Saturday, January 25, 2025



Prophecy Links Fulfulling, nuclear, apocalyptic Jan 25, Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse 2025, Article, California Wildfire Map Update Devastation Strikes Again As Wildfire Engulfs Southern California, Watch the heartbreaking effects of the LA wildfires as they engulf the hills of California. The wildfires have hit again in Southern California as thousands of residents near Castaic were under evacuation orders. As the Santa Ana winds intensify across most of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, the National Weather Service has extended a red flag warning. The saddening wildfires over the Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles, California, USA, has left devastation in its wrath. Article, Story Trender,

Commenter, Mia, That’s All Crazy Nonsense 

More Mia like REVELATION BOOK scary non-sense, right? You all know when y’all call the work or me crazy it all verifies I’m as prophets of old, to CHRIST LORD. JESUS to His described Holy Apostles; marvel not Peter and John being flogged celebrated being found worthy to suffer for HIM! HGOW/Apb

What’s happening in Congress and a plethora of UFO disclosure. Admittedly coincidence with Intravenous Angels revealing fallen angels is why Aliens exist. Frightnight to surreal corral that, a dateless war in heaven and planet earth exile, the lid blew off immeasurably! HBOW/Apb

Article, MSN, FBI begins preparing for WW3 in New York in large-scale military exercise; see here, USGS Geologists warn changes in the volcanic activity of Yellowsto... via @YouTube is it her voice the one I heard breaking news, saying, "after 101 Yellowstone to Hunga Tonga, Eruptions?"

Shivers ran down my spine, both the title and forecaster of, what’s designed May 3, 37 days into Rev 7;1, loosed, Geo-Storms, June 10, 2023 Rev 6, 6th seal/Rev 17:14 “Jesus Husband, ‘The Last Day Of America,' and this will be the plague of that day, Zech 14. Suddenly Siliki I’m back there, ten days the Hawaii missile nightmare Rev 10 Mighty Angel, back and forth travailing over being incinerated dominoing US W. Pacific; as Father Joseph over Mother Mary travailing in birth with the next of Jesus’s 5 more or less siblings! I guess you can say, it’s not that there’s another inundated with alerts Yellowstone but frightnight it who’s behind the alert. Look, see, its The YouTuber I lately aligned to what happen to Aug 31, 2019, breaking of news report? 

Wake from Hearing “after 101 Yellowstone eruptions," frightnight following that dominoing Hawaii into Memphis Carter/Pres Carter, for decades ginormity that with such speed send West Rule UK/BC/US firerocketing off the planet!  Frightmight to rolling twilight skies, ain't no sunshine when she's gone, sending you flying out your doors on foot, emphasis, on your footing, arms filled of bags and Brad Pit/Jolie to westerners endangered children. Unimaginably, there's a commanded Eze 9 heart slayer giving all y'all chase, running down some, stabbing others, see more its prophetic parable here,

Ebbing and flowing with world-wide volcanologist on high alert, the triggering of every seismic to volcanic earth ender, New, Ancient, to Pleistocene Era and for years to hours earth directed Solar events enough to put us back there; no one’s saying it but me, home earth is building inhabitable, AND THE SPEED; marvel not THEY just mocked, portrayed Super Mario  Brothers movie an end of the world scenario and its Super Mario cart, the pic above, remember it flew right off its page, an animated craft at me,  again Super Mario Brothers Carts, skyrocketing some stampeders, right into holy heaven 

THEY just portrayed what happen to apocalyptic Aug 2023 Rev 9, those 4 bound angels and it 200 million demon army loosed with a pending bottomless pit of hybrid aliens to monsters exiled to locked away but keys hand over for their timely dismissal; marvel not if you’re a westerner, incarcerated all, since dominoing Hawaii missile morn, simultaneously, you’re translating, crossing over, FIRE-ROCKETING, to, well, again, again, again, blessed are leaving FIERY doomsday planet behind, skyrocketers, (Resurrected/Ascended)! 

Youtube. U.S. President Donald Trump says "there are only two genders, male and f... via @YouTube

Hearing, Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS, WOE TO WORLD LEASDERS! See here,; Take A Lesson Soon To WAKE Western Leaders From Father Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart repenting and apologizing of Genesis man, Marriage abominations/"riches to rags sickbeds and sleepover, Hawaii Missile Morning, at whore Jezebel types, Rev 2, Jesus. More horrific than seeing a mass assembly of church teen boys with your infants attached to their penises, yes, too based on Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9, smoke from the bottomless pit, I saw that...and those who didn't die by the US Lab, bio-covid repented not!

