Thursday, October 24, 2024

I know, Chris, Squeezing Into A Skyrocketing S. M, B, Caft, With Next To Baby Sis We Just Lost, Off To Heaven Bound Moma, Molten Lava Flooding, Here!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Since Three 2022.2023. Hammering Off Of Reigning In Star warring AODHF Absence, The Mt Sinai Type of Apocalyptic events, Nuclear Oct 22. predicted TWO BIG COMING, predicted Oct 17,  2021; There's seeing the letter, letter easing of the word update! The SEPT BETA, Skyrockets, after 9 years, was a demo that happened, instead Sept 15, 2023,I know hath some to do with the US/Islamic/Israeli Abraham Accord Three Years, Sept 15, 2023, I know what do I know, I didn't see it until like a year later! 

YouTube Outpouring Gates Warning ⚠! Angelic Encounters! Evacuate Texas! via @YouTube; my son ask me why I didn’t go to Missouri with the others? I explained because I’m without excuse; he didn’t know what to say to me for days because he understood something that’d taken him decades!

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Preaching in Easley, South Carolina 2024 come meet me! via @YouTube

Instead Of Man Obey Mat 24 Jesus And Gen 15/Ps 35/Ps 91/Rev 11 STAR WARRING AODHF/Rev 12 Intravenous Designing You Race Cars, Racetracks and Skyrocketing Super Mario Brothers Carts Noah's Cousin Molten Lava Flooding Coming!

10 days Hawaii missile morning alert Rev 10, Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel were then warning coastal areas as far as US West Pacific Hawaii/Alaska/California! Here this vid THEY are now 6 years later drawing the line as far in pastor as Texas coast, with US SE SW coastal areas warn, “Beware The Eastern Seaboard." A Highly Concern Mighty Angel described it, warn!

Since my concerns about Texas and Beryl and according to this vid intravenous showed up a few minutes later. Since THEY warn about The TIFF CME/EMP 2023 while its name sake Tiffany 2 was crossing into not a Safehaven Florida/into not a Safehaven The Caribbean Cruise!

Now, just as so it’s 2024, THEY warn The TIFF/CME/EMP while its other name sake Pat-Brad niece Tiffany after all records broken Beryl; after Noah maker Helene, while trying to beat Milton to Florida while trying to catch a Caribbean cruise. I know like youtube mrmb333 say you can't make stuff up! Oh like you pastor, and US's entire inherit, she explained she knew better, but was supporting family.

You know who prayed with me it all get canceled? The son who knew when I said I was without excuse going to Missouri that is unless I was keeping permanently into US Georgia's coast, crossover. He also knew I have gone as far as doing II Chron 7:14/15 type burnt offering, got one working right now, it’s assured to GOD I’d never take for granted HIS GRACE for allowing me to be in this area doomsday USA!

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Preaching in Easley, South Carolina 2024 come meet me! via @YouTube

see here,; mass assembly know, Jesus's alter of repentance, know endtime prophecy, pleading intravenous suggested Bush/Clinton/Bush, 1998 Dan 5, handwriting of judgment Jer 37:8/Error Islam/Islamic Assassin Creed; 

I AM AGAINST YOU O GOG AND HAMONGOG, Feb 12/13/ 1992 Reigning Elder Eze 38/39 (2015 Trump/Pence/2024/Nethanyahu); I Begin To Hear Oct 24, 2024 As I Stood The Kitchen Of Reveal, Like having A Jesus Moment, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Islamic Assassin Creed, Now Is Your House, Your US Shopping Malls Left Unto You Desolate!

Skyrocketing leading captivity captived endangered children, BIG JUNE 10, 2023, Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, hammering off of a Reigning Mt Sinai Type More Apocalyptic events, Reigning HBOW are to launch, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and since Aug 24/25 2023, multimillion man grocery store, store manger's kFeys, barter balan, tollbooth, Sept 22/23 2015 skyrocketing Brides's Craft, warn Rev 9, Alien Apocalypse!    


Clearly how you pastor jeopardize you and yours and why commanded Eze 9 heart stabbers chase endangering, stampeding parents/grandparents. Though to lead others tempting GOD is reckless! When I say Trump Gabriel and his come caught me red handed with my own children, grands blood, run us out of Florida’s coast for Georgia’s Coast. How, why monster storms keep away from this US Gulf to Atlantic coast, this son caused that red alert of intravenous interference and should’ve crawled to slithered out of that hotel room, he, his wife both on their, our faces Dan 2, King Nebuchadnezzar/2024 Pres Trump repentant! See its entire prophetic parable here,

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Kamala Harris Is Watching Her Campaign Implode, Will Barack Obama Trigger The ‘Nuclear Option’ To Save It? 

