Sunday, September 8, 2024

Prophecy Links fulfilling The Cell Phone Glitch Nuclear, May 3, 2023 in 37 days, hearing Aug 30/31 2024 Get the Holy Bride Of Wrath; for I begin the see the Antichrist in great prowess planet wide. I also begin the reigning church bride, possessing, prepping and launching until I hear in my ears “The Is The Antichrist Murderer.” 

Henceforth Holy Bride Of Wrath leading incoming, impacting planetary bodies; marvel not three hammering off of a Mt Sinai more apocalyptic events would’ve proceeded reigning church bride prepping them according to fulfill ing apocalyptic biblical prophecy beginning with Volcanic Incineration West Rule/US soil! Knowing’ who? GOD; Knowing what? US soil weights of blood guilt judgment; knowing what; fiery doomsday Apocalypse The TIFF/CME/EMP to Ben Affleck Armageddon  YELLOWSTONE! Knowing when Jan 22-29, 2018 Rev 10, Mighty Angel warn, desolations predicted US soil now come; Trump Gabriel got the Holy Church Bride and gone! knowing where to run Isaiah’s Petra/Archangel Michael’s US Georgia/Africas SW Atlantic/John’s Jesus Throne Bosom! 

Article WP 

After fiery debate, Harris and Trump camps wrangle over a second one 

Harris’s aides are confident she won Tuesday’s showdown but are looking for more ways to reach swing voters. Trump aides discuss whether a second debate would help or hurt, 

-God’s fury to backturn at Gog and Magog; if ticking down endtime timetables Trump/ABRAHAM ACCORD is the wounded head to false prophet. Just say this biblical character is prophesied to be the most popular and trusted man in all history! Knowing where RUN!

Since elephants of staying unaware stampeded a tug of Dec 3, 2017 Trump/Abbas, Abbas 8 leads. Then let’s talk about Hawaii Missile morning Jan 2018, it’s darken mirror of cursing disillusionment the dangerous, perfect man, claiming he alone is God when 100 million westerners died. 

Here’s Jesus THE CHRIST saying “fear not the one who can kill the body; I wanted to tell him, fear the one warning both a dominoing Hawaii and 101 Eze 5 designed that you run and the speed! How many ways you would have thought it was a Chernobyl disaster and again THEY’D ALL INTERVENE GETTING US OUT!

George ✅

Trump's closing statement video on ABC News' TikTok has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him. Kamala's video has a quarter of the views Trump got and thousands of comments AGAINST her. 

TikTok is a super leftist platform, but even they can't hide the fact that people resonated with Trump's boldness and authenticity way more than the lies that came out of Kamala's mouth.


Hearing ONE HOUR WITH THE BEAST, Whore And Beast Separated! 

‪Know ticking down more timetables than any man ever; one has predicted Trump the 47th US Pres since April 2019. As in he’d have a return behind Biden! Marvel Dan 9:24-26 predicted July 26/27 2009 Senator Obama’s was a term of 2 wks 7 yrs; then John and I see Rev 13 on, by US soil‬

Y’all do know, Syed Farook highjacking mocking an Islamic/Israeli Antichrist reached a crescendo by Jesus THE CHRIST, descending millennium reign? Hearing only days past “go get the holy bride of wrath; marvel shes incoming, missiling down crystal skies Prophet Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar did witnessed as myself during a Gog and Magog Trump post apocalyptic US Representative/Kingdom Nation Building! 




Last time Chris we got Covid its, Civil War. intervention, with natural, Volcanic, Nuclear. SOLAR/SOLAR, Cosmic to Alien Apocalypse simultaneously imminent! 

SUNLIGHT OF GOD  wants our repentance and for evidence he wants as Moses  days West Rule/American EXODUS ! Knowing where, Watch, RUN! Live! HBOW/Apb

Article, Apple News, Russia’s election influence efforts show sophistication, officials say

Moscow is using “authentic U.S. voices” on major social media platforms to “launder” propaganda and divisive narratives aimed at swaying American audiences.,

DESTROY AMERICA CONSTANTLY SINNING, events Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic, Alien Apocalypse 

Article, Jerusalem Post, Turkey's 'Islamic' offensive against Israel grows as Gaza war rages; hearing, Aug 2005, "Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada odd the map," (Aug 2023, that's 100 million western deaths worth; ok, admittedly I'd watched too many pics, itty, bitty pieces of Gaza's charcoal children; even mocked, @shaykhsulaiman did he think he was intimidating me, seeing I'd seen images of charcoal US stampeders, even US soldiers, some bout a dirty Mede. Ok, something must've happen to me, when I asked the question now three ,superpower levered, Biden/Harris/Trump. What would US leads forfeit, to save Gaza's children, the US election, The White House? Okay, okay, we here still, just to watch fulfillment, thus saith, Dec, 3, 4, 5, 2021, Rev 3, Jesus, I didn't think how even if THEY might respond.

