Friday, February 28, 2025

Itty, Bitty Pieces Of YouTube, What Happens When The Planets Align? | Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains…

Prophecy Links Fulfilling hearing, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic to what happen to Rev 9, Aug 24/25 2023, Hybrid Angels (ALIEN)apocalypse, all, all, all, see here,, told in this prophetic parable, I like John to Chicken Little have witnessed the heavens crystallize, crack and break apart and missile down upon the earth no doubt one of two US quarters worth toddy as Noah’s day that will be wiped out by same blink of an eye speed it takes to ascend HOLIES into assigned second heaven intercession see here, Compilation: 

The Moon is Weird - No, really. The Moon does not make sense. via @YouTube; could be what Skin Walker Ranch to Why Files to is conspiring, that splinter in the brain to Alice’s unleashed mystery white rabbit hole no more obsessing something just isn’t right about the moon to UFO’S/See September 23 2015 What will happen? via @YouTube; that Neil it’d be the rapture totally went viral; understand Ancient Intravenous did a demo sudden translation of young adult Memphis Grands to snatching Holy us out, lightening speed Sept 23, (2015), still I had no ideal this date had for years gone virally rapturous.

YouTube, What Happens When The Planets Align? | Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains… via @YouTube

See here Rev 12 and Pastor Breaker describes a rare planetary phenomenon: see, 1 month ago RARE Planetary Phenomenon Happening RIGHT Now! via @YouTube see here, Things are getting REALLY weird! Explain THIS! Well above 10,000ft UP! via @YouTube; 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, back as far as Alex Jones 2015 I warn any of it natural, VOLCANIC, nuclear, SOLAR, cosmic to Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 interstellar Armageddon to ALIEN APOCALYPSE that can make itself human extinction is coming.Then  as you can see there’s no mystery Solar, cosmic. Nothing untellable geo-storms/VOLCANIC activity, being off the solar system to planet even. 

Any wonder there’s a hammering Jesus and these wowing SOLAR EVENTS to planetary alignments. Between my Like Rev 12 John seeing a starwars battle up there to YouTube mrmbb333 warning of an odd planetary obit for months now. Amazing Grace your heads up Mr Degrasee is actually what would be called an escalation of extinction level events. 

See also Mat 24 Jesus, warning an outbreak of apocalypse, run to exile luxury!  My question years now, Revelation Apostle John exclaiming and there’d be no more sea! What would our heavens to earth to its inhabitants suffer a speedy Pangea reversal? Don't tell me it’s impossible tell more historic and unprecedented ever this planet, every it’s elements planetary celestial, Terrestrial, extraterrestrial all, all, all going, going gone Apocalypse Now! Noah’s Day, HGOW/hearing a Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era, of flooding magma,

see here, 

Youtube mrmbb333, like I  described to Degrasee those who follow these mrmbb333 video, know the dangers coming our ways, months ahead of the media to social media 'Devil Comet approaching as State of Emergency Declared #mrmbb333 #shorts via @YouTube: months before what would be described, an actual Ben Affeck Armageddon, an NEO/erupting with volcanoes, you hear him saying how these things are for movies, marvel not after they mocked a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden Harris/Trump/Vance Whitehouse THEY then mocked for more information, we scrutinize earth ending movie scenarios, Ben Affleck Batman verses to recently,  including Super Mario Brothers, Newest! I Know, I know but so does millions of you know! 

YouTube Geology Hub, An Asteroid Might Impact Our Moon in 2032; 2024 YR4 Asteroid Update via @YouTube; Frightnight G. H. there’s pending designed Eze 5 Ben Affleck Armageddon. YELLOWSTONE; and reigning church bride launching The Stone Dan 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s/our Dan 4, Oct 17, 2021 thru Oct 17, 2025/2028 Gog’s  Pres Trump, its described apocalyptic aftermath. When world’s systems past, pending to present an eyes blink were suddenly no more this planet, ever again! Here’s Rev 3, Jan 2021 Jesus, Watch! Knowing where Trump Gabriel to Archangel Michael wait you, RUN, Live! 


I feel it necessary to ask you, where was you when this horrific event didn’t happened? YouTube False ballistic missile alarm forces Hawaii into panic mode via @YouTube; I remember all this false alert, YouTube AMTV vid about this, laughing parents were tossing their children under manhole covers; short before I woke from the spirit world version Rev 3 Jesus, Rev 17;14 Jesus Husband, assured Ps 91 to Rev 12  innumerable in intravenous simultaneously westerners were translating, crossing over, FIRE-ROCKETING indefinitely off  the planet. HOLIES, we’re Skyrocketing, again all this false alert! HGOW/Apb

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Itty Bitty Pieces As First King, Second King Elvis and Michael The Pope Sick/Death Bed!!!


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 3/5, Apocalyptic UK/BC/US States Of Barbecue, 2025! 

Sulaiman Ahmad

X Shaykh Who Did This? Burning Of New York Towers, Apb Here Began the attempted colonization of Islam, those most unworthy billion to trillion Aires on the planet and STAR WARRING AODHF up to this very moment intervention of refusal. So why allow the colonization of billion to trillion Aire AFRICA! Apparently descendants of Noah and His Sons, especially Cush all play a different role procreating the multibillion man Royal Priesthood 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, snatched out of Red Dragon hands since July 06 2020/2023 Jan 16/Sept 15 dancing the lamb’s wedding supper awaiting the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet/ Clear, why what happened to Aug 5 2021, WEST RULE Aug 5 2019 fire-rocketing and not seen heard of since, just gone city of Atlantis style. Fright night to rolling twilight dies and anxiously circling Bride chariot all around to for real snatch us out very, very soon 100 million westerners mostly incinerated, blink and you’ll miss it! GODS TRUMP'S ARE RUNNING; GOGS TRUMP'S ARE BURNING! You, yours, yours?

