Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Prophecy Links 
Fulfilling Nuclear Imminent Apocalyptic Christmas, fiery doomsday apocalypse Jan 14  2025 on repeat! 

THIS VIRAL PHOTO, HEARING, "WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!" Right it was Dec 29, 2019, we witnessed intravenous Angels in a running race to put Dec 24/25 2001 Apocalyptic Christmas back on prophetic track with a fiery, blazing Biden/Harris WH pending Trump’s WH! COME OUT OF THEM MY PEOPLE! Star Warring Rev 18, Ancient Of Days Heavenly Father! Apb

Article, Idaho Capital Sun! 1,173 earthquakes, 2 hydrothermal explosions, 6 Steamboat eruptions: Yellowstone’s 2024 in review; https://idahocapitalsun.com/commentary/; all, all dominoing fiery doomsday apocalypse. Only such Yellowstone red alert made me warn a month past it’s too quiet Hawaii looking like the sneak attack! See also here, like ancient intravenous, Youtube Brightside Global seems to be possessed with warning a building Apocalyptic Yellowstone!

Article ABC News Jack Smith, in final report, says voters saved Trump from being convicted, https://apple.news/ALixERMizRUWgLPBzm1SRnA

Blessed are hearers and doers! President Trump cursed a Dan 4 madness Oct 17 2018; it’s 7 year countdown began Oct 17 2019 its finale Oct 17 2025. Believe this other world they wake to like Nebuchadnezzar theirs too no more mass Judas suicide may prevail!!

YouTube Authentic WOKE FOLK, Elon Musk 40 M5.7 Earthquakes Rock Ethiopia in Just 7 Days - Double Eruption Is Im... https://youtu.be/tpV5hunbUEc?si=8EE3ReED64Cwk-d1 via @YouTube


Fret Seeing Eastern Seaboard States Take Up Wings Fly Off The Map!

Georgia snow storm, right see this FundMeABB is: http://spot.fund/FundMeABB like I explained I would get back to leading you to Safehaven GA but I would need your help from here; as usual mrmbb333our lights blinking as this come a for hours, worrisome blackout. 

Frightnight since Dec 24/25 2001, suddenly there’s 190 years of a deficit. Bitter/Sweet to Amazing Grace not just back to western days 1811/1812 but back to dominoing into 101 Yellowstone eruptions Pompeii Movie of Memphis 1811, 1812 New Madrid.

When, then Rev 6, 6th seal John sees, hears “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains. The mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains (Rev 10 Mighty Angel US W. Pacific inundated with forewarnings, see entire prophetic parable here, 

Beware desolation predicted  [Hilina Slump], [Juan de Fuca] [Cascadia], [San Andreas]. There’s June 10, 2023 skyrocketing Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband mentioned Eze 5/my hall bath mirror designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! And rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 

Hearing these for decades to days Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and Alien Apocalypse, Destroy! Remember I woke Oct 21 2021 from a flash-forward of Brad Pitt and Oct 11 Jolie kids stranded in beware of North American traffic: suggesting if in real time this happened hesitating not I’d advise with whole hearts he call on Ps 91/Rev 12 Intravenous, Apb

Burning_T_Ranch reposted 

🇺🇸 Larry  🇺🇸 ✅


ATTENTION: Join me along with (@trethack24) (@BurninTRanc), and a bunch of others for an exciting discussion about the current events transforming our country. 

Let’s dive into what we can expect after Monday when Trump takes office.

Transforming our world actually, its planetary bodies like two millennia ago Mat 24 Jesus warn and 7 years ago Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn of dominoing Hawaii Volcanic summit/US W. Pacific, NO FURTHER DELAYS, HGOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Darius Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele Kroff and Preecest Darius Nextus Karsiann Coogan was born a son, first prince, Silverton Nicolas, Coogan, Chow, a son, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Kroff,  a daughter, Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, a daughter,  Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, and a daughter, Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff and godson, third Prince, Adonai Maaseiah, Emanel, Shaddai  

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon, How Much Better Is Thy Love Than Wine

