Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith May 15 2004, An Approaching Trump Gabriel, Its May 15, 2020, Trump's WH it was warning about eruptions and FEMA! Seeing two crystallized Godzilla BEAST one an Egyptian Sobek tasked with falsifying peace getting porches to apocalyptic skies with Crystal Skies Leave The Doomsday World Behind, For Real Get Jesus Get Up Yonder!
Article, Reuters US Senate passes Republican border security bill without Trump tax cuts,
Article, The U.S. Senate passed a Republican bill promoting President Donald Trump's immigration, energy and defense policies in the early hours of Friday morning, despite Trump's preference for a House of Representatives version of the bill that would include trillions of dollars in tax cuts. Article,, Seeing these type staggering totals in financial terms used to make me pause 13 reasons why Noah’s Day GOD now a Noah’s Cousin, GOD hate wars and apparently shopping. Marvel not that Rev 9 designed grocery store, store manger keys, barter balan, toll booth; some bout loosening of 4 bound Angels, 200 million demon army, turning the keys over to the, emphasis, bottomless pit, your planet home minute by minute come more and more uninhabitable then you read articles like this, u.s. national debt: Elon Musk rings alarm bells, says the U.S. is going bankrupt, and urges immediate action; else, the dollar’s going to be worth nothing - The Economic Times and this;
De-Dollarization: Two Economic Giants Ditch the Dollar in 90% of Transactions then you realize it’s playing religious politics smoke and mirrors, Jesus tossing over money changer tables, all; US currency soon billions more dead has no more worth nationally, internationally than monopoly money; Marvel not as Rev 2 Jesus and Jacob's ladder in intravenous stalled dominoing Hawaii missile morning designed it all riches to rags sickbeds and by its Dec 3,4,5, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus suggested you watch, run live and oh, no frivolous shopping, after they obliterated a shop to shop sign! Marvel not seeing Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband hammering at houses on anti flood stilts predicted Aqua Era/hearing, seen written 99 bowls of flooding volcanic magma, oh, again! Why Goeth Thou Marvel? Die? Perish? Watch! Run! Live!
Youtube Dave Save America, Michael Shellenberger Exposes Who’s to Blame for the LA Fire Disaster via @YouTube;
Then Dave I heard 2013, then saw 2019, this, woke explaining, I saw Rev 12 described, Angels battling a star wars in the heavens, heard some bout Lost Angels, not Los Angeles; I can't help how much hearing you say, you'll save America, Lucier, fallen angels and hybrid angels, (Aliens) exile planet, sound like Red Dragon bragging how he will set his kingdom, above the stars of God. Then this happen, Rev 6, 6th seal, I saw it too here,; "inevitably," I Thess 4:16-18 Archangel Voice (Shout), Angel Gabriel's Trump, simultaneously westerners, blessed Brexit/Briexit/Blaexit are translating, crossing over, FIRE-ROCKETING, NEVER SEEN, HEARD AGAIN, or Skyrocketing into second heaven intercession, you, yours, again, yours?
Stop it, just stop, believe Apostle I am predicted for many millennia into this present hour elites are running their stubborn donkey asses off just as you, those same Eze 9 one strike the telling heart on their heels. Shown to be evident 5 days ago Jan 29, 2018, US Rep Congress allegedly crashed the getaway train they were using to get away from whoever N. Korea didn’t shoot a missile into dominoing go barbecue us all, Hawaii! Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, when in the spirit world 7 days prior mighty Angel warn W. Pacific was being incinerated everybody else westernized states of barbecue RUN! When Ten days earlier, doomed westerners having no say Rev 2 Jesus and Jacob ladder intravenous were getting you either off the continent to exile luxury’s Africa’s SW Atlantic or off the planet never seen, heard of again! Stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, knowing were, run! HGOW/Apb
YouTube Awakening Remnant BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP!!! ONLY FOR THE NEGRO! The Revelation in This Dep... via @YouTube
X I can do one phenomenally beyond imagining, I was there 30 minutes passed throne silence when sunlight of God called Moses Hebrew Juneteenth inherit into exodus SW MOTHER Africa’s Atlantic COAST! Witnessed Pelosi’s Taiwan, 2023 famed letters USA floating off The American Continent into that same projected direction.
X I woke Juneteenth 17/19 2002 standing before a multibillion man choir, brought to a halt soon we’re all crying; AODHF saying his being stripped, He’ll strip leaders; soon I’m brought by Apostle John before a reigning Mt Sinai, Sunlight is rising, commanding, “let my people go!”
X Marvel not doing both Dan 9:24-27/Rev 13:5, close to Antichrist white prejudice put in office, Obama; female prejudice put in office Trump. The WH Obama’ 2009 poured into SW Africa, Trump’s 2018/2025 WH inherit poured into US GA/CROSSOVER, inevitably into Col Gaddafi’s proposed USA OF of SW Africa, God’s are running! You, Yours, Again, Yours!