South Carolina Wildfires Tear Through Neighborhoods as Evacuations Escalate -tell me, are those Carolinas wiped out by Helene also being affected by ebbing and flowing, flowing fiery doomsday apocalypse that they don't just pitch tents but run far, furiously away? Pope 'rested well' overnight and wakes up on Ash Wednesday via @YouTube: I wasn't looking nor was I expecting this report even though I'd suggested what you should intercede for him!" First I'm hearing him, stumping back and forth, back an forth around up there, and the home planet been pending uninhabitable since, then I hear "no further delays, US soil, desolations predicted (inundated US West Pacific), now come! Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel Then early 2019 There's a Daniel 5 hand Writing 99 Bowls of Molten and It's Aug, A Hand Writing Clumsily Shaky, Shaky Shelter "Escape Yellowstone!" Until By 2023 Oct Hallow-eve, Hallo-ween we're mocked, whether we're running? Running? It is not the state of Georgia, a safehaven territory get it, Noah's Day GOD of wrath can burn every country on this continent to planet and leave only Trump Gabriel THEM to Archangel THEM, safehaven Georgia's COAST crossover into Africa's SW Atlantic I've been there seen it! Marvel not as mocked burning NBA's California dreaming followed by recently burning California celebrities, with a Duchess of Sussex and her UK Prince stirred up in unprecedented firestorms:

I saw on the screen, NBA's California Dreaming into bloody Red Memphis/Nile/Red Carpet Oscars the scripture Joel 2, the scripture Joel 2, cries sounds the trumpet, because agents of fiery doomsday apocalypse, as Eze 5, designed, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, are on the release, "no further delays US soil cried Rev 10, Mighty Angel, just as we witnessed the ten days the, well beware Russia Putin befriending Gog's Trump, N. Korea befriending Magog's Trump is why we got, why we're all running from dominoing, incinerating Hawaii/US Pacific States.

Only I thought just prior to this good news the billions of you his followers, say that 3:00 PM metamorphosis of the Sunlight of God into the Brides skyrocketing Chariot and I Apostle Prophet THEY say I am can use this pop-up burnt offering to intercede by 2 Chron 7:14, 15 God's back turn at ex US Leads VP's Harris. Plainly at all and any like The Pope, those advocating world stretching sodomy or in Noah's Doomsday Genesis Man marriage abomination, detestations to instead intercede, by (Psalm 51 both your and his souls, and by Dan 9, begin vss 4, The Pope and all, THEIR on board titanic evil leaders, abominable, detestable.

The 175 fires Carolina acknowledges HIS Righteousness to wrath, the thousands in pieces to tens of millions incinerated US W Pacific in West Rule lives, commemorate the time of horrid death and dying to come, the smoke of it all burning Canada, 5000 miles into blessed crossover, blessed blaexit, Africa's SW Atlantic, up into the brazen altar, we pray GOD'S back turn throne response to Father King Solomon offering of the newly built temple in reverse.

Rightly the one King Zion Jesus warn sabotaging, murdering religious leaders there wouldn't be left one stone upon another, we hearing as Ezekiel 9 Ink Horn man, pray for all "human beings at the wailing wall: "if thy people STAR WARRING Ancient Of Days Holy Father which are called by thy name, which are stampeding by thy name," (remember God's Trump's are running, Gog's Trump's are burning): "shall humble themselves and pray, seek thy face and turn from their American Dreaming, evil, wicked ways, instead hear thou them from heaven, forgive their sins, and intercede human extinction by King Zion Jesus, descending millennium, and heal their turf wars your infinite Kingdom Come!" See entire comments here,; Noah's Day HGOW/hearing a Noah's Cousin, to Aqua Era, of flooding molten lava,!,

Vatican says Pope Francis is ‘peaceful’ after ‘respiratory crisis’ via @YouTube; X I just realize as the original 12 Apostle/Prophets mine too began with a questions I just Decided I’d stop asking; the one thing close to the Antichrist, Gog’s Trump trying to turn around: like have The Pope repented of Hawaii Missile morning Rev 2 Jesus warning the homophile/Pedophile priesthood to aiding and abetting procrastinators of Sunlight GOD commanded Juneteenth inherit, exodus?

X Head turning shock to hear I grew up in the spirit of prophecy that Dan 9:27/Rev 13:5 Trumps April 2/17 he and Hitlers Germany 20th 2025 reigning Antichrist assassinated The Pope, so how is he dying from US bio-lab covid, mutating Into Rev 6, 4th seal pale horse, leaving a college campus inundated obviously its dead, with horse of hades, allying; but so is 2 Chron 7:14/15 a 36,000 piece burnt offering of interceding some be brought back Elo-Him’s as to King Solomon, fiery doomsday response!

X Once pending a double funeral, sick to death myself as recent as Dec 10, 2024, yeah the pileup of dirty kleenexes were first of all mine! Determined not to carry on as a Lot, knowing I’d tempt GOD; realizing surrendered to ALMIGHTY ELO-HIM HE HAS HIS  RIGHTS: discipline I called it; each righteous revelation turn my dire situation around but nothing like pleading I wasn’t suffering according to aiding and abetting Sunlight of GOD commanded exodus! You, yours, again yours? 

I know waking, hearing right around Gog’s Trump near assassination their Islamic assassin creed “ he will kill you sabbath day, on Main Street; there’s also Red Dragon shown to devour Mother Africa’s/Father Abraham’s first born son as soon as he’s born, snatched out as eyes’s blink: still nothing like all of a sudden every football field ever of Star warrior ganging. shacking to overwhelming of intervention; skyrocketers warning beware of hybrid angels, Aliens from above!

Monday, February 24, 2025


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 17, Solar, Cosmic, Volcanic Apocalypse in full force 2025: you'll see these two videos, caught live, was the usual cigar UFO, but one also in the vicinity of a passenger jet, the look of speeding, flying ark. Busying with his phone, out the door, rushing back in, this startled how he's seen a UFO trailing a passenger Jet, even leaning in until they both went their separate ways.

