Saturday, October 12, 2024

Phone Comments 90, Asteroid Destroy Same Gender The Root of All Genesis Man, Marriage Abomination!

Prophecy links fulfilling Nuclear Oct 12 fiery doomsday apocalypse 2024, 
the fire father acknowledges your righteousness to wrath, the thousands in pieces commemorate covid death and dying and mass dieoffs come, 100 million westerners alone, Britain, Canada and America, the ginormity that send West Rule, both skyrocketing to fire rocketing to the prayer, the smoke of her burning forever and ever, we pray your response to father king Solomon offering of the temple, in reverse, instead, if they people which are called by thy same, which are stampeding by thy name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their evil ways, hear thou them from heaven, forgive their sins and by the sounding of the 7th angel trumpet and the coming of our lord Jesus Christ, for eons and eons to come, heal them from turf wars.   

Sulaiman Ahmed 

Sulaiman Ahmed has a ginormous as blocking out the sky sign, red background, huge black, bold letters saying 'Israel doesn't have the right to commit genocide,'



Comments Inspired By Shaykh Sulaiman. -As long Shaykh as they're allied by Gog and Magog/ US/West Rule, they think they have the right to commit genocide. They were licensed by these Dan 7/9:27/Rev 13/17/18, designed power brokers recently to bring their enemy brothers to this brink of human genocide; apparently they having smart WMD's and all. Marvel not GOD'S fury shot at Gog and Magog, 2015, Trump and Pence announcing their US WH, bide!


Marvel not the debate Ps 35/Ps 91/Rev 12, Star Warriors Gog and Magog Them and Archangel Michael them had, SEPT BETA 2020! See Trump Gabriel been snatching us out so THEY can have full genocide over the planet 5 years that date, so 9 presently, though a wowing miss, to go back into prediction Sept 15, 2023, 3 years the US/Arab/Israel Abraham Accord, but still a miss 2024 and They're upset, like we're not equally disappointed, we're yet on doomsday planet! 


N. Korea join war in Ukraine, (as in North Korea piggy back a war against Trump off Ukraine);, yeah he's been after Trump since before that Hawaii missile crisis, when the world turn a sums of all fears movie! Intravenous show up by a number incomprehensible some translated, crossed over, fire-rocketed and skyrocketed; blessed are those in the first resurrection, eternal damnation hath no power! HBOW/Apb

 Article, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Jews And The Nation Of Israel In The Beginning Of Sorrows Part 3 I woke Oct 3 2024 revisited BIG ONES COMING, hearing Britain! Britain! Britain! THEY, I know someone from your community commented back, THEY? Those Intravenous Jacob’s Ladder Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus asked me would THEY also ascend? Anxiously, verifying now that it's Daniel 9:27 final seven years reign, THEY took both my shoulders and shook me saying Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations! 

Texting My Memphians Nuclear Oct 16, fiery doomsday apocalypse, 2024

Texting The TIFF/CME/EMP Family 

Yet ebbing and flowing into fulfillment; I had no idea you and Cxxx birthday were so close to the most unprecedented date awarded humanity! THEY, millions The Authentic Guardians of the Galaxy Trump Gabriel THEM 

THEY, Millions ETERNALS to ANCIENT of days Star Warriors Archangel Michael, THEM. THEY were so sure THEY fixed it so the front desk couldn’t book my room past Oct 17 2021.  I had the receipt in my hand where she’d written it in, my next payment, standing my motel room door thinking maybe she should’ve initialed it as well. HBOW/Apb

Here Geoffrey, this song Sandi Patty - We Shall Behold Him (Official Live Video) via @YouTube;

probably more the right speed, especially seeing these grim reapers heart stabbers spin their Stampeding victims first into a waltz. Reminded Wherever Lots wife and a town of villagers saw looking back there! 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace totally petrified them leaving them pillars of salt: whoa, whoa, is that why he, the speeding down the hall man in linen,  left behind a spillway of sweeping salt! Anyway Geoffrey it all reminds, I never saw these reapers/also mocked genocidal pharmaceuticals,  appearances and I’m thinking neither did prophet Ezekiel.  