Listen here, Newsboys - God's Not Dead via @YouTube; dancing halleluiahs around the backyard, along The Newboys, calling on the same, sky shattering, reaping of the planet event, Hearing, GET THE HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH, MAY AS WELL BE SAYING, UNLESS JOHN'S WITNESSED REV 6, 6TH SEAL THE HEAVENS MISSILING DOWN AS A BURNING, FOLDING, FOREWARNING SCROLL 

Just think, if Guardians, Trump Gabriel THEM, and Star Warring Archangel Michael, THEM had, had THEIR WAY, THEY being so positive, yanked us out predicted again Oct 3, BIG ONES COMING, also its Oct 17, 2021, three years and 4 days we'd be up there, with Gods, as Gods. Though I didn't like it, it wasn't yet the paradise of God's Throne, still like I'd visited, many times, watching the present world implode into its new descending, I kinda think Geoffery it what deliverer Angels meant, arriving me back to planet earth home, after that 21 day Daniel fast kinda killed me and ascended me.  

There's reassuring THEY can't wait to be down here where I am, had to reference second heaven intercessions, whereas I actually witnessed Jesus and Heaven Bound Saints as to Descend, July 27/28, 2016, as Pres Barack Hussein WH reached its appointed Dan 9:24-27, two weeks and 7 years finale, and now Pres Trump alike, Once stalled by Biden rescuing from US BIO-COVID, see his, Trump's Abraham Accord, the same Dan 9:24-27, duration, April 2/20 2019, two weeks and 7 years, finale, by Oct 17, 2028, Jesus Millennium Descending for real, right? HBOW/Apb 

Youtube, Anita Fuentes, PROPHECY ALERT: Anita Fuentes Dream "America Attacked"

via @YouTube  Plus, Prophet Anita, I can't throw off the feeling for a week now, they/re coming for Pres Trump! Yes, an Islamic to Asian invasion dating back Pastors to 1998, even when a Dan 5, handwrites, Jer 37:8, I know, we know, they all know, it was never about us knowing, but what we're doing about what we know, Remember, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17:7th angel with him, mocked, US West Pacific is inundated with warnings of its sudden desolations, now come; is Mat 24 Jesus, the word He used, desolations, come, all other US states be aware! Marvel not Pastors, Eze 9 designed heart stabbers on US soil, even chased down stampeders per their endangering procrastination, I know at first, I was confused too, the chasing down and heart stabbing of stampeders, huh? HBOW/Apb  You Tube, News, We thought the world was ending: how locals reacted to Hawaii’s missile ...

via @YouTube; Plus. Y'all do know, it was ten days later, Jan 22-29, 2018, we got Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, warning US West Pacific states get out, escape dominoing Hawaii, the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard take this same advice? THEY, Rev 2 Jesus, Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, Jaboc's Ladder in intravenous are at my Memphis son home. He's crying the downtown newspaper bells are ringing. THEY''RE translating my Grands, crossing over Tribulations Saints, Fire-rocketing rebels and sky-rocketing Holies! There's no further warning, every living human-being on this planet are suddenly caught up in one or the others of these mind-blowing, heart-pounding scenarios, every!   Then I wake to this inconceivable of a breaking news report, panic people running, screaming, throwing children under man hold covers; stop deceiving yourselves, stop deceiving others, Mat 24 Jesus, suggested when you can see these desolations for yourselves, run! Marvel not as recent as its January 16, 2023/(SKYROCETING ENDANGERED CHILDREN BIG JUNE 10 2023);, THEY mocked commanded Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit, as to craft you all race cars, free for all race-tacks and skyrocketing Super Mario Brothers carts, for those taking my suggestion, getting Jesus and getting up yonder! HBOW/Apb 

Talking To Me Or The Two Witnesses, Waking From Being Told, He Will Kill You, Main Street, On Sabbath Day! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring King Bridegroom Dannien Kirklyn Smarts and Zoshlyn Britney Gunter was born a godson Arias Dotsun Smarts, a godson Arellele Deida Smarts a and godson Anastasia Destin Smarts and a Goddaughter Alejandro Depiphany Smarts, Gunter 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb OphelJuttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 

into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Nicholas Edin Coogan and Tiffany (Maaseiah Adonai), Ann Saurus was born twin ons,  Agurus Heus Coogan a son, Heus Agurus and a daughter Karsiann Coogan Saurus 

