Standing Before The Obama’s Endangered Children Teaching How The Chinese Language Works!
Sulaiman Ahmed
Replying to @ShaykhSulaiman
X Wait, yall know, this is why Eze 9, heart stabbers gave stampeders chase, keeping your children in war-zones ender them to horrific trials and death; these endangerments is why Jesus suggested when you shall the abomination that maketh desolate RUN! Why my angel Gabriel show up with three safehaven territories!
X -To what extent are prophecies fulfilling? Showing HIMSELF Star Warring, AODHF is so plain, saying come out of her my people, ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities Apb
X Her, she? The Class of children taught how Chinese language work, she's the one they wait, nuclear countries to deal with, escaping the genocide of children. Uvalde school shooting morning, that never ending line of school children answering Lamb's book roll call, the edge of my bed silent since Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband, skyrocketed them all!
Article, Energy crisis has Iran on the brink — and hands Trump a historic opportunity; about as biblically historic as King Nebuchadnezzar waking up from his 7 year madness curse having lost his kingdom reign to this identical part of the world. Only presently Antichrist Rule, 50 million US dead and the only ONE promised He's laughing, Psalm 2, Star Warring, Ancient Of Days Holy Father; COME OUT OF THEM MY PEOPLE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Rev 3/18, JCOR/Apb
Sulaiman Ahmed ✅ @shaykhsulaiman
See here, FundMeABB; Pres B. Hussein WH finale, Jesus millennium descend, earth littered with the dead. Not only have fowls come to feed, it’ll take 7 years to rid the planet of all worthless armaments; Africa's Daughters, Abraham’s sons now The Royal Priesthood, we wrestle not against flesh and blood!
-That boy walked up to my driverside began talking to me, don’t remember a word he said. I intensely studied his face, his brooding eyes! Syed Farook it’s soon breaking News, haven’t you wondered, his explanation, maybe Gog and Magog debate Holies timetables here have run out!!!
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring King Bridegroom Crystalbal Michael Centi and Queen Bride Charlotte Abiola Biome
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038
The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Madisen Alexium Logan and Lorcan Lake (Tangan), Tanganyika Ambrosia was born a godson Kaiserliche (Kaiser) Gustav Logan a goddaughter Cassian Roseau (Rose) Logan a godson Cagney Eian Logan and a goddaughter Cerid Auberon Logan Ambrosia
Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse!
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
"Like I explained to Pastor Farage it’s inevitable we’re seeing the last days to hours of America, get yours into Sunlight Of Righteousness Commanded Juneteenth exodus, it’s inevitable! Admittedly I stress what I’m going to do once I’m there; we’re put on silence mode for 42 months it’s Antichrist reign; though grand Sia you witness those apocalyptic 42 months fulfill seeming midflight between Holy Saints Glorification Return and The Two Witnesses Leading captivity captives The Tribulation Saints. Admittedly Tribunal Lion Wolf, it was as though Elohim turn us around mid-air, invitations, wedding gowns and tuxedos we’d return offering invitations only, Lambs marriage supper, skyrocketing them all, us all off the planet!” I know, I know what Grace is this, who’s? Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael snatched us out as to silence the church Bride Rev 11:1, 2 42 month interval Oct 2021, revisit Post Apocalypse Chernobyl April, Spring Rapture 2025; when you count Syed Farook, Rite Aid Pharmacy, parking lot said suspending us was as far back as Feb 12/13 2015! Who's grace Lamb's book of life open, my torn out page, Michael’s list, MYSTERY HOLINESS WALKS IN, OFFERS INVITATIONS TO MANSIONS IN HEAVEN; SW Africa’s exile luxury, even UK/BC/US Georgia’s Atlantic, crossover, that we’re yet outreaching behold he stand at the door and knock, whosoever shall call upon the name of This CROWN Lord, SHALL BE SAVED, beware of North American traffic piles and piles, even into heaven’s ceiling with charcoal cars and motorist! Excuse me, they all made silent, concern, she's lightheaded, fumbles, Nicholas Edin rushing to her side. That's my que to Briexit, thank you loving man, husband, thank you too, Global Tribunal until I can surprise another visit, blessed day, sweet sleep! "I'm fine, you can Me'sure Coogan bring her this way, I said I'm fine, please just get me, us to t he elevator, thanks you Tribunal Headwater but its best for me and mine I get back to the Richet. Please keep us aware, I will, seeing to gather herself with each step, blessed day yoi t two, sweet sleep," he guessed she was alright, guessed he better get back!"
A seeming, kidded Angel Gabriel, giving Lucifer (Helel), advice, A Door Was Open: Maaseiah XVIII; while I never put the two together, with someone asking where was Dan 10, Gabriel when he was held up 21 days by The Prince Of Persia?
See here, FundMeABB is: Heard nuclear threat asked Chris where are you, heard him answer, Pacific N West. Just saying we got both an Apocalyptic Dec 29 and Jan 20 A Burning Biden/Harris WH predicting 50 million US dead, all approaching!
I heard more like Pres Putin on standby, military Fatigue all; possibly Brad Pitt and Jolie kids building guerrilla war! Don’t believe HE’S taking US piggybacking wars on Russia soil, lying down! STOP BEING DECEIVED!
See, here’s the fund, See here, FundMeABB is:; I made it to safe zone ask for your help from here, thanks, Apb
YouTube Elon Musk: "Jesus Is BLACK and I Brought Proof" via @YouTube;
Marvel Not The Single Word Inquiry, RUNNING?
Can’t tell how much pleasure this title brought me; one day we’d know, as we are known! THEY DID JUST REVEAL FALLEN ANGELS IS WHY ALIENS EXIST!
Arriving on time to witnessed Rev 12 New Born snatched out! Next I hear, Holy Father say to Trump Gabriel Them, “yes take Him, His.”
Know Around this exact time Archangel Michael Them are crossing over from US Georgia’s COAST hundreds of millions of you, western refugees, see more here, Isa 16:1-5/Rev 7/Rev 12:1-6
Still after I hear take Him(Elohim), His, I hear, “but this one, she’s mine.” So time I hear, “she’s mine,” I lay back into a ground up cradle of mankind. Surrealistically as The New born, as the multicultural, Multibillion man.
Miraculously also Father Abraham sons, Royal Priesthood, as all their, your Mother Africa, combined; scoff no longer at Reigning Sunlight of GOD commanded Juneteenth fast and furious repatriation of MOTHER Africa’s SW Atlantic, Hearing, “Get Holy Bride Of Wrath,” Apb
See here, FundMeABB is:; this fund, made so easy is a divine blessing, impossible to come by as promised mansions in heaven to crowns of righteousness, trust, delight, commit. Plus are you forgetting the increase promised upon those who give to God’s?
Pressed down, running over, shaken together, say for example, awarding Africa's SW Atlantic, as exile luxury, The America’s no more. Know, the property THEY mocked me as a Memphis real estate broker showed Fantasia Barrino was shown eventually torn to pieces by your redacted, plentiful donations!
YouTube Pastor Farage When I Try To Run From God - Jonah 1 – December 19th, 2024 via @YouTube; the warning I kept giving N. Korea, Russia and CHINA, because of their greed and inhumanity thereat they’re warring the wrong battle, wrestling those who aren’t genocider Great Whore Mystery, Babylon
X Actually Pastor you’re seeing for the first time In decades what’s it like when hundreds of millions of westerners are getting to God, reigning SUNLIGHT OF GOD, leading The Repatriation of Africa’s SW Atlantic! Yeah Rev 12:1-6, Archangel Michael’s tribulation Saints assignment, begins here!
WHO SHALL BELIEVE OUR REPORT! Here’s Aug 5 2021 and standing over my sleeping loveseat is Ancient Of Days and Archangel Michael showing THEY ARE now Star Warring Together, “Holy church Bride escape to Jesus Millennium Reign!
A handwriting 2 Thess 2:4 Oppressor Definition and Thesaurus!
Frightnight pastor Dan 4, 7 year madness curse finale Oct 17, 2025, probably the most mass, Judas Iscariot type suicides. How many you pastors to those social media are gonna be in this number, waking having genocide humankind over to the Antichrist!
Christmas Sunday Sermon, Why Some Don’t Celebrate Christmas But Why We S... via @YouTube;
Commenter: This is the first time my 12 year grandson is spending Christmas without his dad he passed away at 33…
My Respond
Do You Speak Dutchsinse In Dutch; know its affiliation with Rev 17 John Mystery Babylon!
For some reason The Intravenous awarded, suddenly yanking us out of that Chernobyl nuclear meltdown; is the one assuring The Father and son will reunite! Assured nuclear apocalypse come out, even Islams enemies are as ashes under our, their feet!
Odd still waking Feb 2023 individually having spoken the languages of three of the most endangered territories on the planet. Frightnight including The whole of Spain to The Americas., Spanish! Frightnight were languages of fathers each escaping with a single son! RUN! HBOW/Apb
Christmas Sunday Sermon, Why Some Don’t Celebrate Christmas But Why We S... via @YouTube; like Jesus’ CROSS believing thief Pastors I ask they all Christmas Day honorees repent and come up to Jesus with me, a few years now, could be my torn out page to Michael’s List!
”Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.” When Standibg Over Sleeping Beds Anxious AODHF showed HIMSELF Equality Star Warring It Was To This Rev 11, Scripture Passages
Loosed Upon US Soil Eze 9 Commanded Reapers, Hearing KILL ALL PARENTS BY! Finish All School!
