Wednesday, September 18, 2024

He That Wouldn’t Let Now Let The Multibillion Man Royal Priesthood No Longer Fiery Doomsday Planet!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling beware 2023 May 3 countdown 37 days into a June 10, hammering off of a reigning Mt Sinai Apocalyptic NEO’S. One Year and 3 Days Nuclear, Shaky, Shaky September 18, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 The Multibillion Man Royal Priesthood, are no longer earthbound! He that  wouldn’t let, beware now let recurring catastrophic events, launched, incoming, impacting; Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic, Alien Apocalypse!

Is the Rapture Happening This Rosh Hashanah? | Tipping Point with Jimmy ... via @YouTube

He That Wouldn’t Let Now Let The Multibillion Man Royal Priesthood No Longer Fiery Doomsday Planet! 

Hearing Get (Loose), Holy Bride Of Wrath Of Wrath Like Unleashed The Planetary Bodies! 


First picture Pres Trump campaigning with that huge bandage aside his head. Clearly I couldn’t stop thinking about Rev 13 beginning to be fulfilled by way of US soil Senator Obama’s 2009 campaign. Here was Trump’s, Sept 15, 2020, The Abraham Accord counting down more ticking time tables than any man now with a wounded head.

It’s was Sept 15, 2023, and left wondering after 9 years why change the date? Talk about hit the ground running only we’re in second heaven intercessions; for The Two Witnesses leading captivity captured The Tribulation Saints. Clearly everyone is running around getting it ready for some ginormous arrival. 

I explained by its Jan 16, 2023, also a revised date. Resurrected, ascending are turn back for them seeming mid flight. Like that’s how speedily the final Rev 13:5, 42 month April 2025 thru Oct 2028, interval went. Miraculous GRACE, we’re arriving with invitations, gowns and tuxedos as they’re, well we’re all bidden to the marriage supper of THE LAMB! HBOW/Apb

The Rabbit Hole ✅


There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech.”

— Tim Walz,; you wouldn’t believe how Trump Gabriel THEM and Archangel Michael THEM mock The Matrix movie; from a Nov, Thanksgiving 2017, Rev 2, Jesus awarded every matrix tenth day countdown to worsening mass disasters; to here, 2024 a major run done on matrix blue of staying unaware; remember elephants of staying unaware stampeded Dec 3, 2017 Trump/Abbas tug of turf wars. 

Elon Musk ✅ X


He wants to take away your right to free speech in America;

Marvel not witnessing the silence in heaven began from my portal of a prayer closet; I explained Elon, where I was standing after that 30 minutes silence was spent. When I heard what The Sunlight Of God Want; penance, EXODUS! Once senses faired over a Mt Sinai type reigning God’s back turn Throne; marvel not reigning Bride prepped Dan 2 stone; a SUNLIGHT begin to rise, talk to  me, to western leads as we’re the days of Moses, Hebrews to Pharaohs, “ let my people go!”



For they say the Lord seeth us not, The Lord is ascended from the earth; why Trump Gabriel and Star Warring Archangel Michael speak in parables to mazes of revealing sin! She, God’s back turn Throne, Kamala Harris must win, make the world Sodom! 2 Chron 7, Eze 5/9 AODHF want 2 things penance/EXODUS!


Ah my Lord is Jesus, THE CHRIST, what, wasn’t happening? There's a hijacking Syed Farook; 21 Coptic Christians being martyred; text like messages on my bed, Jesus On The Way, here, thrice! The Antichrist in great prowess killing millions going broke; GOD SAID HE WOULD KILL MILLIONS, 100 million westerners we know! When reigning Bride the stone from heaven King Nechadnezzar see instantly ends kingdom, nation building, I see she possessed, prepped and launched it! 


Explaining hearing “go get Holy Bride Of Wrath that’s incoming planetary bodies! Two big ones Oct 2, 2004/Oct 3 2021; Asteroid destroy middle schools where a same gender school curriculum roots in! I’m clear the two boys Rev 17:14 hammering, Jesus skyrocketed off the planet were  victims of a school bus drop/drowning; revisited Hawaii missile morning, remember near two thousand years Rev 2 Jesus threaten  he’d use death, take your children. 

