Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God For The Lord Knoweth The Way Of The Righteous! But The Way Of The Ungodly Perish!

Prophecy Links fulfilling The Cell Phone Glitch Nuclear, May 3, 2023 in 37 days, what happened to Aug 2019, 05/07/31; revisited, Aug 5, 2021, Standing Over sleeping beds anxious To snatch us out; Waking, hearing “get the Holy Bride Of Wrath, after seeing three hammering off of more  apocalyptic events, the reigning Mt. Sinai type! Seeing all points of emphasis, past, present, future, the end of days catastrophe of ending billions unrepentant. They, theirs continents their world to eventually their planet; every other waking speaking various languages were those escaping; waking speaking a language not of this planet, did loosed from human planet exile hybrid Alien just take Netflix advice, leave the world behind!

Go Get The Holy Bride Of Wrath! Understand this is the equivalent of what we revisit into fulfillment, that’s what this generation is during, Rev 9 LOOSED THE FOUR BOUND ANGELS; it’s AODHF come to terms only one things to redeem the Genesis man woman seed, Virgin Birth, Jesus Cross presently a Noah’s cousin, a handwriting 99 bowls of molten lava; writing escape Yellowstone; Not a determined Michael’s List, notes the building of race cars, race tracks and skyrocketing Mario Carts, flooding magma coming! HBOW/Apb

Article, CNN Georgia high school mass shooting suspect expected to make first court appearance as father faces murder charges,

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God For The Lord Knoweth The Way Of The Righteous! But the way of the ungodly will perish!



Y’all do know as far bank as Hawaii missile morning he again threaten earth’s children with Mass dieoff ascension; May 3, 2023, 37 day countdown its June 10 demonstrated taking them all including the brothers who’d just drown getting off the wrong stop! Apb


And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; There’s something about reveals the foot of my prayer bed where I witnessed AODHF show HIMSELF equally Star Warring At Jesus Millennium; read Jesus On His Way here, and witnessed this a hammering skyrocketing carrying children with Him, JESUS!


See here, Rev 6, 6th seal, John’s and the Heavens roll back like a scroll; my gone viral NASA’S warn April 2025 SOLAR APOCALYPSE! www.the For when Sunlight of God, calls for the Holy BRIDE of Wrath of sending the planetary bodies all missiling down; I’ve seen it!


You know by now, like Jesus we’re just HIS instruments and yes I was ascended, standing before a multibillion multicultural choir before I witnessed what caused the formidable silence in heaven and why John’s witnessed Spirit and Bride summoning us home heaven is now bringing the planetary body down on top us, just summoned its world ending catastrophe, HBOW; Holy Bride leading’ captivity captived, the two witnesses leading captive the tribulation Saints HIS THRONE BACK TURN, HE WANT YOUR REPENTANCE AND MASS WESTERN SOIL EXODUS AS EVIDENCE! HBOW/Apb

Article, NTEB, In 1943, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler gave a speech in Posen, Poland laying out the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews from all of Europe, In 1943 At Posen, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler Gave A Speech Outlining The Nazi Plan To Exterminate The Entire Jewish Population Of All Of Europe • Now The End Begins

AS OF FEB 12/13, 2015, DAN 2, Stone From Heaven, "GET HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH! HBOW/Apb

Article, Reuters Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel, Story by Reuters • 2h • 2 min read; hearing Pray for al the human beings at the wailing wall, I applied to Turkey's Erdogan moving to sacrifice, for Gaza's charcoal, Children, an inquiry within a week arrested three allying Netanyahu's US Superpowers; marvel not they're all aligned, six years now, counting Oct 17. 2019-2025, madness curse/WEST RULE, DEPLETION! Ebbing and flowing Senator July 26/27, 2023, calculating death tolls, BRITAIN, 25 MILLION; Canada 25, USA floating off the American Continent, 50 millions dead! 

"We must prepare for the bloody end of the Putin era"; short, Rev 17:17, John sees a puppeteering, since, my Aug 05, 2021 Rev '11,' Star Warring AODHF Jn 12/13 2018, Mighty Angel, saying GOD'S DON'T return void, I compare Putin, XI and BIDEN/Harris to Jonah and the Whale, for a reason! Now ask yourself what would showing that long enough to hang yourselves, now knotted rope, tossed into an Anubis underground of children to showing me, teaching endangered children, how the Chinese Language work, equally the mockery of it all?

 You Tube Full Spectrum Survivor, WARNING - MASSIVE SWEEP ACROSS THE USA - RUSSIA JUST TOOK US OUT via @YouTube; marvel not, as an act of divine intervention, the line upon line, never ending line of children waiting for this; those children I was shown teaching how the Chinese language work; to those I was shown tossing a long enough to hang yourselves now knotted rope tossed into the rescue children from the Anubis underground your described, by Hawaii Missile Morning, Rev 2, Jesus The CHRIST as (abominable, detestable), sickbeds to sleepovers!

Hearing, GET THE HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH! Beware The Alexander/Hitler's Germany, Anti-Christ, Anubis Army!

Isn't this Geoffery, equally, what Turkey's Erdogan warn, even mock, our Christmas holiday, 2023, US has a antichrist type Netanyahu running rampant; isn't this why Netanyahu doesn't wanna stop, doesn't want a cease-fire? Earlier on all his western allies, pretty much signed on the dotted line, his promise to wipe Hamas, Jesus died for all men, women and children off the map. Pretty much Geoffery why I stopped asking questions, with intravenous holy spirits all around. Since I asked @shaykhsulaiman to save Gaza's children, what would western leads sacrifice, would it be the US election, or even its Presidency?