I’m looking at Trump Gabriel He’s looking at the one THEY call Apostle/Prophet But Entreat He’s Bearing 3 Territories Of Exile Luxury! Jordan’s Petra; West Rule Northern Hemisphere cross over into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic!
The sudden loss of 190 years of tech and sufferers shaping their hands. Say the hand love sign, you take the left keep the right, yeah like that! 190 million saints skyrocketing, 100 million westerners no more all Pastor began to happen Dec 24-29 2001!
Don’t forget eventually The Whitehouse THEY showed us burn and burn and descend anew White Holy (JERUSALEM! Soon revealed the Biden Harris passing Into a Trump WH or will it, make it that is? I know we can’t know until it’s Nuclear. Apocalyptic Dec 29 again, I am and would be in Mat 24/ Trump Gabriel to Archangel Michael safe zones by then! HBOW/Apb
Article. The nine best countries for Americans to move to - Apple News Spotlight,; Yeah I saw it,
chicken little the sky is falling down; beware hearing Get Holy Bride Of Wrath! Everything held up there in trust, gravity, engineering, just start missiling down satellites, NASA, spacecrafts, planetary bodies and them crystallized two Godzilla Beast fir millennia all the time up there pretending to us crystal skies to peace getting porches truly exist!
The world is in Juneteenth 17-19 2002, reigning Sunlight Of God, commanded migration Nimrod to Elon. Tarry not, signal Gabriel to Michael you’re with them direct your Mat 24 Jesus suggested flight, all his Holy Saints to Tribulation Saints intravenous snatching theirs out!
They gonna shut The Biden Harris Whitehouse Down Or Burn It, Burn Them, US? Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he cone only Nuclear, Apocalyptic Dec 24-29 2024 will tell, beware multimillion man grocery stores, to water coolers to traffic jams! Apb
Took Alzheimer's sis, but a Missed 2022 BETA They start reminding Sept thru Nov volcanism/Yellowstone was on high alert; dominoing Hawaii was building; there’s our first hammering off of Apocalyptic Events/IMPACTING NEO’S
Personal for me, adamant, she’s a vaxxer still I’m the inherit of both an autistic nephew who grandma died Sept BETA in hospice from severe Alzheimers and drugging! Mary Did You Know,; earlier I couldn’t listen to anybody’s version without getting emotional; Amazing Grace how sweet The Sound The Sunlight is here walking among his friends inquiring about the wounds hammered into his hands, Apb
See here, FundMeABB is:; dancing hallelujahs all around it really is raining, “likes!” You should know this fund is as faithfully innocent as a child’s faith though who’s to know Jacob’s Ladder intravenous with me, as with Jesus. How THEY will us it, I know my torn out page Lamb’s Book of life, truly maybe means we still don’t know wherefrom Michael complied his list!
The image here yeah we got into deadly satanic to demonic waters, I mean like advised Ditty, down on our faces repentance. Brandishing 3 safehaven territories Angel Gabriel come, only to remind, we weren’t to be in impact zones Florida’s Coast! This was June 27/28 2022 how many hurricanes alone, like Ian, there’s breaking all records, Beryl, Helene, all “like,” wiping out Florida? AODHF
Article, News Week China Hits Back at US Over Nuclear Weapons Alarm,;?
Published Dec 23, 2024 at 3:46 AM EST
Teaching that line upon line, never ending line of endangered school children how procrastinating their intervention CHINA/waking speaking Chinese, work!
The Americas don’t need a nuclear bomb unless as Moses Red Sea to Zechariah Mt Olivet it’s to cleft out dry land from fiery doomsday The Americas Atlantic Into exiled luxury Africa’s SW Atlantic! Next I’m being waken from a tent brought out, down for to see, hundreds of millions of western refugees pouring out of Africa’s Atlantic! You, yours, again yours?
Go Get The Twelve Heir! INVITE THE BETA! Get Dan 2, Holy Bride Of Wrath There’s Three Hammering Off Of incoming Apocalyptic Events!
Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS, Woe To School Buses
You should’ve seen her face, US have complied human genocide beyond N. Korea, Russia and CHINA combined; she shrieked horribly, combined? There grew a better understanding when said human carnage is aligned to Rev 17, explains, The Roman Empire, Empire Britain.
There’s The genocidal Trans-Atlantic slave trade, frightnight to amazing Grace Sunlight Of Righteousness commanded, presently the trajectory of Moses Hebrews’s Juneteenth inherit repatriation of July 6, 2020 Rev 12 revealed, African Birth mother, you, yours again yours coming, RUNNING? HBOW/Apb
Syria’s Rebel Leaders Have Control of the Country. Now What?
The new Islamist-led government promises moderation, but officials aren’t committing to such issues as women’s rights or free elections,
The Chaldean Will Come Take Your Whitehouse, WALMARTS, Kennedy Space Center And Burn Them All With Fire!
You do know ousting Saddam Hussein for Barack Hussein; when HIS CHRIST descended world rule 3 to 4 billion dead was aligned to US backed Hussein Obama! I know any wonder how suddenly US leading captivity 190 years of tech, suddenly 100 million westerners no more!
Showing John and I, they’re all being, it’s all being puppeteered by a Star Warring AODHF how were they to ever get anything right that didn’t lead to human genocide! Let’s see how many this new US-led terrorist can compile before he’s too nowhere to be found.
I know they who been doing it to millions of others, an apocalyptic Christmas. Turkeys Erdogan last Christmas Holiday compliant US Hitler-Netanyahu on the prowl. X Sulaiman Ahmed just reported Netanyahu still burning families alive! Next it’s President Trump’s March 13 2018 instead I’m inviting all US states from a barbecuing!
YouTube Bright Side Global Yellowstone's Wall Is Crumbling: A Catastrophe in the Making? via @YouTube; X “after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions and y’all grab kids, bags and RAN! Apb
X So Ezekiel 9 designed heart stabbers gave everyone chase! That inquiry remind maybe only those stricken from Lambs Book to second chances my torn out page to second chances Archangel Michael’s List were chased down and stabbed Apb
2 Tim 4:8/Rev 17:14
Hearing Get Holy Bride Of Wrath, first I saw her in this capacity! Truly to mock Canaan Pepper, “Them,” I told pack it all Into a huge trailer into USA blessed Blaexit, GA’S Coast, CROSSOVER. How many BSG gonna be Firerocketing crying their last should’ve, would’ve could’ve’s?
I can only assume, Christmas Eve, Day fiery doomsday Apocalypse with 101 Yellowstone following. Like had to be an Neo impact, clarifying a predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon, April 8, 2024 Devil Comet, and the speed!
The April 1996, to Aug 2019 to Dec 2001 to June/2023/2024 Ginormity! Then BSG a handwriting clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Followed by breaking news YouTube On The Pulse with Silki “After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions. I, well THEY Mighty Angel THEM can tell you it come from US W. Pacific.
Unimaginably by the time I saw Biden/Harris and it’s WH was totally consumed so Shaykh Sulaiman millions in charcoal remains cars along the way! Actually like church pulpits THEY showed a huge carnivore beast eating people as they, like flashfoward Brad Pitt, Jolie Kids stranded their cars! HBOW/Apb
I don’t know if there’s the mention of an Archangel Michael’s list but nor is there any indication John witnessed Spirit & Bride like Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband, like the two witnesses all have intravenous, earthbound ministeries and an assignment of ascension second heavens intercession but here we are all overwhelming them these divine help met
Crown Jesus The Christ and Heavenly Saints descending to meet us in the air. Descript in the air has proven to be a second heaven’s literal interstellar space port to watch tower. We witnessed up there with Gods as Gods watching it all implode upon itself; truly blessed Honest News are those two in the first resurrection; blessed Brexit/Blaxit too.
The Guardian, WORLD NEWS
Putin says Russia is ready for a missile 'duel' with the US – video - The Guardian,
Putin says Russia is ready for a missile 'duel; with a for 23 years Apocalyptic Christmas pending; AMERICA/WEST RULE, Weights of martyred blood guilt! The blink of an eye’s speed 190 years of tech, ALL WEST RULE nor The Voice Of The Church Bride Is Heard No More, At All!
Sulaiman Ahmed ✅ @shaykhsulaiman
Apparently Shayeh While Netanyahu And His Are Enjoying Mountain Climbing!
Still Shaykh they marvel America/WEST RULE two US quarters, don’t leave home without them, shopping malls, toll booths mounting. Aligned to The Antichrist 3 to 4 billion dead, mostly damn! I’ve spent 40 years of your lives warning RUN, like into where to meet intravenous Gabriel and Michael, UK/BC/US GA’S Coast, crossover Into Africa’s SW Atlantic! HBOW/Apb The RAM
Lexi is spending Christmas at the hospital. Her scalp is slowly but surely healing and regrowing skin.
She has a weekly surgical cleaning and is dealing with a lot of itching.
Her dad had to return to Florida, but her sister is staying with her.
Your Wills intravenous be done where Alexis is concern; praying she’s not suffering parents to grands procrastination to repent, RUN! Even The Obama’s because of children they’ve placed in harm's way their faulty laws to decision making are considered endangering and untrustworthy toward their own children!
Stop, share
🇮🇱 Netanyahu went to the top of Mount Hermon in Syria, which he occupied, and boasted about his achievements:
"The place makes me feel nostalgic, I was here 53 years ago with my soldiers on an IDF patrol.
It is the same place, it has not changed, but its importance to Israel's security has only gained strength in recent years."
His terrorist groups in Syria handed it to him on a platter.