A grand soon pressed to describe a horrid happening the boys school restroom, scaring him for life, his descript, coming in on two teen boys, terrifyingly, disgustingly sodomizing one another. I remind two weeks or so ago, like the democratic party since Barack Hussein, campaigning on same gender. When GOD decided to deal with worldwide Genesis Man, Marriage Abomination L. F. FOR, LEGALIZED FORNICATION HE reduced Noah's world down to one ark family. Presently a Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era of Flooding Molen Lava, handwritten On Trump's Wailing Wall, West Rule, UK/BC, US reduced to two ark, safehaven coast, US GA's COAST/Crossover into Africa's SW Atlantic Coast, run westerners, run! HGOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; featuring King Bridegroom Lord Jerusalem,  King Zion, and Queen Bride, Lord Urusalem, Maaaeiah Adonai 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1988/2026/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Freva Aithousa Etiquette and Lord Decides Gadeirus Mountside was born a godson Qadeer Harvis Etiquette a goddess Majesta Etiquette a goddess Haviva Aldada Etiquette Mountside  

Unto Goddess Abella Euadne Lionson and Lord Theseus Cressida Posein was born a goddess Velyn Yanna Lionson a goddess Urora Aoomi  Lionson a godson Aidley Balentina Lionson and a godson Valentina Elilah Lionson 

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!”

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

Scene XXXX

"Why 37 days, will there be another one? I wasn’t expecting the first, let alone the second there’s no way I can know if there’s a third and although Ezekiel’s represented the 40 year deficit ebbing and flowing since Methuselah and therefore The Genesis were 40 yeas short a millennia. There's Eze 4, made to demonstrate laying in a certain position trial and Jesus wilderness trial, were both in increments of 40 days, to his blessed resurrection 40 days visit, with us. Better question Nicholas why 3 days short. So to question, those two weeks each proceeding both close to the Antichrist Hussein and Trump timelines, Daniel's 9;27, final week of 7 years? Then the Thanksgiving 2017 Rev 2, awarded matrix tenth day countdown award, begin the count Dec 3 2018, three days Maaseiah implemented that 40 or Maaseiah that 37 day per count! How in the world Nicholas Edin? Actually you temptress love, looking, smelling so edible brought it up counting Trump's many timelines but sincerely I just thought to ask about those 37 day counts seeing them as these stampeding of elephants in the room. Let’s not go back, to the Richet you mean and have Lord Bastian, Lord Napoleon Anna and their ten couple angel men come looking for us, knocking on hideaway doors, all. What, why would you, huh? Because love they’re already here," seeing his eyes cut up, away meticulously, cunningly. "Stop playing, I’m not, they’re being lead to a party room, just slowly fan your head and Peripheral a little to the right! Nicholas Edin Coogan, if that’s true and not some odd coincidence, I'm walking to heaven just when Jesus Christ Lord and I were finally beginning to understand one another. So are you love, meticulously take, see what’s for dessert, saying condolences do exist? In this odd scenario, they’re all here our planned escape, there better be Nicholas Edin, there better be! I don’t think it is, why you say that? Because Lord Bastian and Lord Napoleon Anna are happily waving and walking this way!” I’ll be excused, too late for that," grimacing into a stand, a greeting hand shake as so did Maaseiah, necessarily grert them. "We thought we spotted you two, please, please say you’re join us, it’s Napoleon Anna and I anniversary! Your, ah, well of course, we were about to have dessert, head back but since you’re the boss, happily I say, your anniversary, wow, wow, how would even know?” >>>”Grand just told him they got to choose between two Moses, GOD or Pharaoh’s god and how Jesus is cursing and spitting out and striking out the name of anything thus shade of gray! Moses’s god is the God of Exodus, reigning Sunlight of God, just put its linage Juneteenth in, Pharaohs god is the god of rebellion, Archangel Michael THEM star warring, Jesus is God that by their sins, let these madmen rule over you only long enough to both ascend and then, descend, the multicultural multibillion man Royal Priesthood. Perfectly, scripturally Moses and Juneteenth GOD ascended off doomsday planet, January 16, 2023/September 15, 2023, beware, Nextus Juttah and Negeb Ophel Gene, we're the aftermath of recurring apocalypse, since Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael THEM Oct 17, 2021 warn, triple great tribulations and like Grand Sia Mom, warn Youtube on the pulse with Siliki the great of vulcanologist, geologist to extinction studies can't know it, tell it, to measure it, marvel not, we're all told to just, RUN guided where and kept there, its duration!" >>>"We Lord Urusalem know your ascension dilemma we’re literally possessed by its tug of anxiety; how would, we heard you, you heard, I don’t understand we Lord Bastian and I we eavesdropped, as you would say, please don’t look at us that way, The Masser Rishon room makes that possible, we don’t Lord Urusalem but we did and ask your pardon for now, remember we’re just as bemused what role we’ll play not just second heaven intercession but The Lamb of God reign! Wait, why are the ten angelic couples so inattentive, other side, like they’re not even here, yes they are off to themselves. Another stunning function the Masser Rishon I presume, you’re not leaving us, seeing she to roughly, distastefully leave the table, bringing hunky husband right along, please have, take this mercy. Easily drawing upmost attention in their own right is hey were by any description otherworldly! Just what is it Lord Napoleon Anna, Lord Renaissance you want or afk of me, absolution I can’t give you what I don’t have. According to your Aqua Juttah accounts you’ve visited there’s plenty, in prophetic hindsight you’ve been ascended, reigning decades now! Yes lord Urusalem, yet you make us think you’re as equally clueless, defenseless as we are! I’ve only visited with its reigning Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband, great Lord Bastian, Lord Amphinine Great is the Mystery of godliness seeing they all now attune to her, it’s every delicate tongue, word, ”Ancient of Days by the women womb tempted at all points as we are wasn’t do familiarized with all of us was very approachable, but I’d yet to visit in the throne of Heavenly Father God and you can ask Lord Raphael how intimidated I was to do so! Your Lord Urusalem Rev 12, as Apostle John snatched out new born infant as your new born church, seeing loving husband is to bring them again to a seat, “it’s all around your restive grownup cradle intravenous perfumed windman being in King Zion Jesus Husband presence, like ah, being I’m, yes, I never Lord, Gadeirus Mountside, thought of it that way, see, as one whispering in to him to say, she even know our names, here's even you Lord, a popup reveal, reminder my grownup cradle opposite that we’re babes in Christ. Remember simultaneously reigning Jesus Husband is everything, every person this intimate heart treasures and every, these treasures, yes including my darling husband, their sweethearts after me he was undeniably familiar. I got to go, but I presume Lord Mother, Amphitrite, Father Renaissance, you’re already aware, please then daughter Lord Urusalem pardon us these intrusions, we will for now on seek your Medicaid personally, blessed day all at attention, Negeb Ophel Genealogy, sweet sleep! You Lord Urusalem as well, every your blessing toward us, the Richet Structure, with Godspeed!" Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF, See more Pieces of Lord Maaseiah 2,, Heart Ravishing,, see The Ark, here,, 