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair;


”I, know, since I return, all I been doing is caressing my belly, holding our godtriplets, I guess, standing here, phenom, interstellar balcony starring into space. There’s something Tribunal Sioux said, first Nicholas, before I woke, I was sitting the edge of that sofa again. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, that agonizing 21 day fast, death, ascent, descent, only Nicholas he questioning me, were my suffering sacrifices worth all this pain and misery? Seems it was Tribunal Sioux Noel last memory also before he saw me wake, saying, “I love him, ”you interstellar husband, “and love is worth all this pain.”  I know," they both wiping one another’s tears, kissed dampen cheeks,”I know!” He, Nicholas even remembered the address to that house was 666, oh wow Maaseiah, wow. I can’t tell you why, except I never have any suspicion behind revealing demos. Nicholas, how long you think I was in heaven before I woke to Angels again arriving me to planet home? "How they can't wait to be down here where I am, those 21 days just now, why I never before questioned it? Maaseiah, temptress beloved, THEY just made Holy Church Bride, second heaven intercession during 42 of the most apocalyptic months ever this planet appear a nanosecond for equally leading captivity captived The Two Witnesses, leading captivity captived The Tribulation Saints. Your, I say your, but our Grand, grand Chernobyl Spring Rapture, showed seven years later she spend extensive time in heaven, ah my god Nicholas, ah my god! Actually with, with an Elder Ezekiel unveiling those three, time tested doors of a shift-shaping SUNLIGHT preparing laborers unto the harvest. My Christ is Jesus, Nicholas, all the while she thought it was only a few minutes, a stunning spring day, standing at a duck pond, while being summoned up by Mal 4 described Sunlight of GOD! All Live, Sweetheart, lest we forget, that part was all live! Frightnight to Amazing Grace Nicholas Edin that’s only part of it. right? THEY come right into the kitchen, explaining those times I’m left seemingly stranded two parts the way was our ascension assignment to intercede from up there The Tribulation Saints, ascending, attached to The Two Witnesses! I know how this gonna sound, I witnessed a genealogy Nicholas far beyond North Lee and Nefeteri being awarded its Parental Juttah, The Nigerian 300! I can’t, I can’t, ah speak of it now, only those 144,000 Specialty Saints weren’t just made, they were born, even born-again! Okay, okay, lunch is calling us, the recess is about to sound. Good, I’m both tired and hungry, thanks for staying with me these few trying days. Don't do that. stop Temptress Love thanking me for enormously pleasuring myself. Come, come!" Excitedly taking, kissing her hand, leading her his way. I have a new, surprising spot, no you don’t, just say Specialist Cullen Michael asking whether The Richet has an aquarium? Kinda gave me Maaseiah, these wowing, unshakable ideas.” Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF/Apb 


7:10 to 10:53, seven minutes before Cataclysms Us soil, And Millions and Mounting Are Dead, The Bride Soon To Be Counted With The Missing, Itself The Greatest of All Conspiracies; Until, Mel Gibson release,; his Jesus Second return to Daniel White, His Finale, God's Not Dead,; see here, Flash-forward, S1/Ep 1,, The TV series, I feel is closest to all world apocalyptic confusion concerning the sudden apocalypse of tens of millions of people suddenly, again suddenly, dead, injured to just missing! 

Does relating to this subject remind, I experienced my own flash forward, yes but so did referencing a video Hurricane Rita's multimillion man traffic, ram, they mocked, the same Oct 11, 2021 mocked Bride Pitt and Jolie kids, Hotel hideaway, as atop multimillion man traffic jams; come without clear cognition as I laid my motel bed, its Oct 21, 2021, I see Brad Pitt sitting in traffic, behind a steering wheel, talking on a phone, talking to me and I wake, mystified, Id had a memory of something that'd never happen 


Article, MSNBC, Turner Sounds the Alarm: North Korean Troops in Ukraine Must Trigger U.S. and NATO Red Line; 

Beware The Assassination to Canceling of world leaders until we're Daniel's 7 Little Horn, MAN OF SIN to Rev 17, Dragon Beast, Antichrist piggy backing to ejecting Great Whore Mystery Babylon into world reign, ALL MANNERS OF APOSCLYPSE NOW!