Died Suddenly

These Little Ones,

Marvel not Rev 6, 4Th Seal Pale/Horse Of Hades After My Pale Horse Version Were Men Of Apocalypse Dressed As Horses!

A Hand Points To A Picture Of Mel Gibson; (Passion Of The Christ)?


Zoo, human predators, what an unimaginable nightmare. Know, Movie, Sound Of Freedom Stats. Trafficking to child trafficking, frightnight has outpaced illegal guns sales while knocking on illegal drug sales door; marvel not as John did marvel Great WHORE Mystery Babylon/West Rule


I’d be dishonest if I said, I knew the two movies reference here both portray Jim Caviezel as SAVIOR of the world; Jesus, The Christ to Rev 2 Jesus SAVIOR of ALL endangered children; marvel not Uvalde school shooting morning, that never ending lineup of children to a 2024 BIG JUNE 10, hammering, skyrocketing Rev 17:14 Jesus yanking out all children, those two recently drown, school bus, bothers, first.


Hearing someone use over the moon with excitement only over human extinction; make me realized that’s what perfectly describes the multi-million man, grocery store, store clerk. I’m pushing through prangs, the toll booth while passing him the store manger’s keys (keys to the bottomless pit, marvel not, the smoke from the bottomless pit possessing teen church boys along with extreme pedophilia and your future infants all locked in)! Hearing, Go Get The Holy Bride Of Wrath, (HBOW), beware, The BETA, the missiling down of planetary bodies, Apb

Elon Musk✅ X


Elon Musk Post A Picture

A Picture Ask Oh So We Can Say  What We Want? Judge Answers, Yeah! Another return then let’s give them guns, LMAO return  this country gonna be Lite? 

A Finger Points To A Picture  Of Mel Gibson ( Passion Of The.


-Just think come into my  porter of a prayer closet, decades now warning about a pending plague of gun violence to homicidal parents. Make you really wonder what’s to who’s written that as Ps 139/Rev 19/ my 2023, laid the foot of my prayer bed? This book of remembrance, Jesus’ Reign!!!

-I have one question Elon Musk, what’s if it’s the reigning Sunlight Of God, from behind a reigning Mt Sinai type, saying as to a visiting Moses,  type. “ let my people go, 30 minutes behind a weeping GODS THRONE caused The Silence in Heaven, yeah I was in my prayer closet when I saw that as well! 

-I suggest have faith/FATE of those who lay into sleeping pillars, you don’t wake because you’re American but because you’re from birth a blood lineage, God's design fallen from grace, with Jesus asking how will you spend death and dying worshiping him or burning your souls hell on earth, eternal hell and many that goes in thereat? 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddesses Bride, Ryleigh Alectrona McNamara and Lord, King, Bridegroom,  Alympus Torsten Botticelli,

Richet Structure Genealogy/Wedding  Extravaganza

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Global Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Septenntial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz and Lord Bridegroom Renaissance Bastian, desus Achilles was born, Unto Goddess Eirene/Lord Diaprepes, Unto Goddess Dia/Lord Azaes, Unto Goddess Godess Lamia/Mestor, Unto Goddess Herophile/Elasippus, Unto Goddess Rhode/Autochthon, Unto Goddess Charybdis/Mneseus, Unto Goddess Kymopoleia/Evaemon, Unto Goddess Bentthesikyme/Ampheres, Unto Goddess Aithousa/Gadeirus, Unto Goddess Euadne/Unto Goddess Athena /Atlas, Unto Goddess Despoena/Onchis

Unto Goddess Eirene Juelz Emiliano and Lord Diaprepes Giovanni Smithson was born a godson Caius Aspen Emiliano, A godson Jesiah Jaxon Emiliano a goddess Aydin Thiago Emiliano Smithson