When they all wake Oct 17, 2025, as from Oct 17, 2018, Daniel 4 madness curse, begin the count a year in! Just saying they having genocide The Human Being off to described Oct 17, 2021 DRAGON BEAST ANTICHRIST! My recent as to @shaykhsuliman inquiry how many are Judas Iscariot suicidal?
Pray for your leaders I kept saying; Showing me He’s star warring with Archangel Michael; having shown John he’s puppeteering them to wake having sacrificed The World, relentless, bloody tug of turf wars. Know while I’m a mocked nations summit “SENATOR OBAMA THE ONE,” hundreds of millions of you are crossing into Africa’s SW Atlantic!
Speaking of mountains, like the Mt Sinai reigning GOD GONE STAR WARRING: One reigning SUNLIGHT commanded Juneteenth exodus; one since Oct 17, 2022 been hammered off thrice for better it apocalypstic qualities! Article saying US states be under water by 2025 US states be under oceans of magma by Oct 2028! RUNNING!
I to woke to this, harvest, 48 hours , or was it 48 days seeing Megatron we’re yet counting down another 37 days the last remind Ben Affleck Armageddon ends us all in one day! So 48 hours puts us a month’s prophecy Jan 20, 2017 Trump's Inauguration morning remind 50 million of you are dead, Rev 3 Jesus saying LIVE, remind his rise again!
FundMeABB is:; Didn’t spark my curiosity, The Hawaii Missile Morning, alert more its world stretching Sums Of All Fears to INTRAVENOUS Mighty Angel THEM All Around. Wait is that what Archangel and his battling a Star Wars up there at the time meant?
Lite harvest 48 hrs apocalyptic Christy
Hearing “GET HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH!” Remember Geoffrey I gave her this title after I witnessed reigning her possess, prep and launch Dan 2 terrifying King Nebuchadnezzar/ Pres Trump, Meteor! Heard The Antichrist Murderer, Apb See here, Breaking: "Drones And Spiritual Warfare" / "Strong Delusion" / Paul Begley via @YouTube; exactly Geoffery what I explained to Pastor Begley days ago. The Drone are man’s, The UFO/UAPS hybrid fallen angels we know as Aliens, mocked unleashed as the 200 million in demons loosening those four bound fallen Angels now on to the bottomless pit keys. There’s Eze 1 The Orphanim, extraterrestrial event, how the triangle craft, at least three visits 2023, I surmised were more divine intervention and arrive to us like types of The Bride’s Chariot! Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, is this the same one I been seeing hovering to trailing to arriving us since the 1996 Phoenix Lights Mystery? Once a grand Caden/UK Cameron and I boarded its Sept 23, 2015 version! Next we heard skyrocketing off doomsday planet, “beware of Alien dangers from above!” How we knew Geoffrey THEY actually, also meant exile here since Rev 12, Star Warriors, hybrid fallen Angels? HBOW/APB See more here
*FundMeABB is:
YouTube mrmbb333, this is like something out of a MOVIE! But it's REAL! City lights now PU... via @YouTube
See *FundMeABB is:
-First, there’s some bout Russia and our Pacific Northwest; so up to this point of human extinction, what’s your should’ve, would’ve, could’ve’s? Beware a for over two decades Post Apocalyptic Christmas In The Mix. Well mrmbb333 since THEY showed the horrific of charcoal bodies Kobe’s crash. Then start counting down those ten heads of The Antichrist cabinet; the horrific of everything Biden/Harris them WH burning.
-Including each their Air-Force Ones, twos and I woke horrified never would they, could they, Biden, Harris survive those types of burns. Curious is this more the reveal that flyover fiery doomsday apocalypse, UK/BC/US states of barbecue? Including, mocked Frozen 2/Super Mario Brothers, we were to scrutinize all earth ending movie scenarios, presently a Pompeii movie of Memphis, fighting to death, gladiators all.
-Suicide Watch, my book characters are debating whether Dan 4 madness curse finale, Oct 17, 2025. How, now Trump, Trumpians and their entire WOKE cabinet will have to go on Judas Iscariot type suicide watches. Presently for 7 years Oct 17, 2021, without an ounce of notice everything their world system, continent to countries went firerocketing Rev 11:1, 2 that 42 month interval April 2/17/20 2025, they wake to Africa’s SW Atlantic exile luxury. You, yours, again yours? HBOW/Apb
December 16, 2024 11:12 AM UTC
Article, Reuters Ukraine reports North Korean losses on Russia's Kursk front
Momma Said There’d Be Days Like There’d Be Days Like This, Momma Said!
The days of The Ancients David, Zechariah to one Angel sent out to wipe out Assyria fighting against God and not the most of evil and of men. You got entire chapters Rev 17/18 explaining this disguised genocider from Rome to Great Britain oh
-Some about Rev 10 Mighty Angel SERIOUSLY warn US Northwest VULCANISM
-Two Russian oil tankers sink in Black Sea - BBC; hope y’all compiling damages done to Russia as done to US soil but this GINORMITY while an Apocalyptic Christmas wails and wang unbalancing tugs i f wars!
See *FundMeABB is:
June 10, 2023, they’re sitting the back deck the one from which I witnessed three triangle darts flyover a year now, hours later, not knowing there’d previously been a 37 day countdown into unprecedented Solar Storms. So momma what was all that long lasting, loud noise, hovering. I’d had previously experiences I never shared one, believe they asking me was curious.
I like Dan 10, I’m in and out of cognition, experiencing a similar set of extraordinary events. What they didn’t see know, simultaneously I’d awaken to a type Prophet Ezekiel theater event unfolding at the edge of my bed. There’s Rev 17:14 Jesus husband, two boys, brothers are with him, he’s furiously hammering again just before he and these brothers S!
more curioo the question Geoffery is it the same triangle craft months later I barely glimpsed trailing my youngest son and I into his driveway? Ah yeah translated grands and the one who described the events happening in real time a UFO is leading rushing in with all others celebrating their grandma been right about all of it! I guess even more eerie those famed phoenix lights is this same hovering silently triangle craft I saw in Memphis that night?
YouTube Selah, O Sacred Head Now Wounded via @YouTube
I’ve seen lately the oil of anointing belittled to mocked yet witnessed Angels launched to go and restore my nephew! Yes, both sweet and bitter, miraculousness of miraculous.
Holy Spirit begin to say remember when Lazarus sister anointed Jesus feet with a years rages of oil and wiped them with her long beautiful hair? Only a fews days later those same anointed feet were now covered with his, our, blood, guts, bones, gore and teeth, PS 22!
YouTube Selah, O Sacred Head Now Wounded via @YouTube
I’ve seen lately the oil of anointing belittled to mocked yet witnessed Angels launched to go and restore my nephew! Yes, both sweet and bitter, miraculousness of miraculous.
Holy Spirit begin to say remember when Lazarus sister anointed Jesus feet with a years rages of oil and wiped them with her long beautiful hair. Only a fews days later those same anointed feet were now covered with his, our, blood, guts, bones, gore and teeth!
Remember Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, death, resurrections, ascension. Frightnight to Amazing Grace seen here lately THE SUNLIGHT walking in the midst of his inquisitive friends about the wounds in his hands! 🎄Merry Christmas 🎄🗳️!
See more here, See more here, *FundMeABB is:
This the sing playing John says he she’s one book opened and another book opened
Seeing In Huge Bold Letters VITAMIN C
Equally There’s Something about Rev 10 Mighty Angel SERIOUSLY warn US Northwest
-Two Russian oil tankers sink in Black Sea - reports - BBC News;hope y’all compiling damages done to Russia. Military dressed Putin threaten US soil in all likeness with return! I know ours more a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE but a GINORMITY first!!
See more here, *FundMeABB is:
I know that waking and our since Bush/Clinton/ Bush and aligned to every US Presidency death tolls are doing a final tally
❤😊 wake from seeing FSS in huge, bold letters VITAMIN C! Actually mine said Elder Berry. THEY said Vitamin C! Oh you should probably know, I never been advised by any of Them/THEM on vitamins before! HBOW/Apb
X RED ALERT!! GOVERNMENT TELLS BUSINESSES: "PREPARE FOR WAR"! BACTERIA MAD... via @YouTube but who’s government FSS IS TELLING THEIRS PREPARE FOR WAR! UK/BC/US! When do US citizens get warn bout war on US soil? There’s twenty three years, Apocalyptic US Christmas imminent, is this the end? HBOW/Apb
See more here, *FundMeABB is:
always these constants there’s something quaking to burning In California to US/BC West Pacific: all US it’s allies tug of wars lead to Islam/MEGGIGO, ALL! Some mounting hurricane Helele death tolls are being swept under religious/ political rug BIO COVID OF HUMAN GENOCIDE is a welcomed inoculation; but is that new? This time it’s the sunlight itself walking and talking among us, JESUS IS HERE!
Watching Christmas Chronicles and the petting zoo of Santa’s reindeers. I remembered the question I want to ask, Canada that 16 yr old, with a non communicable Avian Flu. Man, animal/fowls, plants to sea, unless there’s too a BC Lab, Bio Covid where it come from? I know, running?