Died Suddenly                                                                       @diedsuddenly 

The government's fake COVID narrative began to fail when citizen's started waking up...

There was nothing more encouraging than watching this DC resident absolutely SCHOOL Dr. Fauci and his puppet Mayor Muriel Bowser, on the truth about COVID in the midst of the vaccine campaign


MEGA SOLAR FLARE just misses Earth with MULTIPLE Solar Storms Already In... via @YouTube

Please stop asking why Biden exonerated Dr Fauci, even how Biden/Harris, Air Force one’s, twos, their security detail all escaped a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer expulsion of their WH and get this. Trump’ didn’t just drop the ball on covid killing millions he and his minions are yet playing his arrogant games of golf with it. 

Dr Fauci exposed US lab, guided, bio-Covid and its speedy, now vaccine pandemic. The moment he explained scientists and epidemiologist had been studying coronavirus ( and how it works with human DNA) during Obama’s two Administrations! Stop being deceived, stop deceiving others blessed are skyrocketers, get Jesus get up yonder! 

-I admit Dr Fauci's disclosure they knowing everything about coronaviruses how to both build a deadly pandemic like I witnessed to how to construct its speedy, now killer vaccines, could've been a slip of the tongue, while Trump played golf with covid, Dr Fauci really good advice on culling the spread, especially no mass assembly, including churches, schools and family gatherings, was priceless!

-Like I warn a month prior, as they worried over Yellowstone, actually US W Pacific dominoing Hawaii was too quiet run islanders run! While you argue Dr Fauci friend or foe? WHO ISSUES GLOBAL H5N1 WARNING, youtube Canadian Prepper,! You know the Aug 2004, US Lab, Bio-Covid was designed to mutate into pneumonia Swine to Avian/Rev 6, 4th seal US quarter, worldwide dead! 

US Pull Plug On WHO Funding, Global Health Programs At Risk!; its US's 6.8 billion in funding; when I during Pres, Burning Bush, Golf course scene, only days before those two New York towers went down, explained to heavenly father except he stop them, they're gonna get us all kill put Hawaii missile morning, dangerous, perfect man, in Gog and Magog Pres Trump and like Moses' Pharoah's and his, Trump and Trumpians, love it!

US Faces 'Quad-Demic' as Flu, COVID, RSV, and Norovirus Surge, Straining Hospitals my gift of a shower curtain is wearing the image of Bio-Covid/Avian I saw the US lab microscope. Don't laugh, backward letter C, Leopard spots with a new mass its middle.   

