Sunday, February 16, 2025

Itty, bitty pieces of Dr Fauci And Why The Obamas Administration made 100’s Of Americans To Westerners RUN!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Nuclear Feb 17, apocalyptic firestorm 2025; first finding odd nickles, five of them, remind the first US quarter worldwide, rooted, US Bio-Lab, Covid, no longer pending, why I got just this eerie feeling, that DC crash, piolet being called, Pat-25, the penny represent me, Pat, short for Patricia the nickle, five oddities, I just explained, but a quarter of earth's inherit dead by Rev 6, 4th seal assessment, pale-horse, horse of hades, in such a short space, even IDK! If The Biden Harris, hadn't pause, Gog's Trump, Covid, at one time claiming a life every 20 seconds just how many would be dead, by now, 2025?     

Still, still, still, this is what Prophetic Ezekiel saw, design by GOD,  HIMSELF grim reapers verses what I saw, I know according to Oct 17,2021 Guardian Trump to Star Warrior Archangel Michael’s prophetic timelines, Dan 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 13 and some about The Sept 15 2020, US/UAE/Israeli Abraham Accord stirred into hearing 99 bowls of molten lava of seeing a hand write on Jerusalem to Trumps wailing walls 99 bowls of  molten lava, exception designed, assigned exile luxury by April 2/17/20 2025 all westerners reading here or those in existence period holy, unholy can no longer be here! 

Fright night, surrealistically why I warned both Mel Gibson and David White yet to be released either, a truly astronomical version of Jesus second return both got it wrong when this phenomenal evert is being wowed from any territory WEST RULE UK/BC/US and all its affiliates; which would’ve all fire rocket off the planet just as Holy Church Bride,, skyrocketed off the planet again by GOD'S Trump to Archangel timeline it’s midpoint April 2/17/20 2025! I know, but so do you, marvel not especially Japan, CHINA, Spain to youtube Dutchsinse inherit, Gen 15, Mat 24/Ps 91/Rev 12 Ancient Intravenous single word inquiry; RUNNING? 

See here 10 things you need to know happen 2023 Hallow Eve/Halloween for decades, circling all around, trailing triangle craft THEM contemplated yanking us out, again! Like I’ve explained to Preppers years now with the country to world system going broke its as a Hunger Game Movie, cornucopia of what’s left is setting us ourselves to Trump to Gabriel assigned, set aside divine intervention US GA’s COAST/CROSSOVER a month and 7 years, 12 more days still Jan 22-29 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel mocked desolations predicted US soil no further delays!”

Died Suddenly ✅


Dr. Fauci has a VAST history of lying

Just Dr Fauci The 80’s Saying Kids Can Get Close To Someone Who Has AIDS;; woe, woe, woe how many aids deaths since? Yeah there’s this Evangelist I grew up in, this same time warning parents if their daughters goes off to college they’ll return lesbians! Marvel not one of our own congressmen suggested children be home schooled. I witnessed church assembly, designed abominable, detestable homes, matter fact, design pedopher teen boys with your infants attached, heard, the dying of schools is painful get holy bride of wrath, launched Dan 2 stone into “middle schools”

First this female investigative reporter now this female mortician after what’s she’s, they’ve seen with whoring, molested, mutilated, dead, burned children begging parents to grands to be as mocked parental helicopters again! Marvel not commanded US soil Eze 9 grim reapers instead chased down procrastinating parents; like prophet Ezekiel I witnessed it, catching them, spinning them into a waltz, this swordlike syringe as they charge the then future Obama Administrations, to pharmaceuticals, glides through the air point blank trying of the telling heart! 

Hearing Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; begin at my sanctuary!

X I think Died suddenly, I’d ask Dr Fauci how close is too close? I grew up a molested child, the local candy store and yes he got a little to close! I won’t apologize, not only the movie sound of freedom. My 6 yr  D, yes the one asked for a Jesus heart at 5. Only raised by absentee parents, grands to overseers at 6 terrified homosexuality; asked what about his girlfriend Kennade? Apb see entire comments here,

See Harvest Forrest Frank, Altee only at 12 because of up bringing, even by churchians he won’t to be a Dstk Vader, until I explained for real. forreal dstk objy work on this side then death, great white judgement and eternal lakes of  fire I guess you can say were back at him asking reviving that Jesus heart again; you, yours, yours? 

