2021, think only that Oct 17, 2021 prior, but guardian and star warring intravenous put us Daniel 9:27 final week of year, billions will perish! I wake hearing, Rev 3, Jesus, Dec 3, WATCH! Dec 4, RUN! Dec 5, LIVE!
A handwriting to warning, 2 Thess 2, Opposer, Oct 28, 2024, Definition and Thesaurus!
Asteroid/SOLAR/Comic Events DESTROY!
WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES AND WESTERN LEADERS! Thus Saith Reigning In Aug 5, 2021 Rev 11, Star Warring AODHF Place, Mal 4, Described, The Sunlight Of God!
Well let us pray David, Sean is rolling outta bed sleeping on his face to stomach in repentance to Jesus THE CHRIST, PS 51/Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9 or else suffer Alien Apocalypse. So when Trump Gabriel Sounds any nanosecond now he too will skyrocket to Rev 12 second heaven for interceding tribulation saints.
Frightnight well hundreds of millions unrepentant fire-rocket off the planet never being seen, heard of ever again. Unless you’re Rev 20, billions planetwide dead and bidden to the Great White Throne Judgement! Get Mat 24 Jesus already suggesting you run, how blessed are those in the first resurrection, Get Up Yonder! HBOW/Apb
Sulaiman Ahmed
Source: Al Mayadeen
Israel attempted to target 3 bases in Tehran province, but Iran's air defense has countered them all. https://x.com/52patann/status/1850634018389143982?s=46
I Woke Two Decades Oct 1, 2004/Oct 3.2021 Hearing Britain, Britain, Britain! Understand John Described 7Th Kingdom Fall After Egypt/Assyria/BABYLON/Medo Persia/Greece and Rome!
Can’t say I’m surprised, the one who put Saddam in the WH while US troops hunted him down. Y’all don’t realize what a huge upset to all allegiance North Korea moving troops against any western ally, proves to be evident their intimidation over world affairs is OV get Jesus! HBOW
Putting Barack Hussein, Hussein bloodline in the WH for two weeks and 7 years. Christmas 2001 the speed of the Trump Gabriel RAPTURE no longer is western rule and 190 years of tech no more this planet! The heavens is raining down like ashes a burning forewarning scroll we know 100 million westerners are no more! Maybe finally with π hallelujahs all around I can get that glorified body no more cursed flesh!
Marvel not Mal 4 Sunlight of God, he tanking us off fiery doomsday planet Chernobyl April Spring rapture is celebrating our enemies fire-rocketing off the planet are as ashes under our feet! Who you would describe as the continuity of Rev 18/18 described Western civilization is standing before a weigh station watching its New White trimmed in gold intrepid auto drive off without her. Inside is a weight Dan 5 handwriting Jer 37:8, weights of blood guilt, especially Islam whore set to world rule 190 months 190 years, 190 million ppl gone!
Looking for something anointed for hours to carry me off asleep into the daylight hours. The Ashbury Revival come again into my recommendations! I know you often said this wasn’t authentic revival!
When all I wanted to do was drop everything like so many line upon line and go to Asbury! What stopped me, Asbury isn’t Star Warring Archangel Michael’s List, US GA COAST Crossover!
You then might ask what is my running to Lazarus and his sisters urgency that has me in impact zones, sending burnt offerings up to its merciful God, I’m not taking his grace in vain, know my heart.
Easily my eldest persecuting a foundational Apostle Prophet Jesus THE CHRIST; THEY described not unlike the 12, believe me, I know. Then who Ancient of Days intravenous entreat simply a likeness to Jesus’ intravenous Jacob’s Ladder!
Although I could’ve thrown my emergency backpack over my shoulders. Besides The Diamond carved, Crystal Dove Craft, Chariot, penniless. Still, still began walking toward Safehaven US GA coast, plus y’all know intravenous Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband/Trump/Archangel THEM love a challenge.
Though on the phone with her, three triangle crafts, Darts flyovers one of my eldest granddaughters presently much to her regret offered me a olive branch to come to her. When I assume HOLIES agree cause by the time she and Memphis son arrive for me.
Frightnight to rolling twilight skies with two Godzilla Beast pretending crystal skies. Here Pastor was exactly 21 years the exact date Juneteenth 17/19, 2023 a Sunlight of God, reigning in ({Rev 11}), Star Warring AODHF Absence, 30 minutes after the silence in heaven
Like equally commanded me to prophesy to world leaders as a Moses exodus to let their Hebrew ancestors Juneteenth Inherit go! I know, the since Senator Obama campaign witness hundreds of millions the repatriation of Atlantic’s SW Africa.