YouTube Geology Hub, this Week in Volcano News; 5,700 Evacuated at Ibu Volcano, Ontake Alert ... via @YouTube

See here, Nyamulagira Volcano Erupted, Most Active In Africa, D. R. of Congo, Afri... via @YouTube: can’t help but wonder is predicted 101 Yellowstones, predicted 101 deadliest of volcanoes! HGOW/Apb

Israel-Iran War: Israel 'Ordered' To Bomb Iran Before Trump's Inaugurati... via @YouTube; the one who predicted a Barack Hussein WH would follow a Saddam Hussein execution! Jan 2018 ten days Hawaii missile morning, Rev 10 Mighty Angel no desolations predicted US soil returns void, prophetically a sudden ginormity wipes out West Rule UK/BC/US giving Iran them rule over the planet; HGOW/Apb


Yet Another 37 Day Countdown Nov 2024 Into SOLAR EVENTS, GEO STORMS/The TIFF/CME/EMP Jan 1-9, 11 those 11 days added! 

Marvel not FSS the maze of revealing sin, showing celebrity Fantasia Barrino of The Color Purple hood area real estate. Only days before million to billion air  celebrities loose billions in property value. Frightnight to dominoing Hawaii into dominoing Cal fires! 

You have to admit FSS it all has that, this time of year Hawaii Missile morning 2018, Rev 2 Jesus designing those rebellious to procrastinators riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers: beware both Biden Harris burning WH/Trumps apocalyptic Jan 20, inauguration! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Bushcraft Bear Massive Fire in World’s Largest Energy Storage, TikTok Ban & Military Ne... via @YouTube

It was this time of year Jan 12 thru 29 2018, some bout US Congress get away train. Hawaii missile morning threaten into California and didn’t stop even at The WH. I woke from witnessing Pres Biden and VP Harris suffer severe injuries; Air Force Ones, Two, security detail all gone, some bout a hovering spacecraft!

Which is why I asked the question, well my book character did. Frightnight, is this the Biden/Harris WH that burn fulfilling a since 2017 predicted apocalyptic Pres Trump Jan 20 Inauguration? Noah’s Day HGOW/Noah’s Cousin of flooding magma, Apb The RAM

YouTube Stefan Burns, This Energy Shift was Fast! The Next Two Weeks Look INTENSE ⚡ via @YouTube


Various Countdowns Nov 2024 and Jan 2025 Into The revisited since 2017 TIFF/CME/EMP/ Suddenly 190 Years Like They Never Happened 

See, Is the GRID about to go down? Something is DEFINITELY messing with it! via @YouTube

This is JUST like something out of a SCARY movie! But it's REAL! via @YouTube

See Rev 6, 6th seal/

Huh .. don’t understand 

see Mat 24 Jesus advising his to run to Intravenous Gen 15/Ps 91/Rev 12 as recent as Nov 24, 2024 driving us, it’s Juneteenth inherit into THEIR Safehaven territory UK/BC/US GA’s coast crossover into Africa’s SW Atlantic Coast!

Every from Egypt to ROME to Britain Empire, inherit US; every Empire/Kingdom to Nation ends. We’re Rev 17 mentioned 7th  to be wiped out and Trump’s burning, relocating WH entering into the 8th The Antichrist, reign, then hallelujah, Zech 14/Rev 19 Jesus millennium reign! HGOW/Apb

2021 Rev 3 Jesus, Dec 3 WATCH! Dec 4 RUN! Dec 5 LIVE! Why Die? Why Perish? RUN! 




Weeping, repenting, RUNNING which part of Mat 24, Rev 12/ Rev 18, Jesus put his in flight y’all don’t understand? Meaning these leaders Pastoral to Social media can’t help you except they’re running with you. Then like Abraham, Lot and his family! Like Rev 12 birth mother GOD send intravenous Angels to guard and guide your way into exile luxury Africa’s SW Atlantic!

I woke Hawaii missile morn 2018 Jan 12/13 from an innumerable in Angels translating some, crossing over others, fire-rocketing some, skyrocketing others! Here’s Jan 22/23 Rev 10 Mighty Angel reasons why dominoing W. Pacific is coming after all US states, RUN!

Here’s Jan 16, 2023, two years yesterday and THEY’RE designing race cars, race tracks our fast and furious escape into described a lesser barbecue US GA COAST/CROSSOVER! Presently GOD’S are running! HGOW/Apb

YouTube Pastor JD quotes a document titled Smart LA 2028, they have a plan in pl... via @YouTube

My response Pastor To Someone Simply Saying “Come Lord Jesus “ 

I went to write in the dirt a week or so ago, ‘Come, as in come Lord Jesus. Only to laugh when HE returned, ‘Here, as in I’m already here. During Thanksgiving 2024 I saw Pure Sunlight here walking and talking amongst its people! 