Sunlight being here, communing and walking among its people remind Jesus being here. How none knew until tens of millions of  His  went missing leaving all others atop high rise buildings. I’m thinking the warn Noah’s cousin to Aqua Era, there’s race cars to race tracks for molten lava flooding. Though for that you’d need those skyrocketing Super Mario Brothers, Movie, carts. 

So have I seen a Super Mario Brothers Cart in a flyover? Though I blamed Alien Tech to Elon Musk them engineering I think I have. Like an animated flying speed racer, flew right over head, like a low flying helicopter. So you see why I suspected him, them, even Brad Pitt Ad Astra, who else is into animated flying contraptions. Like I said if my visitor great grands hadn’t gone in moments prior, they’d see it too. 

Just months ago I was wondering should Christian personal to public motorist to pilots wear a warning; so people who use their services would know how within nanosecond speed they’d be in terrifying to damning danger. Believe, they mock tribulation slaves to auctions these chunky wood necklaces saying blinking of an eye tribe reminding Antichrist Gog and Magog’ them they have but a short time. 

Hearing get Holy Bride Of Wrath, she only come with whatsoever planetary bodies Rev 17:14 is hammering off that reigning Mt Sinai type, even Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar saw they’re made within hands. Y'all do know within 42 months billions of people are no longer this planet, including a toll of 100 million westerners nor are they heir to Jesus THE CHRIST THRONE!  Get Jesus, you, yours, again yours, get up yonder!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

Unto Sia Juttah Blain Daniel Cockeron and Sia Juttah Ninth Symphony Artz was born their sons, quads, Tristan Carter Cockeron, Adamson Trenice Cockeron, Stephon Victor Cockeron, Richard Shakespeare Cockeron and a son born later, Beethoven’s Fifth Cockeron, Artz 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

SONGS OF SONGS WHICH ARE SOLOMON Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee!

