Hearing The Antichrist Will Kill Millions Going Broke; hearing Proverbs 13:22, the wealth that of the wicked is stored up for the just!
YouTube THE ARK | Full Movie | 2015 https://youtu.be/IWLgA2W8v5w?si=BA_KBnibR0YM4mTP via @YouTube; Noah builds an ark to save his family from a heavy flood, as foretold by God. He begins the construction of a massive wooden ship, and his beloved family questions his sanity. David Threlfall and Joanne Whalley I felled toddlers in n this movie woke the part Noah is begging, pleading with adopted son to come in from the deadliest storm imaginable and I woke with Chris Tucker 2 years 13 days Feb 12.13 2023 a father running with a single son, each four languages I woke speaking Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and soon Duh in Dutch/ bab.la or YouTube Earthquake Prediction Dutchsinse lineage Rev 17 described Mystery Babylon. I know this version portray others Noah’s neighbors entered but no that wasn’t possibly, like suddenly translating into GA’S coast, CROSSOVER my Juneteenth inherit Memphis Grands I just learned the 2015 year this Noah’s Ark previewed, their Sept 22/23 2015 from dominioing Apocalyptic Hawaii! Biblically, scriptually those chosen Noah’s house were predestined bloodlines to bring us GOD’S promised woman seed, virgin birth, CROSS OF CHRIST and presently reigning Sunlight Of God, from behind a reigning mount Sinai commanded those in power UK/BC/US let go into exodus his multicultural multibillion man royal priesthood, some say for centuries told the repatriation of Mother Africa’s /Father Abraham’s SW Atlantic Continent Of Africa! Marvel not they demonstrated using Ezekiel 5 barber Chair experience to designed a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE In Dan 2, launching planetary bodies HBOW absence I give you Noah’s Day HGOW/hearing a Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era of flooding that 99 bowls of molten lava, apbtheram@ yahoo.com
Article KCUR 89.3 Andrew Lester, Kansas City man who shot Ralph Yarl, dies while awaiting sentencing
Lester pleaded guilty to second-degree assault in the shooting of Ralph Yarl last Friday. The teen mistakenly rang Lester's doorbell in April 2023 when he was picking up his brothers. https://apple.news/AbnMxkCeFT4ustiOM9felbQ;Article; and the last enemy of man that shall be destroyed is death “and I shall raise them up on the last day.” Knowing, what sort they of human being ought you to be? Behold Promised Genesis woman seed, he stands at the door and knock! If Any Human Being!
I woke to a cinematic Jesus explaining To Lazarus Weeping Sister Mary He Is Resurrection Of Death To Life While Being Assured The Rapture Goes Live!
Prayer Closet Intravenous, Abominable, Detestable Lives, Lands, Churches VOTING BOOTHS and School Bushes Who Allow ModernTech To Control, Influence and Infiltrate Their Everyday, Everything How Cursed Are You, Yours And, Ah Yours!
X What a horror story being both a gun owner and a black male in this country! I explained the Iraq war investigative reporting, parents' children were safer overseas than in their own birthplace! Now reasoned a 36,000 piece-burnt offering just lying in wait to intercede Their Great White Throne Judgement!
X Jesus said it first in our suggested flight, our SW Atlantic Mother Africa’s Repatriation. pray for mothers with child. Then i saw-black female mothers just as endangered as her counterpart, My Black Colleagelic Male Grandson! Marvel not Sunlight of God, God’s back turn Throne commanded exodus of Inherited Juneteenth survivors!
X Africans love China is the chant, marvel not a billionaire worth of UK/BC/US western inherit stampeded into Mother Africa Rev 12 Birth Mom-Cradled. Escaping Both Dan 9:24-27 Close To The Antichrist Senator Obama and pending 47th US Priz Trump. Marvel not Since two years and eight days ago Feb 12/13 2023 father son, Asians to Latinos to YouTube/bab.la Dutchsinse inherit, are running! You, yours, yours? Noah’s HGOW/Noah’s Cousin/Aqua Era, apbtheram@yahoo.com
YouTube UNHCR Congo Fighting Leaves 350,000 without shelter! Reuters; https://youtu.be/xEjtQmtCdA0?si=LheG6qalCNPZYSto; marvel not that multimillion man single water cooler; to multimillion man rite aid pharmacy; to multimillion man traffic, of a MOLEN BEAST eating traffickers; to a multimillion man run on matrix blue pills to a Rev 9 related multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balan toll booth to a descending multicultural, multimillion man royal priesthood, Jesus Millennium Reign; again I ask where are you, yours, again yours in these numbers?
Only a week before Trump was almost assassinated twice, Biden resigned and Gods back turn, world stretching Sodomy, Harris was awarded gazillions and his campaign run; since Trump gained the blazing, flaming, frying pan, frying saucer liftoff of The US Whitehouse. This is authentic world war, the grabbing of entitlements of billionaire as their bloody turf wars leave a worldwide scourge of homelessness, famine and genocide! Marvel not the line upon line, never ending line of endangered children outside Uvalde school shooting office, morning. I saw It!
Fright night both the tossing in of a knotted rope fishing out children to teaching a class how the Chinese language work; to inquiring who will sacrifice for Gaza’s charcoal children, will it be the US election, will this White House forfeit it all and descend into the Holy Land a New Lord Jerusalem to Lord Urusalem, Prince and City of PEACE? They all having forsaken GOD and left a pandemic of absentee, obsolete “LEADERS,” parents and grandparents two US quarters dead! I saw it! HGOW/Apb
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