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII


"Stop it both Nextus Juttah, Negeb Ophel we call ourselves Christians when we can't trust them with blessed exile luxury, yet Jesus The Christ trusted GOD with his crucifixion, death, resurrection to ascending that multicultural, multibillion man royal Priesthood marvel not  ebbing and flowing since as recently as a month or so ago The Pure Sunlight here walking taking among people! I know Grand Sia mom assurances more than any of the billions of us, the unprecedented lengths THEY’LL go to it’s reassurance her labor to indescribably sacrifices isn’t in vain. Putting an innumerable amount of funds behind an abominable, detestation of human genocide has the equivalent sacrilegious-ness of millions joining Lucifer, his one thousand years finished, tge Gog and Magog of throwing down Jesus, The Christ and AODHF Kingdom reign, yeah Darius Juttah mocked, those gazillions put be world stretching Sodomy, Kamala harris, that final Magog, lasted a few second, like god stumped them, under his feet and tossed them all, all Lucifer's into that lake which burns with fire. Since someone asked, the pandemic of overdoses to suicide mean they see through the ruse, the darker mirror birth upon veils, even that cursive dan 4, madness, like there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle nor the  loosed white rabbit back in Alice's Wonder Land. Once they see through the ruse, the threaten strong disillusionment, The American Dream there’s no unseeing there’s for the ancient two crystallized Godzilla types one an Egyptian Sobek of mummification keeping apocalyptic skies with pretend Crystal skies, and yes Negeb Ophel to Nextus Juttah, all, this, time. "Thus the cry no not the blue pill to an actual run on matrix blue pills, clearly after elephants of staying unaware stampeded Dec 3 2017, Trump/ Abbas and Abbas mentioned 8 leads described tug of turf wars! The run on matrix blue pill is that was grand sia was seeing, Feb 2019, one rite aid pharmacy counter run over with customer about reminding, West Rule UK/BC/US equals 100 million dead, its weight martyred blood guilt, grand sia mom, Negeb Ophel, reminding, for centuries, westerners committing genocide just for their delicacies and luxury, yeah listen to Rev 18 God, description of Great Whore Mystery Babylon from Egypt, Rome, Britain to West Rule. Right, isn't that’s Darius Evolent both those building torture vehicles mocked a dirty Mede by a US General to a US General giving his war torn horse off to The Prophet Jeremiah 37:8 handwriting of judgment now US soil, what your grand Sia mom warn the closer Gog and Magog Trump got to burning, charcoal Biden/Harris them, their Whitehouse The though defeated plenty by US forces The Chaldeans are coming, well alone hearing Putin’s in the Pacific Northwest, The Chaldeans are here! right, Negeb Ophel, she's been seeing a burning US Whitehouse, for as long as she's been, seeing Brad Pitt running with an arm filled with children. Then there's Oct 11/21/2021 they showed he and Jole's kids, it a building in the trees, incomprehensible camouflaged guerilla war. So much the mentioning of Darius Lord Urusalem, when will she Darius Evolent, again grace us with her phenom presence. We don't say Goddess Bentthesikyme but it's like they've all been on a maternity leave since its learnt mass Richet Structure mass pregnancies and who can know it?  We are being dismissed, you Negeb Ophel have the last question, goddess Herophile, Grand Sia mocked lately asking the question, May 4, 37 countdown into June 10, 2023, leading captivity, captured as she says, did Lord Urusalem, witness Rev 17:14, Jesus husband skyrocket, or beamed out? You all remember, year or so, the call to 911, about those towering angels that landed in their backyard and every body, okay where they suddenly disappear, or where they too beamed out,  yeah are we under an alien invasion both grands Aug 2023 and its warn, Dec thirds, by one of her youtube provider? Yes, Memphis Carter, your hand up, I'm Memphis Caden, no harm done, I been researching who The Chaldeans are, could they be as paranormal as they are normal, could they represent an invasion, of hybrid Angels, yeah ah, are they all our enemies? Because I don't think Grand Sia think they are all our enemies, they exiled here for millennia, this planet their home as well.  Right, right did some witness a mass escape of hybrids, after those four angels where mocked, loosed, and the keys to the bottomless exchanged hands? I know what you gonna say, Mediterranean, and as captivating as her name, Darius, Evolent, even her expert figure belonged to one of the 13 couples, witnessed during Darius Silverton Nicholas exodus, unimaginable for a thousand years, their own mount of transfiguration, the 144,000 passed from them to Lord Jerusalem, Lord Urusalem  and yes you heard, Lord Urusalem! 
Evacuation orders and mass disasters keep us alert while Crystal skies to California dreaming set us up sneak attacks see cal-fire climbing’ list of victims those two falsifying crystallized Godzilla beast aim, yes I’m stalling, just do it for me, please take these inquiries home with you, I know I know I know but we’re out of time anyway and we’re discuss them first thing next week meet; would Memphis Caden research victorious enough to take and burn our cities who would Chaldeans be today? Blessed day, sweet sleep, you are dismissed." Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF, See more Pieces of Lord Maaseiah 2, https://2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com/2024/09/pieces-of-lord-maaseiah-adonai-2.html, Heart Ravishing,