“There, there’, Danny, Jay, Jer already here, we can Darius Kadesh begin the launch! We didn’t think you ladies would ever come, we were waiting on you guys to arrive together with South them. Jenn, earth to Jenn! Your hair Jeremy, looks fantastic, you look, THEY Jenn look fantastic. My god, it’s not at all that you haven’t looked in the mirror? No, but, ah from the time we stepped off the office elevator until we left we’re all these ooous and awes, whistling and even Liv, some following us around! "There’s, moving in for a better look, suspicious touch, "it’s tinted, Jer right? It’s Jenn beloved Fashion Present Dissuasion, Aunt Erica Lyn them readied us for photo shoots at the office, that’s all I can tell you! Ah my god what’s that? A bright, flashing, blinding light suddenly catching his eye, soon all theirs.  “A gjnomous half moon, what is that? Yeah Andy but who’s? That’s mind blowing, this extraordinary moon Godsons, goddaughters is the last thing we saw. Exceptionally it’d be your first thing. Yeah, Coogan Firm Gen we’re in space, while y’all debate Aunt Erica’s photo shoots!  So how far is the moon away from the earth? It's actually scrolling right here South, on this panel, ah, 30 Earths away, an average of 238,855 miles (384,400 km); Which Goddaughter, godsons would be perfect distance for Lord Urusalem's often visited second heaven intercession. That’s what we found! What’s Lord Renaissance Bastian, what you found? You’re not saying you just took the Richet like a measure of 30 earths away during the duration of Negeb Ophel wedding extravaganza? Don’t forget Coogan Firm Genealogy something similar happened the Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Godtriplets own wedding extravaganza. Unimaginably landing them, well us its triangle craft star port the Milky Way constellation, divine, intravenous Ophanims all and us Lords and Goddesses had nothing to do with it, rendering us just as vulnerable as its human toll. The article, Sia Maaseiah shared about more mysteries, the moon, and mrmbb333 and his regularly catching Mystery Craft landing there! Danny, wait, please, where Lord Renaissance Bastian are we, ah going exactly? There are all kinds of watch towers, the moon, one as we stood there just now presented Goddess Amphitrite Afridi, memories of when Lord Urusalem stood its very place, Interceded and prayed down to doomsday Earthers! Question, are you gonna keep us? Because there’s the question to my husband Jeremy here since day one, The Richet visitation. No Goddaughters, Godsons we can’t, which is why we Lords, Goddesses return speedily before its notice. Boundaries set can’t come up to Elohim on our own, many crashed, burned your Grand Sia Maaseiah also witnessed, devastated. You talking Renaissance Bastian, when Auntie Maaseiah witnessed entire families once climbing up by manmade footbridges, catwalks and such. There’s miraculously getting close enough Holy Father, THRONE promises, last enemy to be destroyed is death, when said tightropes give way crashing killing to damning them all! Lord Renaissance Bastian, is also Nefeteri love, referencing both Lucifer mostly threatening to set his Kingdoms above Gods. Frightnight there’s Star Warring AODHF, Jesus THE CHRIST, threatening any climbing up any other way thieves, robbers cast into outer darkness. The black, hollow void Aunt Maaseiah also experienced, wished for screams of hell verses its terrifying, harassing non valid/violet. Which is why godsons and goddaughters Darius Juttah, Meshullam Kadesh Kroff Brightville Space Center has made this all a Simulation of what we investigative Lords and Goddesses witnessed and how beyond brilliant. No, no, no, we’d never do anything to jeopardize any of you goddaughters to godsons reaped Lamb Of God's, sacrificial blood! Ah my god, pull my heart, Nefeteri’s heart back, why don’t you Bridegroom Renaissance Bastian, desus Achilles? I remember Aunt Maaseiah both her testimony The Anamnesis And The Spirit, and her Outer Darkness experience. Notwithstanding Lord Renaissance Bastian, you’re right, there’s no playing around with any of it. Remember tortuous demons even thought they had a right to Moses. I heard Grand Aunt Maaseiah asked like Moses offenses how much more offensive Jesus angrily tossing the temple? Frightnight to Amazing Grace, I’m quoting her, the times they show him descended there was that, the same time that Sunlight  walked Lord Urusalem outter black void her own offenses but still through mighty its bittersweet revelation? Wow Liv, remember timeless divinity THEY were both there, Lord Jerusalem and Lord Urusalem descended before ascended. Plus, plus Aunt Maaseiah just said as THEY ascended but first THEY descended both investigative  SW Africa’s exile luxury and to lead captivity captured the two witnesses leading captivity captured the tribulation saints! Interstellar Nefeteri, Liv, wow, wow, like you say Danny I, well Teri and I we be around aunties a lot. When aunt Maaseiah daydream into space and talk out loud. “Wow!” Meticulously wiping, huge tears forming, running down, “I’d put all that away, what I remember her saying until just now. Still belove was that even flesh and blood, even you just now, Nefeteri?” Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, that none perish, AODHF/JCON /JCOR/HBOW/Apb

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, 

justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” — 1 Timothy 3:16.

Comments Inspired By, YouTube Pastor Breaker, Hosea Chapter 6 Pointing Us to the Day of the Rapture via @YouTube; Do I Dare Tell What Frightnight to Amazing Grace Happen Revisiting Chernobyl April Spring Rapture with that 2024 Eclipse/Devil Comet April 8; whereas Solar Super Storms been hitting Californians Texas since? I’m out, mrmbb333 encouraged, he's been seeing devil comet/Ben Affeck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE on approach our sun for months.

The high profile theater is about over, one grand the front yard, I’m getting through the house to the back to see its finish. I glanced up trying to see clearly watch what I presume a hand move clouds out of the way to a recovering sunlight. Really, really uneased I kinda stumbled back in the house, thinking I’d not just seen that, right y'all right?

I know I Explained Decades Now I Have This Curious Relationship With Our Planetary Bodies Especially THE SUN!

Admittedly During Trump's first attempted assassination being warn he will kill you, Sabbath Day, On Main Street could’ve been for me as well as The Two Witnesses!