But Sorrel dud she just hint while Pre April Oct 17 2025 Pres Trump is closing borders he just might put restrictions and bans like FSS says they’d have to declare marital Law and use it as a ruse! Look
Since we don’t believe in coincidences guess how many hundreds to thousands of mile Pat-Brad niece, named for the TIFF CME/EMP causing dominoing tectonic to seismic US W Pacific to feel free that 7.0 quake hey y’all here SUGA upgraded an earthquake I was ah my YouTube Dutchsinse do they just upgrade an earthquake? So now that grand sia is again hundreds of miles Into Safehaven California/US W. Pacific
Say it then during the multimillion man single watercooler she’s portrayed as a type of Jesus Christ/ THE BRIDE offering mansion in heaven
No what about just now
Hussein Federal ID
But Sorrel dud she just hint whike Pre April Oct 17 2025 Pres Trump is closing borders he just might put restrictions and bans like FSS says they’d have to declare law and use it as a r
Article NTEB New Jersey Drone Swarm Has Now Spread To California, Arizona And Kansas As Biden White House Says They Are Not Going To Do Anything About It
Shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches:
You WAKE Hearing How Many Pastor Did You Get Killed, Damned Because You Refused Mat 24/Rev 3/ Rev 18, JESUS’ RUN!
Drones Pastors that’s man, UFO/UAP’s That’s Aug 25 2023 Rev 9 hybrid fallen Angels/Aliens, and apparently Dec 3 2024, either getting out or getting in, getting set; 2023 Two Triangle Crafts EVENTS, possibly three, that’s Holy Intravenous/Rev 17:14 JCOR/Cloud walker/Skywatcher, Walker, HBOW Of Wrath Knows! Apb
Imagine for 7 years now Oct 17, 2025 WOKE Trump is crouched over a table interim US Pres of The American Exile Luxury. He can’t stop saying she was right! DAMN IT DAMN IT, DAMN IT, she was right about all of it.
We were a world of Hussein/Biden/Harris Sodom and like come to unworthy Lot and his THEY were just trying to save some, did, did save like a billion!” Then you hear this loud, crashing noise, the feet of all running to rescue Dan 4 King Nebuchadnezzar/Close To The Antichrist Pres Trump/Ditty/Jay-z equally getting him to his knees! HBOW/Apb
See more here, *FundMeABB is:
YouTube Pastor Begley "Darkest Hour" / Drones / UFO / Iran / Dec 14 / Mike From Around ... via @YouTube; where are your following Tribulation Saints?
WAKE, Hearing How Many Pastor Did You Get Killed, Damned Because You Refused Mat 24/Rev 3/ Rev 18, JESUS’ RUN!
Drones Pastors that’s man, UFO/UAP’s That’s Aug 25 2023 Rev 9 Aliens, and apparently Dec 3 2024, either getting out or getting in, getting set; 2023 Two Triangle Crafts EVENTS, possibly three, that’s Holy Intravenous/Rev 17:14 JCOR/Cloud walker/Skywatcher, Walker, HBOW Of Wrath Knows! Apb
YouTube Pastor Breaker, The Rapture and Donald Trump? via @YouTube:
Hawaii Missile Morning Rev 2 Jesus Design Riches to Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers Your Curse To Die Children, A Mass DIEOFF Ascension
Woe To School Buses
Will Close To The Antichrist 47th US President Ban US Georgia’s Entryways?
Frightnight to rolling twilight skies pastor Breaker, like you now crying should’ve would’ve could’ve’s pastors! Know, by the time Trump and Trumpians wake 7 years a Dan 4 madness curse Oct 17 2025.
Actually April 2/17//20 2025 skyrocketing Holy Church Bride leading captived fire-rocketing WEST RULE, BRITAIN, Canada, America/ The Americas. THERE'S 100 million dead, charcoal westerners and a billion migrating into Africa’s SW Atlantic! HBOW/Apb
See more here, *FundMeABB is:
NTEB New Jersey Drone Swarm Has Now Spread To California, Arizona And Kansas As Biden White House Says They Are Not Going To Do Anything About It
Shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches:
WAKE, Hearing How Many Pastor Did You Get Killed, Damned Because You Refused Mat 24/Rev 3/ Rev 18, JESUS’ RUN!
Drones Pastors that’s man, UFO/UAP’s That’s Aug 25 2023 Rev 9 Aliens, and apparently Dec 3 2024, either getting out or getting in, getting set; 2023 Two Triangle Crafts EVENTS, possibly three, that’s Holy Intravenous/Rev 17:14 JCOR/Cloud walker/Skywatcher, Walker, HBOW Of Wrath Knows! Apb
Imagine for 7 trays now Ict 17, 2025 WOKE Trump is crouched over a table interim US Pres of The American Exile Luxury. He can’t stop saying she was right,
DAMN IT DAMN IT, DAMN IT, she was right about all of it. We were a world of Hussein/Biden/Harris Sodom and like come to unworthy Lot and his THEY were just trying to save some, did, did save like a billion!” Then you hear this loud crashing noise, the feet of all running to rescue King Nebuchadnezzar/Close To The Antichrist Pres Trump/Ditty/Jay-z getting him to his knees!
See more here, *FundMeABB is:
The apocalyptic events told out of the Memphis house I was showing to Fantasia I mean it was here I realized I Had a backseat surveyor/translator, a baby Gabriel type
We know Jesus and holy Saints descended into second heaven intercession this pivotal point in biblical history Hussein/Obama Dan 9:24-27 timeline finale July 27, 2016 I explained just now I wouldn’t wanna be In impacts when Biden/Harris GODS merciful pause relinquish to close to the Antichrist Trump and thanks to my eldest grand finally listening I'm not, well let’s just say I’m hundreds of miles closer away! See more here,
*FundMeABB is:
Charlie Kirk✅. @charliekirk11
The Trump Assassination Task Force reveals that the Secret Service Agent who spotted Ryan Routh in the trees at the golf course, opened fire on the suspect and…
How is that possible?
-Trump’s only recourse is like Noah to Nimrod to Ancient Kings! Theres Judas Iscariot to Jonah’s Whale. He’s procreated, predestined, prophesied to return to his genocidal WH after burning Biden/Harris WHITE HOUSE YOU RUNNING?
-Help me here, FundMeABB is:
I’ve seen lately the oil of anointing belittled to mocked yet witnessed Angels launched to go and restore my nephew! Yes, both sweet and bitter, miraculousness of miraculous.
Holy Spirit begin to say remember when Lazarus sister anointed Jesus feet with a years rages of oil and wiped them with her long beautiful hair. Only a fews days later those same anointed feet were now covered with his, our, blood, guts, bones, gore and teeth!
I’ve learned Nicholas in all my years of being here, there’s this one most important scripture of them all challenging ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, See if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting! Sincerely can out of billions Adam and Eve Africa and Abraham procreated, a his planets ask Ancient of Days Heavenly Father that question and not die! Not one! NOT ONE! But Maaseiah when the fullness of time hath come, God brought froth his son, made Nicholas of the Genesis Woman seed made under the law to redeem those under the law that they Maaseiah might receive abortion of sons and for some reason I’m seeing her, when mystery of holiness walks into that multimillion man single water cooler that’s because she’d now by it’s woman seed cross offering mansions in heaven!
Mystery woman
Article BGR Jaw-dropping photos show volcanic lava obliterating Iceland’s Blue Lagoon,
Wait, The Blue Lagoon that was just opened to tourism days ago? Yet I marvel Eze 9 one stab the heart slayers. A pandemic of sudden cardiac arrest in the last reaching US BIO-COVID death toll. Especially infants, schools and littered pale college campuses!
Before, After Thanksgiving Threaten Nukes US Soil CHINA Threaten Putin Would we have had The Thanksgiving Into Christmas 23 years predicted Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse! Y’all do know the four winds of the Apocalypse SOLAR/COMSIC/ VOLCANIC/ ALIEN WONT, Can’t turn down, back; Dec 3. 2021 Rev 3 Jesus WATCH! Run! LIVE!
GUAM READIED FOR WW3 via @YouTube; you must remember both YouTube Adam and @Adam/ADAM ✅ there’s breaking news about Guam hitting cities Bush/Cheney burning WH presently Biden/Harris and her Indians burning WH/Airforces One’s targeting Trump HBOW/Apb RUNNING?
So what’s gonna be your should’ve would’ve, Could’ve? Christopher, you of all people know there’s no land grab. See both 2 Pet and mine his 3:10-Nicholas Cage Movie Knowing Christopher it’s all gonna burn Solar/Cosmic get out of The Pacific Ring of Fire Dominoing into Hawaii Dominoing into Memphis dominioing into Yellowstone Molten Lava Apocalypse! HBOW/Apb
You see this, I see you unfold a US dollar out of mocked dirty laundry not only The African Juttah but Paradise Richet. A week or so ago Amtv did a report Trump accepting some currency but Nicholas you and know for decades now if it isn’t South African BRICS currency we’re telling more tug of bloody currencies and those following AMTV tickled it’s profiteering! THRY took out Gaddafi golden got Obama/ H Clinton aligned to shooting skyward funeral reef of American to westerners dead by the millions no further delays!
YouTube On The Pulse With Silki Blue Lagoon Reopens/One of Iceland's largest Volcanoes is charging - Is Bardarbunga taking o... via @YouTube
How many Silki Dead From WMD’S, STD’S To Covid By Those In Spite Of Endangering Others Especially Children Possessed Riches To Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers Doing Their Own Mischievous Partying?
Hearing Breaking News After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions That Could’ve Silki been your voice! Only WEST RULE WENT OFF THE PLANET THET AUG 5 PRIOR, leaving a described Shaky Shelter. Marvel Not The Stranger, African Beleaguered Male Who Lead To See SW African COAST THOSE Hundreds of Millions Of You Pouring In.