N. Korea's Kim aim, since before the US invaded Afghanistan, see how the world, especially the Islam, come a type of Morgan Freeman/Ben Affleck, Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, sums of all fears, just who was it supposedly in sessions, US Rep, Congress escaping train, was running from? Odd is, suspiciously showing themselves intravenous, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, allied by Rev 17, 7th Angel, until during that Congress trainwreck. While here, watching youtube, Why Files, some conspired about N. Korea and a bunker of scientist were bombed, a falling out between Trump and Kim otherwise plans non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, HBOW/Apb

See here, Michael Bublé Performs "Higher" | Dancing With The Stars | Disney+ via @YouTube; I Hope You Watch! Run! Live! As Rev 3 Jesus suggest, I hope You 💃 HBOW/Ap

YouTube Marfoogle, ESCALATION IMMINENT" via @YouTube


YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor.  


Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come as a gamma ray bursting HIMSELF 

Israel and its western allies fire-rocket off the planet simultaneously; even while up there with Gods as Gods I’ve seen it! There’s some bout a Dirty Mede When An Enemy Nation By The Name Hamath Took Rule! THEY TOLD YA'LL KNOW ENDTIME BIBLE PROPHECY!

During The Elusive Death Bringer From Beneath It Was Emmanuel’s Father King David, Trust! Delight! Commit! After THEY Put US In The Most Apocalyptic 7 Years Ever The Planet Ever Again! It Was Great Tribulation! Great Tribulation! Great Tribulations! Since The 90’S Something Rider Of Death Has A Name, Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! THE ONE DAY AMERICA ENDS! It’s Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, suggested, Watch! RUN! Live!  

Neither Of US Billions Western Inheritance Blessed Brexit BRIEXIT Blaexit  Are Excused To Any-longer Be In West Rule Territory Let Alone Going On As All Is American Dreaming! We talking as far back as Clinton lost to burning’ Bush and he to the Hussein Bloodline he just executed Rev 11:1, 2 prophetic, US/Islamic/Israeli Antichrist Reign, Rev 13/17/19, April 2025 thru Oct 2028! 

Though his banner is The US/Islamic/Israeli Abraham Accord When the BRICS, China Yuan took over the dollar as explained THEIR visitation1995.  I warn again they’re coming for Trump! There’s a mock nations summit in Dan 9/Rev 17 where evil powers that be not only shift its support from The World most powerful system since they allied Egypt, ROME but turn it's inhuman allies against them.  

USA and her allies as well handwriting of judgment on a wall as far back as Bush, Clinton, Bush planned colonization of Islam. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies is taken from both Dan 5 they’re seen as desecrating the holiest things of God. There’s Jer 37/37:8 and rebellious to be reckless, genocidal who’re being warn these territory leaders The Middle East will overtake them their cities, peoples burn it all, THE CHALDEANS ARE COME! HBOW/Apb

BREAKING: 17 Israeli airstrikes on the southern suburbs of Beirut this evening,

🚨 Israeli air defenses are completely overwhelmed, dozens of impacts across multiple areas in the usurping entity,

Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic, Rev 9 Alien Apocalypse, DESTROY! 

I Cut On The Movie Matrix, I know, six years now, as Trump's Dan 2 madness curse, even the seeing of those kicked in the head, no flirting to courting Keanu Reeves Movies; I see The Year 1999, Remind Told To Warn Pres Bush after the year 2000 Nothing Will Again Be The Same! 

Woe To School Buses! 

Get Jesus, get up yonder; for GOD so loves the world, this is my caught between a rock and a hard place. First time, I warn Rev 11:1, 2, Saddam Hussein (Barack Hussein) would take the US WH, Rule The World. Presently N. Korea aid, abet Russia to get to Trump/Trumpians. Then THEIR predicted 50 million US dead now THEIR predicted 100 million westerners dead! Marvel not waking predicted 20 yrs, BIG ONES COMING OCT 3 2024, hearing Rev 17/18, Britain! Britain! Britain! HBOW/Apb

RED ALERT - IT'S CRASHING - WARNING FROM THE HIGHEST LEVELS - THE BLACK ... via @YouTube; weather SE/SW into Africa’s Atlantic is favorable for travel, you FSS know what I mean. Except Mighty Angel warn Mid West 10 days Rev 2 Jesus and Jacob’s ladder situated theirs!