I know Stay Tune To See That Admission Debated Between Prophetic Characters Nicholas Edin And Maaseiah Adonai; as well as Prince of Peace Lord Jerusalem and City of Peace Lord Urusalem!
See here,

So When I Say I Just Saw Him THE SUN Here Walking Among Earthers That’s Not Weirdo Right?

You just remind pastor both Trump Gabriel to Archangel Michael intravenous. Frightnight the last decade at least. THEY have been about Mat 24 Jesus suggesting we run! Marvel not post apocalypse Chernobyl April Spring Rapture he running to flying us out was Mal 4 designed Sunlight Of God!

Dancing Hallelujahs all around as THEY circle the Brides Chariot all around; marvel not there’s since Chernobyl April Spring Rapture and the latest skyrocketing off the planet leading captivity captured all children like Gaza’s charcoaled mostly dead but no longer man’s US’S to genocide!

Actually as recent as using the name sake TIFF/CME/EMP threat as she and family trying to beat hurricane Milton to Florida to catch a Caribbean cruise. Then its second name sake TIFF during the same July/Aug 2023, hurricane season, carrying grand church members right along; yeah those Memphis Brides, once offered running shoes for tattered red wedding heels.

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, marvel not as warn during 1999 Pres burning Bush THEY’D target going on as normal, as tourism. The Caribbean into Florida and that vid of rooftop Angels warning regularly hit Californians Texas, Beryl coming. THEY been running THEIRS into Safehaven territories.

Surrealistically to be fair as far back as scripture Isa 16:1-5/Rev 12:1-6. Then there’s as recent as a 37 day countdown to hammering Rev 2 Jesus skyrocketing children as intravenous warn Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon coming, it’d be the last day of America/West Rule for in one day they’re no more this planet, Woe to Netanyahu and Israeli cliffhanger mall shopping/Rev 9, US Grocery Store, Store Manger Keys, Barter Baken Toll Booth, HBOW/Apb

See here, I wanna see more of this, dancing hallelujahs all around, but on the side of road when you’re breaking from fast and furious escapes! 

Elon Musk ✅ X 



Doge Designer


Donald Trump will empower the Dept of Govt Efficiency to restore common sense regulation, instead of the mindless mountains of meaningless paperwork."

Invite The BETA, Holy Bride Of Wrath Escape Through Those Hammered Missiling Down Planetary  Bodies 

-Trump has to dodge a form of nuclear, BRICS nations coming after him! He will, predestined Dan 9:24-27 Abraham Accord/ Rev 13 fulfilled by way of US soil! This country, continent to world system won’t! Rev 11 AODHF Star Warring with Rev 12 Archangel Michael are coming for Rev  17/18 Great Whore Mystery Babylon WEST Rule’s Root! Running? HBOW/Apb

Elon Musk ✅ X 


We gotta win, but, once we do, we can cut the millions of strings that, like Gulliver, hold back the giant that is America!

Why Doeth Thou Marvel I Will Show You Great Whore Mystery Babylon That Was 7 Previous Empires Presently West Rule Imminent Dragon BEAST Antichrist US/Islamic/Israeli

Asteroid Destroy Same Gender The Root of All Genesis Man, Marriage Abomination!  

When Elon was the giant that is America ever held back? Intimating all her enemies for centuries they aid and abet its genocide. Marvel not 100 million westerners aligned to her error Islam alone; billions predicted to perish its Hussein/West Rule tug of Petro-currency; you, yours again yours, Running? Apb 

GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS! Is This Why I Was So Disappointed At Angel Gabriel’s Approach Reminders For Millennia Outreaching Fails? 

ASTROID DESTROY: Beware, Escape Yellowstone! 

Of course Pastor I’m beginning to remember times I’ve visited up there with Gods as Gods watch the unfolding of recurring apocalypse  now come; I was walking TIFF/CME/EMP Memphis niece dog when I witnessed a phenom half moon just now overwhelmed me so tremendously it’d been five days before I mentioned it and while this prophetic parable shared below was already days behind! 

