Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 3/5, Apocalyptic UK/BC/US States Of Barbecue, 2025!
Sulaiman Ahmad
X Shaykh Who Did This? Burning Of New York Towers, Apb Here Began the attempted colonization of Islam, those most unworthy billion to trillion Aires on the planet and STAR WARRING AODHF up to this very moment intervention of refusal. So why allow the colonization of billion to trillion Aire AFRICA! Apparently descendants of Noah and His Sons, especially Cush all play a different role procreating the multibillion man Royal Priesthood
Frightnight to Amazing Grace, snatched out of Red Dragon hands since July 06 2020/2023 Jan 16/Sept 15 dancing the lamb’s wedding supper awaiting the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet/ Clear, why what happened to Aug 5 2021, WEST RULE Aug 5 2019 fire-rocketing and not seen heard of since, just gone city of Atlantis style. Fright night to rolling twilight dies and anxiously circling Bride chariot all around to for real snatch us out very, very soon 100 million westerners mostly incinerated, blink and you’ll miss it! GODS TRUMP'S ARE RUNNING; GOGS TRUMP'S ARE BURNING! You, yours, yours?
South Carolina Wildfires Tear Through Neighborhoods as Evacuations Escalate -tell me, are those Carolinas wiped out by Helene also being affected by ebbing and flowing, flowing fiery doomsday apocalypse that they don't just pitch tents but run far, furiously away? Pope 'rested well' overnight and wakes up on Ash Wednesday via @YouTube: I wasn't looking nor was I expecting this report even though I'd suggested what you should intercede for him!" First I'm hearing him, stumping back and forth, back an forth around up there, and the home planet been pending uninhabitable since, then I hear "no further delays, US soil, desolations predicted (inundated US West Pacific), now come! Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel Then early 2019 There's a Daniel 5 hand Writing 99 Bowls of Molten and It's Aug, A Hand Writing Clumsily Shaky, Shaky Shelter "Escape Yellowstone!" Until By 2023 Oct Hallow-eve, Hallo-ween we're mocked, whether we're running? Running? It is not the state of Georgia, a safehaven territory get it, Noah's Day GOD of wrath can burn every country on this continent to planet and leave only Trump Gabriel THEM to Archangel THEM, safehaven Georgia's COAST crossover into Africa's SW Atlantic I've been there seen it! Marvel not as mocked burning NBA's California dreaming followed by recently burning California celebrities, with a Duchess of Sussex and her UK Prince stirred up in unprecedented firestorms:
I saw on the screen, NBA's California Dreaming into bloody Red Memphis/Nile/Red Carpet Oscars the scripture Joel 2, the scripture Joel 2, cries sounds the trumpet, because agents of fiery doomsday apocalypse, as Eze 5, designed, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, are on the release, "no further delays US soil cried Rev 10, Mighty Angel, just as we witnessed the ten days the, well beware Russia Putin befriending Gog's Trump, N. Korea befriending Magog's Trump is why we got, why we're all running from dominoing, incinerating Hawaii/US Pacific States.
Only I thought just prior to this good news the billions of you his followers, say that 3:00 PM metamorphosis of the Sunlight of God into the Brides skyrocketing Chariot and I Apostle Prophet THEY say I am can use this pop-up burnt offering to intercede by 2 Chron 7:14, 15 God's back turn at ex US Leads VP's Harris. Plainly at all and any like The Pope, those advocating world stretching sodomy or in Noah's Doomsday Genesis Man marriage abomination, detestations to instead intercede, by (Psalm 51 both your and his souls, and by Dan 9, begin vss 4, The Pope and all, THEIR on board titanic evil leaders, abominable, detestable.
The 175 fires Carolina acknowledges HIS Righteousness to wrath, the thousands in pieces to tens of millions incinerated US W Pacific in West Rule lives, commemorate the time of horrid death and dying to come, the smoke of it all burning Canada, 5000 miles into blessed crossover, blessed blaexit, Africa's SW Atlantic, up into the brazen altar, we pray GOD'S back turn throne response to Father King Solomon offering of the newly built temple in reverse.
Rightly the one King Zion Jesus warn sabotaging, murdering religious leaders there wouldn't be left one stone upon another, we hearing as Ezekiel 9 Ink Horn man, pray for all "human beings at the wailing wall: "if thy people STAR WARRING Ancient Of Days Holy Father which are called by thy name, which are stampeding by thy name," (remember God's Trump's are running, Gog's Trump's are burning): "shall humble themselves and pray, seek thy face and turn from their American Dreaming, evil, wicked ways, instead hear thou them from heaven, forgive their sins, and intercede human extinction by King Zion Jesus, descending millennium, and heal their turf wars your infinite Kingdom Come!" See entire comments here,; Noah's Day HGOW/hearing a Noah's Cousin, to Aqua Era, of flooding molten lava,!,
Vatican says Pope Francis is ‘peaceful’ after ‘respiratory crisis’ via @YouTube; X I just realize as the original 12 Apostle/Prophets mine too began with a questions I just Decided I’d stop asking; the one thing close to the Antichrist, Gog’s Trump trying to turn around: like have The Pope repented of Hawaii Missile morning Rev 2 Jesus warning the homophile/Pedophile priesthood to aiding and abetting procrastinators of Sunlight GOD commanded Juneteenth inherit, exodus?
X Head turning shock to hear I grew up in the spirit of prophecy that Dan 9:27/Rev 13:5 Trumps April 2/17 he and Hitlers Germany 20th 2025 reigning Antichrist assassinated The Pope, so how is he dying from US bio-lab covid, mutating Into Rev 6, 4th seal pale horse, leaving a college campus inundated obviously its dead, with horse of hades, allying; but so is 2 Chron 7:14/15 a 36,000 piece burnt offering of interceding some be brought back Elo-Him’s as to King Solomon, fiery doomsday response!
X Once pending a double funeral, sick to death myself as recent as Dec 10, 2024, yeah the pileup of dirty kleenexes were first of all mine! Determined not to carry on as a Lot, knowing I’d tempt GOD; realizing surrendered to ALMIGHTY ELO-HIM HE HAS HIS RIGHTS: discipline I called it; each righteous revelation turn my dire situation around but nothing like pleading I wasn’t suffering according to aiding and abetting Sunlight of GOD commanded exodus! You, yours, again yours?
I know waking, hearing right around Gog’s Trump near assassination their Islamic assassin creed “ he will kill you sabbath day, on Main Street; there’s also Red Dragon shown to devour Mother Africa’s/Father Abraham’s first born son as soon as he’s born, snatched out as eyes’s blink: still nothing like all of a sudden every football field ever of Star warrior ganging. shacking to overwhelming of intervention; skyrocketers warning beware of hybrid angels, Aliens from above!
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