Unto Goddess Chodne Axil Wilhelm and Lord, El Shaddai Machail Coogan Saurus and Godess Uqeen Bride Chodne Axil Wilhelm was born a son, Mem Tazaddl Saurus, a godson, Koph Reshiram Saurus, a godson PE. Khopesh Coogan, Wilhelm and a daughter Abekam Nedac Aeth Saurus, Coogan, Wilhelm  (daleth, Aleth, Cheth, Samach), MEM, I love your law, Tazaddl (your word is very pure, Koph, PE,     

Unto Goddess Ajiah Aatrium Spoons and Lord El Elyon Gabriel Coogan was born a godson Aaron Mathis Gabriel Coogan, a Godson Acium Maxtom Gabriel Coogan and a goddaughter Rlijah Briuna Gabriella Spoons, Coogan 

Unto Goddess El Mahaseiah Coogan and Lord Evden Bazely Holstrom was born a godson Knightly Stetson Deleon Holstrom, a godson Stormy Hawkins (Hawk) Holstrom a god-daughter Almaya Courtney (Court), Holstrom and a godson El Castiel Michael Holstrom,Coogan

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

{{{“Dae, Dae, you guys are impossible to reach or what? Emergency Evden or, no no no! Just listen, Miapo the return and his proposal are taking both culinary and birth classes with us. Maha isn’t taking it well, sits where she can stare at him for the most of it, she either Dae, Dae thinks I don’t see or she doesn’t care. Look, I suggest, get with El El and Ajiah, then could we meet at Eastside Pub? Maybe she’ll listen to you guys, what Evden man about a change of classes, later, earlier? No, she won’t hear it, okay, not from me anyway! Love you Evden man, Chodne and we’re the kitchen planning dinner. So instead we’ll see you later, I’ll even get Darius Sia Evolent advice. See you soon! “Thanks, easily, passionately hearing the emotional breakage in his voice, thus his heart. Love you, see you then, love you El Shaddai, Chodne too, see you soon.”}} >>”Thinking it wasn’t just the most crystal of skies, but even the atmosphere all around, breathing it bathing, basking, and close enough to reach up and touching it. He’s thinking were now a few of the Richet Structure otherworldly features! Unexpectedly, for eons come, to go, to serendipitously He and Maaseiah Adonai, with other Angel men and their Goddesses had miraculously by their daily transit arrived a being miraculously renovated Richet Structure, genealogy. Yawning. stretching herself awake, feeling around, slightly opening her eyes! Seeing from there, Nicholas Edin was yet to return from a she had to admit, phenom balcony! As-usual, oftentimes their wowing marriage bed truly overwhelmed him. But, as one throwing to kicking the covers off, wrapping, tying herself, thinking this seeming orgasmic intoxication was different, this scared her. “My knight, the sound of her approaching voice, breaking, shaking his head along new tears. Please, warning, even pushing her off, please, don’t run to me Maaseiah, don’t see me, don’t touch me, clearly I’m totally bewitched! Shhh, shhh, shhh, nonsense, I’m gonna hold you, Nicholas Edin Coogan, love and kiss you, truly I have nothing else to cling to. I woke Maaseiah from being in a wilderness shakily screaming my loudest, loud, flesh, bone, blood because there was just no other way to express how extraordinary GOD is! Tell me. anything like that ever happened to you? Sort of, only it was Armageddon’s Michael Clark Duncan singing opera in a wilderness. I guess Nicholas oppose to when the fat lady sings. how about when the huge black man from the movie Armageddon, sings, a pending Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! I remember wondering, thinking, I didn’t know he could sing. Maaseiah, those were the two hardest days, ah god, I know sweetheart, punishing you Maaseiah, pricking you only to prick myself! Ah Hail to Maaseiah Adonai, dubbed Lord Urusalem. y’all sure bout this beyond anything, everything transitioning? Like loving, knight husband, there’s a choice, for when the fullness of time hath come, Rev 14 crown Jesus THE CHRIST, will position himself the clouds up there, Archangel will shout, Trump will sound and I Nicholas as Lord Urusalem equally standing up there witnessed as clouds balloon and balloon with every reaped, skyrocketing saint its captive. Oh my blessed, blessed love, I could kiss you all over and eat you up, your delicious, flawless skin in my teeth all. Dearest one, like all other heart treasures, you’re gonna have to stop stressing and lay even our intoxicating Genesis marriage bed into the heavens reigning church bride hewning us asunder the apocalyptic collision to colliding of Holy Spirits to its multibillion man ever or ever again to come! “I admit,” taking her hand, bringing them back to warm juicy covers, to cuddling to wrestling. I admit, The New Richet Structure is coming right along, these incredible King, Queen suites Ah my god is Christ, talk about a night at the Richet museum, and knowing now how fallen angels hybrid Aliens played a part for millennia. There’s Nicholas love, a YouTube recently discussing all these objects they’re finding under the Richet Structure, so it’s fascinating museum can only get more beyond imagining.”     >>> “No, all you stop acting like I've lost my mind, I know he’s not my Miapo. Then tell me love, you just don’t want him to just ask you anything, that you’re bursting Maha for him too? What’s your answer? You act Evden like there’s something wrong with a return knowing! Perhaps Maha so or not,” rushing up, out, wife Ajiah as well, helping one another with jackets. “But knowing as you could frustrate The transition, yeah, that was Darius Sia Evolent fear as well. Darius Sia Evolent, clearly it’s you who’re losing it, I can’t believe you went to her! We better go, we only had a few hours of babysitting credits left, except its all nighter, like you guys, we’re saving that! Maha practice what you preach, supposed it was you transitioning, would you really want to be left a tug of indecision the one who got away, that’s all confusion to confusion, think loving sister, think! Blessed sleep you guys, you too El El, Ajiah! Maha, seeing her rolling those stunning blues, eyes to tears, angrily to nervously twisting her hair up, away. Raise your hands if you ever had a lost love return, huh, huh? Knowing they were right and more pissed at husband Evden Blazely than she’d ever been. Just promised loving Mahaseish Unique you won’t under any circumstances approach him, including weirding him out by staring him down? You just told everything, didn’t you? I’m going home, Mahaaa, my own transit, you three can sit here planning the rest of it, and just so you know, it’s not too late to forfeit, Tombola? Maha, really, why would you say, Dae, Dae, leave me alone, all of you, leave me alone! Please don’t go doing anything you’ll regret., thanks you guys, I better stay close to her. Please do, right, see you guys tomorrow, right, right! I know Chodne, neither of us know how it is to have someone you treasure disappeared and arrive to you as a return Nextus Juttah Genealogy all! I want to get my parents involved, even the Global Juttah. Do we simply El Shaddai sit back and let it work itself out, pray that Maha does what she know and not what she feel. Now, playing his honey blonde locks, to kissable lips, breathe, you trying to make me throw you down right here, these enticing scents, since, since we have the time and we’ve gone through all these sacrifices. I say honey love, we stay, order, enjoy one another’s wondrous company; wondrous company you say? I dear say yes, okay, but during reveals tomorrow I’m keeping my sleeping shoulders to myself. So I suggest we order to go, climb all its deliciousness’s into our delicious marriage bed and explosiveness sway, saved by the ordering bell, for now beloved wife Chodne, only for now!” >>I’m gonna pretend I don’t see you, plus your sympathy ploy of crouching tiger gestures are wearing thin! Forsake me not forevermore my amore, I can’t feel the bottom part of my extremities. Ah my God how long you been like this? Ouchhhhh, careful, careful Maha please, please love, I oughta leave you I’m helping but I’m still angry. telling my brothers, one whose virtual Global Juttah, Evden really, I saw both a head on and rear collision, with their sister it’s primary victim! Whatever you have to tell yourself, these decision of yours. Good night, and, and, no more crouching anything, go to sleep Evden Blazely.” Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4,

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Sia Juttah Nicholas Edin Coogan and Queen Bride, Sia Juttah Lord Urusalem, Maaseiah Adonai Saurus 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Global Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Septenntial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Nicholas Edin Coogan and Tiffany Ann Saurus was born twin sons,  Agurus Heus Coogan a son, Heus Agurus and a daughter Karsiann Coogan Saurus 

Unto Sia Juttah Nicholas Edin Coogan and Sia Juttah Maaseiah Adonai Saurus were born triplets, a god daughter, Mahasiah Unique Coogan, a godson, Elyon Gabriel Coogan and a son, Shaddai Machail Coogan, Saurus,