I could flip you out even more the house of arrival, before I wake hear about the Hawaii missile crisis Rev 2 Jesus designing it all riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers; there’s a Rev 17:14 Jesus Hudson and Jacob’s Ladder in intravenous and simultaneously there’s some they’re translating, crossing over, firerocketing to skyrocketing!
Now If you’re thinking wondering like me, wait! Is this the same Grand this same Juneteenth 17/19 2018 date who witnessed her assembly of Memphians down On all fours repentance pouring into us down on all four pence awaiting them at Georgia’s COAST Crossover? Yeah, that’d be her!
Seeing Oct 28, 2024, the handwriting ‘The great opposer,’ with Definition and Thesaurus; definition someone against, resistance, Thesaurus, an opponent, antagonist
2 Thess 2:3/4
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
I have teased how many his followers eyes will shoot towards where’s the closest exit? Once this Sen Obama, July 2009, also Rev 13 described, well loved man of sin announces he is god, and thank persistent intravenous outreach for them being made away, RUN!
Honestly, I was so mesmerized by Ashbury Revival after they’d 40 years now showed me a mass assembly hopeless without Jesus type repentant altars, demon dogs keeping the doors, growing pedophile teen boys' with penises attached with infants.
I know, still surrealistically with great carnivore beast stomping and chomping through pulpits. Believe me Asbury Revival was indescribable blessed assurance for both intravenous Trump Gabriel come saying “The Fulfillment of all things is upon mankind and intravenous outreach Apostle, Prophet THEY say, I am!
Though, all is fair in love and interstellar Armageddon They’d also Pastor showed me tribulation saints who’ve endure earth ending trials who’ve arrived up to God, Chernobyl Rapture Spring 1986. Just as so there’s Ben Affleck Armageddon Jan 16, 2023 as immaculate, so immaculate you couldn’t tell them from Christ Jesus himself!
So intimidating, I suggested as with Jesus THE CHRIST Father God safeguard his tender heart, beware of Eze 9 US soil heart stabbers/cardiac arrest, pandemic. I know Earthers like Nicodemus were beyond description impressed with Genesis The woman seed/GOD’S design sacrificial lamb; what about ancient of days Angelic intravenous, will they too ascend? JCOR/HBOW/Apb,
The Aqua Jutth Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/ 3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Est Wes Anderson Whitehead and Queen Bride Madison Loraine Cliffton
Unto Est Wes Anderson (Andy), Whitehead and Madison (Mad) Loraine Cliffton was born a godson Pier Yahya Bilal Whitehead, Cliffton
Songs of Songs Which Are Solomon, Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.
Unto First Prince, Silverton Nicholas Coogan, Kroff, Chow, Liverpool, Darius and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern, Jones, Askew, Becton, Scott, Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots, Unto Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney, Unto Sia Ctentri Israel Bonai and Catalsha Sicily Cambridge, Unto Sia Beowulf Michael Angelo and Charlotte Nicole Wellson, Unto Sia Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Braveheart Deburk
"To what do I owe this privilege?" Displaying herself as one on guard was her guardian Izidkiel most proficient for days now nowhere to be noted. "Who are you? I’m A’albiel,”as one bowing to her to display obeisance although was Lord Urusalem somewhat disturbed by his, their suspicious visitation. "Even Damien, and Syene, you are Lord Urusalem and we’re the ones seeing you to your next designation so passed due. And what Lord A’albiel would such the like itinerary be, even where is Lord Izidkiel, my most trusted companion? You wouldn’t Lord Urusalem be stalling for time?" As those grabbing her as to handle her roughly, as to bring her against her will, against the will of all heaven, earth and beneath. "You are black," with purpose at wrestling herself free, was it apparent even in these high places on high, did they mean her primarily evil, simply Helel not giving up without a fight. "Cold and as black as any narrative, as black cherished one as you are light," again bringing her along a quiet place could Lord Urusalem see in the distance the tower above staircase leading to his highest throne at knowing those most omniscient would fathom this treason, thus she bore patience that her Knight Lord being mighty in war most victorious would surely rescue her now and forever. "Why do you let him persuade you this way, punished for all eternity, doesn’t that mean anything? Not desired one as long as I deliver you to him," holding her mouth at curving them down, away, down into a hideaway from researchers could Lord Urusalem not