Kyle Becker                                                                                                                                 @Kyleabecker

It's critically important that, to the extent you can find anything that gives you an ability to be patient in this extremely dangerous and unprecedented crisis, that you do."

Imagine if Kamala Harris were president during these wildfires. Just imagine.

When Trump/Harris Woke Oct 17, 2025, From Dan 4 Madness Curse, 25 million Britain Dead, 25 Million Canada Dead That’s 100 Million Westerners Dead Pending Jan 20, 2017/2025 Trump’s Inauguration 50 million US dead! 190 Years In Tech No More!

Kill All Parents By; FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! 


God's back turn, she’s worldwide sodomy! Y’all believe in biblical prophecy in those of old to The Christ Jesus all warning This Heaven, Earth, this world system passes away? There’s no turning back the point of no return when after reconciling covid you supported Harris and now perish!

X Then our Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 John begin to hear and those who didn’t by US lab Bio-Covid repented not and how unimaginably apocalyptic being hearers only. By then it’d been commanded all parents be killed, all schools finished marriage abomination then threaten Noah’s world now theatens The Royal Priesthood! 

The Royal Priesthood of procreating Africa's Mother to Abraham’s sons into Moses Memphis Hebrew to my Memphis Juneteenth inherit. Just go back to Hebrew 10 where an ancient of days explain as surely as he use the woman seed to create an only son: like he explained to curse all three responsible for THE FALL! This way, only this of mass genocide descends a royal priesthood 

FOR YOU HAVE TAKEN TO THYSELF THY GLORY and reign April 2/20 2021 Predicted a second Trump WH win, puting the Trump 2025 Whitehouse in the Antichrist range to reign. They don’t need any of us here anymore why I asked will they take US cause national to international world catastrophes Gabriel and Michael’s warn Dan 9:27, Dragon BEAST timeline the first Rev 11:1, 2 42 interval April 2025! 

YouTube mrmbb333 Is the GRID about to go down? Something is DEFINITELY messing with it! https://youtu.be/z8JWVwkujpg?si=TGHu_DHUVbBKGTaW via @YouTube

Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic to Aug 2023/Dec 3 mocked Rev 9 type Alien Invasion Destroy! 

Beware Of Star Warring Angels, Hybrid Angels (Aliens) Of Human Extinction!

Like the present we know it has come SOLAR events lately that could set us back to western days to dinosaur days: put us back to watch Noah build The Ark, we’re its Noah cousin, yet what mrmbb333 withhold it except prophetic timing? 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies the Pompeii movie of Memphis niece, name for TIFF/CME/EMP; California family was also burn out exactly an 11 day countdown preceded by a 37 day countdown! I can tell you there’s a debate whether this is predicted fiery doomsday apocalypse that take Biden and Harris, The Whitehouse, Air-force One, its security detail all?

How long oh Lord Holy and True Doest Thou Not Avenge Our Blood Upon Great Whore Mystery Babylon? Clearly saying, proving like THEY were against Dan 9:24-27 close to the Antichrist Senator Barack Hussein. Too, THEY’RE against Dan 9:24-27 close to the Antichrist Pres Trump; come out from among these genocidals! HGOW/Apb

YouTube/Twitch Dutchsinse 

Waking saying Duh in Dutch aligned Japan and Central, South America as the most red alert area map on the planet! Lastly saying Duh in Dutch was proceeded by first speaking languages Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. These various areas people beware as Rev 10, Mighty Angel warning Dutchsinse’s West Rule, beginning its US W. Pacific! 