Whereas twice during Pres Obama’s Admin I was with his millennium descending. Reminded 2023 today Jan 16, Sept BETA 15, besides Ancient Intravenous THEY took ALL involved in outreach off this planet, ALL! And that’s Pastor JD dancing Hallelujahs all around I say! Apb The RAM

Unquestionably for decades having this specialty with the Sun; did I deserve right after Trump’s attempted assassination to be threatened like Rev 11, described Two Witnesses? I too Wake Hearing “He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, On Main  Street.” (Sodom and Egypt, where Jesus was crucified).

According to Trump Gabriel THEM And Archangel Michael THEM Oct 17, 2021 Dan 9:27 DRAGON BEAST Antichrist final week of years timeline. Jesus millennium sit down atop Mt Olivet Oct 17, 2028 we’re to repent, run to with Jacob Ladder intravenous THEM and scrutinize earth ending movies till then, Pastor JD HGOW/Apb

What The Upcoming Magnetic Flip Will Do? more here

This is JUST like something out of a SCARY movie! But it's REAL! via @YouTube

See what some of the most unprecedented planetary to interstellar events, THE TIFF/CME/EMP are already doing, Prophet of Old, New to Jesus predicted descending new Heaven, earth and multibillion man Royal priesthood! HGOW/Apb

Authentic WOKE FOLK, YouTube Freeinvestment Most People Have No Idea What's About To Happen" - Robert Kiyosaki's La... via @YouTube; 

Post apocalypse the Chernobyl nuclear disaster; I just remind ebbing and flowing Jan 2025 could be the most apocalyptic month ever, ever again. Possibly beginning with them burning The warning for decades into  2021 Jan 22-29 Biden/Harris WH Pres Trump warn 2017, Apocalyptic Jan 20 inauguration! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Dutchsinse 

Jerusalem, Jerusalem How Often Have You Stoned Killed Your Prophets To Accused Fearmongers? JCON/JCOR




Known as The TIFF/CME/EMP and are normally revisited by various countdowns, one 11 days before bad omen Pres Carter’s burial 11 days before Trump’s inauguration and 37 days before that last wowing Jan 1, 4 Geo-Storms.  

The long, long shaky, quaky duration craft; those who read here know, also a solar event, there was a 37 day count nto that gamma Ray, hammering skyrocketing Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband, warning bout Yellowstone all Triple great tribulations, all earth enders predicted by THEM since Oct 11, 2021 couldn’t Geo-storms be as apocalyptic or more as portrayed in the movies?

Trump’s Golf course Dutch, where he was again targeted? Just the worst of omens surrounding the US golf course, starting with burning Bush’s 911.  Nobody expect their world to end, especially not on their watch nor to be its chosen watcher to forecaster to the masses! 

Like Noah’s day, here’s a Noah’s Cousin; beginning US W Pacific, everybody on the American Continent would die unimaginably horrid if Ben Affleck’s Eze 5 God wasn’t putting mass disasters behind them and Gen 15, Ps 35/91 and Rev 12 Intravenous weren’t leading the way to exile luxury!

Warning: Asteroid Headed for Yellowstone – What Could Happen? via @YouTube

Is California Cursed? via @YouTube

When Ezekiel 9 Designed Heart Stabbers Were Done Chasing Stabbing US Stampeding Procrastinators THEY Blamed Pharmaceuticals.



Dec 3,  4,  5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus warning watch or I’ll come upon you at a time you think not. But no, Dan 9:24-27/Rev 13:5 close to the Antichrist Pres Trump is  Queen Bathsheb cursed King David. Is cursed King Zedekiah, is lastly cursed King Nebuchadnezzar. He is  Jonah’s WHALE, his everything is followed by sudden destruction. 

His is Dan 4, madness Oct 11, 2018, begin count a year in, Oct 11, 2019 7 years he wake Oct 17, 2025. Especially he and his Trumpian cabinet, his Trumpian voters aligned to losing billions in humanity over to Oct 17, 2021 for Dan 9:27, 7 years DRAGON BEAST, Rev 13:5 final 42 month interval April 17, 2025 thru Oct 17, 2028, knowing RUN!

Intravenous since burning Pres Bush 1998, Know bible prophecy Oct 17,2021, Trump and Archangel launched Dan 9:27 final week with some bout Sept 15, 2020, US/Trump/ UAE/Israeli Abraham Accord stirred in. This time of year, Jan 12-29 2018 Rev 2, Jesus at Whore Jezebel/at described riches to rags sickbeds, sleepovers.