Unto Agurus Heus Coogan and Chelsea Shiban Welton was born Amir Adam Coogan, an additional son, Agurus Shiban Coogan, and a daughter Megan Kiera Welton 

Unto Heus Agurus Coogan and Aslan Myreh Stuard was born their first son Ashton Heus Coogan, their second son, Gabriel Rayan Coogan and a daughter Felicity Elaine Stuard

Unto Darius Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele Kroff and Preecest Darius Karsiann Coogan was born a son, first prince, Silverton Nicolas, Coogan, Chow, a son, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Kroff,  a daughter, Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, a daughter,  Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, and a daughter, Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff and godson, third Prince, Adonai Maaseiah, Emanel, Shaddai  

Unto Siagon Lu Chow and Karsiann Coogan was First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool, Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern

Unto Maipo Finona Kwanskan and Queen Bride El Mahaseiah Unique Coogn was born two godsons Amaomao Meiko Kwanskan, a son Kikowaena Dialia Kwanskan and a daughter, Lani Kikowaena Kwanskan, Eskew

Unto Evden Bazely Holstrom and El Mahaseiah Coogan was born a godson Knightly Stetson Deleon Holstrom, a godson Stormy Hawkins (Hawk) Holstrom a god-daughter Almaya Courtney (Court), Holstrom and a godson El Castiel Michael Holstrom,Coogan

Unto El Shaddai Machail Coogan Saurus and Chodne Axil Wilhelm was born a son, Mem Tazaddl Saurus, a godson, Koph Reshiram Saurus, a godson PE. Khopesh Coogan, Wilhelm and a daughter Abekam Nedac Aeth Saurus, Coogan, Wilhelm  (daleth, Aleth, Cheth, Samach), MEM, I love your law, Tazaddl (your word is very pure, Koph, PE,     

Unto El Elyon Gabriel Coogan Ajiah Aatrium Spoons was born a godson Aaron Mathis Gabriel Coogan, a Godson Acium Maxtom Gabriel Coogan and a goddaughter Rlijah Briuna Gabriella Spoons, Coogan 



X  Post, BREAKING: New leaks indicate that Kamalas camp is in shambles and they're considering backing out of the debate altogether,



God cutting a fury as at the rise of Gog and Magog, Of Trump and  Pence, back turn. A VP of convenience that’s hardly had an appearance or a say: except to make the world Sodom. Surrealistically campaign in shambles is small potatoes in comparison to fame letters USA witnessed floating off The American Continent into The African Continent howbeit not the continuity of West Rule America! 

Testimonies, Chernobyl Rapture Spring 1986 thru Devil Comet Rapture Spring, 2025 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Melson Ericson Fanona and Queen Bride, Henretta Kiirsten Gorge 

Unto Melson Ericson Fanona and Henretta Kiirsten Gorge was born a god son, Nelson Elonna Fanona, a godson, Xavvia Klienson Fanona a goddaughter Sabrina Xelus Fanona, Gorge     

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

"I just start laughing when she said she feel like the earth beneath is moving from under her feet cause too myself I said yeah because I’m skyrocketing off the planet. So your grand Melson man disappeared from the back yard? Yeah where she spend all her time, walked out one day didn’t come back, curious is only days prior she said we’re  going to be as and live as Jesus has for the last near two millennia and that’s all outreach holy saints dancing hallelujahs all around the sounding of the 7 Angel trumpet; we rolled our eyes and subbed our noses as usual,  now we’re devastated and totally regret our deprivation toward her. My question, have anyone been revisited by loved ones of the first resurrection, I wonder anyway? You mean your dream question, but no, they're not heard from again and until they're seen descending as Jesus' millennium. I got dish duties, catch up later; wow Mel man, yeah, nothing was left but that blue and white lawn chair she sat in, time I heard I ran, fling open that door, I felled to my knees, nothing, she was nowhere and to be honest, I don’t ever wanna feel that kinda regret ever again. We better get too, tired of getting fussed at about these choirs! Yeah that's when a one track mind, filled in instantly, get to US Georgia and as suggested let Ps 35 and 91 Intravenous take it from there, I'm this way man, catch you for break,  yeah, right! Why Speak In Parables? For like in the days of Ezekiel rebellious, they yet say The Lord seeth us not, The Lord Is Ascended from the earth."