YouTube Lion Of Judah


Woke from being marked 666 on my the hand; it was 7 years  post apocalyptic Chernobyl April Spring Rapture. Frightnight to Amazing Grace we’re being marked on my  forward by the Sunlight  Of God and admonished be acquainted with HIS grieves and sorrows; THEY’VE always shown me both sides of the prophetic spectrum! 


Hearing “GET THE HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH is the equivalent of having those four bound angels loose; simultaneous planetary to Alien Apocalypse! Prophesied one year, month, week, day, hour to nano-second simultaneously earth's billions inherit are either Translating, crossing over, firerocketing to skyrocketing and you have no power but to suddenly be in this number, repent or perish! 

I explained hear Dec 3, 2021 Rev 3 saying watch, watch the equivalent of Rev 11 AODHF showing HIMSELF Star Warring as both John and I had witnessed; and to honest multibillion man Royal Priesthood, human extinction set!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddesses Bride, Zorya Sophia Carmneh and Lord King Bridegroom, Zephenial Xaneth Uvanstall 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Dannien Kirklyn Smarts and Zoshlyn Britney Gunter was born a godson Arias Dotsun Smarts, a godson Arellele Deida Smarts a and godson Anastasia Destin Smarts and a Goddaughter Alejandro Depiphany Smarts, Gunter 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