There’s some bout Uk Cameron, He tried to take out Syria’s Assad’s 2015 Russia’s intervened will again! Trumps Interceding blessed Brexit/Blaexit They know they got one Mystery Whore to Take Out!
Evidentiary picturesque
Do NOT go to EGYPT | Virtual Conference | Session 3 via @YouTube
Do not come to Britain Canada and America. Since a Sunlight Of God, from behind a mount Sinai type commanded The same exodus as Moses Hebrews June 10th Inherit. All generations inherit who didn’t die by dominoing US West Pacific into Its Midwest dominoing Yellowstone!
Mocking, Including famed letters USA They’re all escaping through US Georgia’s COAST into Africa’s SW Atlantic COAST! Blessed are hearers and doers, knowing where, Ancient to biblical Intravenous leadeth to blessed exile luxury, Watch! RUN! Live! HBOW/Apb
YouTube Marfoogle, IT ALL LINES UP | DECEMBER via @YouTube
Marvel Not During 2023 Hollow Eve/Halloween The Interstellar Debate Marvel Not The Single Word inquiry RUNNING!
Frightnight THEY'RE Not Only Deigning Race Cars To Race Tracks But With Numbers And Names, Archangel Michael’s List!
Knowing The Born-again which hold up apocalypse now! America, The Americas/WEST RULE all simultaneously goes off the planet fire to sky. rocketing! Ten Matrix days count Hawaii Missile morn Mighty Angel represents the assurity Adam nothing THEY prophesy or predict return void.
Like a Hussein would sit the WH for two weeks and 7 years or Trump also having two weeks and 7 years had another WH win. You’re to imagine for decades now and plan for a world without The American Continent to Britain to Canada to America and simultaneously 190 years of tech.
They’re All world nations who goes off the planet by April 2025! There with preventing recurring apocalypse HOLY CHURCH BRIDE, hescaping stars to satellites missiling down.Clearly Adam nothing but blessed Brexit/BLAEXIT to Blaexit matters!
YouTube History, Ancient Aliens: Extraterrestrial Life Descends On Earth (S1, E99) | Full... via @YouTube; I woke to this video and a female saying THE BIBLE isn’t any help at these mysteries, have no answers! What, Huh?
We can’t depend too mush on the bible to help explicate the mysteries of the world, huh? Except The Word of God say our world is made of things that doeth not appear, spiritual warfare Paul explained, where was salvation Noah’s Ark for, we’d never figure our way back to AODHF!
Frightnight to rolling twilight skies being born from the womb to darken mirrors, veils, a curse of strong disillusionment. Not counting a curse of Dan 5 madness been counting down Gog and Magog Trumps reentry 7 years since Oct 17, 2018/2019.
I wouldn’t, couldn’t have known Anicent Aliens to Ancient tech except Rev 12 explains there’s mutiny and war in heaven Lucifer and his, Michael and his Lucifer and his millions didn’t only lose but where stripped and exiled to this planet some say predating The Genesis man, marriage Adam and Eve for as far back as the jurassic era;
So Apostle/Prophet THEY say I am, thinking Everything , again EVERYTHING about Aliens had to be perpetrated by them, exiled fallen Angels. Uuntil 2023 intravenous guardians my bedroom just out and said fallen Angels is way Alien to hybrid Angels exist. Now we understand all ancient mysteries, like Aug 24/25 2023 Like GOD promised nothing is again hidden
Take, take Rev 9 loosening of 4 bound angels and their 200 million in demons. Unimaginably still including the handing over the keys to a bottomless pit of their for millennia procreated monsters; I know previously you heard and those who didn’t die by US lab BioCovid repented not. It is only by scripture we understand no human being should be on the planet at this time of their Antichrist reign, get Jesus, get up yonder! HBOW/Apb
Cascadia Megaquake: How The ‘Big One’ Could Wipe Out the Pacific Northwest via @YouTube
After we heard, “Major, Major Earthquake, West Pacific Canada; commanded since 2004 to be wiped off the map! Then we heard “10.2 earthquake,” I aligned to dominoing into Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! “Designed June 10, 2023 last day of America! Hearing Get Holy Bride Of Wrath; though there’s been 3 other stones hammered off of reigning Mt Sinai type; she only got this title as I witnessed reigning her possess Dan 2 described stone from Heaven, prep it and launch it! HBOW/Apb
Dan 9:24-27 Gog and Magog Trump Awarded Two Weeks and 7 years A White House Run April 2/20 2019!
I don’t know Chris kinda like trying to hide the doomed genocidal US/West Rule currency fulfilling biblical prophecy; got that Rev 6, 6th seal John mocking they’re running to erupting, sliding, melting mountains to pristine Islands for help, GODS AS A NOAHS COUSIN WRATH IS COME AND WHO CHRIS BESIDES ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM EXILE LUXURY WILL STAND! HBOW/Apb, see more here,
YouTube History, Ancient Aliens: Extraterrestrial Life Descends On Earth (S1, E99) | Full... via @YouTube
We can’t depend too n the bible to help explicate the mysteries of the world, huh? Except The Word of God say our world is made of things that doeth not appear, spiritual warfare Paul explained, where was salvation Noah’s Ark for, we’d never figure our way back to AODHF!
Frightnight to rolling twilight skies being born from the womb to darken mirrors, veils, a curse of strong disillusionment not counting a curse of Dan 5 madness been counting down in Gog abd Magog Trumps reentry 7 years since Oct 17, 2018/2019.
I wouldn’t, couldn’t have known Anicent Aliens to Ancient tech except Rev 12 explains there’s mutiny and war in heaven Lucifer and his, Michael and his Lucifer and his millions didn’t lose but where stripped and exiled to this planet some say predating The Genesis man, marriage Adam and Eve for as far back as the jurassic era;
So Apostle/Prophet THEY say I am, thinking Everything , again EVERYTHING about Aliens had to be perpetrated by them. Uuntil 2023 intravenous guardians my bedroom just out and said fallen Angels is way Alien to hybrid Angels exist. Now we understand all ancient mysteries, like Aug 24/25 2023 Like GOD promised nothing is again hidden
Take, take Rev 9 loosening of 4 bound angels and their 200 million in demons, not to include handing over the keys to a bottomless pit of their fir millennia procreated monsters; I know previously you heard and those who didn’t die by US lab BioCovid repented not it is only by scripture as understand no human being should be on the planet at this time of their Antichrist reign get Jesus, get up yonder! HBOW/Apb
BREAKING: Tsunami Warning 7.3 Earthquake Hits California via @YouTube: -Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn about inundated with such forewarnings US W. Pacific into the Eastern Seaboard. I just warn dominoing Hawaii is too quiet, but not so much its Pacific area!!
Sorry all I have are trailers to offer,
Sunday Morning Rapture Extended via @YouTube; lead people to Jesus first; the reason why these movies hardly scratch the surface. Simultaneously as The Righteous are skyrocketing America/The Americas/WEST RULE are firerocketing 190 years of tech as it never happened tens of millions westerners dead billions migrating; and the speed!
The Passion of the Christ 2 "Last Day Events" (2024) Final Trailer | Mel... via @YouTube;
FlashForward - Series Trailer via @YouTube; While laying my Safehaven Motel bed I did experience the eerieness of a flashfoward. Brad Pit and Jolie Kids once made safe as I was themselves, now stranded by101 Yellowstones and multimillion man traffic jams while on the phone with me!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Silverton Nicholas Chow and Torrance Allegra Lattern
THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17
-Starring: Preece Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool And Torrance Allegra Lattern, Blake Mario Hilton and Erin Alexandria Brook, Branstone Antonio Hathwell and Penelope Irene Micole, Kingsley Edward Bellows and Keyian Deloris Mensdan, Kylan Desrek Stuart and Christian Alexis Blaine, Morrison Caylip Fence and Reese's Loraine Penniman, Vladimir Elizondo and Riley Bailey Nortstrom
The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy
-Unto Preece Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their first daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and twin daughters Halle Kressida Liverpool and Katherine Beverly Lattern
-Unto Tatum Oniel Cobberson and Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff was born twin daughters Hadee Caelan Kroff and Habaiah Kaamil Kroff, a son Cooper Listan Kroff and twin sons Dejan Cas'sel Kroff and Sterling Equardo Kroff
-Unto Salvadore Constantine Armature and Channing Paris Cartwright was born a son Gaelic Aaliyah Armature a son Paden Stefan Armature and a daughter Jasmine Kalee Cartwright
-Unto Todrick Colten Derus Stockton and Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff was born their first daughter, Tatiana Fe'lix Stockton, a daughter, Shaughnessy Braxton Stockton and a son, Brazen Clarice Kroff
-Unto Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk was born their beloved son, Samson Frederick Cologne, a dear son, Matheson Francis Cologne and a third son, Esteem, Patterson, Franklin Deburk
-Unto Preece Riedler Conrad Cobbleson and Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff was born a son Raven Astrid Cobbleson, and twin sons Parrish Tennison Cobbleson and Bishop Tristan Damien Kroff
7:10, 10:53, seven minutes before Cataclysms Us soil, seven minutes before 7:17 of the command to mark 17 ad 7, and seven minutes,before the 11:00, shopping lunch hours
And Millions and Mounting Are Dead, The Bride Soon To Be Counted With The Missing, Itself The Greatest of All Conspiracies
-Then sang Moses And The Children Of Israel This Song Unto The Lord And Spake, Saying, I Will Sing Unto The Lord, For He Hath Triumphed Gloriously: The Horse And His Rider Hath He Thrown Into The Sea.