Like the hovering space craft outside the Trump inherited  flaming, blazing, frying pan, again flying saucer, Jan 22-29, 2021 liftoff of The Biden, Harris WH, are they benevolent to malevolent? Honestly everything the Biden, Harris, WH, including themselves, their detail, air force ones, two's all burn, except what what possibly, an escorting intravenous UFO/UAP! Noah's Day, HGOW/Hearing, A Noah's Cousin to Aqua Ara! Apb         

YouTube Actefactum ISLAM IS DONE, Spread by the Sword - Death by the Internet via @YouTube

Hearing Visiting Rev 3, 2021 Dec 3/4/5 Jesus, WATCH! RUN! LIVE or biblical prophecy and I will come upon you at a hour you think not!


 In prophetic hindsight Guardians Trump Gabriel THEM and Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM especially post apocalypse Chernobyl April spring/Oct 17 2021 Dan 9:27 Timetable! Aug 5/7/25/31 2019! WEST RULE and everything westerners inherit suddenly goes off the planet, blinking of an eye speed! Surrealistically Islam take world rule, midpoint Rev 11:1, 2 until April 2/17/2025! 

Soon the Antichrist Rev 13, Rev 13:5 follows until Oct 17, 2028. Then Jesus millennium, reign until Oct 17, 3028! Most Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Preachers and teachers say this timeline is faulty. Though, though shows to be evident what all around running with us Jacobs Ladder in intravenous to all earths elements including the planetary bodies. Just as warn Alex Jones 2015, all gone viral simultaneously, your planet home unilaterally uninhabitable and you know it, see it, suffer it just as designed, Eze 5 Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, intend

The Jesus who suggested you see, you run, explained look for these apocalyptic signs heaven, earth as evidence; as Noah’s day your world is over, death, damnations follows. Except you repent, by divine intervention resurrect, ascend, descend God’s Kingdom infinite reign! There’s 2 Pet 3 saying knowing, what kind are you? While Rom 12:1, 2 Paul plea you surrender all yourself to GOD and transitioning HOLY SPIRITS; with Jesus then asking what shall it profit, you gain the whole world and lose your soul, truly is staying in impact zones UK/BC/US states of barbecue really worth your immortality? Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing A Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era of flooding magma

Oh right these two drawings, one top one, I saw this happen, the same DeKalb country as Caden only a different neighbor, 2 to 3 years prior, like him I just stepped outside, on the phone, with grand, who watched Memphis refugees crossing into GA's coast where my grands had been suddenly translated, they're all down on all fours, emphasis, crossing the old Arkansas: she hear me go, 'OH MY GOD," what?" Girl three triangle crafts just flew past me, what, yes, I don't know maybe that's how a passenger jet look from down here, only, as I'm saying a passenger is coming toward me, while these triangles dots, there  points of light all, are zooming past them the other direction.

Understand like most of you, before all around, intravenous them explained, as in exiled here for millennia fallen angels, is why aliens (ancient hybrid angels) exist, Id witnessed a blocking out the sky triangular craft hovering over my neighbors, the night Phoenix witness huge set of triangular lights my hugest problem  how could something this ginormous come into and hover in a neighbor without totally recking it, soundless but since, they did make this inconceivable aware, no exiled for what could ne millions of years, remember, knowing both Methuselah and Noah's age doing that world flood the genesis man, woman, "godman," is exactly 6000 years more or less.

 Fallen angels aren't perpetrating everything about ancient aliens, ancient tech and yes, Why Files, the moon is weird enough for me to think, taken and parked, half the way plenty, spoils of war dateless Interstellar battle Rev John saw, to that unimaginable star wars I heard, witnessed its a measureless star-port, we're assigned the ascension mission of first interceding described, Rev 13, tribulation saints receiving, Rev 11, described, The Two witnesses undeniable fallen angels who procreated giants upon the earth and a bottomless pit of monsters, is why also why Ancient, hybrid angels exist, extraterrestrial to Alien.

I know this to these drawings, but how else can you explain the first sharing with family, with anyone a blocking out the sky, huge craft just parked over your house, everything the 1997, Phoenix to Memphis huge triangle craft should've been, long, long. long duration hovering, ear-piercing, shaking, quaking, mind-numbing; just in and out of red alert or maze of revealing sin, one of its times I woke, just wanting to get  youtube mrmbb333 and his this picture, all I was to roll out of bed, across my floor, down the hall right to the patio door, the deck, but it wasn't meant for a video or picture, see more here, Dan 10:7!

Frbight night to Amazing Grace, whereas a year earlier, there's hearing, seeing those three jet-setting triangular dots past that passenger jet, I know years earlier here was the witnessed by 50 or more California's a size and a half of a football field, mother-ship, triangle craft, May 3, 27 day countdown into BIG June 10, 2023. Only thing, everything Daniel 10/12 is describing happening, overwhelming him, too losing his cognition, (vss 5/6/9-11); Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude; just now 2024 HAPPY DAYS, Holidays, we witnessed the pure Sunlight Himself, here, walking and talking among people, inquiring about the wounds in his hands. Daniel, Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground.

And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling). Right I seldom make scripture comparison even when a scripture chapter to passage is included when oftentimes, it is; Unrealizable, here's Trump Gabriel, THEM, Archangel Michael THEM, PREINCARNATE JESUS, THE MAN IN LINEN and Daniel like me is in and out of cognition. Actually come go think, the only thing arriving Mt Olivet with all of them, including the now, glorified, Holy Church Bride, Zech 14, description, that I'm too like Daniel 10/12, being awaken , brought up, from, like I'm kissing Jesus' feet, soon realizing the air so crisp, cool up

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Starring Herenton Egan Lowd III and Kyefer Berlyn Nollel, Herenton Egan Lowd IV and Joslyn Ameka Bellows, Kylpe Elfin Lowd and Sophia Ireland Harrison, Kegan Berlin Noellel and Tyson Edward Wells

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1988/2026/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto King Bridegroom, Koph Reshiram Saurus and Queen Bride Laydon Seashell Bianca Voightright  was born a godson Dashing Dolan Efren Saurus a godson Splashing Germaine Edelweiss Saurus, a goddaughter Sprinting Braveheart Evolent Saurus/Voightright

