Friday, January 31, 2025

Gabriel Them, Michael Them, Predicted Triple Great Tribulations ACCELERATE Billions To Die!


YouTube Stefan Burns Unexpected Events and Geomagnetic Activity Increase as Mercury Cazimi Cl... via @YouTube; 

Apostle Prophet I’m visit a lot of these type videos, particularly since 2015 Alex Jones some bout 50  volcanoes erupting THEIR 2015 predicted 99 bowls of molten. Frightnight revisited  Feb 2019 and 101 Yellowstone Eruptions/

Beware Trump Gabriel, Pres Trump's 2020 warn eruptions and FEMA! Can we survive April 2025 NASA’S forecast SOLAR event ask, no we can’t, marvel not Trump Gabriel, Pres Trump’s March 2018  Gen 15/Rev 7 GOD’S  are RUNNING US into US GA’S COAST/CROSSOVER, into Africa’s SW ATLANTIC into Jesus Throne Bosom, 

Warning: Asteroid Headed for Yellowstone – What Could Happen? via @YouTube; you mean since Nov 11/21 2021 Eze 5 barber chair, my prayer closet mirror, designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE? 

The 13 Active Volcanoes in Oregon via @YouTube: ACCELERATING is Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael timeline triple great tribulations; 7  Dan 9:27 DRAGON BEAST YEARS OCT 17 2021, thru Oct 17, 2028 with April 2/17/20 it’s Rev 11:1, 2 42 month midpoint and simultaneously no longer a  demo we’re all literally translating, crossing over, FIREROCKETING to Skyrocketing! Superseding Apocalypse 99 bowls of molten lava , 101 Yellowstone types, solar, cosmic events can accelerate alm hath reign. 

I Explained the last two 37 day counts, plus an added 11 days the Jan 8/9th 2025 day now your described Apocalypse California. These were all counts into unprecedented solar events to geo-storms especially Texas. Know Stefan Burns all US states of Barbecue are inundated  with intravenous warning ‼️ them, even Gen 15/Isa 16/Zech -4 RUNNING them, beware BC/UK states of barbecue! 

YouTube Geology Hub The 10 Active Volcanoes in California via @YouTube; marvel not ten days that Hawaii missile alert; simultaneously we’re translating, crossing over, FIRE-ROCKETING! and Skyrocketing off the planet! It’s January 22-29 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel witnessing dominoing , incinerating US W. Pacific along N America seismic craton while  explaining marvel not its  inundated , his word with warn desolations now come! Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR , Cosmic and Alien Apocalypse, DESTROY! 

Patann1260 Tesdar3141@2023 

Jonah And The Whale Children Bible,; as far back as Peter, Acts Of The Apostles God Warn He’d Nolonger count our unknowing as ignorance. Rev book first admonishes blessed knowing, family Pompeii Movie Of Memphis, are hearers and doers/AND DOERS! More it’s prophetic  parable here,

Article whale off Provincetown

Doug FraserCape Cod Times

This is how you die':One year later, Michael Packard recalls escape from whale's mouth

In something truly biblical, Packard was swallowed whole by a humpback whale.

“All of a sudden, I felt this huge shove and the next thing I knew it was completely black,” Packard recalled Friday afternoon following his release from Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis

Revisiting Jesus saying “and a child shall lead them, here’s My interest in a children biblical study of Jonah and The Whale; all persons parental, pastoral, political. Military to Monetary are suffering as Pres Trump 2 WH reigns as to have your everything followed by sudden destruction; beware even Santorini millions in annual tourist! When Pres Bush was told beginning 200o all tourist going in like normal can  just forget it, to be evident not did Katrina but e every outbreak with Hurricanes Trump’s 2018 YouTube mrmbb333 tracked all hit a coastal US/BC to UK area as In tourist to tourism; marvel not while US Lab Covid had claimed millions THEY mocked Tokyo Olympics a fast and furious Tokyo Dirt how fast can you het out of the way of a US quarter of the earth dead  by US Lab Rev 6 4th seal Bio-Weapon between 2025 April 17, Oct 17? 