Just as so as recent as June 10, 2023, Rev 17:14 hammering Jesus husband; Gen 15, Ps 91 Trump Gabriel THEM, Gen 15, Rev 12 Archangel Michael, also there sit a dangerous, perfect man. Here’s my Memphis son, theyre soon down on all four the old Arkansas Bridge hes rossing, the downtown newspaper bells are ringing!

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies. in realtime I suspect retaliation against Trump’ N. Korea just launched a missile into Hawaii. The the Hawaii volcanic summit 10 days later Mighty Angel seen, heard walking around the planet up there witnessed incinerate US W. Pacific, domino into New Madrid, Pompeii movie of Memphis.

Frightnight to the heavens rolling back like a forewarning scroll rain stars down domino into Eze 5 barber chair designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Designed last day of America, The American Continent, world West Rule firerocketing like it never happened. 

Who shall believe me and my as Jacob Ladder, Prayer Closet to Kitchen Of Reveal in innumerable intravenous?

THEY ALL MUST DECREASE, prophetically, inevitably US/Islam/Israeli Antichrist hath world reign! Knowing, this end with millions US’S barbecued to death shouldn’t you too like running with Lot and Family intravenous, need to fast and furiously cross yours over there, safehaven US GA’S  COAST, CROSSOVER! 

YouTube Jamy, An Invisible Supervolcano Is Threatening Europe! via @YouTube

There’s Some Bout 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava 

101 Yellowstone Eruptions 

An Eze 5 Designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE 

Hearing Sept 3 2019, “ Shaky, Shaky Shelter! 

I found this Mary, to be the most Menacing report of a pending super eruption ever, with tens of millions in its wake. Especially since it seems every volcanic summit seen, unseen, known, unknown. Seems are all like described of Hawaii volcanic summit Sept BETA 21, 2022.

Clearly I heard “Hawaii is building” and warn over a month ago Hawaii was too quiet! Beware Hawaii missile morning Mat 24 Jesus/Rev 10 Mighty Angel when you see these US W Pacific desolators are imminent RUN! Noah’s Day HGOW/A Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era of flooding molten lava, Apb The RAM!

CIA 'Declassifies' secret book detailing a 6500 year EVENT! via @YouTubmrmbb333 you gotta see this THREE Solar Storms Race to Hit Earth During Planetary Parade 🧨 via @YouTube;  both 37 day countdowns where into pending SOLAR Apocalypse! Frightnight with an added 11 days that took us into  Pompeii Movie of Memphis  Carter aligned to President Carter Jan 1-9 2025 death announcement, memorial and burial Safehaven territory GD’S COAST/CROSDOVER!

YouTube Marfoogle 

A whole new world,  planet descending Adam didn’t you hear me? First of all it’s not what’s happening with Russia . It’s how fast UK/BC and US WEST RULE fire-rocket off the planet now that Trump put Islam in control again; Run Adam Run! HGOW/Apb

See here,  Residents evacuate Homes in Fear of shaking of multiple Earthquakes in a... via @YouTube residents fleeing magnitude 1. to 3 plus earthquakes because they’re felt so mightily and terrifyingly! The one time I wish I had a straight line to our residential Rev 6, 6th seal/Rev 17/18 red alert language, do we speak Dutchsinse earthquake forecasting?

Hearing Breaking News “Major, Major Earthquake West Pacific Canada; followed by Hearing, Ten point two earthquake!”

Though I woke From Rescuers All Around And Me Reassuring Her I Since Shaky Shaky Shelter Sept 2024 Know What’s it's Like To Have A Pompeii Movie Of Memphis Grand Miya Buried Under Her School! 



For one mrmbb333 who helped retire the descript, unprecedented I’m surprised to hear you say what can’t or won’t happen! How the earth was made prophetically post apocalypse a Pangea, only in reverse.

Will billions be dead so horrifically within a few short years because hearing Apostle John saying, “and there shall be no more sea,” is here more proof Jesus himself predicting a new earth predicts a supercontinent and what unimaginable, recurring mass disasters do tell? 

Triple Great Tribulations We’re to watch for signs in the heavens to signs on the earth Jesus millennium reign, God's descending kingdom. How the earth was remade Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, “SOLAR,” Solar, Cosmic and since Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 mocked hybrid Angels/Alien Apocalypse! Noah’s Day HGOW/A Noah’s Cousin of flooding Magma Apb The RAM

Now The End Begin. Now Would Be A Great Time Do Declare Your Firm Opposition To mRNA Vaccines So You’re Not Confused Later When Stargate Forces Them On You, similar, Geoffrey, see here what X diedsuddenly just posted, and why from the Obama's to my named for the TIFF/CME/EMP parents are aligned to endangering the children Rev 2, Jesus threaten to rescue, by a mass dieoff ascension!  