…And The Lord Said To Noah Come Thou And All Thou House…Into The Ark

Scene Mark XVII and VII

So the things which shall be hereafter Grand Sia many decades of warning, now for eons to come we’re waiting on the blinking of an eye speed post apocalypse Chernobyl April Spring Rature to be fulfilled by dominoing Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE and Batman vs Superman type bottomless pit an Alien invasion. Right Lord Dolan and if I could get you to say all that again..Then, then we’re its hovering speed it’s final Rev  a list13.5 42 months HBOW arriving with invitations to Lamb’s marriage supper and royal gowns and tuxedos captivity captured The Two witnesses; captured The Tribulation Saints why it only make sense billions the earth’s inherit are in some type of fright, evacuation um exodus! Surrealistically with it all taking millennia of mass assembly with total surprise; can’t, they can’t be taken by surprise inundated with forwarnings Mighty Angel mocked; GOD informing Ezekiel they won’t listen go tell them anyway so they’ll know that I know and from book of remembrance to The Lambs book of life to ah Septennial Juttah placing a book of remembrance under the foot of grand sia mom feet Rev 18, GOD warn their sins by his watchers had reached unto him and he remembers! Wait, wait, what Silver, Silverton own  N mount of tand yeah weren’t she there the opening rasof the lambs books into a school name roll call  and Negeb Ophel awarded a  torn out page that’s unquestionably why Archangel Michael even has a list? You Silveton Nicholas exodus of the mountuous transfiguration of those 144,000 Judy referred to Lord Maaseiah Adonai, as my Sia mom, more Laydon Seashell  my grandma, wait you’re cousin Koph Reshiram Saurus wedded and don’t know who I am? Where is he? Fondly Neck stretching around the class, wanting him to explain, not here off on assignment his or The Juttah? I can’t say, yeah I know what that mean, he tell me you and grand Sia mom did each, you were put in Moses exodus, it’s entire route before you found yourself lije on an addition mission but, but no way you 13 couples knew that those 144000 specialty saints had taken up with you, right we didn’t know until it’s own Mt if transfiguration was happening ah guys. sorry Darius to Lords I keep hearing mt of transfiguration is it the same Mt Sinai type  Grand Sia witnessed rising sunlight speak call for Juneteenth exodus wow, wow Nexus Lucius man, cutting his white head down saying, this all around wondering how he knew who was talking flesh and blood did not reveal that, I’d never once considered that but it totally, totally makes sense! Hey you guys don’t forget Feb 12/13 2023 is officially like July 27/March 13 times hundreds of millions ran, especially language speaking people Dutchsinse Babylon, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish, for some extremely important reason I needed to tell my class that before you exit! Blessed day Sia, Colonial Deburk, all  you as well, sweet sleep! You just gonna leave me? Hey everybody raise your hands, you forget we got hat appointment, if you ready for Jesus millennium to reign the planet? I'm still not, we're holy bride love, keep them raised, but cursed fresh and blood too, God not taking no for an answer, meet you there, you may as well go on , I'm headed there now, to your interstellar, don't keep, Megiddo Armageddon, waiting!" >>>" So how long Tanner Kienson Chattery are you gonna crash here, finally finding him sleeping the benches long the wall posting the missing, far from being alone, look, welcoming the breakfast to coffee baby brother Townsend was giving him I k now Ethel Madison wasn't fond of me, our tombola match even, meaning troubles our wedding bed was all a hoax but suppose Towns going off assignment really got her in trouble, I have to t least pray for the best, you check your genealogy for any after only a few days its been ten, showing the marking on his commy calendar, see, ten days, ah ah god is Christ, please have mercy, take this mercy and not sacrifice, so are you telling me I already have another tombola offer? What am I saying, how you even know that? Ah being your brother, having your last name, knowing private things, sorry!" Seeing tanner Kienson, eyes fill with tears, use his napkin to wipe from nose, cheeks, I'm sorry, I'm told its not so much that she's missing, but has a change of mind, months Townsend man I been with Ethel Madison, not so much a genesis marriage bed yet, but otherwise pretty intimate, I really miss her, you know. Okay, okay, okay, since she's apparently ghosting me hee indecision, let's see it. You sure? Townsend, you brought it me, to my attention, let's see it! I'm just saying it someone you know and is really attracted too, okay, okay, bringing his commy to Tanner face, watching his searching eyes to facial expression as he read, Unto King Bridegroom Tanner Kienson Chattery and Queen Bride, Ashton Cienne Atrazor, I told you, Ashton, really? You just asked he not have sacrifice, but mercy, well Tanner, man that's being matched with someone as meaningful to you as you are to her. I know, impossible right? Now brighten up these artist features, light grays and read the whole thing, "Unto King Bridegroom Tanner Kienson Chattery and Queen Bride, Ashton Cienne Atrazor was born a god daughter Heathery Oren Chattery, Atrazor, a godson, Herenton Erion Chattery, Atrazor and a Godson Magnificent Tennison Chattery Atrazor. Stunning right, right but what's with this King Bridegroom, you, we are God's Heir, Royal Priesthood! Wait a minute, how old is this? You have until today noon, ah my god, there's no telling what she's thinking, what, wait, what about Ethel Madison, you think, ..think she has a New Tombola match, if you do, she does, you're all directions time sensitive, right, right. You coming? No, I'm going to reveals, join my wife, right, right, ah see to commy you later, you sure this is okay? Miraculous answers to your prayers. Right, right, later! Hey all you others, when the last time some you checked your genealogy, you maybe laying in wait unnecessarily missing out on true love, just saying, just saying." Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF, See more Pieces of Lord Maaseiah 2,, Heart Ravishing,, see The Ark, here,, 


Ex-Shia Muslim Reveals MILLIONS Leaving Islam In Iran | TBN Israel via @YouTube; 

Hearing GET THE TWELVE HEIRS; invite the BETA; pray for human beings at wailing walls flooding with Trumpians 99 bowls of molten lava. 