comprehend how they’d gotten to this point with her. "Then black lords if I am as important as you say why is this infraction so effortless? I’m A’albiel," again as those etching them along this without exertion infraction so cautiously would they not lay hold to her wisdom most glorious. "I’m Lord Urusalem a lesser, your Lord Archangel, if you will be so kind as to follow us and just as trusting. Lord A’albiel, Lord Urusalem is trying to inform you you’re on your way to a spirituous union of the host of Helel’s making, there you and he will reign as an entire. I perceive one who is a long way from his assignment wouldn’t you say Damien?” Having as Lord Urusalem suspected pinpointed their useless seizure of this most exalted one, was it all by heaven host being brought to a dramatic conclusion. “I’ve come too far Dazzling one not even you can prevent me, you will A’albiel liberate her and you will liberate her now! Me and my host Lord Archangel doesn’t think so,” was an alerted Archangel constrain by the presence of a myriad of those fallen and following but did he have at his disposal the Holiest of Holy by an even greater, incalculable number. "You can’t have her, you know A’albiel you can’t, thus your abrupt haste is unto what purpose? Lord Ancient, you must know I’m to go to her, this is their fight Lord Israel, not yours, I fear they cannot defeat this ancient evil and his horde. Defeat them, need I Sweet Prince lay to your charge thine own tongue? ”It is finished? As you Lord Highness hath said to thine own disciples, O ye of little faith, be still and know I am ELOHIM! All you’re to do Lord Urusalem is rebuff him, this insidious bargain and in its stead come to me, lay one hand on her and it will be your last, you dare ancient evil at threatening me, make that us, Lord Archangel! But how? Betrayers in my midst that’s how, never you mine Lord Urusalem, come with me and sit as queen over them all, I can’t come with you," as one backing away horribly into that denial that Lord Archangel, Izidkiel, Raphael, Uriel, as so their plenty in host is to instead retrieve her. "I don’t love you, thus I can’t trust you, come with me Lord Urusalem and I will spare the earthers, you already his highest know he’s with continual exertion to destroy them by the multitude, hence remember Lord Urusalem death is the anomaly. Thus says the Lord of Host, you Helel, were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, you were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, carnelian, chrysolite, and moonstone, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald; and worked in gold were your settings and your engravings yet you perish from them all. As wise as she is stunning, what an award of course, though Lord Archangel is right as with your God," drawing ever so close to them that he’s to virtually, foolishly take her Highness against her will "death isn't the anomaly, then we fight, fight Lord for one whose heart and confessions are against you in every way? Legion! Koshchei!, Seize her!"
"What did you tell the earthers?" Had a loud cry unlike anything even Gabriel is to denote concerningly just radiate itself across heaven, earth and even the regions of hell, would said cry uproot and bring to Satan’s fading seat every fallen angel and demonic entity in his marshal. "You know what I told them?" With nothing but two glistening lights cutting through the darkness all around Him, his this divine one’s eyes. "I told them the great wrath of the Supreme's Day is come and who evil one shall be able to stand? You lie, these are all Lies!" Angrily crashing a huge container to the floor at radiating a loud, dulling noise all around, had things, ancient plans so purposed fading into oblivion, "nothing but lies. What is happen? I assume the trade off didn’t go as suspected? Tell me the truth delighted one. or I’ll pluck your wings one by one, that black warden would take an eternity and you don’t have that manner of time. Yes," as one laying a single finger for thinking to his chin, could Gabriel not believe he was going alone with these ridiculous events, but all for the fulfillment of prophecy. "Seeing you’re to have one wing per angelic host, regard-less, Lord Urusalem is the concluding factor of the Supreme's Kingdom, both a lineage of the anointed and mankind. Yes Hallow One and I’m but a member of His royal palaces, it is ill-advised to think Prince Israel is to trade me for Highness, perhaps this is why He has loosed them. Them my immoral custodian? Them, the four bond angels, the Prathes, Asia, the Armenian mountains, "ahhhhh," developing a manner of mal-contempt on his own, a spinal cord shivery but was this news concerning for him as well, that even as every revelation sicken him to death, his intended reign falter mightily. "That is to mean