RED ALERT - IT'S CRASHING - WARNING FROM THE HIGHEST LEVELS - THE BLACK ... via @YouTube; 3 yrs Election Day Nov 03/04 2024 warned Hawaii is building, beware Orange alert volcanoes Sept with a Nov 11, Ben Affleck Armageddon, YouTube BSG can’t shut up talking about USA END June 10, 2023! 

RED ALERT - IT'S CRASHING - WARNING FROM THE HIGHEST LEVELS - THE BLACK ... via @YouTube; get Jesus, get up yonder! I can’t see 2 bil ppl dead betwixt April and Oct 2025;100 mil UK/BC/US Hearing 3x’s BRITAIN! 3x’s Great Tribulation 3 BIG ONES COMING, Run!

RED ALERT - IT'S CRASHING - WARNING FROM THE HIGHEST LEVELS - THE BLACK ... via @YouTube; witnessing Trump Gabriel/Archangel Michael THEM once using unprecedented Sahara Sand storms defecting monsters Ian/Beryl/Helene/Milton from Safehaven Georgia’s coast, crossover, RUN!

*Big One Brewing* - Conditions favorable for large scale event. via @YouTube; Powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake shatters China-Korea border; is this  the huge earthquake you  just warn? Then in the most red alert part of world anything, everything Asian?

Big One Brewing* - Conditions favorable for large scale event. via @YouTube

Powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake shatters China-Korea border via @YouTube; is this  the huge earthquake you  just warn? Then in the most red alert part of world anything, everything Asian?

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring King Bridegroom Dannien Kirklyn Smarts and Zoshlyn Britney Gunter was born a godson Arias Dotsun Smarts, a godson Arellele Deida Smarts a and godson Anastasia Destin Smarts and a Goddaughter Alejandro Depiphany Smarts, Gunter 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb OphelJuttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 

into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sia Juttah Nicholas Edin Coogan and Sia Juttah Maaseiah Adonai Saurus were born triplets, a god son Shaddai Machail Coogan, Saurus, a godson,  Elyon Gabriel Coogan and a goddaughter, Mahasiah Unique Coogan.  

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.

Scene XXII

See here, ❤️ Wedding Dance; him Nicholas, right there, that song, it’s wedding dance made me look up from my work, that’s how the restaurant prophesied hour Rev 3, manifested in the flesh, that’s how he looked, exactly! Then for some reason I got an image of the Prince and Duchess son, would appear at this age. For three days they went on to show him this mighty tug of indecision and come to me Dr Fauci prescribed family outings, its own Gethsemane night of reasoning this huge white over tent where we sat. One of the family outings a monster storm ran us inside mass assembly where they showed choirs with highchairs locking in masses  its membership. Presently Trump and all other leaders don’t realized they’re being Rev 17;17, puppeteered whatever decision making they will hand over the world to the US/Islamic/Israeli Antichrist those Nicholas who primarily signed the Abraham Accord into being. The most astronomical of 40 Chernobyl April spring raptures of The Holy church bride leading captivity captured The Two Witnesses, leading captivity captured The Tribulation Saints. This date of 9 years Sept 22/23 2015, was just update Sept 15 2023 to mock the signing date Sept 15, 2020 of The Abraham Accord, it was near a year before I realized reasons why, even seeing the word update letter by letter erased. You Nicholas even know that song is one of my favorite, you know to have on when, you know, our own wall climbing wedding/marriage bed. Then, then it’s a wedding dance, when they just showed every titter of outreach and all its earthbound members ever this planet served, dressed and skyrocketed into, "The Marriage," Supper of The Lamb, presently dancing hallelujahs all around the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet! Well stunning temptress, what if I don’t, ah remember, why you love that song?” Coming out slowly fastening his shirt over his hunky dory chest, "I think I got time for you to show me. To bad for Herculean, Shining Knight husband, I don’t, we meet with Lord Bastian, Veneer them, he insist. Who, Veneer insist? Lord Bastian Nicholas, insist upon my awarded Amazing Grace, he calls it. Wow Maaseiah, he does look like a cross between what their son, would, how did you even see that? Plus. as far back as 2015 a native Britain Cameron’s Brexit and native Juneteenth inherit Grand Caden, Blaexit, mix, mix Nicholas, boarded that escape craft with Memphis grand, grand. Unimaginably after Hawaii missile morning Jan 12/13 2018, from her Memphis son home THEY translated, crossed over, fire-rocketed others and was here Skyrocketing Grand them. Like Maaseiah Adonai, she fully, stunningly dressed he, Nicholas E. dad Pepe calls him, almost there. "Isn't that song from those untouchable gray movies, even Maaseiah after they’re married? Married cinematically not spiritually and I thought you so clueless me'sure Coogan. Anyway, I’m running, won’t you me'sure Coogan,” silencing her with one of those quick-striking, smothering, electrifying kisses. "I never stop running after you Maaseiah, rest your head, ear, its rushing blood, heartbeat, it, nor will I ever stop running after you!” Nicholas Edin Coogan, yes beloved, I’m overwhelmed, woozy headed, if you don’t pick me up and carry me out of here, we're going to miss the most important meeting of the Richat Masser Rishon! Nicholas, I got you, you’re emotional, I can feel it, yeah well you didn’t see Veneer,” standing her the elevator, tidying her up, choosing their exit, soon with Specialist Cullen Michael Veneer’s testimony bringing them both to hugging tears. “When he realized you’d found, read his old love letter, burnt it even. He was so devastated, if Maaseiah he’d not found his chair, he would’ve found the floor. You won’t believe the last I said to him, here love, our floor, I can’t move, I can’t breathe, move, then I’m gonna have to sacrifice, resign, enjoy carrying you the more. What was the last you said?" Getting them both together, to the area in question, standing right before it’s entry. How since he’s the temple and the Holy Ghost as sensitive to those Christ Jesus no standing Maaseiah in the bathroom mirror beating himself up. The Nicholas bathroom mirror? You said, wow, whoa. they’re all here, Angel man, Lord Bastian and his entire ten in Negeb Ophel genealogies. We are Nicholas by the Masser Rishon Room about to meet with those who’re barely, presently in our wombs. I'm, what, huh? Our Great, great Grandchildren, one at least, White Dew, Emires Coogan!" Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none perish, AODHF