YouTube AP Archives Emergency crews on Santorini as earthquake swarm worries Greek experts via @YouTube: how was seeing hundreds of millions of every type of automobile ever made pouring into Georgia's Coast; the same as thousands pouring into the Gaza Strip into Egypt f Jordan Desert City  Petra but millions to a billion,  tried calculating The American continent inherited, adding the United Kingdom and it was about a billion or more strong like gushing up out of Africa’s SW Atlantic right into  ready and waiting, welcoming cities and towns then I woke either to Senator Obama campaigning or Pres Trump’s first WH 

YouTube On The Pulse With Silki WHAT ? Professor comments on the current Seismic and Volcanic Phenomenon... via @YouTube

Doing This Online Since Warn Post Apocalypse Chernobyl April Spring Rapture Finale  Rev 11:1, 2 42 months in April 2/17/20 2025, The TIFF CME/EMP Doing What Enemy Nations Frightened To Do Saving, Freeing Up Billions Of Children.

Like from Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids Witnessed Running from Great Whore Mystery Babylon No One Is Given To This FundMeABB is:  If you say you don’t even know me, THEY told me to respond  I sleep with the phone day and night that bring your post and videos to me! Why you think I’m lije millions of others so desperate for US GA’s Coast, because THEY'RE so desperate to get us all here and cross us over! 

Hearing Natural,  VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and Aug 2023 Rev 9 Designed bottomless Pit Alien ( Hybrid Angels) Apocalypse, DESTROY! Inevitably no one Silki is exempt get Jesus/Gabriel to Michael get up yonder or get these Ancient intravenous get over yonder, see more 13 reasons why we’re all running, here Rev 6 6th seal 

Remember Silki when you was waiting a subterranean eruption in US Oregon and in a way I suggested you get out of there l, like Rev 10 Mighty told Hawaiians to US W. Pacific inherit. How there are apocalyptic events coming no scientist gone or present on this planet could know nor time? 


Shown to be evident twice when THEY remind a Yellowstone we got  Hunga Tunga; presently YouTube Meteorologist to Geologists Stefan Burns is saying there’s a new volcano building under Santorini; New and old volcanic summits coming online to equal those 101 Yellowstone eruptions, I equally warned! Marvel not that 1998 molten death rider from beneath Damater Judy lift her shirt, let him our! HGOW/Apb

Frightenight to Amazing Grace with dancing the Sunlights Bride Chariot all around. How many  Chernobyl April Spring rapture demos Grand, Grand to Grand Sia mom if you had to guess, there been? I guess the only way to calculate that would be to calculate how many as extinction level nuclear there’s  been since Chernobyl into HAwii missile morning and since. 

He heard worries out of the north 

Still the stampeding elephant in the room to run on matrix blue pill why that hovering craft Georgia’s to Tennessee met up there about yanking us out Hallow Eze to Halloween 2023, yeah whet ten things we need to know happened Oct 31 2013 and don’t forget the 31 st of any month revisits what happened to Aug 31st 2019 breaking news 101 Yellowstone eruptions and Whdt happened to May 31 2022 fireball Archangel Michael,  Caden heavenly escape? 

Even better yet How did we ever come to an inquiry what happened to Aug

Article, Which is worst for your health weed or alcohol? lest you forget there’s one crying  please not the red pill and yet another there’s a run on matrix blue pills! Then you here Rom 12;1, 2  Apostle for the renewing of your mind, body soul suffer to surrender all you are to God? I love this  question especially seeing Eze 9 designed heart stabbers on US soil  finale into blaming legalized drugs on a lost drug war and not drug lords; still riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers repent or perish! Trabsl to Skyrocketing us Hawaii missile morning Jesus Christ 

-Prophet Samuel was told to ask Two Kings too dependent on witch doctors is there NO GOD OF ISRAEL? News lately a pandemic of  OPIOID overdoses. Too much mind altering spirits their word to legalized Pharmaceuticals frustrate the anointing of Holy Spirits!

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