Three days, three of the most popular world leaders, SUPERPOWERS went under fire, Trump was nearly assassinated, Biden who'd just declared himself, 'president of the world,' forced to reign, remember, he wanted to stall funding, Netanyahu's weapons, see more here, Oct 17 2018. begin count 2019, Dan 2, curse of madness.

God's Throne Back Turn, on to make the world Sodom and Gomorrah, another Noah's world, Harris was awarded the most in US campaign funds ever, ' then John hears, "and those who didn't die by the plague," Aug, (2004), US Lap, bio-DNA, Covid, repented not, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9, "LOOSE," Alien Apocalypse! HBOW/Apb

Article, 4 dead after shooting at Barrow County school; 14-year-old in custody

4:50 p.m.: A community candlelight vigil will be held at Jug Tavern Park at 7 p.m.

4:37 p.m.: Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith called the shooting “pure evil” while addressing the media.

“My heart hurts for these kids. My heart hurts for this community,” Smith said. “But I want to make it very clear that hate will not prevail in this county.”

Loose The Four Angels Bound At The Great River Euphrates; GET THE HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH!

Article  "My heart hurts for these kids. My heart hurts for this community,” Smith said. “Yeah like John I saw it. God Kingdom Throne crying inconsolably caused the silence right before US dominoing W. Pacific combusted Elon Musk for the reason an Asteroid directed commanded to destroy middle schools, he suggested parents get their kids out of public schools.

Ah I know, after ten years of assembly, 40 years of outreaching Chernobyl rapture spring, demos! Nobody in this country to continent care about what God want anymore. Marvel not throwing in the towel Noah’s Day got planet home reduced to one ark family!

I’m not the one you need to convince is God I got to go a day or so ago a management asked me who is not and I return. Oh my God it’s the God of the God that you serve. He’s got he won’t repentance and only way you legit ass legitimize it is a mass exodus out of anything even resembling West Ryle

I refrain from asking questions, there’s no telling if Holy Spirit are listening, responding. The last I asked what the US president see forfeited who would the White House two days later was an attempted assassination against Trump Biden, who declared himself president of the world resign, and more than any amount of funding toward a US presidential calendar was to a worldwide Sodom spreading Kamala Harris.

Proven to be evident, holy father God know he has lost this this world just as he lost the world doing Noah day there’s nothing left, but to loose to four angels bound at the great river you Freis handover the keys, the red Dragon opening pit of monsters, December 3 45- 2021 Jesus Christ Watch run, live!

Matt Wallace ✅ @MattWallace888




 ‪-Many timetables tick, tocking down including a Dan 9:24/25 two weeks and 7 years, predicting his return as 47th  President: Hilariously Dangerous to Damning he’s US politics worst to happened since Saul of Tarsus happened to the sanctuary! You better get them all crossed, dotted to frying ducks to US Whitehouse, in a roll/role

‪Then again there’s waking that morning THEY were laying a book of remembrance the foot of my bed! Previously Michael’s List; previously a page torn out; previously the lambs book a school name roll call! Previously Rev 18 AODHF warning your sins reach up to him and he remembers; judge you in one day, hour, nanosecond, FEAR GOD! ‬

‪FEAR GOD! FEAR NOT THE ONE KILLING THE BODY ROSE TO ETERNITY AGAIN! FEAR THE ONE KILLING THE BODY AND SOUL IN HELL FIRE! What happened to 2024, Sept 3, planet earth come impact territory and uninhabitable by recurring catastrophic events. Including its Aug 24/25 Rev 9 threaten Alien Apocalypse, warn triple great tribulations 100 million westerners dead, a billion escaping, you yours yours 

Remember while wakes, funerals and repasses were bragging how Jesus parable busy banker, died doing what he love, building bank stores. Demons, those with torture regiment, those thinking to take Moses Fatima Michael, were dragging him off kicking and screaming to hell; you’ll never sleep again, I got chilly tears just sharing. I hope you never sin again, all unrighteousness is sin and there’s a sin unto death; go watch Forrest Gumps’ Mykelti Williamson, The Hunting Of! HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddesses Bride, Aymara Isabella Lamelia Viceroy 

and Lord Amadeus Leciamus Aijcus Bonehead

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Richet Structure Genealogy/Wedding Extravaganza

Unto Arthony Iglesias Marko  Jennivebe and Teriyana Bianca Bismarck was born a goddaughter Abrielle Tieryney Jennivebe, a godson Aiko Lexander Jennivebe, a goddaughter Aster Olsen Adria Jennivebe, Bismarck