Scene I
-Where are we? You cannot ask me a question, First Prince, Darius Silverton And Prince Juttah Tatum Oniel that you do not know the answer to. Now rise up and come this way, we are atop mount Zion, that I am seeing this, who are they? They are Sia Juttah", that just as he asked himself, he knew the answer for himself, only as he stood this aware across the mountain terrain far and wide. as to see Prince Darius Meshullam, Sia, Juttah Tribe Beowulf Michael and Sia, Preece Ctentri Israel, though they were all standing aside him, bringing him for to see him, they all stood at a distant afar, away. Easy to see, hear, there were urgent conversations, strong and mighty betwixt them, betwixt them and first Prince, Silverton Nicholas. Why are we here, when shall I return to Princess NI Be we? That just as he asked he understood the matter, gave an answer, we are here, for we've come to receive the 12 heirs from Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool's exodus, it is to deliver them to Christ, Lord, what mighty celebrations he hath for them and I will return to Princess Ni Be just as soon. Who is she? It is Sia Maaseiah Adonai, come The Bride, Come, Lord Urusalem," did tears of being so emotionally overwhelmed come into his throat, his eyes, and run along his nose, his cheeks, even to taste salty on his tongue. This was just as she looked toward him as to know him and love him. Lord Urusalem. Prince Tatum Oniel has been here before, she and Christ now this one, all territories his visit, now hers, how blessed, blessed is the sounding of the seventh angel. I. First Prince Darius, I also once stood the mount of Olivet, the time of intervention hath come, a great valley right through it's middle would act as the holy people 's deliverance, it is Prince just as Maaseiah remember, the air was crisp and cools up there. What else first Prince Darius do you see? Even as my heart Lord and that of my Preecest made inquiry, we never imagined it true, I have brought them all this way, remaining totally clueless, how they are the 12 heirs and how wonderful." Suddenly as to zoom in for a close up, so close he could feel Prince Tatum Oniel breath on his cheek, even as to whisper in his ear. "I do not understand any of this, then Prince, Deliverer Silverton as well whispered at his ear, lean not unto your own understand and marvel not, all shall be revealed and they all shot off into the heavens like skyrockets, leaving both Preece Silverton and I along yet another whisper, "you are return." >>> 'There you are," as to hastily, happily wrap her arm into his, carry him her way,but was Preece Tatum yet off still, some extraordinary place. "One thing I can say of Prince Juttah, he does as he promise, what's wrong? Did Princess Darius mightily overwhelm you? I only ask because he's known for that, hey, hey, come back to me, I am here, I promise, good because right now, the last dance is ours, wait, what? Ask me for my hand, carry me to the dance floor and I'll take it from there. Dance my lady, my Princess, surely Preece Tatum, and I will honor it for as many years to come." >>>"That's not the least bit flattering, I did or I did not invite you in? I beg your pardon lord, what did you do to him? I showed Prince Tatum the mission of a Darius Juttah, how they're sent on missions for Christ, and what pray, tell Price Darius did this mission consist of? He yet being so mesmerized, I'm afraid that love couldn't be helped but give him time, he will shake it from him and share his perspective. Have I not warn Princess Juttah about being so careless as to use this sacred passage way? I am sorry my Lord, please again, I beg your pardon, it was as though I was finally getting through to him and you come and whisk him away, mind, heart and souls, away. It was time and you need not rush his will, again be careful Princess Darius, Ni Be we, you boarder at the line of foolishness with foot traps all about. As I assured you, he will be yours, you will bare juttah heirs, but not Princess Darius until it's time, now go before discovery and keep thyself aware, O, you, my sister is most astonishing this night, thank you Preece Meshullam, may it be well with you, love as well. >>>"Come in, it's open, Lord's," seeing three unfamiliar males enter in, thinking they'd come to arrive him to the fitting room and so timely, "the fitting, I know, yes Preece Aristotle and no, we're here to arrive you to what your heart desire. It is perhaps that will help with such indecision, it is the dream only last night, my wife and I were strolling, crossing a busy street. Seeming Lords, right into a woody, dirt path, when suddenly there was a stampede of speedy elephants and I lost the hold of her hand in the great shuffle, even scuffle. I looked and looked all around, this stampeding crowd themselves, I couldn't find her, my Christ, I couldn't find her anywhere. Peace be still Preecest Aristotle, Antelope Deer is why we're here, you do Preece know what stampeding elephants represent? The waking up of millions out of their fears of being made aware, elephants of a daunting reality in the rooms no longer plague them. Now if you Lord, please come, so I have not lost her? No, Preecest Antelope deer is only twelve feet away, pray, tell what is my heart's desire, truly God knows and that is a stunning gem, a mighty treasure the heart, one is to discover. You guys are Indian, yes, the continent of America, aborigines, what Preece Aristotle is the continent of your birth? England, so Europe, my parents were Dutch and Dutchess, Clear'Ance, may I ask where are you taking me? It is Lord Urusalem desire that you be taken on the same seeing journey of her made aware, this one she called a type of Christmas Carol, are you Preece at all familiar with any of Maaseiah's reveals? We heard it said in your heart, that Jesus' reveal of God's revelations was in the manner of the things which were. the past, the things which shall be, the present and the things which would be there after, the future. So Preece, where did the story of a Christmas carol truly originate? Tell us Preece Aristotle of England, what is it yous see? I see nothing, nothing, that there is nothing left of the US, Pacific coastline, now past away completely, just as Maaseiah warn and warn and warn, those things now past. My lords, I further see millions are like the days of Noah, gone into mighty waters, an Aquatic fate, never, ever to return, now these strange sea fellows. I'm afraid Preece, although they knew it could happen, they Preece Aristotle never thought it would happen, I fear, I fear mighty I don't want to see anymore of this, please have mercy lords, please. I Sia Bronze Coten, Preece Aristotle told them the same thing, you know what they told me? Father Elohim has to, see that is, so why not I? Surely time is of the essence, so go Preece Cologne and suffer accordingly, you said my wife send you, who is she to you, that she send you to me? Preecest Antelope deer, Jaguar is the last child, daughter of Tribe, Sia, Sioux Noel, so you're telling me she grew up in the house of Deburk? Making us, Sia Medicine Bow, Sia, Bronze Coten and myself, Sia Lion Wolf, her uncles and she our niece, please beloved one, tell us what it is you now see? I see the great house this planet, fantastic not in might but in the majesty it is given, it is burning, it and all of its inhabitants are lost with it, as so Preece, the smoke of it's burning? It is crying, lamenting unto God, right into the brazen altar, and pray, tell, what does it say? It is the church, it has been cast down and literally destroyed, but the foundation haven't been destroyed, but the foundation haven't been destroyed, the foundation laid by Christ and his holy apostles, it can be rebuilt, it can be rebuild! I look still, Lords and I also see that the Kennedy Space center suffers an alike fate, this, such are things at present and millions have fallen because of the burning of it. When I met Antelope deer she wasn't such the believer herself so excuse me if it's all a mystery, that she grew up in a house of such fierce reveal. Belief Preece Cologne come with time and only then as the heart's participants wills it, pray tell, Sia, what is your name? The wind Preece blows as will, and none know from whence it come, nor to whence it goes, so are all those born again, and now come Holy Spirits. Again Lord Aristotle, I must caution, we're on borrowed time and but a little of it, it is only Sia Beowulf Michael that Preece feel betrayed by his wife, Preecest Antelope Deer. I don't rightly know Sia Uncles even if betrayed is the word, it terrifies my heart, what if she'd not told me to caution any of it? But don't you see, that is what terrified Antelope deer's heart as well, she swore to take your uncertainty either to heaven where it is forbidden, or to hell where it is mightily welcome, than to ever abandon you, because Sia's, love is sacrificial. Now tell us Preece Husband, what it is you further see? I now see what can only be, the East Coast of America, everything is washed away or burn of it, everything but that deep south of it, truly I as well fear for it, the mighty deep, black waters beckons and calls out for it. There, right there is where I, An'te, our friend Cobbleson, and others sat so helpless until Princess Ni Be we, found us and carried us quite a distant away. Then I heard it, a voice, a transmission so clear in my ear, when it was said so plainly and I quote, "the eastern seaboard is gone," O the blessed, bitter seeing of all of it and there Preece Aristotle Heiress Cologne ended the lesson, go and know Preecest Antelope deer and your Father in heaven righteous judgment now come, all the better." >>>"No, no, according Deliverer Silverton to Darius Juttah things the Ancient of Days said I don't think it was meant that we hear nor comprehend all of it, at least not just yet. Remember Heir John, when the seven thunders spoke and he went to write but he was told not to write it down, not to reveal what it was that was said, right? Very good example Preece Cobbleson, so God, as a mouth speaking great things to this multitude allowed us to hear only that needed, which was to be acquainted with both his griefs and sorrows. Our as well, deliverer, garden of Gethsemane on the way to both the beginning and the end of our unbearable cross, Christ's Cross yoke of deliverance. He became as a hand and touched them, did you Preece Tatum see this as well? I did see, he touched or marked their forwards just as scripture describes it, that God's Anointed are marked, either their heads or their hands. We saw the hands cleansed and washed, the froward marked, only heir John saw that the beast made mockery of it no doubt the ultimate bruising of Jesus' heel. Would be, by marking his followers, the number instead of men, of 666, the hands or head as well, so who were they Prince Silverton Nicholas and from whence did they come? If I had to guess Lord Tatum, I would say they are the one hundred and forty-four thousand of Christ's virgin followers, who're pluck right out of the greatest of Babylon's abomination since Noah's day, only worst, all fulfillment now come, well said Preece brother, so well said. You do realize Preece Silverton what you're telling me, that me and my twelve leaders just saw the one hundred and forty four thousand specialty saints straight through the worst to happen right to Christ; that it is unto Him you and I both Preece Cobbleson like a Peter, a John, from Mount Sion to Zion then watched them ascend? Just know Preece Tatum Oniel what I couldn't imagine kinda flew the coup when Preecest Torrance revealed not only was I adopted, I was originally of the house of the Saurus, Coogan, Chow. Well, actually the, Saurus, Coogan, Chow, the beginning to the end of paradise Africa, as so was I to understand was that a fated Aqua transformable. Now the Juttah Septennial forfeited was making like a U-turn and coming back especially for me, just to wrap my mind, even my heart around that impossibility alone. The next I know I'm leading an exodus of thousands upon thousands without even realizing who they are, right along these literal forbidden sceneries, this perfect memory of Moses exodus, truly the phenomena things Preece Tatum Oniel, Elohim has instored indeed" Why speak in parables? For they say the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Be aware as god, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,
Diedsuddenly ✅ @diedsuddenly_
Lexi is going through a rough patch. She is feeling mistreated and ignored by hospital staff.