X Though I never related the two, those who read behind me,, yes I have a candy, penny store reveal; damsel in distress situation. When the Sunlight shown here walking among us Holiday 2024; then this rescue descends, morphed, shiftshape until by the time it reaches me it’s a blocking out the sky, diamond carve, crystal dove escape chariot of Juneteenth Inherit, looking to the heavens from whence comes our help! See more here,


X Now THEY’RE mocking me, Masked Singer Strawberry short cake singing I hope you dance! It’d, those lyrics has  woke me thrice, this so called detour; see, *FundMeABB is:; now my need includes my own bathroom! Gladys Knight versions only a night past I realized another of hers Midnight train to actually Pres Carter Pompeii Movie of Memphis escape to GA mocking I hope you dance; those 101 Ben Affleck Yellowstones won’t hold off any  longer! 

X By the way my grand Caden school at home, got a week out, says it’s spring break, only his helicopter mom and I are like but it’s not spring. Is it the quademic, mutilating US Lab Bio-Covid, left college campus littered. They hide so much darnning stuff from y’all, if you didn’t have us, seeing so clearly through the lattice of deception.. Then thinking, fright night, it isn’t entirely for you. Amazing Grace it’s for HIM, so HE’LL be justified casting multimillions into hell, lakes of fire to outer darkness?” I hope you run, dance, even speed race! In HBOW absence, here’s HGOW/Apb 

Died Suddenly ✅


Everything Is Fake Never Trust The Science 

Marvel not close to The Antichrist Gogs Trump just stripped WHO’S billions in funding seeing there’s no extinction level pandemic, worry; showing up mightily got it wrong Hawaii missile morn alert only a fluke then so was Ancient Intravenous unveiled US Lab Bio/Spanish/Swine/Avian!

I know incomprehensible some of the sky reaching roller coaster rides THEY’VE taken us on!

YouTube mrmbb333 Strange 'Electromagnetic Force' Impacting Earth via @YouTube

See here,; Stefan Burns demonstrates the same; right mrmbb333 actually keep all attention dominoing US W. Pacific. For some reason I’m reminded of the huge, blocking out the skies, electromagnetic charged, plasma colored single word Triangle; hearing Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and Alien invasion, Destroy! 

A video automatically comes on behind another scientist were describing how ancient of years ago this planet was uninhabitable until the moon was put in orbit to rotation; this other thing we learned “THE Sun Controls World Weather; being told to scrutinized earth ending movies, The Day After Tomorrow! Right Frozen 2, California’s Snowed up to their roofs and Super Mario Brothers Molten Lava DRAGON, an outbreak of volcanic events. Inevitably, prophetically can you think of anything else than millions being incinerated would have witnessed Mighty Angel stumping loudly around the planet, the sea? Noah’s day HGOW/Noah’s Cousin, Apb The RAM

YouTube On The Pulse With Silki Research director of the INGV: We need to seriously think about Evacuati... via @YouTube

See here, Strange 'Electromagnetic Force' Impacting Earth via @YouTube; I just Silki thanked mrmbb333 for turning everyone’s attention again first domino, volcanic apocalypse, US West Pacific; from Hawaii to Alaska to California to New Mexico. You all do remember how GOD felt about humanity Noah’s Day, would have scratched us out entirely except for ELO-Him’s promised woman seed, presently Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, List!

Fright night to amazing Grace New Madrid gives us a for decades pending Pompeii Movie of Memphis! Then there’s Ending The Continent to Planet Eze 5 barber chair 101 Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONES, see Joel 2/2 Pet 3:11; there’s world ending movie scenarios 2012 escape by my for decades designed Arks/Africa/The Movie Knowing; Noah’s Day HGOW/A Noah’s Cousin,

Aka ✅


BREAKING: The Israeli Air Force has successfully targeted and eliminated Mohammad Shaheen, who led Hamas's operations in Lebanon.

President Trump warned you.. release every hostage or else.

‪Israel as a shopping mall the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to their death; as far back as Bush getting over there cutting off this one head, 50 million US dead aligned to every US WH since! Famed letters USA went off the continent after elephant stampeded you, yours in these staggering number?‬

So like the days of Nimrod The plans of Elon to skyrocketing ancient intravenous the final frontier is up there. Leave Apostle Peter’s described fiery doomsday planet behind! I explained nothing I warn you is new it’s the smoking gun of how, where it all happened, who’s first to domino? 

Here’s the escape FundMeABB is: detoured my oldest son house, abandoned by eldest GD. There's been one update, I need my own bathroom. I was showing Fantasia slumlord property just before California to The Duchess multiplex troubles? Hawaii missile morn Rev 2 Jesus did design all riches to rags sleepbeds and sleepovers (whores and adulterers).

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