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

"Yes, but it was never life and living, that’s the lie, that’s Jesus reminding Satan a liar and murderer from the beginning, both God cursed strong, delusions, especially, the American dreaming. No after the fall its always death and dying, both spirit and soul its glorified body ascending to God to live anew Royal Priesthood, blessed are hearers, doers! So and so, if you could talk directly with the God if all gods, the question hitting the blackboard what would say, ask, request? Have your answers to me before this next class. The flesh and blood human being can’t I live through these types of devastation, this kind of torture,  these types of agony, it’s impossible, as Jesus hung from the cross ps 22 Father King David, has him mourning from our cross l, his heart as in his breaking heart, blood, passion is like wax, melted into his blood bowls you die, standing that horrid slow death to blessed resurrection.  Here’s your biblical kings of Romance David, to Solomon love is death as in love is human sacrifice to rehabilitation Jesus talking about that seed that can’t reproduce except it smothered to death by its choking, reproducing sow to be reaped anew, Crown Lord, thrust in thy sickle  and reap for the time has come for you to reap for the harvest is billion it’s dead, ready. if there’s no remission except by the death of the testers the son of David who then can fall in love? Think in the beginning just as God was blessing Genesis marriages while nakedness of the flesh was being cursed. Jesus saying all  the world the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the one evil causing even a mutiny in heaven the pride of life, here’s adding Apostles every evil work, we’re wrestling a spiritual warfare, that’s ending this previous world. Let’s Take child trafficking, for example, reportedly has passed weapons trade and is knocking  on the door of drug traffickers with USA America its primary source. provider and connoisseurs. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies of there are no other take aways from “The Sound Of Freedom movie.  There’s their divine Romance is how we were also formed and why we use every available evil on this planet to try and compensate an epic fail for millennial past and for ages and ages to come. except Jesus My Olivet arrival reign As Goddess Teriyana Bianca points out “We’re at the part, The Bride’ Of Istanbul, she’s runoff, right even hearing how he’s torturing himself just harden her the more. No, no, no,  that’s conditional love selfishness, pride. No, true love is  forgiveness, plus when you love someone you can’t stand to harm a hair on that person's head let  alone their tender, very vulnerable heart. Remember when I was praying for my husband, literally killed in a Paris terrorist attack, three co-workers died. Already tremendously devastated, a pending emotional breakdown so GOD hear me better, please don’t take him from me. Still went on a Daniel 21 day, fast, this  desperate,” she, dubbed during the marriage supper, Lord Urusalem again up, walking the room, the packed class, if possible smelling as good as she’s mesmerizing, still considered one of their most tempting Sia’s there. Here’s it’s 21st day, I’m really in agony, the hardest heartbreaking cries, ever” watery eyes glistening in their glistening watery eyes. Holy Spirit, come sit aside me, asking, “is he worth all this pain?” Write that down, I pause, think, say, “ I love him and love is worth all this pain!” Surrealistically If you don’t realize and understand why man is awfully to often failed, if you don’t know the holy is as divine romance as he is divine wisdom then you don’t know him!  The same holy spirit fervor fusing electrically through blistering, arousing intercourse. Think about all stimulating fusion a natural love can leave you spellbound just their look, touch, kiss, all  it’s spine tinkling features. For example, well first if my godtriplets are here, leave or cover your ears. I’m at work, the fashion center, designing, drawing, working. I suddenly got the hots for my husband, it's not going away! Soon there’s blushes to giggles to mouth gapping unbelief all round. I grab my coat, my purse, walked off the job. Got in my Benz hot rod, drove through New York traffic. That’s New York, traffic, . An  attorney, he’s in a busy, High Rise, legal building.  My  shoes were in my hands coming off elevator, the other unfastening my top! Wait, some where thinking, “was this really happening?” Gapping eyes to mouth, to ohhhhs,  ahhhhs. Undressing as his secretary was trying to announce me. Actually , I still don’t know if that top made it into his office. If he was in meetings they’d be bystanders of  an unforeseeable seduction as this or run themselves out, hollering, screaming, all mystified and teary eyes. Running, clashing, mouth, tongue all he couldn’t get a word out, clawing,  falling, bitting, wrestling, exploding, exploding!  Right now, as in right now, our climbing to hollering Tarzan to screaming, climbing Jane marriage bed. The least Richat Structure genealogy, of its blistering intoxication I testified to the guys mocking me, the sex lives  to marriage beds of intimidating,  powerful women! ”WHEWWWWWWW! As one, fanning, hurriedly unfastening it top button. Don’t know bout you. but isn’t it getting really hot up in here? Godtriplets can now open their ears,” bursting the shock and awe classroom into loud, releasing gasp to tickles. “Still, yet standing but arriving back at her desk “your question, me'sure Reelfoot. Well,  marvel not God's back turn to genocider Obama/Biden Harris, world spreading sodomy seems a success. Remember, thrust in sickle and reap to long enough knotted ropes that’s them trying to rewrite to recalibrate Roman 1, AODJF assuring since they The Obama’s to Biden/ Harris Admin/ democrats. Insist upon same gender, he’d give them over to these evils. Just know from its point on since it’s all antichrist as he described to King Solomon offering of the Jerusalem temple! Shot a fireball down into it apostate offering, except they repent he’d send them strong delusions, wouldn’t see them , hear them how he’d harden darken their hearts, mind, and wouldn’t intervene for them; again, except they repent their endangered children a mass dieoff ascension! Evidently circumcising women, considered barbaric, is man's curse, the forbidden woman. Taking her ability to be pleasured by her naturally born husband to procreation. When circumcision and men, is considered a blessedness of godliness to increasing.  