Rev 18, HGOW, And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, for your sins have reached unto heaven, and I, God hath "REMEMBERED" your iniquities! HBOW!

CNN Article, During The manhunt for Brian Laundrie Russia To launder US election results curious word choice. Seeing revisited, I just saw a basket of laundry aside the bed. Rightly mock Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids, belittling an out the front door, growing camouflage of a guerrilla war, all while America the hypocritical are doing its own dirty laundry for a change!!!

Article, The Atlanta Journal Constitution Nation watches as teenage Georgia school shooting suspect, father face charges;




My blood rage every time I see this hypocrisy, what happened to mom or parents who gave their pale skin teen a rifle, send him into BLM marches so he could kill dark skin people for Trump? Here recently turnt on a campaigning Trump when another pale skin young man used a rifle to try to blow Trump head off!


Coincidental I’m sure the man with more simultaneous ticking timetables ever. Including assuring he’s 47th US Priz. That huge white bandage now looked like the head wounded Election 2009, Rev 13 described Antichrist. I witnessed Obama, Trump/Biden and Trump Admin come up by US seas, soils and go again into election 2024 fulfillment


US Lab Bio-DNA Covid was ravaging the country only Trump was madder than ever at those BLM marches. Remember we heard it during Biden/Harris election “every 20 seconds,” David, Muir who’s entire election broadcasting visited inside my house, especially it’s kitchen reveal world stretching, boiling cauldron of sitting ducks to boiling frogs, reported one US dead every 20 seconds.” So I ask again what was scarier a US Bio-Covid or it’s soaring funeral reef of US dead.


A sea of scattered people and charcoal Gaza children because you don’t wanna let go of the one world system that hate god the most another war in heaven soon millions US to westerners dead to rid of West Rule first of all; meaning my witnessed star warring of Angels up there wasn’t John’s witnessed AND THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN! Fretnot thyself any friend of the world, of NBA’S America Dreaming is an enemy of God and Hammering, Jesus The Christ! 

Article, Reuters Shots fired, bulldozers rammed cars during UN standoff with Israeli military - Reuters,; marvel US mocked a multimillion man single water cooler when Mystery woman caring more  blacken bowl judgements trips up;  marvel Israel mocked a busy shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to their deaths combined Britain, Canada, America, calculated 100 million! HBOW/Apb

YouTube EM Production, 9/11: Minute by Minute | Full Film via @YouTube; I started watching this a few days past, didn’t finish, got busy. One constant thing about 911 memorials we always think back to the day we watched as that first plane accidentally flew into that building; Frightnight to rolling twilight since, meaning the second plane wasn’t an accident.


I remember thinking, those unimaginable death tolls were only ten million less predicted US soil losses. Pres Bush/Bush/ Cheney invading Islamic territories to countries, designed “ONE ERROR, to “A New Fear Factor,” and 50 million US dead. Shakespearean a plague upon every US White House to planet wide West Rule.

Clearly given the opportunity to seek non-aggression, actually its own handwriting of judgment Jeremiah 37:8 suggest, seeking non aggression or perish. Missed opportunity to toss white flags in and way, way, way up. Those for Ancient of days whoremongers, warmongers chose the way of incalculable in human losses! 

This author was putting Islamic war dead since 9/11, since Bush to US invasion at 40 million. Saying even if he’s including losses into future generations. These are death tolls mounting right now with Gaza’s barbecue to charcoal men, women, children! Knowing they gave Netanyahu the go ahead with bringing Hamas to the brink of extinction. 

I know, what democratic world system to world peace agrees to  opened handed. human genocide? Frightnight the more, I known none of considered how that’d look on westerner soil, Aug 24/25 2023, your own calculated death tolls at 100 million with near a billion gone into exile luxury! 

Then John hears. who are they and from when do they come? Near two millennia later I’m pictured calling them all westerners territories out of states of barbecue; centuries earlier then John Isaiah see what’s left over pouring into Jordan’s Sela, centuries yet , John see, hear  Archangel Michael them assigned to keep watch 1,260 days; near two thousands years in I see Atlantic, SW Africa’s coast also Archangel Michael them designed Safehaven territories! HBOW/Apb

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