"For, lo, sweet love, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. draw me, Lord Urusalem and I come, after thee! No, don’t come near me, don’t see me, please,” Every flickering second a metamorphosis of each of them ever declaring their love, for her, miraculously unsettling he was each of them, all of them simultaneously and she authentically every woman! “I'm nothing but its encompassing dreadfulness to helplessness, touch me Lord, I fear I’ll start screaming and will never, ever be able to stop! Still to understand what's happen, the most upset now reigning Lord Urusalem had ever been. I'm just saying beloved, a dreamscape, a visionary, I’m just saying, take care Lord Jerusalem, it is a spreading, nightmare of all nightmares, even here, these high heavens.  Nothing its comparison, horrid painstaking echoing cries, my god, my god why has thou forsaken me? It will not meet me here, Lord Urusalem, be careful your cries, it cannot reach me here, horrid trials of the flesh tell me, tell—-me! Draw me Lord Urusalem and I will come after thee , I, no, no, no, except it’s passions of the cross a gaping hole this terrifying mind-heart ripper, cannot, it will not meet me here, it cannot reach me here, horrid trials of the flesh, tell me, tell——-me! This is the Maaser Rishon Room, both its beast and beauty, I explained remember beloved, I explained, remember? Nothing is impossible, bitter, sweet coursing intercourse our Maaseish Adonai sweetheart, weeping and wailing be acquainted a companion, its supplemental grieves and sorrows. I beseech thee, Trust, delight blessed one, draw me, draw me, my yoke of oxen my bleeding, melting, heart.  No, no, I swear it Lord no, no, it will not meet me here, it cannot reach me here, horrid trials of the flesh, tell me, tell——-me! Draw me, draw me, I will come after you Maaseiah Adonai, remember you designed it, the indescribable adoration, preservation, Safehaven its restive cradle! I know, I was there Lord Urusalem, when it hurt me deeply, look at me, I’m in it’s pieces, still, I’m In its pieces still. I know, I know, it was whenever I heard in my ear, what human being is worthy? Who then beloved Lord Jerusalem, Jesus Husband is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle? Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who beloved then Lord Urusalem Is This King Of Glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle? Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who Lord Urusalem is this king of glory?” Twin Star lights as they were, his drawing closer than she’d allowed. Carefully taking, kissing each her hands, gently laying his forward to hers, breathing her sweet, sweet breaths to deliciously edible psalms of Solomon. Who beloved Lord Urusalem Is This King Of Glory? The LORD of hosts, Lord Jerusalem, Jesus Husband, he is this King of glory! Draw me always Lord Urusalem I will come after thee, yes even these here high places of the high. I Will look for you always, low, far and all around, I Will find you always and always will I find you, Draw me Lord Jerusalem, trust delight commit, I Will come after thee! My beloved spake, Lord Jerusalem, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. draw me, Lord Urusalem and I come, after thee!"     >>> "I'm saying see for millennia predestined, procreated, prognosticated one year, month, week, day, hour to nano-second, earth's multibillions are simultaneously, translating, crossing over, skyrocketing to descending into molten hell. Born May darling into a spiritual warfare, to darken mirrors and veils; since cursed strong delusions: since cursed Daniel 4 King Nebuchadnezzar's madness; the post apocalypse of a 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster their country, continent to world system in total splintering, stampeding elephants of staying unaware to a massive run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware yet they refuse to repent shown to be evident not one of them is speeding to running to get out! Trump's second assassination tempt, I know love, but I can't take it serious, even if I want to, were they really targeting him or interrupting the status que, this media frenzy bringing chaos sown? Doesn't matter, the tens of millions in westernized victims is because May they couldn't listen, they wouldn't see, hear, they're to speak no evil. Even one of Musk, X post lately reminded we talk too much, your response May, what if its reigning in heaven star warring AODHF place, The Sunlight of God, from behind also a reigning Mount Sinai type, crying let my people? When holies, May know what that mean, Jesus having verified, the truth sets us free, marvel not even where the bottom of our feet lay, represent God's whole armor and yours shod with the preparation of the peace. Blessed granny are the peacemakers, for thy shall be called the sons of God, Jesus explaing to Pilate he come to testify of the truth, is that what I'm doing grand, bringing peace? Even Maaseiah Adonai, crown Jesus, atop a cloud up there joyously thrusting in reaping sickle and Crown Bride, witnessing clouds ballooning with its plenty and how beyond glorious, yet love billions mostly damned are dead and dying, planet-wide. Then John hears, go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel, which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. I know, remind of May 31, 2022, Archangel Michael's Grand Caden seeing John with an opened bible, who's Grand Sfia has been visited upon by the identical mighty angel, swearing US W. Pacific time out, predicted desolations here. Further Maaseiah, John explain, "And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. You thinking Maaseiah, it has anything to do with the book, laid at the foot of your bed? The book I saw grand, laid at the foot of my bed, was a one of remembrance, but Maaseiah, hearing the emotions in your voice, aren't they all? Mighty Angel is explaining, nothing God, has remembered, spoken and prophesied, over these many millennia will return to him void, be just as aware the mid-west, its eastern seaboard, and Grand it's famed, letters USA we witness floating off the American continent into Africa's Continent. Meaning love the entire thing, could just break to burn apart, off, again float, love and kisses, without shame, I'm gonna watch my favorite TV series, over again for the third time straight, love and kisses, there's no shame there, grand love and kisses to you too!"   >>>"OH MY GOD, don’t do that Emires, I’ll drop this baby on your head!” Barely a toddler the crib beside them, one in the oven and mightily zealous husband was still coming, coming, coming after her! “On top of my head? You're driving me crazy, please, shhh, no, no that, pinning, whining, tickling, to keep from screaming, ouch, punching his chest, that little fist hurt, I'm outta sorts you crazy man, mercy, mercy unborn, all, okay, come here, shhh, no, I swear, I surrender, okay, come, Emires, I promise, come here, sleep, shhh, sleep, shhh."     >>>"Thy hands if they are cleaned so," hearing darling husband leaving bed, now upon approach, "yet if you play them at panic Nicholas Edin, what shall it prophet? Remember the night, losing Michael Day and you reach out your hand it’s heart ripping persuasion. "Draw me Lord Urusalem and I will come after thee!’ When Lord  Jerusalem reached out his hand, that same suspicion flared up, rush my heart, but not just that I’ve touched him before and it’s electrical, flesh, mind, blood transfusion and couldn’t bear it, Oh God I couldn’t bear it, I couldn’t, shhh, shhhh, I’m here, feel me, see me Maaseiah. I’m here. Come, come, sit, while drunk on sleep and stumbling into bed covers, pillars you explained this impossible nothing Nicholas can separate us not even paradise throne, you don’t have to fear it. Then neither dear love do you but like you, I do, I do fear it, one moment I’m brave and I’m ready to rid corruptible flesh to face it. all and the next I’m so intimidated. I know, her voice cracking, tears spiraling she's fastening up away, I’m pregnant with Maaseiah Adonai The Second at least it’s  not our dissolution but new genealogy. I can’t believe they’re do this to us again, first the godtriplets now this. Sound like you had your suspicions for a while, a few of those, a month or so. I don’t understand it and the same time I understand completely. What can I say temptress love, but here we go again, that’s all, her damp  lips, teeth tickling his ear. As long yuu take some passionate part in making it happen; explaining finding myself more overwhelmed by our love than ever, ever before. Come. I’m gonna hit the shower, come with me, no, why, Nicholas Edin Coogan I come in there there’s no transit into The African Juttah for you! Right, and you promised your brothers, right I did, you were there.  I see that stop trying to wiggle your way out, the Coogan firm, especially you are needed at the Richat estate.  Okay, okay, okay, you right, I do this, transit back here when we’re done a few hours or less, right you’re back. Seriously you okay for me to go, you gonna make me cry, do that, okay, okay cold shower here I come. “     >>>”She’s gonna drop your unborn on top of your head that’s your wakeup call? It remind to what great extremes, I love playing with my wife, and at times it drives her crazy! Mine drive me crazy, if anyone running from the shower it’s instead me, laugh out loud finny. You Cry (Creighton)? Yes, me, you don’t seem like the victim but the predator, I don't  know about a victim but my wife is pretty, well highly clever!  Highly clever, look, I've said too much, change the subject, so was Trump another near assassination or overreaching reporting? They can try to stop predestined to bring humans to the brink of the Antichrist’s human extinction. Perfect Dangerous men like him and Harris aren’t going anywhere until billion’s more are dead! Just got an alert, you guys, Sia Kadesh reveals class is canceled, he is not on campus. Guys, we can join Sia Heels Feet or just hang out! I need the credits, I’m getting to class, wait up Emires man, me too, I need credits too. Sooo you three? So you Pax man, yeah let’s hang out, hey y’all been in the watery down under, the aquarium? Let's go, let’s go, sharks under Paris all, there’s no shark in the aquarium. There's been sharks, wondering in, twice I think! Let’s go!  Just you guys know, she’s no innocent when I’m waking quaking, hollering captivated hair follicles to popping toe tails her play thing, play boy even, I don’t run, I can’t run, Preecest Astrid’s own crippling, vastest, thrills."     >>>"Gods back turn, he want two things repentance, exodus, running saves lives, saving lives saves souls; think, why else would the GOD of all Gods admonished Holy saints to tribulation saints to just run?  So, you can see on the board, we have a winner from our little trivia game, The God Triplet team who guessed both streets Dunlap and St Elmore, as those the little Miya girl reveal, is god triplet and her team, El Mahaseiah and Darius, Karsiann, you are 2000 credits richer, congrats.  Remember Memphis Granda St, the experience was live, a backseat surveyor, translator was real. His identity as a baby Angel Gabriel was instead revealed in a dream. Yes, I’m sayings Grand, grand drove around that 2005 payday while an angel or so conversed with her from the back seat; terrified her reminding despite how wondrous it all was, a day would come you wouldn’t be able to give it away all, indefinitely store up heart treasures in heaven! Why Speak In Parables? For like in the days of Ezekiel rebellious, they yet say The Lord seeth us not, The Lord Is Ascended from the earth."