 I knows like Damascus  Road of forming Apostle Paul why would they chance anything like him like us, like the Spirit and Bride manifested in the flesh and its entire host of angels it’s safeguard, easily because you’re not listening and billions are dead dying and suffering because you’re not listening. A weeping inconsolable AODHF his people being stripped Of Jesus THE CHRIST dominoing into a weeping entire THRONE OF GOD/Z

Multimillion man choir caused the silence in heaven, first by my prayer closet  a decade prior Sunlight of God, commanded Juneteenth inherit an as  Moses exodus, Star Warring Michael’s List! 

Chernobyl April Spring, Hearing Our Enemies As Ashes Under Our Feet; Seeing Huge White Wingspans, Hearing Once Come! Hearing Twice Come! Hearing Thrice, Come! Apb The RAM

You Shall Know The Truth, You Shall Know Things Others Want But Can’t! JCON

I remember thinking Pastor, growing up in both Jesus’ Gospel and Jesus’ Spirit of prophecy I heard about these two witnesses Enoch and Elijah often. Frightnight to Amazing Grace Aug 5 2021 AODHF showing HIMSELF Star Warring  with Archangel Michael referenced this Rev 11 scripture. Amazing Grace of them meeting with both martyrdom and ascension, leading pastor captivity captured The Tribulation Saints, then John sees, hears, “WHO ARE THEY AND FROM WHENCE DO THEY COME!?”

The parable shared below stems from me waking Trump’s attempted assassination, morning hearing “He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, On Main Street.” Those Streets Pastors Egypt and Sodom where Jesus was also crucified; Only book Character Lord Urusalem, Holy Church Bride in the flesh questions who’re THEY referencing HER or THEM? An Inquiry Sending Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband Into A Frightnight Of Fear And Fury! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; unter 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

Unto Sia Juttah Nicholas Edin Coogan and Sia Juttah Maaseiah Adonai Saurus were born triplets, a god son Shaddai Machail Coogan, Saurus, a godson,  Elyon Gabriel Coogan and a goddaughter, Mahasiah Unique Coogan.  

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII


“So, what’s the answer? Cause I wanna know," his crying, spiting fury. “You know this deal we’re making with Veneer and Pepe could realize this threat!  No, you think Nicholas Edin after they showed themselves with me, all around, safeguarding inside and out the, Apostle THEY  love. Unimaginably this number of every football game, not only its endless teammates but all its participants combined for hundreds of years, right now I’m gonna fear any of them? The innumerable as the stars intravenous who watched over Ismael's 12 Princes to Isaac’s 12 Tribes, to .Abraham’s Jacob to his Lamb of God unthinkable horrid cross, entrusted with their everything, everything! Entrusted with my everything, Maaseiah, those incalculable in intravenous you mean? Don’t temptress wife forget who you talking to, I watch over you because I know how it all works, because of you not in spite of you! I’ll run you a hot sauna, fix you something to eat, anything to help you sleep! I know you been close to what haunts us all the most, its own Gethsemane garden nightmare, all of us Maaseiah, haunts intravenous all! Nicholas, I can’t hear it, I won’t, you asked another question Sia Lord Maaseiah Adonai now all your lovers interstellar to terrestrial celebrate to suffer its sweet to bitter little book of enduring its consequences?"  Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms,  Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18,  none perish, AODHF



Did Hezbollah just blew up an entire israeli base to ashes? YES THEY DID ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ,

Desolations predicted US SOIL (WHERE WEST RULE), now come; marvel not the flaming sword from Guantรกnamo Bay  prison bars targeting burning Bush, his error Islam, reaping 50 Million US dead! 

When Gods Judgment Falls; The Hand Writing Jer 37:8 AND THEY WILL TAKE BURN YOUR CITIES! Have we thought about the planetary implications, Ad Astra even of Jesus as The Prophet reminding a New Heaven, Earth descends, a New Genesis Man, The Multibillion, Multicultural Royal Priesthood? 

I know every judgment US/Western soil threatens  fire; natural VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR. Cosmic (get Holy Bride Of Wrath); Alien Apocalypse! 

When John And I Witness The Heaven roll back like a scroll is that the reaping not only of King Zedekiah but all  for millennia rebellious leaders burning Forewarning Scrolls? 

