN., after its earthquake buried my grand under its school; after they mocked it a Pompeii movie of Memphis, Nephew gladiators all! Clearly why I warn volcanologist dominoing into Memphis, Into Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, The warn by Rev 10 Mighty Angel US West Pacific, Hawaii Volcanic Summit is too quiet! HBOW/ Apb
YouTube History Channel, Doomsday: ALIEN INVASIONS & VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS *3 Hour Marathon* via @YouTube; The Title, Waking To The End Of The World; I smirked, how many times have I, Apostle Prophet THEY entreat woke to the end of the world? See more here,
See here, 10/31/2024 -- Large M6.0 Earthquake off the coast of Oregon West Coast U... via @YouTube;
America To The Americas Volcanic History And Imminence
-My warning Hawaii is too quiet, is it the sleeping giant of continent to world wide volcanic apocalypse. Still what do I mean Noah’s Cousin as flooding Magma’ 99 bowls to 101 Yellowstone eruptions; if Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael Oct 16. 2021 Dan 9:27 7 year timetable is right.
-Frightnight, then by Abraham Accord Pres Trump April 2025 equally the same timetable Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 6:4th seal a US quarter of the earth beginning its US West Pacific can no longer be here. Yes, right you’re calculating right if you’re getting about 6 months and first of all West Rule to the most populated area map this planet, billions suddenly dead!
-Marvel not Jesus mocked it as the days of Noah, suggested we all run, while intravenous mock it Noah’s cousin to a 2023, 2024 Super Mario Brothers movie of America to West Rule with designed race cars, racetracks and skyrocketing carts
See more here,;
AKuehne ๐บ๐ธ ✅ @WifeOfCombatVet
I was debating on whether to share this RING video, of me and my family when the FBI raided our home just 22 days after Biden/Harris took office. Because it makes me sick! This FBI raid should have never happened, but it did.
Every single Trump supporter is at risk of this happening to you and your family. This is political persecution. This is the message that J 6 defendants have tried to warn you about.
It was horrifying to see our then 4 year old with streams of red lasers on his little body. Where is the outrage? Live weapons were on all of us, I will never forget this. My husband was tackled into the snow and thrown into jail, and I was pregnant and the following day we lost our baby.
Today, my husband Capt. Kuehne @Dark_Horse92 is sitting in federal prison.
I just want you to know that despite the hell we have been through, I voted for the first time living in a swing state for President Trump. We must work hard to elect him and right the wrongs. Equal justice must be restored and criminal justice must be reformed, among many other things.
May God bless you and the United States of America ๐บ๐ธ
Woe To School Buses And College Campuses!
-I AKuehne just saw The Sunlight Oct 17, 2024, walking and talking among earth's inherit! The last I witnessed such the miraculous it was Jesus Millennium. The people asking about the nail scars in his hands were the ones who put them there. The sweet bitter of Gog Trump’s finale, Lord Zion Reign!!
I tell people about the surrealist moments I have with The Sunlight; it began ages ago, I woke knowing some oddity was with the Sun! Little by little my memory refresh! I’m being hand to the prophet Ezekiel by the Sunlight Of God! He shows 3 time tested door a Sunlight is designing laborers a harvest of souls come!
Still my favorite, the penny store with me as a damsel in distress; next I’m leaving cast down, hungry, abandoned my tears skyward. The ☀️ is bright, blocking and weirding me out. Slowly it’s descending, changing, shift-shaping until it reaches me the metamorphosis of a diamond carve, crystal dove chariot.
Just now A line up of dump trucks, a pileup of used Kleenexes to a build up of rescuers. Still all began right before Hurricane Katrina all US ports to the Caribbean tourism beware there’s no more normal left use for millennia death, dying and damnation get Jesus, get up yonder! Marvel not quits confusing, what followed a build of dark orange tide containers!
Megatron ✅
๐บ๐ฒ๐ช๐บ Donald Trump:
"EU countries are as bad as China, they don't accept our goods, but they sell theirs to us"
Trump promised to impose tariffs of 100-200% on goods from these countries.
The US destroyed the cooperation of the EU with Russia, destroyed the Nord Stream gas pipeline, now they are selling us 5 times more expensive gas and will introduce new tariffs. Great.,
Seeing Famed Letters To Pelosi’s USA Floating Off The American Continent: beware some bout Running With A Single Son. Japan, China and Spanish Speaking People! And YouTube, US Dutchsinse Earthquake Predictions!
Star Warring Ancient Of Days aiming to disappear Great Whore Mystery in disguise, Western Civilization! Marvel not the two Rev 13 beast rise by West Rule religious politics! Marvel not showing Bush and Cheney greasing handlebars disallowing Russia, China, Hussein Fueling station; marvel not both Harris and Trump one side each it’s US quarter earth’s dead!
How does this keep going wrong is that right; why are Earthers the last to know, what was Paul really saying? We wrestle not against flesh and blood know biblical prophecy. Even when they were finally skyrocketing us out THEY warn beware of Alien Dangers showed us exile luxury!
Holy Intravenous approach inquire whats the secret of Memphis? Birds of prey entreat her The Christ calling them to feast on billions. Corral horses think she’s their timing fulfilling 4 horses of the apocalypse. Then reigning Sunlight of God just who does HE think she is? HBOW!
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