I don’t know you guys,” yet fanning, fonding, “still kinda hot in here!” With all of them cheering, clapping, whistling. “Let’s change the subject, the name of my next questionnaires on the board, Teriyana Bianca. My question Sia Juttah, why’ change the subject?” Again with all of them cheering, clapping, whistling, agreeing!” There’s word spreading at Global Tribunal Absence, Sia Grand Lord Urusalem was back, unthinkably for only the Godmen and Goddesses and godtriplets had standing room only access to her! “Still Grand Sia, I read your maze of revealing sin, end of the world scenario. Hawaii missile morning, Jesus designing them all sickbeds and sleepovers. I’ve said  it Lords and goddesses and said it, fornication is the most abominable, detestable sin, as it’s the only transgression committed physically against the temple of God, grieving The Temple of God, I believe this is the abomination Jesus was warning the man 38 year sickbed, repent or a  worst will happen, a worse than a near 40 year sickbed is literal hell, no question! Aren’t we grand Sia just living at the aftermath at the percifice of Prophetic fulfillment, catastrophic events? There you have it, Richat structure genealogy your take away inquiry, Aren’t we grand Sia just living at the aftermath at the percifice of Prophetic fulfillment, catastrophic events? Plus the question Holy Spirit asked, IS HE, Lord Jerusalem /SHE Lord Urusalem, worth all this pain? Like didn’t you grand Sia suffer a transformation infirmity, died, ascend and was brought back not only to your house, but to planet earth by angels? Pray, Tell, Are you running off to find, attack your husband, Mesure Attorney? If I was Goddess Cabo Dinez Hykim am I the type to kiss and tell? Bursting them all into clapping laughing, “blessed day, sweet sleep! Ah my god, godtriplets is it always gonna be like that with her? Her? Oh, Grand Sia, Lord Urusalem, how would Lord Jerusalem HIMSELF, answer that question? Aah, ah, “come and see!” Right, excellent, Lord Mneseus Rencor, see you all next reveal! “       >>>“Hey, his transit is arriving, you know he’s not gonna remember you, I know,” holding really tight to second husband Evden Blazely hand. “So you probably shouldn’t approach him, I won’t, I just wanna see if it’s really him, that’s it, its proof something, some, ah my god , her nose to greenish blue eyes, filling with tears,  ah my god,  it’s Miapo,  his look, height, something really did happened to him. Maha, wrestling her back, Mahaaaaa, you know you can’t go over there, but its him, no, it’s not, he’s a resurrected, return he’s no longer Miapo, Eli please, please what? Maha, hey look at me, see me, darling love, remember me? Don’t run off, Mahaaa, I got her Eli, I got her, she run I run with her! Maha, please don’t run from me, you were right, feeling him take her hand, draw close, his breath her shoulder, neck, this was crazy! No if was me and I knew, Inhad this information I’d crazily confirm it. You’ll see him, know him Maha again as someone else’s you mean? As you saw he wasn’t alone, you sweet love is also someone else’s, remember the night I serenaded myself back into your good graces, you mean after you chose a similar Miapo disaster the tender, passionate heart and we couldn’t find you anywhere? Don’t let me look back, take me away from here, please husband Evden Blazely take me away! Take you away portal style or a local getaway? Living opposite of him, fixing those teary greenish, blues into his, what if I can’t do it? Who knowing better for ancient people of days Mahaseiah beloved gave us to each other? Come, there’s the place I ran so I wouldn’t be found!”     >>>“Oh my god Maaseiah," fixing his posture, wiping his hands, sipping his wine glass. “You didn’t, so they know we didn’t come out of that office until late the next morning? Ah my lord, those littlest ones, they’re not little ones, they’re Angel men and goddesses. And, who’re. , who’re and godtriplets, who Maaseiah love, are all new at this.  Who Nicholas Edin are all couples, themselves, some like ours with children, their own. You know it’s gonna be a while before I’m comfortable these students are not looking at me weirdly because of all this, provocative unveiling, next time you wanna kiss and tell my marriage bed, heads up here. I didn’t plan it, it just kinda happened and boy did I wanna come find you, throw you down and tussle with you, ...Maaseiah, it’s otherworldly reenactment! This is so delicious, mouthwatering, I need to get the recipe! But I was assigned another, why you looking at me like that? Another class Maaseiah, yes but no hanky, panky, “ hanky, panky. really.” The questions asked in Sia Sioux Noel class brought us that subject matter. So that justifies it?  Oh my god if I’d known Me'sure Nicholas Edin Coogan you'd be this upset, I never would’ve told you. You never would’ve told me or them? Stop it, please, just stop! It won’t happen again. By the way, I don’t remember what happened with that blouse. Please tell me you’re kidding, the one left on the back of secretary Nicin chair, in hands reach. Oh my god, I told them, Maaseiah, I didn’t know whether that top, Maaaseieh made it into your office., Maaseiah! Now you got them imagining you like that, like, I don’t call you temptress just to flatter, you’re that beyond inviting, but yo never sa it! I'm gonna be excused to the restroom, I’ll see you at transit, Nicholas, Nicholas  Edin, ah my god, he’s seriously leaving me! Nicholas!"     >>>"What kind of sky is that, are those even stars? I don’t think those are stars, this isn’t even earth’s planet, that I also doubt. Look, knowing Evden Blazely you was possibly following my brother them around literal space. So should I doll husband ask how you found this fantastic place? Look El Mahaseiah, that vid, History Channel, SkinWalker Ranch, discovering what could be portals. Any doubt Maha like this here, Fantasyland, well skies, yeah but are those actual skies? Anyway you think as Grand Sia mom there’s more a plethora of untellable portals since they mocked the exchanging of hands the keys to the bottomless pit? Especially with Grand Sia convinced, thinking, since the hours surrounding Trump’s assassination there’s been mass exodus of all kinds, celestial, terrestrial and extraterrestrial. You do know Evden Blazely who you’re asking? Our wedding extravaganza invaded by reaped Negeb Ophel Angel men and goddesses. One mornings you’re waking me, showing me, we’re the Milky Way constellation, totally flabbergasted how we got there. Days later an all, around triangle craft, landing to star port, the weirdo Ophanim Angels as escorts. But, but to answer you, Feb 2023, three other times Grand Sia woke speaking languages, including Dutch, were about escapes, included The Sunlight Of GOD Commanded Exodus. Well beloved Evden Blazely would it be as simple a coincidence she waking speaking a none earth language, a box language she heard, witnesses, be equally about an escape? You feel that? We better go, the weather is changing really quickly, getting colder and colder and since we don’t know how cold and how fast. Tell me I’ll be able to endure both Miapo and us, growing opposing, marriage, opposing? Okay, maybe Evden not the right word, but we’re marriage indifferent, he and I. Like, Father King David/ Solomon 139;21, Won't I like hate her? Here, wrap up in this, you’re holy sprite, you El Mahaseiah can’t hate no more than Jesus could, whether you’re to befriend her, I guess it is whether or not Maha you love me, because I feel that’s what’s really being tested, our, HIS grieves and sorrows its blessed trial.” >>>”The war in heaven, Grand Sia, seems you the only one who kinda knows what happened, is that because you been there so often?” Right and there too Nextus Juttah Jesus saying no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven but seems you have, both ascended and descended! Look who’s here, bumping her shoulder attending, gossiping, their guess Attorney, Nicholas Coogan. recognition. “The hollering Paggett, Tarzan to her wall climbing Jane, they all thinking, just as immaculate as she is, if possible. "Hey, just to remind equally wife, stunning husband over here, yeah, right here. There’s only one thing Lucifer hate more than God, his Genesis man, marriage of divine reconciliation. In the beginning, thinking’s how ridiculous, soon it’s hatefulness, the ideal of a flesh and blood god man. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, since procreated, predestined and prognosticated women seed. While Lucifer them never liked the ideal of a flesh and blood Godman soon “our savior," thus the dateless war in heaven! Written scripturely, I witnessed a Star Wars battle in heaven being wedged by Rev 12 described intravenous Angels. John says, this, 'and there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: Red Dragon was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him, so there’s no question they’ve been exiled here since, first giving me no reason to believe in Aliens nor a reason Nextus Juttah THEY'D confirm to me, Aliens exist; that THEY be clear when speaking and true, when judging, except nothing is any longer hidden from humankind.”     >>> Mystifying to mesmerizing everyone leaping from cubicles to office desk, trying to see the normally quiet Coogan and Coogan, Law Firm, its Grand Maaseiah coming from the elevator sounding like Toni Braxton herself, ‘unbreak my heart.’ “Good afternoon guys, come in on their loud, cheering, clapping conference room. “Aunt Maaseiah, what a stunning sunrise, thanks. Sorry, those lyrics stuck in my head, start to sing, didn’t mean to make myself such the spectacle! Can I speak to your uncle, alone please? Yes, blessed day, to you guys as well. It was never how incredible to amazingly she sings, but how she sound exactly like it performer, before we saw Toni Braxton was singing incredibly, stepping off the elevator. How she does that? How to make an entrance Me'sure Coogan I know, like I explained, those lyrics. 'don't Break my Heart,'  just stuck in my head.” Witnessed moving up, off working yet to respond to pitiful her. “I get it, leaving me waiting, wondering an earlier transit yesterday. Leaving me stranded without you an earlier transit this morning, sleeping in various  guess rooms, I get it, you’re pissed.” Standing, silent, looking out the window, the sights, sounds of two and frow traffic. “Okay, okay, why I’m here," long legs to model figure, yet styling their Dissuasion, for the business women, head turning, keeping designs. “I won’t keep you, I reminded Nicholas all Global Juttah reveals are recorded, so if you’d care to view this one, you’ll know as Father God and I, there was no malice intended. I don’t know about you Nicholas Edin, all of this beginning to feel like those racy, Paris photos mishap and forgetting how sensitive you are, about your privacy. But yes, view those recordings, you know where I am, so come find me, huh?" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4,       