When He Ben Affleck come into my equally designed Ezekiel 5 barbershop he’s s saying we just missed another one! Did you do it; go see what it mean, from Ezekiel 5 to Apb The RAM to Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE GOD designing ELE’s for mass evacuations because you won’t run any other way?

Waking to a bald head shaved into 4 to3 ponytail judgements IDK either but I knew scripture; Rev 17 warn WEST RULE was gone now there’s 3! Ezekiel publicly measuring shaving into warn by Mighty Angel ELE’s for running, no further delays US soil, GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD; WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

 Think they finally let Assad’s Syria  go and it’s not only because Russia is distracting tug of turf wars Ukraine/Trump/Musk. Trump Gabriel to Archangel timed Antichrist is taking reign the old Medo Persia/Roman Empire territory. Fright night to AMAZING GRACE, JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN! with Jerusalem to US/UAE/Israel Abraham Accord, its headquarters, now are you running?  Noah’s Day HGOW/Hearing Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era, Apb 

New Bat Virus Discovered In China: Know What Is HKU5-CoV-2,



I tripped up on 17 died suddenly yesterday, while walking down the street, I called the council and they’re sending a truck to come and pick them up!

DEC 3/4/5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, “WATCH! Run! LIVE!” Bush/Biden Saddam Era/Error Ezekiel 9 White Linen Ink-Horn Man “Pray For All “Human Beings At The Wailing Walls”

X You do Rebel, They know why they call themselves Died Suddenly, right? Before they suddenly took my mocked gladiator nephew I saw it all, this sudden cardiac arrest, outbreak as Eze 9 designed heart stabbers, their weapon of choice, a swordlike syringe; everybody stampeding like now,  like their elephants of staying unaware; until at last, lost war on drugs blamed on legalized pharmaceuticals.

X Like we made a u-turn  on the Obama’s Memphis Dunlap street, I saw those dump trucks, an entire fleet of them! Plus  college campus mass vaccine deaths, pileup; plus mass graves. The sound of sirens overhead again ambulances to morgues to memorials all overwhelmed again. The only good we’d seen homes, children all infiltrated, and were a huge caravan finally escaping Pompeii Movie of Memphis, you?

Pileup of torture vehicles, of charcoal US soldiers of rescuers, right as thst Florida Highway rise slide, a pileup of dark orange Tide containers before Katrina and here lately used Kleenexes dirty laundry asking can you wear the righteous white? I  guess equals a pileup of dump trucks! Running?

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Itty Bitty Pieces Of Joel 2 to The Parable Of The Phoenix To Rev John Rev 6, 6th seal mocking hiding in smoking. sliding, to melting mountains;

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 19, Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse as described by Joel 2 3, A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them; only by a prophet parable,, I saw this; John Rev 6, 6 th mocked this and The Movie Knowing creators Cinema; just as gamma ray bursting, Star Warring, hammering, Rev 17:24 took all children THEY warned of a pending Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Then you hear John being told, to witnessing; And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?  

Marvel not 10 days Jan 2018 Hawaii Missile morning Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn no further delay US dominoing incinerating  Run! Understand Mat 24 Jesus explained when like at present you see these manners of desolating events run and since The equinox Sept 23, 2015 it’s been like Genesis 15 THEM escaping us from US states of barbecue of dominoing US West Pacific Into  US Georgia’s Coast CROSSOVER into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic! 

See 13 reasons why, here, THE GRAND PLANETARY ALIGNMENT OF 2025 🪐 Don't Miss This! via @YouTu; (since predicted apocalyptic planetary bodies and planetary alignment proven to agitate tremendously volcanic activity, only Stefan during an imminent Ben Affleck Armageddo, YELLOWSTONE/Batman verses Superman, Hybrid Angel invaders!

Woke just now there’s some bout suddenly translating all children to seeing, the compilation falsewhere! I know what it’s to do with a day prior, Feb 21 Chris Tucker And Noah’s Ark/active A  Noah’s Cousin; marvel Feb 12/23 2023 those fathers with a single son each, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish to Dutchsinse US multicultural inherit were all sent running! You, Yours, again, Yours!

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Times We’ve Been Warned About Have Arrived And Today We Give An Urgent ‘Wakeup Call’ To The Sleeping Church,

Decades later, some bout those 1997 Phoenix, witnessed triangular lights, this impossible quietly hovering in my Memphis neighborhood triangular craft; I was leaving the sleeping church, ten years learning they didn’t want anything to do with righteous Jesus; only a God Geoffrey tremendously in love, they could control…soon I’m approached, while sitting , eating, hearing” short, “somebody need to tell mass assembly get to Jesus Christ altars, learn endtimes events!!! Noah’s Day HGOW/Hearing A Noah’s Cousin, 




YouTube Esoteric Uplift She Died & What Jesus Revealed About BLACK PEOPLE Will Shock You! - Jesu... via @YouTube; One morn to day you’ll realized the children are just gone; I've seen it since June/July Sept 2015, seen it just now! It’s July 6, 2020 I arrived in time to witnessed Rev 12 New Born snatched out, and I as its African Birth Mother mother laid in a ground up cradle, it’s phenomenal rest!

“I heard GOD, “yes take him his, but this one she’s mine; then an unprecedented adoration build, blew and overwhelmed with this perfume aroma as He sat down beside his adulterous, but for millennia well spin women seed/VIRGIN BIRTHI know I’d heard all my life this is Jerusalem and birth mom Israel but like you testified no SHE IS MOTHER AFRICA and snatch out captivity captured is first born Holy Royal Priesthood, more of Father Abraham’s/Abraham’s Bosom, promised billionaire lineage!

Fright night to rolling twilight skies that never ending line and f children behind Twilight, Bi-sexual Bella school office scene; maybe explained here is waking to Rev 14 Harvester with gleaming tool standing the head of my bed; Like I said decades ago I stood a cloud, I just now inquired Rev 14 Crown Lord Cloud? Just as he thrust in his sickle and reaped I witnessed a cloud ballooning with skyrocketing saints; but first just as Moses now reigning SUNLIGHT, from reigning Mt Sinai called his Juneteenth inherit into exodus, inevitably the repatriation of Mother Africa! 