Youtube, Law and Crime Network, P. Diddy’s Kids Break Silence as Dad Faces Sex Trafficking Charges via @YouTube: can't really explain, it, God So Loves The World, Not Willing That Any Perish! Pray for all human beings, my, this surgically implanted by the Sunlight of God, designed to be with HIS grieves and sorrows, heart melts into the pit of my bowls (Ps 22), over this story, which explains why this is my first time and probably my only time commenting!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME;

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Septennial Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sia Juttah Nicholas Edin Coogan and Sia Juttah Maaseiah Adonai Saurus were born twins a godson Youssef Wael Coogan and a goddaughter Maaseiah Adonai, Magnificent Coogan and a goddaughter, Castillopia Orionus Villanovan Coogan,

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair;


See here, Tye Tribbett - “Everything (Bless The Lord)” [Performance Video] via @YouTube

One of my oldest granddaughters was playing this as they readied for church; soon I shouted hallelujah, send me that, as I could see those hundreds of millions commanded Juneteenth inherit!  Frightnight to Amazing Grace in this here manner of celebration as they poured up outta Africa’s SW Atlantic Ocean into exile luxury, Senator Barack Hussein, Rev 13 beast from the sea, Presidential run; July 27/28 2009; prophesied for two weeks and 7 years. I know, believe Apostle, Prophet I am, I know! HBOW/Apb


“Oh, oh, oh, all Moses Hebrews, Juneteenth inherit take this lesson, I thought I heard DIDDY is released on bond, I’m like he should’ve come out on his knees to face, Nicholas repentant to Jesus The CHRIST! Then, then while on with caring South African leaders as he's seeking asylum in Africa’s SW Atlantic. Frightnight to rolling, US twilight skies, where hundreds of millions to a billion western refugees Ps 35/Rev 12:1-6 Star Warring Archangel’s List finda join him, including, burning Biden/Harris WH/Air Forces all, even famed letters USA! Howbeit Maaseiah love, not the continuity of anything West Rule America ever again this planet! Whewwwww, we will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is our strength and our defense; he has become our salvation. He is our God, and we will praise him, our father’s God, and we will exalt him! Marvel not there's something about the Torah, even Israel's Shimon Peres; see more its prophetic parable here, Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon, Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Hearing, Predicted Oct 1 2004/Oct 3 2021, BIG ONES COMING, "get the Holy Bride Of Wrath, she's only witnessed possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel 2 described, Stone from heaven! Apb, The RAM

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