Lord Darkness, Apollyon will no doubt follow, then there’s to be nothing for you to rule but a greater formation of ruin, chaos and eventually, a black void. Not your spirited, winged one if I take heaven’s throne, having Lord Urusalem at my side, there is no other reality, don’t you, this profane warden mean fantasy, I mean who is your consultant and to what magnitude is his intellect impaired so? You laugh now mightily winged one, but one day the whole of heaven will view me from the bottom of darkness as even as you. I am Gabriel, heaven's man, I’ve been at this with you Lucifer for as long as His Highness is Ancient. Hear thine brother so forsaken by you and yours, when I tell you, only His Ancient will has and will continually be done. You know this and yet you still persist, you Lucifer Once so mighty and true, know this. I know nothing, and you are released for all days, years and ancient to come, I have no further use of you, so now Helel, I’m thine enemy because I tell you the truth? Your truth Gabriel, your truth, now be off with you, be off with you forever!” <<<"No Lord I strongly disagree" having come in on many conversing, even the Ancient Throne, the Twenty-Four Elders, “one, he won’t harm Lord Gabriel, two he can’t kill him, nor hold him prison against his will, thus and so, three he know Lord Urusalem will not be traded for him. This my Anointed Cherub isn’t at all as it appear, no it would seem my Lord Holiest it’s with purpose that Lord Gabriel most of all is to be taken out of the way. Archangel," as one showing a sign of relieving himself at coming in on the most astonishing debate of all eternity, as all eternity was involved. "I’m pleased you’re to join us, and of course Lord Israel you’re right, but only partially, this mounting treason is to diminish Gabriel’s surcharge but isn’t it Archangel, Holy Cherub, testament with purpose at distracting us from more developed plans than these? If my Lord He’s to rule these heavens as he’s persuaded for the ancient then he will no doubt stop at nothing, and my graces I mean nothing that Lord Urusalem rule even at his right hand. So," with such highlights springing the Supreme's Christ abruptly to his feet, as one visibly uprooted by this inclusion, these projected yet perverse revelations, were this divinely extrusive. "Then the war that is to end all wars is upon even the third places of heavens, you Dominion as the intact allocation of these heavens ,have your orders follow them well and be release accordingly, as you will Lord Highness. "So," setting a clear inquiry Archangel's way, had the heavens of all things that is, was and yet to come back brought back to its most trying times, but without corruption’s prevails. "Who can’t I trust? You’re right Lord Anointed One if you’re to think they’re to come for her, come Lord in a way and by a way we’re not to expect, even through or by a host of this holy mountain. But that would mean the possibility would be undetectable seeing said host is innumerable, believe me Archangel when I’m to say it is one of us and we’re to put the immeasurable contributions of these consecrated antechambers to work if we’re to discover the identity of this scandalous interruption." <<<"Speak to me," as one knocking on Gabriel’s penitentiary at bringing his attention again his way, at inquiring of his earthbound mission still, “are you ready great one at speaking the truth, and what truth lowest one, bottom feeder would that be? The Earthers, what did you tell them? First you set me free, then you bring me again into this dark waste of time where I not only see, but can smell your defeat so mightily. Seeing you must know, I informed them how it is the fulfillment of all things is upon them, thus and so whosoever shall call upon the Supreme's Christ shall be saved. What?" Dramatically displaying his disapproval did this news above all immensely disrupt him, even his varied plans, what kind of nonsense, of mighty treason was this? "That would mean Black of the day no more churches, no more congregations or denominations, here you sit, no more preachers preaching, hitherto no more ways darkest corner by which you’ve slain a myriad and look to genocide them all. So that’s their new hope? I’ve sensed the very stench of it in my nostrils and thus upon my readied tongue crying rise up and eat more flesh, but that is okay, every one of them that’s to cry Lord remember me will do so screaming from an agonizing abyss. By now Lord Lucifer the host of heaven would have realized the reason by which you’re to keep me are fallacious at best, making said speciousness your permanent death trap. Ah I’m dead your most honored one, but so is all things that’s to stand in my way, then loose me and lay down quietly black of the evening sky, loose me and lay down quietly."