Now, why y’all think it is during last day’s countdown Into finale, Oct 17, 2025 Dan 4 madness curse THEY can now reveal everything? My Rev 10 Mighty Angel John heard, saw, take, eat the little book I saw heard, up there Michael THEM interstellar Armageddon to Rev 10 Mighty Angel thundering pitter, paddle of his feet. warning dominoing US states of barbecue also UK/BC, no further delay! BEWARE, ESCAPE!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Tanner Kienson Chattery and Queen Bride, Ashton Cienne Atrazor, Gogle 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel  Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Princeton Damien Norcross, Atrazor and Nyla Guineve  Gogle was born a godson Lysses Sienna Atrazor a godson Eraqus Cormac Atrazor and a goddaughter, Ashton Cienne Atrazor, Gogle 

Songs Of Songs Which Are Solomon and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!”

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

Scene XLV

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't know I was looking at you a certain, awkward way, why aren't you answering the commy? You know why, so she didn't know either, no one knew, I told no one I was a victim of adult molester, not till just now, explaining why my dad is calling also! Why now? For dramatic emphasis I guess Nicholas Edin, what you think? i mean was their ever a time we were innocent F for Fornication, A for Abortion, A for Adultery, LGBTQB, M for Molestation, M for Mutilations and P for Pedophia? I'm guess now love, we weren't, why when Jesus asked, who among you without sin, cast the first stone, woman caught in adultery hath no accuser including becoming cursive sin in our stead, for cursive Lord Maaseiah is everything who hang on a tree, Jesus THE Christ! Premeditated Nicholas Edin for the ancients, ours as far back as Noah's Ark to present day an imminent Noah's Cousin to Aqua era of flooding molten lava, intervening fallen angels to every its' kingdom, nation rule since has attempted Nicholas to corrupt by especially Pres Obama's, type legalized marriage abomination, the blood genome of the genesis woman seed, virgin birth, cross of Jesus, until even world's cradle, Africa being portrayed July 6th 2020, the adulterous Rev 12, new born birth mother, escaping to returning also Father Abraham's lineage, Moses Hebrews, Juneteenth, multicultural, multibillion man, Royal Priesthood! You gonna have to answer to them eventually, explain more the absentee parents grands, God's back turn Governor Newsom, democrats, campaigning the more Nicholas Edin, the emancipation of parents, yeah Maaseiah, pray for human beings, cured strong delusions to seducing spirits mightily hath them. >>>"Darius Karrsiann, reaveals class, writing on the board. 'Ten things you need to know happened, 2023 Oct 30,31, "one Negeb to Nexus so apocalyptic, there was its June 10, long duration to Oct trailing triangle craft meeting in the heavens whether to yank us out or all the more make us run to territory Trump Gabriel to Archangel Michael! No, THEY'RE not the same, Trump Gabriel guardian, Archangel Michael, star warrior as portrayed from Prophet Daniel to Revelation John, Memphis Carter aligned to get away territory, Pres Carter's Georgia's coast, CROSSOVER, research, I've already download this info to your commy folders, 10 things you need to know happen, Oct 30 2023, trigger near rapturous events; and to be honest either of these could've been said, trigger, an urgent escape, especially pay attention to number ten, with both Frozen 2 and Super Mario Brothers mocked end of the world children, scenarios, stampeding Brad Pit and Jolie kids revisited, decades old prayer closet warning how controlling dangerously, deadly to damning everything the household, from gaming to what's presently HD/5G and Social Media Screening.