Alexis is going through continuous pain and itching, and is undergoing surgery twice a week for her skin recovery.
Pray for to find peace and healing and to not give up the fight 🙏
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
Torn hole in the wall Ezekiel 8:7-8, Grand Caden entry by a hole in heaven has a prayer now sealed his kneeling to God HIMSELF. He and Gen 15/Ps 91/Rev 12 Archangel skyrocketing May 30, 2022! Whenever mine get sick I will say ask, have you prayed Caden prayer? Never has it failed, I’ve had him avoid it for parental sympathy. Simply he pray Jesus heal my body, Jesus heal my blood, in your name Jesus, repeat!
BY HIS STRIPES WE SRE HEALED; mine were in the clutches of the Covid pandemic my healing oil, water to teas to burnt offering didn’t rest that year. Same my youngest son from Covid emergency to kidney transplant. It began with a pathogen Caden and his a hospital stay I was so bad at one time I was dying along with my Alzheimer’s sister spirit to flesh spilled anointing oil from window seal to lead pillow healing me!
Hearing WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! Fact is any schools, Colleges THE WORK PLACE! Places of worship, INFANTS curses of death; any dealing with the public can walk the deadliest US lab BIO WMD in human history in. She was burning up, freezing to death with a sore throat moments from seizures and death pray you’re not suffering parental procrastination healed, her hands clutch, head bows, done, healed.
There’s a first time for everything, like Green Mile, I recently realized non the waiting room, holding hands in prayer that day for decades has suffered a natural death. The first I prayed, reasoned my brain dead sister in law broken blood be healed! Faith the size of a mustard seed intravenous BLOOD, Angels; BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED!
Dec 3 2024 252 Matrix tenth day counts and counting 2021 Dec 3 Rev 3 Jesus message is be watchful or he’d come upon at a time earth inherit think not! Thanksgiving 2018 /Christmas 2001 Rapure bern passed off monthly 252 and counting so why I THEY keeping me reminding Dec ¾\5 2024 Watch Run live! Will, even have THEY hint at another specific date Dec 24/25 2024 THEY'LL definitely yank us out UK/BC/US soil /tens of millions will die alone!
Tug of US Trump/Islamic Abbas/Israeli Netanyahu Dec 3 2017 turn into a judgment Dec 25 2001 until 190 months Eze 4/5Dan ⅘ be fulfilled plus a 40 day deficit dating back to Jesus desert trial Into Thanksgiving 2017 then we go skyrocketing off the planet only a since Hawaii Missile morning 2018 Rev 2 Jesus for a year every Matrix tenth dsy countdown until my 2021 Dec 3 Rev 3 Jesus Watch and my Dec your Dec 3 2024 reminder Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 design Alien Apocalypse is invading marvel not the cry pray for human beings At the wailing wall for most are Devils, demons and Aliens!
Hey yuu guys standing in the mirror designing my BD hairstyle reminder Dec 3 predicted Alien Invasion a Year abd 4 months now, revisit thet Dec 3 first Thanksgiving 2017 Rev 2 Jesus awarded Matrix ten day countdown into tug of war Trump and Abbas, Abbas 8 leads all elephants of studying unaware presently instead a run on matrix blue pill of staying unaware! Marvel not a pandemic of opioid overdoses to DEA tossing Memphis houses over the Matrux
Possibly on the pulse with Silki’s voice, when are you gonna realized breaking news, “after 101 Yellowstone eruptions,” and WEST RULE/190 years of tect no more is dominoing worldwide vulcanism! Proceeding was seeing the earth open and death bringer leap out! Then hearing behold it is death and its rising against the time it was defeated by Christ Cross!
I can’t count the amount of references to apocalyptic SOLAR to cosmic to VOLCANIC ARMAGEDDON since. Miraculously with biblically described Ancient Of Days intravenous come to us like to Gen 15/28 Lot to Jacob showing the way up out of here or where to crossover to Safehaven territories! So what you to GA’S to Africa’s COAST if millennia of prediction are wrong it’s like you can’t like Lots wife look or go back! HBOW/pb
YouTube On The Pulse With Silki Homes were shaken - Volcano shoots 9000ft plume of Ash and Steam #Taal via @YouTube;
Marvel not THEY placed vulcanism on Orange Alert, warn Hawaii is building! Marvel not seeing those fuel containers in a circle and one by one set ablaze. As predicted since 1996, death bringer from beneath volcanic eruptions are off the map, also described a shaky, shaky shelter! Apb
I’m serious when I say I supposed it was her, the female voice I heard, Silki, the aftermath of West Rule firerocketing and Holy Church Bride skyrocketing; that handwriting escape breaking news, “after 101 Yellowstone eruptions!”
Just think innumerable Jacob’s ladders shooting skyward showed up for Hawaii missile crisis just as THEY did for that Chernobyl end of home planet scenario; any takers mystery of holiness stumbles in offering invitation only mansions in heaven. Behold I stand at hearts doors if any takers get Jesus get up yonder! HBOW/Apb
Youtube Unknown Prophet God Said He Will Take Them Down...One Way or Another! via @YouTube
Seeing As John Phenom Interstellar Armageddon Hearing Michael Is Setting His All Around!
Somebody lately prophet asked me, who is THEM? Gen 15/Gen 28/Ps35/Ps 91/Father Zechariah and Mother Mary Gabriel/Jacob Jesus Jacob Ladder! June 10, 2023 it was my Rev 17:14 Jesus husband! Chernobyl SOS April Spring it was Mal 4 Sunlight Of Righteousness, took me, hand me off to the Prophet Ezekiel. When a couple weeks ago The Sun itself was here walking, talking among people!
Pres Trump’s Jan thru March 2019 followed in realtime by air traffic problems. There’s this unprecedented lightening storm, it was witnessing Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM warring a Star Wars battle; hearing a Star Wars battle up there it’s 2013! Hawaii missile morning it was the innumerable Jacob’s to Prophet Zechariah 14 to John Rev 19 intravenous. There’s its matrix tenth day Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel is with him!
Fight night to rolling twilight skies there isn’t just since Oct 2022 a hammering off of a reigning type Mt Sinai but hearing Get Holy Bride of wrath Dan 2 meteor made without hands is only one of the pieces of its planetary bodies she’s tossing down at reigning
Red Dragon/GREAT WHORE WEST RULE Them/Demons and Aliens, Rev 1-9 thru 19. Like Genesis Women fullness of time come his sacrificial cross THEY’VE spared no expense those Holy Ancient intravenous! HBOW/Apb
See here,; seeing it’s Dec 1 remind waking Dec 3, 4 and 5 to Rev 3 Jesus saying Watch! RUN! Live! And moments later the video above was added to my YouTube, Alien Invasion Dec 3, as in today’s Rev 3 Jesus, saying WATCH! HBOW/Apb, see here,
Help Put Me in Flight! or cashapp me. $patann1258 text 901-600-9519
Bright Side Global Big One Coming, CALIFORNIA Overdue Earthquake is right around the corner,; WITH CALIFORNIA MARKED ON THE MAP, THEIR WORDS EXACTLY OCT 1 2004/OCT 3 2021 BIG ONES COMING!
And Bright side Global The Eyes Blink Speed! Witnessed By Jesus And Me, Snatched Out While Running An Exodus!
THEY got us and gone ten days prior, simultaneously tens of millions are incinerated. But near a billion are escaping, crossing over! So I must ask, Trump, Gabriel, Archangel Michael’s YouTube Dutchsinse say, he’s pretty accurate or you say.? Marvel not mocking whether you speak his language, waking saying Dud In Dutch, both Babel Fall and Mystery Babylon!
Never mind you have the most powerful Angel recorded in scripture. I mean when John sees, he’s standing one foot the planet, one foot the sea. When I first hear him, then see him he’s anxiously prancing, you can hear him up there US W Pacific loud and clear. Believe Apostle/Prophet if an entire planet can be reduced to one ark family a world system can be reduced to one multibillion man crossover!