Alien Encounters Fact or fiction 

S 1, E 7; crash in California,   

Warning witchcraft, look like a daily lifetime of Sunday picnics while visiting other worthy Disney Parks; let's see, how do I put this? Like for a year Aug 24/25 2024, those  four angels loosed  bringing a 200 million demon army; how the store manger keys I handover as I passed through the multimillion man grocery store , barter balen tollbooth actually were to a bottomless pit of monsters exiled Red Dragon them been procreating upon this planet for our human extinction thousands to millions of year predating the women seed,  virgin birth Jesus CHRIST CROSS! Loose The Four Angels because a once weeping AODHF had to  come to terms with you wouldn’t repent even if sinning is wrong F for Fornication, A for adultery, A for Abortion; LGBTQB- M for Molestation, M for Mutilation, M for Murderers and P for church, male teens pedophiers, then as those mentioned Rev 9 Alien Apocalypse, if sickbeds to sleepovers are abominable to God they, you, don’t wanna be right or is that righteous? For  the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish! Repent Or Perish! JCON/JCOR

Current Report ✅



A fuel facility belonging to Azerbaijan's main oil company, Socar, was on fire in Baku.

Azerbaijan, a muslim-majority country, is an ally of Israel and consistently exports oil to Israel. remember waking 2003, witnessing Bush/Cheney greasing handlebars disallowing Russia, China; waking 2013 Hussein/Biden Nov 3, 1975, a paperboy route, greased handlebars with a US soaring funeral reef  attached; waking Bush/Harris, 2023 horridly, there’s the calculation of death tolls Britain 25 million, Canada 25 million, that’s 100 million western deaths. 

Only you have to kinda include per each their administration from Bush/Clinton/Bush, Obama/Biden/Trump there’s predicted 50 million US dead. Wwhy like prophets and apostles gone before I endlessly make these efforts? FOR GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD? I mean I was seen reaching out like this till THEY, UFO crafts all, snatched me, well us off the fiery doomsday planet. Well it’s like Jesus explaining to disciples, though like their stone gods they’re hollow, deaf, dumb, blind maybe, just maybe someone may hear, do, watch, run, live! 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, what happened to Pres Trump Aug 31 2019; breaking news, “after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions.” All  that’s in the world the lust of the flesh, eye and the pride of life (Fuel, Weapons, Drugs, illicit six (human/child trafficking) combined trillions in annual revenue. From Senator Hussein Obama’s 2009 some bout TWO GREAT BEAST RISING, Hussein filling stations in the land to an outbreak of ambulances; Obama’s 2013, the error Col Gaddafi’s, greased handlebars, US/Arabian petro currency, funeral reef 

Marvel not those slowly encroaching endangering, burning fuel trucks mass death and dying has been aligned to US leaders error Middle East to Islamic Assassination creed for decades. Bush targeted from prison bars by a flaming sword previously aligned to a handwriting of scripture Jer 37:8, saying our enemies will take our cities “burn,” them with “fire; lest forgotten this outreach ministry began with a planet wide oxygen, poisoning, intoxicating Chernobyl nuclear meltdown described leaving our enemies as ashes under our feet, Noah’s Ark, the world taken by catastrophic flood; Noah’s Cousin dominoing USA of Barbecue American, The American, West Rule 2 Peter 3:10 ask this Knowing Movie of home planet being totally consumed, that its all gonna burn, what manner of man ought you to be! 

YouTube Geology hub seem dedicated to  showing us what a mind blowing volcanic past to future The American Continent! They’re showing my sister the crown of righteousness; death where’s your sting, grave your glory; THEYRE placing volcanoes on Orange alert warning Hawaii is building into; the Hawaii the number of Jacob’s and Jesus’s ladder THEY entreated like the world ending ebbing and flowing, Chernobyl/DEVIL COMET, April 08, 2024, Spring Rapture, whoa pop up reveal after 40 Chernobyl spring rapture demos, mean that’s how expert they can sneak in snatch there’s during billions too inebriated to notice! 

Megaton ✅

@Megaton _ron


According to initial reports, an American fighter jet crashed in government-controlled eastern Syria, home to numerous groups aligned with Iran. 

The pilot's parachute has been found,

NBC Article, West Bank raids in at least 20 years

Aug. 28, 2024, 4:30 AM EDT / Updated Aug. 28, 2024, 7:13 AM EDT,; The multimillion man water cooler, who’re those being offered mansions in heaven? I know if your heart treasures  from your immortal soul to Jerusalem to your precious families were actually laid up in heaven, there’d be no Christian to Churchians warring nor giving into wars!

Then the joy to gladness behind each closed door was otherworldly. Know, after the sunlight of God shift-shaped into whatever human form, even a heart surgeon. Last but not least HE’S anointing to marking their foreheads, ministering til I hear, be acquainted with my griefs and sorrows, like only then, Barbarians would know! 

A travailing husband whose wife is travailing in birth, dominoing Hawaii incoming, impacting; I hear his feet stampering back and forth the planet, the sea, US West Pacific. Frightnight intravenous Angels warning incineration inland as far as Texas, coming for Pompeii of movie of 1811/1812, New Madrid Memphis. 

Died Suddenly 


How many people died because the tech elites blocked the public from seeing safety information and warnings? 

Remember when Zuckerberg warned his staff about mRNA shots changing DNA?

LAY UP TREASURES IN HEAVEN! After Showing Ancient Genociders Hath Your Houses, children to social lives by those trustworthy viewing devices; 

and Ezekiel 9 heart stabbers taking even stampeders! 

I hear, “kill all parents by, finish all schools!” Apb

I still say the nail in all depopulationist coffins to sealing Great White Throne Judgement. Remember when Dr Fauci explaining speedy vaccines, spilled they’d been studying coronavirus through both Obama administrations. How Pres Trump snubbed his nose at taking of measures to protect black lives, tremendously despised their BLM marches?  Here’s Aug 2004 They lead us into US lab of a genocidal Spanish flu. Explain we too like JESUS were being martyred by our friends/“by those we trust.”

I see myself tossing a knotted rope down into endangered children fishing them out of Anubis undergrounds. Note Rev 5 John is seeing under God's Throne these wounded saints, crying God take their vengeance on genociders! Ezekiel see God prep six slayers, heart stabbing executioners, hear, “begin at my sanctuary.” I see them on US soil, carrying swordlike syringes, chasing down tardy stampeders, blaming billions dead not on drug lords but drug makers, pharmaceuticals to pharmacies!