 Beware The Mystery Woman Carrying More Blacken Judgment (Vials) Boils! 


The handwriting of judgment Jer 37:8, enemies westerners and their allies battered. Prophetically come invincible take Israel’s courtyard for 42 months; take rule of the world for 42 months more. Until by the time Jesus’ Millennium descend, Ict 17, 2028. billions are dead 7 months of burials. 7 years of burning. ridding the planet of its armaments.


Know biblical prophecy, intravenous begging someone tell mass assembly, darkness coming; soon John hears Why marvel I will tell you the mystery of the great whore! A satanic to demonic genocide who once hath the Egypt passed along dispensations until it Rome, Great Britain, Britain and soon Hussein’s USA! Marvel not as their Barack took office hundreds of millions crossed over into Col Gaddafi’s US of Africa! 


I want to say I don’t know if the warnings NASA is seeing Yellowstone reading to come for the continent is conspiracy when I know actually its timing is just right! Warn, witnessed a death bringer from beneath and a backward ticking timetable been ebbing and flowing decades until Mighty Angel saith desolations predicted US soil now come!  Right those desolations Mat 24 Jesus saith flee! Howbeit Not The Continuity Of West Rule Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent Along The Trans Atlantic Slave, The Repatriation Of Mother Africa! 


Waking just now Oct 12, 2024 hearing Britain!  Britain! Britain! Speaking of Yellowstone, I’m reminded, May 3, 2023 37 day countdown to BIG June 10; I keep wanting to put it at Aug but no,  this phenom happened 7 days before I left GA June 17 21 years to the exact date a SUNLIGHT now here, commanded western leaders let Juneteenth inherit go and now they know except they repent what’s it like to be Moses’ Damned Pharaoh!  


 I know what I just saw ebbing and flowing since Oct 2004, revisited Oct 2021 predicted two big ones coming. Oct 3, 2024, The Sunlight Himself Here Visiting Among His People! I Was There!  

I Explained Ezekiel 9 Design Heart Stabbers Slaying US Soil Millions Dead THEY blamed pharmaceuticals and not Drug Lords For The Failed War On Drugs!  

There’s FSS seeing the DEA overthrowing Memphian houses looking for Matrix Red pills of staying aware; beware the huge run on Matrix blue pills of staying unaware. Likely until tens of millions US West Pacific to its Midwest, its Eastern Seaboard, three specific areas Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn, are incinerated.  

See here 10 things you need to know today: October 11, (2021) Article, A Navy engineer is charged with trying to sell U.S. submarine technology, the U.S. calls Taliban talks "candid," and more,;  

Listen here,

see Rev 6:6th seal Frightnight to rolling, missiling down Twilight skies; while in the spirit world, Oct 11, 2021, there’ something about the number 57! About connected hideout hotel rooms/washing laundry machines; multimillion man traffic jams. Especially there’s mocking Brad Pitt and Jolie kids belittling the apparent guerrilla war building in plain sight the trees outside the front door! Until we’re physically snatched out you have until the next nanosecond, Get Jesus, get up yonder, HBOW/Apb

Chuck Callesto ✅


Please PRAY for RFK Jr. and his entire family..

Bottom Line, whatever state you live in VOTE TRUMP! A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory! Then they wake to the  horrid they’ve abetted human extinction. Admittedly The Whitehouse was in flames, recently including Biden, Harris Air Force one, two! Kennedy Space Center burning got less attention. 

Apparently, Allegedly, There's to be no continuity of America, The America’s, WEST RULE. Showing Obama’s July 2023, 100 million will die alone, its Britain, Canada it’s America! Knowing 2 Pet 3:11, Apostle Peter and I suggest you pray here Psalm 51 get Jesus, get up yonder! HBOW/Apb


-I kept it to myself how head wound Trump again remind of Obama’s 2009 Rev 13 description Antichrist! I’m already warning he’s counting down more timetables than any man has ever. Including one Dan 9:24-27, the same as Obama that while he’s 07/09 declared “The One, Obama’s now Trumps hundreds of millions escaped him March 13, 2018 Apb



Like John witnessing, one from land, one the sea, Pres Bush error Hussein/Sen Obama’s 2008/2009. I explained to my niece, one of the two named for the NASA warn Chernobyl April Spring 2025 SOLAR event. There’s an article, most dems to support Trump she’s like what! Marvel not Rev 13 world leader the same everybody is supporting him they can’t help it as Alexander to Hitler’s Germany to Dan 7 Little Horn he’s predestined! 