IS THERE NO GOD OF LORD ISRAEL, KING ZION ON THE PLANET? In the Greek, hath this name, Pharmakeia, meaning Geoffery sorcery to magic. Marvel not both King Elvis and King Michael were both mocked, sickbeds as the books of both 1st and 2nd Kings; a few months back, there was breaking news, an outbreak of overdoses. I explained, once Eze 9, witnessed heart stabbers, were done chasing down, stabbing one strike the TELLING heart, US, stampeding procrastinators. Marvel not THEY just now mocked a run on Matrix blue pills of keeping unaware, Apocalypse Is Now!

They blamed, I was to understand Geoffery not drug-lords, for the lost war on drugs, but Pharmaceuticals; see more, (X @diedsuddenly, perfectly recording, there's an outbreak of sudden cardiac arrest in the land). Only they say caused by covid vaccines, they just did a vid, saying, these numbers have reached, when US Lab, Bio-Covid, was at its worst; marvel not that Feb 12/13, 2019, multimillion man, back turn, as 2 Chron 7;14, 15, God's Back turn Throne, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter of predicting for decades, millions US dead! HGOW/Apb 

Zelensky's Videos Breach Geneva Conventions—Human Rights Watch -beware, May 22, 2022 made to see myself teaching a class of children how the Chinese language work; I don't know who they were out my GA's front door, nor that stylish, guardian angel. Those filling the trees, Brad Pitt and Jolie kids building camouflaged, guerilla war? Surrealistically I clicked on this image, I've seen an army of Asian troops on US soil 1998/2015.

Though, but. since we're all worldwide running from (guided), SOLAR. Cosmic to VOLCANIC events! I mean Youtube Bright Side Global just forecast there's a (guided) Asteroid, headed for Eze 5, barber chair, designed, Ben Affleck, Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; like in the TV series, Jericho, was this Asian invasion   more intravenous, (reigning ({2002}) Sunlight of God, commanded Juneteenth inherit and 2023 famed letters USA exodus into Africa's SW Atlantic), than invaders? Noah's Day, HGOW/A Noah's Cousin, Aqua Era, of flooding molten magma, Apb, The RAM

Article Animal Planet, HQ There Will Be Eruptions! Concerns Mount As Activity At Yellowstone, (since Nov 11/21, 2021 Eze 9, barber chair designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE!), Supervolcano Shifts:



Terrance K Williams


STOP! Trump didn’t take away anyone’s Food Stamps / SNAP Benefits - EBT

He didn’t suspend Medicare or Medicaid 

This woman has millions of people believing President Trump is starving her and her children 

This is a flat out LIE!

Let’s get the truth out there!; again I didn't listen here, avoiding fouls language, only responding to the comments; oddly The Pompeii Movie Of Memphis gladiator nephew soon an @diedsuddenly conspiracy, name was Terrance, mom, who was murdered, events exactly like a red alert demo, died only months prior married, name was Williams: I don't believe in consciences, you, Terrance? Blessed Brexit! BRIEXIT!Blaexit! 

X @w_terrance, STOP! Trump didn’t take away anyone’s Food Stamps / SNAP Benefits - EBT

Hearing, The Antichrist Will Kill Millions Going Broke, IS TRUMP THE ANTICHRIST? MOCKED GOG AND MAGOG, HE CAN ONLY WISH!

Hearing I Will Strip Leaders Stripping My People Birthday Naked! Did Revisiting Rev 13 Two BEAST upon 2009, US campaigns, unveil Senator Hussein also a Proxy Antichrist?

Hearing, Jesus designed abominable, detestable, lives land and churches, further designed, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers!

There's being, approached by Holy Angels, asked what's the secret of Memphis? Lastly I thought to asked, well, can anything good, ah, besides an offer of Memphis Bride's running shoes, come out of their designed, Jan 12/13 2022, ebbing and flowing for decades, "FOR DECADES!" Pompeii Movie Of Memphis? 



X Barbecued, Charcoal Gazans returning home to a pileup of guts and gore, prophetic, their Abrahamic/Abraham Accord lineage like Trump rules the planet even as Trump Gabriel and Archangel warn Oct 17, 2021, in seven Dan 9:27 years, 42 months Rev 11;1, 2, 42 Months Rev 13:5, yeah we're closing in on BEAST REIGN by April 17, 2025!