We just Dutch had a mighty Geo Storm; a sudden catastrophe upon the planet, the great gathering of saints post apocalypse the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, simultaneously  guilty martyr blood soaked UK/BC/US West Rule were no longer this planet a lost 190 years of tech. see https://youtu.be/d9YLHIwqbT8?si=qBZU62pzjT501XwW I was just about to remind of Geo Storms hitting increasing seismic activity see here

The Saviour ✅


🚨🇺🇸 Reports that looters attempted to STEAL from the burned-out mansion of US Vice President Kamala Harris, but were detained by police, https://x.com/stairwayto3dom/status/1878440507476508685?s=46

Wake From Hearing Kill All Parents By, Now We Have These Dates

He Who Can Wear Righteous White Go Down To The Middle Schools Launch Dan 2 Stone 

Seeing A Hand Write Clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! 

X Revisiting to the date 2 yrs later Rev 10 Mighty Angel seeing everything US W. Pacific incinerated. We its Jan 22 2021, witnessed everything Kamala Harris burn up, she and Pres Biden both The WH, The Continent and West Rule. Suddenly stampeding like a billion into Africa’s SW Atlantic 

X Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come; Kobe Bryant fiery crash also was on this exact date Actually Jan 22-29 2020! Marvel not I saw charcoal bodies and like John hearing those 7 thunders but wasn’t to keep it. I  begin to see, hear those 10 Islamic heads sound off to ordain the Antichrist 666 economy! Marvel not Trump’s WH followed  by sudden destruction it’s all inevitable! 

He that save this life shall lose it, but he that gives this life for my  sake shall gain it forevermore, things seen temporal things not seen eternal! Raise your hand knowing WEST RULE UK/BC/US would end giving Islamic rule! Raise your other hand praying God's Kingdom Come, now with both hands raised thank God, for knowing!

YouTube Oneindia News, Houthi Missile Blitz Forces ISS Harry Truman To leave Battle Ground, https://youtu.be/tj8SB6cPNAk;  if you remember the writing Bush/Cheney era Jeremiah 37:8, on the wall, Dan 5, warn of enemies even so severely battered, The Chaldeans were coming, taking US cities, burning them with fire! Also see here Rev 6, 6th seal

Behold I Will Stripe Your Leaders Stripping Mine, Birthday Naked! Marvel it all designed riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers Rev 2 Jesus, Hawaii Missile Morning! 


Loose The Four Bound Angels And Their 200 million demon army Taking His Glory, Aug 24/26 2023 Star Warring AODHF

From Biden and Netanyahu bear hug to Netanyahu license to genocide Palestinians! I saw burning Bush error Islam an eventual Hussein WH, world reign Rev 11:1, 2 42 Oct 17, 2021, months timeline over 3 yrs into eventual ANTICHRIST REIGN April 17 2025 thru Oct 17 2028, genocidal Israel failed to Hamath!


Donald Trump Makes The Announcement Of Ceasefire In Gaza And That The Hostages Will Be Released ‘Shortly’, Says His Election Is The Reason Behind It; https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/donald-trump-truth-social-announcement-takes-full-credit-for-ceasefire-hostage-release-hamas-gaza-israel/ “ and there rose up among up them, a little horn and some bout a beast from the sea and one from land I too witnessed them rise, only on US soil!


That’s Geoffrey Dan 9:24-27 Close To Antichrist, mocked Gog and Magog, Pres Donald Trump. Frightnight also designed an Amazing Grace as King Nebuchadnezzar Dan 4 Madness Curse. Beware be no where around any of them its Oct 17, 2025 finale; since Oct 17, 2021 7 DRAGON BEAST, Antichrist rule, just remember what King Nebuchadnezzar “WOKE,” too after a beastly 7 years! Apb The RAM  

Article KHON2 Kilauea enters its fourth eruptive episode, https://www.khon2.com/kilauea/kilauea-enters-its-forth-eruptive-episode/

See also here, 15 Black Celebrities Who Lost Everything As Firefighters Refused Help Du... https://youtu.be/Ox2-aG3-NSI?si=8QpVQbDPPnX5fDfV via @YouTube;

40 M5.7 Earthquakes Rock Ethiopia in Just 7 Days - Double Eruption Is Im... https://youtu.be/tpV5hunbUEc?si=NCHta1nX1o-BSm9_ via @YouTube

Oh Elon go see, my advised to watch YouTube Dutchsinse, earthquake forecaster as usual he saw Dofen coming two weeks prior!

Yeah, I Warn Come Out Of US States Of Barbecue And Yes All Y’all With Loaded Autos Come Poured All Into US Of Atlantic Mother Africa!