YouTube Stefan Burns Unexpected Events and Geomagnetic Activity Increase as Mercury Cazimi Cl... via @YouTube;
Apostle Prophet I’m visit a lot of these type videos, particularly since 2015 Alex Jones some bout 50 volcanoes erupting THEIR 2015 predicted 99 bowls of molten. Frightnight revisited Feb 2019 and 101 Yellowstone Eruptions/
Beware Trump Gabriel, Pres Trump's 2020 warn eruptions and FEMA! Can we survive April 2025 NASA’S forecast SOLAR event ask, no we can’t, marvel not Trump Gabriel, Pres Trump’s March 2018 Gen 15/Rev 7 GOD’S are RUNNING US into US GA’S COAST/CROSSOVER, into Africa’s SW ATLANTIC into Jesus Throne Bosom,
see here,
COMPILATION: Hole Stories and Underground Mysteries via @YouTube ; mystery holes, Mystery Hybrid Angels; Mystery far side of the moon/ second heaven intercession!
I, Apostle/Prophet keep telling y’all all mystery about Aliens, Alien tech, Ancient Aliens solved. The moment for millennia biblical to intravenous Angels verified fallen angels see Rev 12 war in heaven.
Clearly exiled here for millennia is why Aliens, hybrid Angels exist! So Why Files theory they’re just as much inhabitants of this planet as we are he’s right. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD; DO YOU BELIEVE IN HOLY SCRIPTURE, DO YOU BELIEVE IN FALLEN ANGELS. Ancient Tech?
Again mutineering fallen Angels possibly exiled here for millions of years before the 6000 years now Genesis account. Before the creation of the garden of Adam and Eve explaining serpent Satan premeditation to deceived them. Unimaginably a flesh and blood God, now upon this for gazillions of years planet described formed by the will and word of God! Apb, The RAM
Article, Reuters White House Orders Pause of Federal Financial-Assistance Programs,
X FundMeABB is:; why I’m on the move again Sunlight Commanded Juneteenth EXODUS! Plus there really is a madman in The WH; Dan 4 2018, begin 7 yr Ct 2019 he wake it’s 2025 by The Abraham Accord lost country and planet to Antichrist
X FORK IN THE ROAD' Article; He wake Oct 17, 2025 at your losses including 100 million westerners! Marvel not all national to internat earthquake summits are going viral a hand writing on Trump’s Wall 99 bowls of molten lava! UK/US come FORK IN THE ROAD; I hear Britain/America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces, WIPE CANADA OFF THE MAP! Apb
X I guess you can say, witnessing famed letters USA floating off The American Continent that’s been coming post apocalypse Chernobyl spring rapture. Frightnight with NASA forecasting like incoming Jesus as a gamma Ray burst this Solar to Geo-Storm or an apocalypse planet come, Holy Bride skyrocketing heavenward
Stop not shared
Kash Patel 🇺🇸 News ✅
She must be removed from congress.
She is making a joke out of our government.
There’s a caption of Rep Omar Ilhan Abdullah arrest record
Arrest 23 times
Daughter of Somali Terrorist
Committed marriage and immigration fraud
Iss and Ad Quaids sympathizer
Making a mockery of US Government;
-Yet like VP Harris y’all and Trump hate her she’s a none white female! Aligned to Dan 9:24-27 close to the Antichrist Aligned to genocider Gog and Magog aligned to 50 million US dead, Made a mockery of the deadliest Bio-mutate pandemic ever. aligned to Dan 4 madness curse, and two US quarters world-wide dead your, his everything followed by sudden destruction yet you voted him US Pres again! then Apostle says yet she shall be saved in child bearing/Jesus The Women seed forgive all transgressions; God so loves the world repent or perish!
Live | Wildfire in Otay Mountain Wilderness, near California-Mexico bord... via @YouTube
Hand Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone!
Handwriting On Trump’s Border Wall 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava!
-Extremely concerning for decades into this present your named Apocalypse California dominoing Hawaii to Cal Fires takes this trajectory. The North American seismic Craton into Ariz/Mexico, TX up to Pompeii Movie of Memphis New Madrid and some bout breaking news, hearing “after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!” Know where, how, get out! HGOW/Apb
YouTube The Antichrist is ALREADY Here! Don’t Be DECEIVED | Dr. Kynan Bridges via @YouTube
Designed Hawaii missile morning riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers! Actually Kynan God no longer see his people as being deceived, as far back as Acts of The Apostles, Peter to Rev John’s 7 letters. They’re hearers of The WORD OF TRUTH only, more churchians than Christians.
First you have to understand The SEPT BETA 15 2020 US/Arab/Israeli Abraham Accord! Frightnight how it’s 2023 exact date THEY took everyone from the Genesis Adam to my YouTube Adam involved with righteous outreach two witnesses, tribulation saints all off this planet!
Understand Even why they showed Antichrist 666 economy 10 heads come 7 being named during Kobe Bryant fiery crash. A prelude not only Kynan to how California Dreamers will die but millions in westerners beginning US W. Pacific!
THEY, Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael put us in the last week of years Dan 9:27 before Jesus Millennium Oct 17 2021; its midpoint Rev 11:1, 2 those close to the Antichrist, Dan 9:24-27 Obama/Trump mild Tribulation until April 17, 2025 Holies can no longer be here; extreme tribulation Rev 12, 1,260 days/Rev 13/13:5 BILLIONS DEAD THE ANTICHRIST REIGN April 2/17/20 2025 thru Oct 17 2028! RUN, you know where! HGOW/Apb
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