1. Humanitarian workers urge more Gaza aid as Israel expands offensive The biggest aid convoy since the Israel-Hamas war began reached Gaza on Sunday as Israel expanded its offensive into the Palestinian territory. Nearly three dozen trucks delivered food, water and medicine, but humanitarian workers said it wasn't enough. The United Nations warned that "civil order is starting to break down" in Gaza after reports that thousands of Palestinians were breaking into warehouses and taking flour, hygiene supplies and other basics. "This is a sign of people losing hope and becoming more desperate by the minute," said Samer AbdelJaber, the U.N. World Food Program's country director for Palestine. The Associated Press, CNN 2. Mob storms Russian airport after plane arrives from Israel An anti-Israel mob stormed a Dagestan airport where a plane from Tel Aviv had just landed on Sunday. Twenty people were injured before Russian security forces could contain the unrest, which forced authorities to temporarily close the airport. Reuters obtained video showing hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters, most of them young men waving Palestine flags, running through the airport yelling "Allahu Akbar" or "God is greatest." Passengers who arrived on the plane were moved to "a safe place," security forces said. The incident occurred in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, a primarily Muslim Russian republic in the the North Caucasus region. It was one of several anti-Israel incidents reported in the region since the Israel-Hamas conflict started. Reuters, BBC News 3. Vigil held for Lewiston mass shooting victims More than 1,000 people attended a Sunday vigil at a Lewiston, Maine, church to honor the 18 people killed last week in the worst mass shooting in Maine history. Hundreds more watched a livestream of the service outside the church. The vigil occurred two days after police found the body of the suspected gunman, Robert Card, dead from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound. The owner of a gun shop told ABC News that Card had tried to buy a silencer three months before the attack, but was told he couldn't have the device because he disclosed on a federal form that he had mental health issues. The Associated Press, ABC News 4. Death toll from Hurricane Otis continues to rise in Mexico The death toll from Hurricane Otis, which slammed into the Mexican resort city of Acapulco with top sustained winds of 165 miles per hour last week, rose to at least 48 on Sunday from 39 a day earlier. The government said six people remained missing. Otis intensified from a tropical storm to a powerful Category 5 hurricane in less than a day before slamming into Acapulco as the strongest hurricane ever to hit Mexico's Pacific coast. It destroyed homes, hotels, boats and businesses, and downed power lines and communications equipment, cutting off the city of nearly 900,000 people. Some looting was reported as food, water and gasoline supplies ran low. Reuters, The Associated Press 5. Biden to unveil 1st federal AI restrictions President Biden on Monday plans to issue an executive order imposing the first federal regulations on artificial intelligence systems, including requiring testing of advanced AI products to make sure they can't be used to help make biological or nuclear weapons. The measures, which Biden is scheduled describe in a speech Monday afternoon, will also recommend but not require that photos, videos and audio contain watermarks to indicate they were created by AI systems, addressing rising fears that "deepfakes" could be used to spread disinformation during the 2024 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported. Previously, the Biden administration restricted the export of advanced microchips to China in a bid to slow its development of AI systems. The New York Times 6. Bomb blast kills 2 at Jehovah's Witnesses gathering in India A bomb exploded on Sunday at a convention center in the southern Indian state of Kerala where hundreds of Jehovah's Witnesses were gathered for a prayer meeting. Two women were killed and dozens of people were injured. A person claiming to be a former member of the religious group surrendered to police and took responsibility for the attack. Police identified the suspect as Dominic Martin, and said he told investigators he carried out the bombing because he believed the teachings of the group were "seditious." A person claiming to be a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses group that was wrapping up a three-day prayer meeting said Martin had no association with the group. The Times of India, Reuters 7. Judge reinstates gag order in Trump federal election interference case U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over Donald Trump's federal election interference case, on Sunday reinstated a narrow gag order barring the former president from disparaging prosecutors, potential witnesses, or court staff. Chutkan posted the decision on the public court docket. She imposed the initial order on Oct. 16, telling Trump not to make public statements attacking people involved in the case. Nine days ago she temporarily lifted the order to give Trump and his lawyers time to appeal. Trump and his legal team have argued that the gag order violates Trump's First Amendment rights and hampers his ability to speak freely as he runs for the Republican nomination to challenge President Biden in the 2024 presidential election. The Hill 8. Coroner lists Matthew Perry's cause of death 'deferred' pending tests The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office on Sunday listed the cause of "Friends" actor Matthew Perry's death as "deferred," pending further investigation. Coroners have conducted an autopsy but are awaiting toxicology reports. Perry, 54, was found unresponsive in his hot tub at his Pacific Palisades home, the Los Angeles Times reported, adding that prescription medications but no drugs were found at the house. Perry last year published a brutally honest memoir, "Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing," in which he described a long battle with alcohol and drug addiction that included nearly fatal overdoses. On Sunday, Warner Bros. Television Group, which produced "Friends," described Perry, a five-time Emmy nominee, as a "comedic genius." CNN, Los Angeles Times 9. Colombian officials search for soccer player's kidnapped father More than 120 police officers and soldiers in Colombia on Sunday conducted a massive search for the father of Luis Diaz, a soccer player for Liverpool in Britain's Premier League. A group of armed men on motorcycles kidnapped Diaz's parents at a gas station in their hometown, Barrancas, in northern Colombia. His mother, Cilenis Marulanda, was found on Saturday in Barrancas, but his father remained missing. The government offered a nearly $50,000 reward for information about the whereabouts of Luis Manuel Diaz. Liverpool beat Nottingham Forest on Sunday, but Diaz didn't play. His teammates said they won "for our brother." BBC News 10. 'Five Nights at Freddy's' debut a 'game-changer' "Five Nights at Freddy's" led the weekend box office, bringing in $78 million in North American and $130 million globally. The Universal and Blumhouse adaptation of the popular video game — a cult classic popular with enthusiastic young fans — cost just $20 million to make, but scored the biggest opening for a horror film this year, beating "Scream VI" ($44 million). It also had the highest opening for a Halloween weekend movie, surpassing "Puss in Boots" ($34 million), and the second-highest for a video game adaptation, behind "Super Mario Bros" ($146 million). "This can be a game-changer, and another clear blueprint, for event-level horror films [and] game adaptations," Shawn Robbins, chief analyst at Boxoffice Pro, told Variety. Variety, Deadline, see 10 things you need yo know happened Oct 31 2023, here; especially Israel advancement upon Gaza, imminent is its take over by an enemy Hamath, just as al affiants are suddenly wiped off the planet, making it as concerning as Chernobyl and Hawaii Missile Morning both of which innumerable, intravenous simultaneously all westerners translating, crossing over, FIREROCKETING TO Skyrocking now Gog's Trump's Threat against holy land inherit, and God's Trump's readying a skyrocketing event! Wow, wow, wow, Memphis Carter, great warrior nations aligned to a Jonah's Whale for endangering children of Great Whore Mystery Babylon, Western Civilization; so what Geoffrey Them, NTEB gonna find investigating, Great Whore Mystery? Besides Negeb to Nextus Juttah as predestined to disguise itself as the most democratic world system on the planet, since, predestined, betraying Judas Iscariot but as Jesus Crying from the cross forgive them, there wouldn't be an ascending to descending Royal Priesthood, without these for ancient disguised evils to desolators. We'll be released early today, so if there's nothing else Juttah's Nextus to Negeb, I ah, well Memphis, Caden, that GA fly over 7 year now, right, you just witnessed a spacecraft chase a passenger Jet? More like pursue Lord Cattery, odd by itself, until it's leaning into the Jet, purposely like its trying to crash it, or connect with it, but yeah, that's what I saw stepped out on the front porch, no obvious reason and there it all was!" {{{"Like I said, dad I don't know what you want me to say, hopefully he took the fact he was church deacon, got himself redeemed, before he went to his grave, apparently especially westerns are forgetting that's what Genesis woman seed, Jesus THE CHRIST, CROSS was all bout, all have sinned Pepe, and have fallen from the grace of god, repent or eternal hell is enlarging itself for each and every one of the unrepentant. If you Maaseiah Adonai love, say you hath not sin, you lie and doeth not the truth, but if you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive your sins, and cleanse you from all unrighteousness, amen dad, amen, that was not flesh and blood, but holy pop up reveal! You don't have to feel guilty, nor does grand, grand, I traded my body for candy, how menacing is that, it's child predators, who take advantage of this innocence, I better go, me too loving, girl, me too, love, kisses and misses as you say, the same dad, talk to you later!"}}} I'm coming as fast as I can, sure its Dr Eve Lynn paying a home, visit, and just in time for noon shut down, I was kinda expecting, words jammed up, coming face to face with a surprised visit, Grandma Saurus, how in the world, how else May, pleaded with Lord Bastian, I'm so sick of him budding in my business, look, distastefully moving aside, her unwelcomed entry, "like I just told, your son Pepe, none of you did anything wrong, there was no way you could've suspected him, nor the sub division children he was molesting. I understand all that love, please calm down, that's not why I'm here not to accuse, but to support, support, that is so behind now without proper explanation, you grandma grand of all people know that, its just blurted out of me at the opportune time, shown to be evident grand, why no one accustomed to sin, could find the woman caught in adultery guilty, again like dad I just discussed this, repent, put these evil events behind, you, press toward, "the mark Maaseiah, of the prize, of the high calling of God, in Christ, JESUS, The Lord, I know, your not answering your commy is why you have me here in the flesh, you may as well come, and show me around, before I get back home, I can't that siren that seal us in this block, for an 11;00 lunch, rest hour, I heard about those, so lets go to the kitchen and see, what's for brunch, huh? Its true May love told no one till now, it's true and only remind, how inundated with Genesis marriage abomination the nation, to planet wide, before the Husseins/Obamas sanction it all! Seeing you stand the fridge like that back at me, remind the last I saw golden boy Caleb, revisiting may of course 2003, grands Caden and Lawren, represent their generation of growing in occupied territory America slash Maaseiah, that rose of Sharon, transforming and translating into an African male boy, surely grand lil Miya and I suddenly translated, thousands of miles, from impact zone, two US quarter, toll into what's now, Jesus millennium reign, ouuu, a seafood salad, yeah, made it earlier, so husband could take it to work, speaking of which, how this marriage on this mission impossible of a reveal, while grand like, you know I'm not married to just any man but also a Rev 17:14m type, Jesus who always, that's always know what to say, how, and what to do as well, right, right, ah, this is delicious, just a few more crackers, sparkling water to drink, I guess I can make a sacrifice, a refreshingly, non sweet beverage, whoa, I think I sound like a commercial." "No, no, no, approaching Grand Sia all around her, sleeping bed, ten things, they want her to do, ten more things, Maha love they want her do, she and Darius Silverton, entreated like a Moses even taken along on Moses Exodus, how can it not be the ten commandments, as bleeding holy lamb's blood into THEY just reassured Grand Sia Mom, 'It's The Holy Sermon On The Mound, I'm saying, the beatitudes, how many of those are there? Researching here, According to the Bible, in the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5, there are eightBeatitudes!”  Yeah, but aren’t there some Rev book beatitudes? Looking we’ll soon know! Why doeth Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs Of Solomon Lamentations Of Men, REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, none innocent perish, AODHF, See more Pieces of Lord Maaseiah 2,, Heart Ravishing,, see The Ark, here,, 