Frightnight how US W Pacific inundated with such forewarnings is imminent. Beware those They’ve labored two months later US states of barbecue exception US GA ‘S coast. When like Isa 16, Rev 7 John, Sen Obama’s 2009 /Trumps 2018, I’m watching every type vehicle on this planet Locked, LOADED and pouring into US Georgia’s Coast CROSSOVER! HBOW/Apb
Sulaiman Ahmed @shaykhsulaiman
Noah’s Ark, Now Am I Shaykh In As Much Trouble As Miserable Job Saying He Wished He’d Never Been Born? Because if I am and wake in outer darkness, black void again wishing for screaming tortures of hell! Who am I kidding? I could never wish outer darkness upon my worst enemy! Blessed Noah's Ark, blessed Juneteenth Commanded Exodus, Apb, The RAM
YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor
Okay, okay, okay, is Rev 11/12 Star Warring AODHF/Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael THEM challenging,
Gog and Magog them daring THEM to keep us here during RED DRAGON Them timeline; Oct 17 2021 thru April 2025/April 2025 thru Oct 17, 2028.m? The Star war battle in the Heavens I too witnessed heard being wedged between them, all!
Think FSS what can stop this insurmountable escalation but the gunormity I witnessed send America, West Rule Firerocketing . Frightnight followed by breaking news about, saying “After 101 Yellowstone eruptions, designed June 10, 2023, “the last day of America!” HBOW/Apb
Article Weather Guru, BRICS Moving Away From th; predicted since-1995 abd there a little Miya girl surveyor, translator, And Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout! The Lord’s Shout Chernobyl April Spring Rapture I Heard Thrice, Rev 4 John/Rev 11 Martyred two witnesses COME, As, Come Up Here!
-Rapture imminent hearing He will kill you. Sabbath day On Main Street. I’m thinking like Magog Trump throwing N. Kim under the bus Non- proliferation/Nuclear a bust! China’s Xi did the same to Col Gaddafi’s US of Africa to Golden Denair! You, yours running?
I just come back remind what I heard its decades. Tug of Trump/Kim Hawaii missile morn. Rev 10 Jesus the spirit of prophecy a Hussein takes US WH/WORLD REIGN here Rev 11:1, 2 and here Tug of burning Bush/Cheney one era, new Fearfactor greasing of handlebars, skyrocketing with Westerners 100 million dead!
DEA shown overthrowing their houses; soon they’re a caravan of escape with huge red, monster trucks! Like after that Pompeii movie of Memphis seducing spirit felled out with them I just accused them of knowing and understanding in ways others don’t but it isn’t just them, is it westerners? Marvel not way God sent us like during great white judgement He Might be justified when He speak and be clear when He judge!
Article The Wall Street Journal, Jimmy Carter, Former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dies at 100
Single White House term was marked by Iran hostage crisis and economic problems; later humanitarian work was recognized with the Nobel Peace Prize,
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Imminent 666 Antichrist Economy!
“What Nextus to Richet Juttah is the stampeding elephant in the room Grand Sia latest comments; she’s making little reference to The Holy Bride Of Wrath Since She’s Been Called To Active Duty, The Sky is falling; beware of alien dangers from above!” Thank you Memphis Carter for that light of righteousness. Does those double white gates opening and releasing The White Rabbit 🐇 the same gesture, all Nextus to Richet Juttah
genocidal gigs terrestrial to ex-terrestrial, unveiled the putting of all THEIRS in fast and furious exodus, we, our leaders, our military wrestle not against flesh blood a war they never could’ve won! Angel man, Lord Hawthorne, thank you as well!” will there Darius, Tribunal Karsiann be an Apocalyptic event any day now? Grand Sia mom has two personal timelines, hearing 11 days just now there’s some Jan 7 to 8 imminent is all we know, knowing the Biden/White House was the one so tremendously consumed!” Why?
Wake Hearing Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!
Seeing Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband Hammering At Flood Preventive Stilts See Hurricane Beryl to Helene Damage To Death Tolls
Tittering between an Apocalyptic Christmas to US Inauguration, both predicting millions dead: even a burning Biden/Harris Whitehouse. President Carter’s Death Is A Bad Omen. Holding Memphis Carter hand as we crossed the street and sudden Apocalypse come all around, referenced a well loved, prized, artistic President Carter!
Nuclear, Jan month, has predicted, one hour with the beast, the Apocalyptic end of 7th world systems, Great Whore Mystery, since 2018, in enters the Dragon, BEAST, 666 system. There’s waking President day some bout Carter’s hospice, about flag carrying Patriotic Teen girls. These yet sparkling electrical wires burning these giant sky covering US flags. Thinking US flags that huge fly The burning Biden/Harris White House, The Capital, The Pentagon?
Memphis Carter Caribbean Cruise/President Carter Death The Omen, activate Pompeii Movie of Memphis! Itty bitty pieces of procrastinating Memphians/Hacks Cross, even, two in particular, Brad-Pat Nieces named for the CME/EMP. beware Ben Affleck Armageddon, Nov 24, 2024, counting down 37 days its SOLAR Apocalypse. The clothes on your back, the shoes your feet, son, daughter with you detour Birthday reimburse Caribbean Cruise into US GA Coast/CROSSOVER into Africa's SW Atlantic, HGOW/Apb
YouTube Pastor JD asks, wouldn't it stand to reason that something big is coming... via @YouTube;
X God The Father, HIMSELF is standing over my bed showing He too like Archangel is star warring. So manufactured Pastor to what endgame? So many people seeing, hearing, knowing caught by the hundreds of millions unaware; Mighty Angel describes US W. Pacific as inundated with such forewarnings.
X I hear, desolations predicted US soil now come, beware The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard! This was ten days later like that Hawaii missile was a hit, millions dead. Post Apocalyptic that Chernobyl Nuclear Plant meltdown and here’s the warn US States of barbecuing.
X Presently it’s Dan 9:24-27 July 27/28 2023 I wake from the calculation of death tolls, hearing, seeing Britain 25 million, Canada 25 million, that’s 100 million westerners dead! Remember Bush/Cheney into Trump’s 2017 inauguration it’s warn 50 million US dead! HBOW/Apb
Article Earth And Space, Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano shows more vigorous eruption activity
“This was much longer than the 3-4 hours of sluggish eruption that preceded the fountaining of the second episode," the HVO wrote Friday night. “Current fountain is occurring bursts up to 30-45 feet high from the two most northern vents."
-See, see this article, as intravenous Angels atop Hawaiians houses this thing about serving volcanoes. The grandma, movie Dante’s Peak, bragging her volcanic mountain wasn’t gonna hurt them. Maybe her volcanic mountain wouldn’t hurt but prophesied 99 bowels of molten lava and a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, just run!
One moment she’s sitting, eating her Memphis family theater room; next she’s sitting, eating, well more shocked, she’s now my Georgia living room. Aug 31 2019, breaking of news, “after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions,” yes Aug 7 was the handwriting clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! I’m charging this red alert ‼️ to YouTube On The pulse with Silki! Knowing Hawaii missile morning was treated evenly as post apocalyptic Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown;
I’m witnessing Ancient intravenous fast and furiously firerocketing to skyrocketing THEIRS out. I told y’all weeks back Hawaii was too quiet, the calm before millions are UK/BC/US states barbecued! Marvel not May 3, 37 day countdown into June 10, 2023, and some bout Ben Affleck Armageddon, again, THEY suddenly translated Memphis Grands into US Georgia Again!
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: A Look Through The Window At The Myriad Dystopian And Prophetic Things Already Lining Up To Greet Us In 2025,
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring King Bridegroom Crystalbal Michael Centi and Queen Bride Charlotte Abiola Biome
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038
Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Madisen Alexium Logan and Lorcan Lake (Tangan), Tanganyika Ambrosia was born a godson Kaiserliche (Kaiser) Gustav Logan a goddaughter Cassian Roseau (Rose) Logan a godson Cagney Eian Logan and a goddaughter Cerid Auberon Logan Ambrosia
Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse!
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
"How can they all ignore biblically and scripturally Jesus suggested his holy, saints, to tribulations saints alike all run, get away, get out! Apostle John too record hearing God suggesting his come out so they won't’ suffer the judging of leaders and these weights of martyred blood guilt. So again I ask how can they ignore reigning Sunlight of Righteousness calling for inherit Juneteenth exodus, two decades now, now imminent? I know May THEY have until Apocalyptic January 20, predicting 50 million US dead, even the first 42 month interval, Rev 11:1, 2 finale, April 2025, but will day in only a few days destroy that WH before Dan 9:24-27, Gog and Magog Trump can again step one foot into it? The Biden, Harris White House you clearly witnessed burn up, Air Force Ones all, even witnessed a spacecraft type intervention. This is it May, the end of America, West Rule, all of it, it’s not like there’s another Biden/Harris WH pending. I’m just saying going on with an apocalyptic Christmas to US Inauguration will fulfill those Dec 29, 2019 Holy Angels May all in a Running Race to put the warnings for over two decades of a Christmas GINORMITY back on track! Then Grand THEY building us race cars and racetracks to fast and furious get us out, here lately designing school uniforms out of school bullying, those fast and furious monster trucks, fiery, hot wheels outfits. Dec 30, 2024, Autistic Carter/Prize, Artistic Pres Carter, Pompeii Movie Of Memphis building as surely as Hawaii is again erupting,. Darling May, Rev 10, Mighty Angel warn dominoing Hawaii you warn weeks back was wayyy too quiet. I just told them, take intravenous angels all around the top of Texans houses about hurricane Beryl, as ancient intravenous warning Hawaiians stop worshiping an apocalyptic creature over an Apocalyptic Creator, get out of there, RUN!” Why speak in parables? For they say the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Be aware as Star Warring God, Himself, HGOW/Apb, The RAM, see more here,