"Why art thou cast down O my Lord and why art thou disquieted in me? My Lord," anxiously displayed as one disappeared, indeed as dissipated as ever, was Lord Urusalem discovering her Lord Prince against his will most of all, his being this overwhelmed. "You shouldn’t be here, and most of all we shouldn’t be together, as it’s to present such the opportunity for Helel! You are the Christ, the Savior of the world, yes and they hate me for all of it!" Discovering himself a performance of Christian Cross above all others, plainly there were times this Lord of Lord was to remind her of all the men she’s to love, but especially of all those claiming to love her. There was Nicholas Edin, the most dominant, controlling, then there was Michael Day, howbeit Cullen Veneer, the most determined, protective. As so was there Christian Cross, the most spiritual, wise, as so Sioux Noel, possibly beside Christian Cros, the most compassionate, intimate human being to ever walk the earth. "It is why Lord I didn’t want to be disturbed, I’m good for no one, for nothing when I’m this way,” as one moving into a window overlooking the beginning of a spiraling, golden staircase, a diamond crystal Dove where many of the redeemed conversed, took of plenteously, happily, around the tree of life. "But my lord, this is different, we’re one now, as in identical, prick you. After Lord Urusalem all that’s been done, all that’s been sacrificed and suffered, the heathen fuming with insolence so, will yet build an army of millions in complete retaliation against me. But they don’t know you my lord, and those Lord Urusalem who know me and despise me still? Those same people Lord upon which light hath come but they’ve chosen darkness instead, you can’t help this, you must know that. This genius was the Ancient’s most amazing plan of all, that after a proposed redemption by His Own Son, your Prince Lord unthinkable sacrifice He’s not to condemn man but give him the power of his free will and let him instead choose his own condemnation, even out of his own mouth. Though you’ve tried with all that is heart and blood within, you can’t save them all, they’ve chosen a dark sentence, some of them my Lord, happily. I know, of course Maaseiah, I know, it’s what hurt most of all. I agree, though it shouldn’t hurt, they’ve made their choice as surely as you did that night in the garden, as surely as I did Lord although I was made so angry at times, how I was being punished for loving the Supreme, for loving His People. I know," as to welcome her, the genuineness and authenticity of her along a seat close to him, close to his resting hand, even his at relaxed heart. "I remember those days, seeing you like that, feeling you always tore my heart out completely, laying it slain right at the Supreme’s very own feet, so easy to kiss. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb my lord is upon us, those by a myriad who’re to serve you the more will be there, they cannot, they shouldn’t my Lord experience their own Blessed Hope so vanquished. Surely thine Lord Israel is the kingdom, the glory and the honor forever, it is there my Lord you should feel more like that young shepherd boy, David. That one who in witnessing the opposing Philistine did a wrath come across his face, a derision, that this uncircumcised brute would defile the Holiness of the Lord God. Do I hate them Lord Ancient Of Days, who hate thee, do I count them also mine enemy? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he Maaseiah Adonai, speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Ask me, just ask me, Lord, King Zion, Lord Israel and I will give thee the heathen, for thine inheritance! How, how my Lord Urusalem do you do it, how do you always discover the most fitting ensample? I think my Lord He’s called Holy, and lest I forget, Spirit, and even in these mansions of profound description, He’s yet our Comforter, Wisdom Maker and Friend and that's thine own endowment, that and that alone .” <<<"It is time lord Prince, Lord Ancient Himself summons you, very good Holy Cherub, I’m with you posthaste, you will not Lord Urusalem be far away? Never my Lord, like heavens host, we’re always with thee, to deliver thee, to Lord Israel deliver us all." <<<"Yes our Lord His Highness, you’ve called me forth, end it, ban all of Helel’s contacts against these walls, you do Lord Supreme perceive his fierce counter-strike that will mostly be directed toward the Kingdoms of men, that flesh, blood? It cannot Lord Prince be helped, the Marriage supper hath come, these bickering must cease, these wars in heavens subsided and Helel black of the morning must be cast down to earth and eventually under the earth like never, ever before. In other words those who serve him, await him and his participation, what My Lord Creator a sad day for mankind, I mean they’ve had many a sad day but none liken unto this one, yes my son Lord, they’ve chosen, but they’ve chosen unwisely. Why Lord Prince do the heathen rage? And the people imagine a vain thing as this? Because my Lord Ancient they’ve forsaken the Love of the truth that is shed abroad by He who’s Christ Lord, they cry aloud continuously the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Their Kings of the earth set themselves, and rulers take counsel together against this Lord and against His Anointed, saying let us break their bands and cast their cords away from us. Although will I laugh, I will have them in derision and mock them when they call. Then shall I speak unto them in my wrath, and vex them in my sore displeasure, because Lord Ancient through it all you’ve set your King upon your Holy Hill of Zion. You will declare the decree, the Lord hath said unto him, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me Son," bringing the Supreme Creator to his feet, which was very seldom, how even the entire universe would be moved out of their assigned places for eons and eons to come "and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou my son shall break them with a rod of iron, thou shall break them in pieces like a potter’s vessel, be wise now therefore all ye kings," turning again into that display of the kingdoms of men gathering themselves together in hordes of military might and fierce combat, the Armageddon of Armageddon "be instructed you judges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Yes Lord Ancient," as one joining him right at his side was this Lion of Judah a far different defeat than He’d been earlier, much more alert, on target, fighting no battles, losing no wars, "kiss the son lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little, yes Lord Prince blessed are all they that put their trust in this Lord Ancient Of Days." Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF
2 Thess 2:3/4
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