YouTube Mr Weather Man, Earthquake Activity Increases... via @YouTube, woe, woe, woe now we understand all the alerts what happened to Aug 2023 when THEY actually both Memphis Tip to Tiff named for the TIFF CME/EMP while traveling into not a safe haven Florida into The Caribbean! Let us remember Trumps Hurricane Michael invasion of category 4’s to 5 superstorms, hurricane Harvey first I warn yet like a Jonah’s Whale his everything is followed by sudden destruction. Actually before YouTube mrmbb333 surmised every of these hurricanes hit a US costal area to tourist spot! What God want from both Obama and Trump, the same from Elites to celebrities our mandatory, Juneteenth/Westerners exodus, what else? 

I guess now we understand the mockery at me. once at you Gladys Knight, standing aside escape  road this rest I hope you dance; one I just learn honors ice skaters like those who died in that Pat 25 DC crash if they and otherwise Californian NBA’S Dreaming Kobe Bryant didn’t survive what Noahs Day HGOW what makes any of us the exception? 

Here’s Mr Wearher man The importance of GA ‘S. Coast, even since bout down on all fours Diddy Arkansas old bridge and westerners, even famed letters crossing over along the route once the Trans Atlantic slave trade into the Atlantic, African basin iits cities and towns; during Senator Obama’s 2009 campaign I stood Africa’s SW peer witnessed  all this! 

Like I explained to YouTube Silki waiting an Oregon subterranean eruption, a month or so back there's  not a scientist, volcanologist to seismologists to extinction level studies who can explain why home planet is rapidly deteriorating, uninhabitable. Only if they honor life, Eze 9 designed Inkhorn man suggestion pray for all human being’s at wailing walls. Surely theirs too would be a campaign  of evacuation. The emphasis here on pray for human beings see both here Rev 9 bottomless Pit invaders and Stefan Burns curious subject matter here via @YouTube; HGOW/Apb

YouTube On The Pulse With Silki Shocking new Information from Leading Scientists about how DANGEROUS the... via @YouTube



Every field of scientific studies from Articulture  to Extinction Studies are dealing with unprecedented situations they never dreamed possible and Silki, the speed! I just asked what planetary to tectonic to seismic activity was too notable before those two 8 plus New Madrid quakes? 

I tell you I could hear the back and forth pitted paddle of his feet; Rev 10 John says he’s one foot the planet, the other The Sea; after I hear desolations predicted US soil now come, US W. Pacific was being incinerated marvel not THEY, well he Trump Gabriel run us out of not a safe haven Florida’s Coast, escorted us to THEIR SAFEHAVEN GA’S coast/CROSSOVER! 

Live In my portal of a prayer closet is where I witnessed the silence in heaven, heard the matter was now Star-warring AODHF then sobbing uncontrollable. Just as soon I was, soon we all where! What? How everything Jesus Christ hath brought humankind had been stripped from them “behold I will strip their leader’s birthday naked, “let my people go! Watch! Run! Live!” Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing Noah’s Cousin/Aqua Era