Who shall believe our report? Blessed Are Hearers And Doers! They have ears but they can’t hear if they did Californian’s wouldn’t be the only US state of Barbecue escaping US West Pacific they all would! You have ANGELS also warning Texas as all US gulf states get from coastal region exception the one hurricanes keep missing cause Michael claims it, hold’s his list of US refugees! HBOW/Apb



#Houthis Remain Undefeated!!

US admits its failure to stop houthis. They are amazed, shocked by houthis target another ship belong to UK๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

As i said  Again and again those days are gone when you hit and ran away, now you hit you will be hit๐Ÿ”ป back  ๐Ÿ’ช✌️๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ

He will kill you, sabbath day, on Main Street: talking to me, the two witnesses or both? see here,




X Poster, “ like I said  Again and again those days are gone; the moment I woke to a Dan 5, handwriting of judgment Britain, Canada and America, Jer 37:8. Yeah Kind Zedekiah, you’ve whipped your enemy into dust. From the dust western soil they’re return empowered to take your cities and burn them with fire! The Chaldeans Are Coming! RUN!!

-I woke just now Oct 10, hearing this ancient proverb to advice, “lay not up for thyselves treasures up on the Earth!” Actually for Moses Hebrews Juneteenth inherit, its considered procrastinating Sunlight of God commanded Exodus! Simply if  you’re not repentant, not packed and arriving US GA COAST CROSSOVER, you’re not HIS!

I don’t know about you, but I’m reminded of the mystery woman, the multimillion man single water cooler. More judgment bowls in her hand but in her upper right hand pocket are beautiful floral invitations to mansions in heaven. I know that’s like saying whosoever shall upon Genesis Woman seed Jesus shall be saved! 

Marvel Not Intravenous, Shaking My Shoulders Three Times, Triple, Great Tribulations

 Triple, Great Tribulations, Triple, Great Tribulations!




-Britain Canada America bring out your Juneteenth inherit thus said sunlight of God commanding their exodus in US Georgia’s COAST and crossover into Africa’s SW Atlantic! 

-Britain Canada America bring out your Juneteenth inherit thus said June/Juneteenth 17-19 2002 Sunlight of God commanding their exodus into  US Georgia’s COAST/ The Northern Hemisphere and crossover into Africa’s SW Atlantic! 

-Britain Canada America bring out your Juneteenth inherit thus said June/Juneteenth 17-19 2002 Sunlight of God commanding their exodus into  US Georgia’s COAST/ The Northern Hemisphere and crossover into Africa’s SW Atlantic!  Hearing' Get The Holy Bride Of Wrath, Reigning Her, She's Only Been Seen Missiling Down NEO'S Rev 17:14 Hammers Off A Reigning Mt Sinai Type!   

YouTube Jonathan, Petram,( any relation to Jeremiah’s rescuer Jonathan or that I’m a Patram, who seen, warn beware, steer clear of North American Traffic)? Hurricane Milton Evacuation CHAOS Gas Lines, Last Minute Scramble! via @YouTube; 

See I remember that 2021 Oct 11 Brad Pitt and Jolie kids mocked a foreseeable encroaching guerrilla war. During its bug out hotel connected room/laundry room, it seem to sit atop escaping bunker to bunker traffic and even then 99  bowls of molten lava and Eze 9 designed/@diedsuddenly  heart stabbers gave them chase! 

Article Non Stop Local Yellowstone researchers discover cause of July's Biscuit Basin explosion, predicts Steamboat eruptions, Rremember 2023 that May 3 37 day countdown to huge SOLAR STORMS by  June 10, long, long, long, shaky, quaky duration craft? Oddly that kept with incapacitating grogginess reminded of that 2021 Nov 21 Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE: remind it’d be the last day of America! 