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Second Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump By Ryan Wesley Routh Tells You A Third One Is On The Way

Father God, I Beheld The Transgressor And Was Grieved Because He Kept Not Thy Word! 


There’s something Sept 14, 2024, Bout Rev 22, See Ps 91 Also! May 31 2022 Apostle John In Heaven Did Have An Opened Bible!

Possibly Those Michael’s List To My Previous Torn Out Page to Rev 14 Crown King Thrusting In Reaping Sickle From Clouds Of Heaven! Just as King Solomon’s burnt offering prayer literally waited a fireball from heaven responses: so does my as II Chron 7 burnt offering 36,000 pieces. Pleading especially an epidemic of gun violence primary victims black males be brought back from Great White Throne Judgment! For The Lord Knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly, Geoffery, shall perish! HBOW/Apb

Article The Wrap, President Biden, Kamala Harris Condemn New Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump: ‘Violence Has No Place in America’

Saying, violence has a place in America; I’m thinking this is quite a stretch but if not remember predestined Jesus to those Two Witnesses couldn’t be taken out until their designed task was  finished. Present world leaders despite how well meaning will aid/abet Antichrist bring Mankind to brink of Noah Day extinction; and as Jesus too explained, THE SPEED! 




See here, Zech 14, Rev 6, 6th seal here,


The last time burning Bush since fire like a sword from prison bars (Guantanamo Bay), targets him. Spoke, judged Middle East war from a golf course 23  years this 911 New York towers went down a predicted 40 million Islamic dead including future generations; 50 million US, 25 million UK/BC each, perhaps here’s the stoppage! 


-Violence Has No Place in America: tell me they’re not this disillusioned even Eze 4 madness curse ticking down 6 yrs of 7? Praying for my sons biblical Angels come into my prayer closet saying expect a pandemic of gun violence to homicidal parents! AODHF


Marvel not the last school shooting was it 60th plus this year having enough Morgan Freedom pulled a pistol from his crouch only he too wrestled against demon dogs. Marvel Rev 20 school name roll call; its Rev  2 line upon line of school office children; Rev 17:14 Skyrocketed those two drowned school bus brothers! GOD IS NOT MOCKED! 

Elon Musk


Mario Nawfal ✅



The Biden administration's CHNV program allows 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to apply for asylum monthly.

I See Hundreds Of Millions In Western Refugees Pouring Onto Africa’s Atlantic COAST

Then John hears this about an innumerable of Tribulation Saint pouring Into JESUS Throne, Bosom; “who are they and from whence doeth they come? 

‪-FYI, Elon, a multicultural, multibillion man Royal Priesthood descending with, as Jesus Millennium Reign. Just as aligned to Western Ccivilization as the two US quarters in worldwide death tolls 3 to 4 billion; remember without shedding of blood to from Jesus’s Cross we extinct!‬

‪Think about what’s world leaders aligned to Dan 4 madness curse mean. This 7 year event kept the world provider King Nebuchadnezzar from losing his soul as well as his mind! He had a hardness at God while he respected Gods Prophet Daniel; exercising mercy instead sacrificing to his damning pride, repent or like not so blessed perish! ‬

Knotted rope Elon, long enough for fishing your children out if the dark places you hath for them; @suliamanTthat’s not the worst of it, THEY showed me inviting all US states from a barbecuing, exception US  Georgia COAST/Africas’ SW Atlantic COAST; warring with grand Pompeii movie of Memphis nieces within an Anubis underground of those three super genocider BEAST infiltrating your children 

Article, CNN, Trump pivots from second apparent assassination attempt to more incendiary claims,

Beware incoming planetary bodies, The Holy Bride If Wrath; if you don’t intervene, Father, stop great  whore mystery. Babylon, USA.  I further explained during President Bush 2003 how a golf course event of unleashing an  Islamic/ Israeli Antichrist to Anubis Demon Army would get us all killed: WOE WOE WOE Satan, Demons and Aliens hath come down to you having great wrath! 

Go to New York Towers went down. You know what happened next and here not one it’s lesson learned  the US is not Israel a tug on f human extinction all over again.




They’ve created “monsters,” especially Netanyahu and now they must die at the hands of them! What else could it mean to portray a theater of make believe creatures; beast to Godzilla in the millions these amassing armies of The Antichrist Rev 9 John too did see!


I explained what I saw before the bottomless pit of cryptic exchanged hands; John first heard “and they repented not.” God isn’t mocked proven to be evident blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit! Apparently any citizen to friend of West Rule is an enemy of GOD repent or like-so perish with billions predicted!


My most shocking of horses of judgment: seeing damater opened so easily unleashing a bringer of death! I explained Hawaii missile morning skyrocketing was treated as much a world ender as Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, when a horse of hades rides with the pale horse of death; marvel not the word college dwindled into the letter C, woe to Infectious Colleges!

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