X Scarily Dan 9:24-27, close to the antichrist, Obama/Trump to Rev 13, BEAST evil admins, gives us an ideal how its gonna be living under the Antichrist. Only imagine, everything you are, your world system, to continent, to nation all gone off the planet the nano-second Holy Bride does, revisited since Sept BETA 23 2015/April 2/17/20/2025!


X What to do? Knowing since Chernobyl, April Spring, Rapture it's been predicted Holy Land refugees Islam, Israel, were those Isa 16:1-5, witnessed pour into Jordon's Petra, as so John witnessed Rev 12 intravenous assigned to keep them their 1,260 days, Rev 7, John also saw billions in tribulation saints pouring into heaven. I know what about us. I too asked? I too Apostle Prophet THEY call me, Lord Urusalem, THEY entreat me, witnessed bout a billion westerners Michael's compiling list pour into UK/BC/UK Georgia's Coast, crossover into SW Africa's Coast! In HBOW absence, I give you Noah's Day HGOW/Hearing A Noah's cousin to Aqua Era 99 bowls of flooding magma, Apb, The RAM

Hotel view reveals LARGE sections of HUGE city lights going OFF and ON! via @YouTube 

look here mrmbb333, Canada Threatens To Turn Off Electricity To US; it isn't just SOLAR, Cosmic to Nuclear events threatening an apocalyptic, infinite blackout, but our neighbor, brother, Canada; the blinking of lights phenomenon indeed! Noah's Day, HGOW/Hearing A Noah''s Cousin, to Aqua Era, of flooding magma, Apb, The RAM

US warns of new weapons about to arrive in Russia; marvel not there's a multimillion man water-cooler to a multibillion man descending Royal Priesthood, where are you in these staggering numbers? Grand Caden ask who wins? US or Russia, I explained, man can't eat, drink or take refuge, he extinct ask knowing, how you spend any time not calling on Jesus Millennium to come save us from our own human extinction?

-FBI begins preparing for WW3 in New York in large-scale military exercise; USGS Geologists warn changes in the volcanic activity of Yellowsto... via @YouTube is her voice the one I heard breaking news after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions

Tens of thousands of displaced Gaza residents begin the journey home via @YouTube I saw this both close to the Antichrist Sen Obama and Pres Trump's admins only inevitably they were by a billion escaping westerners unimaginably, pouring up outa Africa's SW Atlantic! Since Dec 24/25 2001, THEY'VE warn the world Islamic people take back what's there's its at the cost of westerners at a total loss, including the fall of West Rule, The Rise Of Arabian/Islamic world rule, I was there, as world ruling, Holy Church Bride, I witnessed it! 

Died Suddenly 


Designed a safehaven, exile luxury for near a billion escaping westerners having, denied her, tar and feathered her and ran her out of South Africa on Hawaii Missile morning Jan 13-29, 2018, US Rep Congress crashed, runaway rails, ex Vice Pres Harris, campaigning on world stretching sodomy. All those once supporting her, heartily repent and put all your financial, redacted funds here, there's no telling what, how Jacob's ladder to my prayer closet of innumerous intravenous will intervene Eze 9, heart stabbers coming after you! 

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: China Disrupts The Global AI Community With The Release Of Its ‘DeepSeek’ Artificial Intelligence Chatbot -there's those 2 Asian girls, revealing Muir's 2020 Election B. C., 2nd to young adult black males are endangered Asians! 

BETHANY CONFERENCE ON DISPENSATIONALISM: Dr. Bill Grady Closes Out Our Conference With A Look At What Comes Between The Thousand Years And Eternity,

-The Scripture based on Aug 5, 2021 AODHF showing HIMSLF too, as Rev 12  intravenous, star warring, 24 Elders, felled upon their faces, saying, we give thee thanks, O Lord God, Almighty, which art, wast and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reign; two years, 2023 Jan 16, 2023/SEPT BETA15/ABRAHAM ACCORD. So Geoffrey, Holy Church Bride, leading captivity captured The Two Witnesses, leading captivity captived, The Tribulation saints, since, during the marriage supper of the Lamb, I was there, dancing halleluiahs all around the sounding of May 15, ({2004}), Trump Gabriel explained, Rev 11, described, she's goes, comes, with the 7th Angel Trumpet! 

-Unrealizable, resurrection, ascension anxiety all, this is what the billions of them are celebrating, "saying, to arriving as a gamma ray bursting star warring AODHF because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and reign; billions dead, billions injured, billions to die, all, all, all, billions a multicultural Royal Priesthood, descending. Marvel not April 17, 2025, Rev 13;5, final 42 month interval, and the speed! Marvel not just before Thanksgiving 2024, my, its revisiting Thanksgiving Rapture, 2018, and the speed, witnessing Pure Sunlight, walking and talking among earth's inherit.

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