So decades before Gates warned killers flu coming, 30 million dead and like Entrepreneurs set up shop to benefit. I knew a curious thing, enough rope to hang themselves was now knotted enough to save endangered children, from Anubis undertakers. Then if you ever thought a depopulation agenda was a conspiracy theory that US lab, look under that microscope a leopard spots designed environ tells the actual prophetic event they purposely extinct us! 

Fret not, I was told after they showed me 2012 Movie YELLOWSTONE event of a death bringer from beneath the earth; see death isn’t the anomaly here. Death never was, we been cursed to return to dust since our parents were made from dust, with death the last to be destroyed. Gog and Magog evils didn’t come for me knowing their mighty slaughter but knowing Isaiah’s depiction of a continuous mounting hell judgment! Repent or Perish! Thus Saith JCON! 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, This Is Our Last Season" Robert Breaker On The Final Signs in 2024/25! via @YouTube; biblical describe Trump Gabriel approaching message, “the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind,” she’s going, with a 7 th Angel trumpet, see  I Thess 4:16-18/Aug 5, 2022, Star Warring AODHF, Rev 11, begin vss 15!

Just as shown here, Warning ⚠! Angelic Encounters! Evacuate Texas! via @YouTube; there’s 40 plus SOS 2:, Chernobyl/2024 Devil Comet April 8 Spring Rapture, demos. 

-Soon shaking my shoulders, great tribulations, great tribulations, great tribulations!

Though scripturally, yet unimaginably, after all around intravenous from Trump Gabriel Them  to Archangel Michael THEM three years Oct 17, 2024, making gone viral Chernobyl/ Devl Comet April Spring Rapture/NASA’S April 2025 put us in Daniel 9:27/ Rev 11/Rev 13, last week of years.  Described in capital bold letters, SEVEN DRAGON BEAST, ANTICHRIST YEARS! 

The number seven Stsmpeding to skyrocketing us June 27/28 2022 Trump Gabriel was brandishing along with those three assigned., designed Safehaven territories? 

Y’all hear about the  monster storms hitting to headed for dominoing Hawaii, So NOAHS FLOOD/ARK; Moses Exodus yo  Eze 5 /MICHAEL’S  LIST, God can be the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Only pastor with the exception of using an outbreak of plagues, natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic.  

Here’s for  a year Aug 25. 2024, Rev 9 Alien Apocalypse , to stampede HIS people out of the way. Phenomenal escape isn’t even  that they don’t want is  on this continent to planet no more, it’s that they don’t need us on this planet anymore! Surrealistically there’s 2023 Jan 16, designed race cars, race tracks to escaping molten lava flooding skyrocketing Super Mario Carts!

Unprecedented, Sept 15 The Holy Church Bride skyrocketing chariot, leading captivity captured the TWO WITNESSES leading captivity captured The Tribulation Saints. Debating Holy Church Bride Timeline Gog and Magog/Dan 9:24-26 two weeks and 7 years/Sept  15, 2020, Pres Trump Abraham Accord. 

Marvel not The Brides Chariot multibillion man Royal priesthood now all called, calculated numbered and set for the 7th angels trumpet sounding, marriages supper of the lamb done, see more here, did the reigning bride tears also spark a silence in heaven or those seven thunders to thunder! 


OUR ENEMIES ARE GETTING READY! NOW via @YouTube; it’s time FSS time we be Moses Red Sea crossing to Jesus waking in water faithful to trustworthy; marvel not that incoming Hawaii missile alert and world nations, especially Adam Islam come as Morgan Freeman Deep Impact to Ben Affleck Armageddon ‘Sums Of All Fears,’ actually mocking US leadership with a barrage of missile test, Kim been targeting Pres Trump non-stop. here we go again, run from impact! 

Hearing “get the holy bride of wrath a year Aug 25, 2024 they mocked Rev 9 Satanic, Demonic Alien Apocalypse a multimillion man grocery store, store manger’s keys, barter balen, tollbooth. Is equivalent with John hearing loose the four Angels bound in the great river Euphrates like hears your late chance set heart treasures in heaven where you’re reign, nosing where, RUN! 

Aug 5, 2021 AODHF showing HIMSELF Star Warring after show John he’s puppeteering kingdom nations fall to folly; then show the reigning bride possessing prepping and launching its apocalyptic events; three Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband hammering off of more apocalypse now, the Mt Sinai type from which Sunlight Of God rose, commanded Michael’s list, our exodus, our repatriation of SW Mother Africa’s Atlantic, exile luxury even, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

Whether we can see it or not, accept it or so, we know Adam Israel by two thirds dead can’t be moved out of the way of fulfilling endtime prophecy without the prophetic coordinating of enemies as it is written and thus  irrefutable; I keep saying that’s equally what 10 days the Hawaii missile morning skyrocketing Rev 10 mighty Angel is warning what’s procreated, predestined to prophesied US/West Rule is fulfilling and invited UK/BC/US all their states to status from a barbecuing including The Biden/Harris WH  into a lesser barbecue US Georgia’s ATLANTIC COAST as I been saying 40 Chernobyl April Spring Rapture demos, hundreds of millions Adam won’t, even can’t be saved near a billion will crossover; I know frying ducks jumping into pot of boiling frogs or boiling frogs leaping in with frying ducks you just warned us they’re in an a mass exodus, all coming here! 