Middle East 

Article Reuters, Israel marks Oct. 7 anniversary under shadow of escalating war,; X The handwriting Jer 37:8! The month of Aug 5, 5 years mark Israel’s two greatest allies skyrocketing to firerocketing off the planet; some bout escaping Yellowstone! Some bout 101 Yellowstones there’s no escaping US states of barbecue not even Britain, Canada except crossing over with Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM into Africa’s SW Atlantic!

See here, Beirut explosion caught on video as bride poses for wedding photos in Le... via @YouT

Every time I hear about explosions in Beirut Lebanon, I’m reminded of this runaway bride; Frightnight is only a month prior during maze  of revealing sin they’d just offered Memphis bride, one in particular, related to those the multimillion man grocery barter balen

 toll booth running. Shoes for tattered red wedding heels, recently mocked Pompeii Movie of Memphis, the two gladiator all truth is millions will incinerated by the time dominoing Hawaii is the ginormity fir decades I witness wipe out Memphis and equally trigger 101  planet killing Yellowstone! They just called for The Holy Bride of  Wrath as Rev 17:14 Jesus husband  hammered off of the mt Sinai types she prepped as Daniel 4 stones, the hearing in my ear, “ the Antichrist murderer and billion dead by 42 months it reign., Marvel not the two most merciful reigning Bride saying come up here; Jesus husband offering crowns of righteousness are now Star warring against earths inherit crying watch run live! then we witnessed Jesus millennium descend why I simply say get Jesus, get up yonder! 

 Terrance K Williams


Obama this message is for you

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1. You are not the Ruler of Black People
2. You are not the King of Black People
3. You are not the owner of Black People

You are mad because black men won’t support Kamala, well guess what? This is a free country.


-Frightnight to Amazing Grace and true if you're not running to exile luxury as into US GA's coast into Africa's SW Atlantic, you're none of HIS, nor Moses Hebrew to a Juneteenth inherit! Showing Obama The One, The Rise Of 2 Great beast hath him, but so is hundreds of millions of you this Senator's Presidential Campaign instead arriving SW Africa's Coastal cities and towns, I was there, I witnessed it!


Honestly, I wanted to wait for the date of all dates, the date Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael were positive they were taking us off the planet, while Trump translating to skyrocketing holies, and Archangel's list crossing over, tribulations saints. They cancelled all my future dates, anything and everything beyond Oct 17, 2021, soon THEY took my shoulder of shaking sense into one, saying the next 7 years is Dragon, BEAST, Antichrst's.


Surrealistically, yes, while you're running Eze 9 designed, heart stabbers are giving chase, one stab the heart, marvel not the sudden cardiac death syndrome! You just have to run faster, THEY did design you guys race cars, race tracks, even skyrocketing Mario Brothers Carts. I only got a peek at Obama's face, saying like Kamala, GODS BACK TURN AT THEM, except they repent of same gender the root of all abominable genesis marriages; that's what hammering Jesus demonstrated, the mass, dieoff ascension of taking all endangered children off this planet, during, during a Nuclear May 3, 37, day countdown into its Big Nuclear June 10, 2023 and some bout that Eze 5, designed, Ben Affleck Armageddon. YELLOWSTONE!

But let's not bicker about it, civil to tug of, nuclear war, the same Dan 9:24-27, timetable used to mock Pres Bush's error Saddam Hussein and put Gog and Magog Barak Hussein Obama in the US White house and keep it for two weeks and seven years, then Jesus Millennium did descend, reign; its April 2/20 2019 issued is the same prophetic timetable they used to put Gog and Magog President Trump in the Whitehouse, a term already in with another gone into prediction, the Biden/Harris of stalling Covid, beware, after Trumps Nov 3/4 2024 full term, Jesus Millennium reign literally, until then, yeah it's, still Dec 4, 2021, Mat 24, Jesus, saying, Run! HBOW/Apb

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