Well as I warned over a month ago Bright Side Global, all about Yellowstone; Hawaii is too quiet, at least now it can’t carry itself a sneak attack of dominoing into Pompeii Movie Of Memphis, warrior Gladiators all.

Dominoing into Yellowstone and UK/BC/US/The American Continent/WEST Rule Of barbecue states and suddenly there’s 100 million westerners no more this planet. Knowing, RUN, don’t procrastinate as Grand Caden and his family, MEMPHIANS like Lot's wife, don’t look nor go back! HGOW/Apb

15 Black Celebrities Who Lost Everything As Firefighters Refused Help Du... https://youtu.be/Ox2-aG3-NSI?si=EOxVod_fICPyJZZ3 via @YouTube; lest you forget named for the since, 2017, Dec. 2024, Jan 2025, The TIFF/CME/EMP, her California family were equally running with these celebrities, losing everything but the clothes on their back, how many playing in traffic, horribly dead, charcoal now, cause they keep going back? HGOW/Apb

Yeah, The Prophet Ezekiel I Was Hand Off To 7 Years, Post Apocalypse That Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, Who Showed Me Behind Three Time-tested Doors, Was Told You Wouldn't Listen! -Today Jan 16 2023, my daughter in law BD, I woke to my eldest son, fret not every Africa's daughter to Abraham's son, are born with a heart problem, ye must be born again! Actually something else, Prophet Ezekiel showed me, A Sunlight surgically removing the sinful heart of masses future laborers, setting in a holy heart, that they're to be well acquainted with HIS grieves an sorrows, I witnessed, heard anyway. I'm watching intravenous mock how'd they'd go home and pack, but suggest, its BD night, morning, coming out of Atlanta their two youngest with them, they may as well keep right into GD's safehaven coast/CROSOVER. I know, I know, while all this is going on I'm squeezing into with big, lil sis, what's soon described a Mario Cart, skyrocketing into holy heaven, we're off to find momma! Also know everything, everybody involved, for millennia, with holy, divine outreach this planet went off the planet today Jan 16, 2023, simultaneously, besides by Christ's Cross, having no control whatsoever, you never, ever did, wrestling against flesh and blood, billions dead, billions injured, billions to die, to be damn all for luxury living. There's at an eyes blink, UK/BC/US West Rule no more this planet, you'll look but you won't find them. Inherit Juneteenth to Westerners all together now are either translating, crossing over, US West Pacific fire-rocketing like Mystery Atlantis never seen, heard of again, to sky-rocketing into second heaven intercession with big, lil sis and I. Marvel not interstellar debating, that GA to TN hovering triangle craft, Oct, 2023, Hallow Eve, Halloween, this single, word inquiry, RUNNING?

A Sunlight of God, June 17-19, 2002, and i witness all of you pouring up out of Africa's Atlantic, campaigning Sen Barack Hussein July 2009, as illuminating as the sun sitting a back turn throne in AODHF absence, showing he's off star warring with arch angel Michael, commanded all y'all a predicted 400 years repatriation of mother Africa, commanded exodus, along the old trans-Atlantic slave trade back to Africa's southwest Atlantic. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, burning out what they mock California dreamers, could go back as far as both Aaliyah and Paul Walkers' crashes. there's before I heard the awfulness of Kobe Bryant's crash, in the spirit world, I watched the inspection of charcoal bodies, turn off to see. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, that thing hereafter, was suddenly the naming to ordaining of the ten heads, The Antichrist 666 economy.

Whereas two your US quarter is aligned to the two quarters predicted dead by the time Jesus millennium descend, only 42 months later, Oct 17, 2028. Marvel all, all ,all these unprecedented events this January time of the year, as Jan 22-29, 2021, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of Biden and Harris, their now to again be Pres Trump WH, charcoal air force ones, twos, all their security detail, and oh you're to scrutinize earth movies, like Super Mario Brothers, Cart, GREENLAND, The Tomorrow War. Now, now, since it's based on biblical scripture from Eze 1 to I Cor 12 to 2 Pet 3, Nicholas Cage's, Knowing. So many people who know but aren't doing what they know, let's just say US leaders were cursed a Dan 4, 7 year madness curse and Eze 9 commanded slayers chased down one stab the heart US stampeders all for a specific reason, be ye doers of end time prophecy and not hearers only! HBOW, called into prophetic fulfilling, Dan 2, Launched Stones, from heaven, here's Noah's day, HGOW/Apb

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