Reuters Article, Ukraine calls on Belarus to pull back forces from border, 

Ukrainian servicemen are seen at their position near the border with Belarus, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Zhytomyr region, Ukraine September 20, 2023. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

So during a burning Bush. error Islam, US/Russia Cuban Missile part 2 to a Hawaii missile morning I aligned to Trump’s error N. Korea.I know after two US World systems skyrocketed to fire-rocketed! There’s that breaking news 101 YELLOWSTONES is that what sent procrastinators running!

I can’t help asking is it something I said, near 40 Chernobyl Spring Rapture, demos? Seeing my neighbors acting weirdly vanishing overnight; one well adjusted just threw a backpack over his shoulder left walking. Grab bags, for my grands I did a research on just now!

Come to think of it was I exaggerating explaining to the grand who 2016 saw her version of my 2001, presently NASA/TIFF/CME/EMP event; saw both John and I, even Michael’s list, families of refugees down on all fours  crossing the old Arkansas bridge into Angel Gabiel’s designed Safehaven US Georgia coast presently US/West Rule democracy has refugees building up in four countries,  five of you count hours, six with UK Britain, even 7 with Canada! 

Left you forget, waking several times each speaking a different language these too were fathers on the run with each a son! 

Simultaneously from all dispensations, all angles Seeing the things which are, shall be, and shall be hereafter, indefinitely. I was already there being called out of a tent Pat Pat Pat; while during a mocked nations summit Senator Obama designed The One and TWO Antichrist HUGE BEAST come Into  play, by way of error US soil. I woke lead out to an Atlantic, African coastline there’s hundreds of millions pouring in; in the news July 2024 lately, pending allies, lest you forget even elephants of staying unaware were witnessed Dec 03, 2017, Stampeding tug of turf wars Trump, Abbas and Abbas’ threaten 8 leads! 

Elon Musk ✅ X

@Elon Musk







Q & A

YouTube Mr Weather Man, TWO BLOBS, Heavy Storms and Tropical Development More Likely... via @YouTube

See, Mainstream Media Would NEVER Show You This!! via @YouTube; marvel not those the unworthy swine sacrificing for ensnared tribulers, leaping, piling into carnivore Sobek’s gaping mouth; the build up of monster storms and monstrous rescues. Netflix’s don’t look up/US R. Congress, leave the world behind; see,those two pretending crystal skies. Rev 14 described amphibious monsters Red 12 Star Warring Red Dragon accompanied by 1998 procreating Fallen Angels, reproducing Godzilla and again Egypt’s Sobek; 

After Any Prophesied Hour Now, 10’s Of Millions W Pacific/US W Pacific Dead What’s Gonna Be Your Should’ve Would’ve Could’ve’s And I Don’t Wanna Be There, Hear it, THESE VARIOUS JUDGMENTS OF THE NATIONS TO PLANET WIDE/OCEAN WIDE DEAD, GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT! 

-No Flirting with Keanu Reeves movies; DC comic Cyborg to Netflix’s Jungl- to Avengers. To mocking Ben Affleck Batman vs Superman a Rev 9 bottomless pit of invading hybrids/ALIENS; Texas just warned by Angels get out; hit by Superstorms since the ebbing and flowing, Chernobyl April 08, Spring Rapture, Eclipse/Devil comet; Texas personally targeted, hit by many records broken, hurricane Beryl? 

Texas just warned by the authentic guardians of the galaxy to ETERNALS, Holy Angels, get out; hit by Superstorms since the Eclipse/Devil comet; hit by Beryl? Aug 25 2024 a year Rev 9 is revisited, hearing go get the HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH, I know the title I gave HER seen launching Daniel’s/King Nebuchadnezzar’s Stone from heaven, the force of world ending apocalypse, John hearing, “loose the four bound angels,” they come with 200 million demons shown  2019 Rev 12 Star Wars event, as the movie mummy Scorpion King, The Antichrist, policing, Anubis Army, but did they equally bearing, handing over the keys to Red Dragon bottomless pit of Satanic, Demonic, Apocalyptic 

You so-called American Christians, you believe in the biblical version of The Bible or your own various versions? Angel Gabriel soon seen hand a Trumpet, I Thess 4:16-18/I Cor 15:51-58/Star Warrior AODHF Rev 11, enslaved tribulation saints mocked blinking of an eye tribe by these scriptures! Trump Gabriel is saying “THE FULFILLMENT OF ALL THINGS IS UPON MANKIND; WE ARE GENERATION FULFILLMENT! Billions of people will die, Senator Barack Hussein July 26/27 2023 calculated UK/BC/US death tolls alone at 100 million! HBOW

See here, The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Evidence of an Interstellar Portal? (S5) via @YouTube; here, 73 STRANGE Lights in the Sky! South Florida - July 16, 2024 via @YouTube, 

EERIE "Unearthly" Sounds FILL the Night Sky! WHAT is happening? via @YouTube; remember only a day or so, there’s a Signs movie, Alien Invasion of an alerting baby monitor type sounds in my kitchen before I wake its morning after speaking a non-human language; previously waking speaking previous languages were all about   Various eEarthers on the run! Say the exchange of hands of Rev 9/20 referenced keys to the bottomless pit also opened portals closed since Rev 12 timeless interstellar Armageddon, Red Dragon Them planet earth exile. What would you do; even AODHF showing HIMSELF Star Warring, Stay, fight the interstellar Armageddon to Megiddo Armageddon of all time past, present or ever to come, to be again or escape for all ancient of time, indefinitely. 

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