Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Article The Moon is slowly drifting away from Earth and it's beginning to impact us;


Prophecy Links Fulfilling flood water down pink martyred blood, breakage of the Genesis rainbow covenant Nuclear, SOLAR Aug 11, 5 Years The Handwriting Clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE, Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse, 2024, See more here,  Article, PERFECT Triangle Craft Parked Next to the Moon  - Moon Seemed TOO Far So... via @YouTube 

Article The Moon is slowly drifting away from Earth and it's beginning to impact us;; twice now, 2022/2023 while trying to get a better look at the moon, I’ve caught glimpses of flying over craft, one looked as animated as the water spot images; engineer genius Musk playing games? 

See more here,The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Evidence of an Interstellar Portal? (S5) via @YouTube; I'm thinking, revisited, Jan 16, 2023, as I squeezed into that not yet recognized Super Mario cart, big, lil sis was skyrocketing us to heaven to find momma.  Like, here's July, Aug 2022, my grands had just turn and went into the house, like I said, I walked down to the edge of drive, out of tree, wanting to see the moon better, when a craft as this image flew, just above my neighbors house, fly right over me, so close, clear, I could see its animated as the craft, it's animated characters, left dumb founded as I went back into the house!  

-Just as the long, long, long shaking, quaking ear numbing event, involved a sudden skyrocketing off the planet, how Eze 5, designed, Ben Affleck Armageddon to Batman, Vs Superman, The Avengers alien invasion, leading captivity captive all orphan children, I know, it's Sept 23 2017, Rev 12, planetary, phenomenon Sept 23, 2015

Event Grand Caden/UK Cameron mix, involved boarding a craft, where you think I got the escaping bride, B-ETA, from, I was looking right at its scrolling panel, in these for near 40, Chernobyl April spring rapture demos, I know what's going on around me, even if I don't explain, for decades, they'd arrived, two thirds the way, know there had to be some ginormous structure up there, so conspiring the moon wasn't was we think, wasn't that farfetched, one thing, Fallen Angels, why Aliens, exist, how intelligent to genocider does that make Aliens to that bottomless of monsters?   

YouTube mrmbb333, Something wasn't right! Did humans make something THIS big? via @YouTube; we know they exist, they’re not ours; who are they; where do they come from, what do they want? HBOW/Apb

Article, Space Colossal X-class solar flare erupts from 'rule-breaking' sunspot and Earth is in the firing line (video); ginormous solar events The 2001/2016/2023, The TIFF/CME/EMP revisited as an end of the world scenario! HBOW/Apb

Youtube, Marfoogle, DESTRUCTION IS COMING | MASSIVE HACK via @YouTube

See here, 5000 Degree Object SWARMING the Earth and Scientists DON'T Know What it IS! via @YouTube; Except You're Running to be counted as Michael’s List 

Some Translated, Crossed Over, skyrocketed, firerocketed . You’re In For The Ancient Hellis Of A Losing Battlefield Endangering The Soul, ever or ever again! 

Like this untellable threat, there’s threaten US Rev 17, 7th Angel plus there’s been here lately three hammering off of the reigning Mt Sinai type of more apocalyptic events, from up there. the hammering as  it set dominoing volcanoes on Orange alert and warn Hawaii is building, into.

Ezekiel 5 designed, The Death Bringer from beneath; THE TIFF to Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, don’t take a genius, a rock from space,  that’s also a hyper eruptions.  Rev 7 Adam opens with Noah’s Day extinction level GOD and not man, commanding the four apocalyptic superstorms. 

No doubt like monsters all that’s been hitting the earth since my July/Aug 2016/2023, TIFF, CME/EMP May 10 2023, not for 500 years event! Since got me saying it’s the end of the world and just as Jesus warn as they days of Noah we wouldn’t know it! 

I remind as they skyrocketed us off the planet soon to go viral date, Sept BETA 22/23 (2015). THEY warn one thing Adam, see here,; alien dangers from above. Frightnight we’re not just talking Brad Pitt Ad Astra but Ben Affleck Batman vs Superman common enemy, Rev 9 keys to the bottomless pit, Alien Invasion! 

Don’t forget this ministry begin with a Chernobyl nuclear meltdown wiping out planet earth.  Near  40 years of Moses commanded exodus of rewinding us back thru the fulfillment of biblical prophecy whereby Oct 17, 2028  Rev 11 begin vss 15, 7th Angel sounds Jesus and a multibillion man Royal Priesthood descends, rule!

So Adam whether America, The Americas to WEST RULE come as ancient history to methodological of ever having existed all the fate of this planet’s inherit, I repeat the overall fate  of  all this planet inherit, blessedly are those in the first resurrection. Why DIE ! Why PERISH WHY?  Why chance Eze 9 Heart Stabbers chase you down,When  Mat 24/Rev 3/Rev 18 Jesus suggest , earths inherit Watch! RUN! Live/Translate/Crossover/Ascend

You ever question why they use Sunlight Of God.,  bragging our enemies as under our feet’s to deliver from Chernobyl meltdown: why’s they’ equally use Rev  10 Mighty Angel saying time out, no prophecy return void;  to  curse earths inherit, a  dominoing fiery doomsday volcanic apocalypse USOB with a 7 Angel carrying 7 more., more Apocalyptic  than every before. bowl judgment 

LIVE: Palestinians Leaving Gaza and Migrant Weaponization via @YouTube

After Near 40, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture Demos, Of Prophetic Parables, Even THEY Just Laid An As Psalm 139 Book of Remembrance To Rev 20, Lamb's Book Of Life To What's Come A Michael's List, Book Of Remembrance AT The Foot Of My Prayer Bed But Of The Keeping Of What Divine Records? HBOW/Apb, The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess queen bride, Anjea Achelois Sanskrit and Lord, King Bridegroom  Hermes Melchizedek, Cronus Benevolent 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nexus Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Agdin Lakely Brodie and Ersel Hedley Beckham was born a godson Uzziel Kolkai Brodie, a godson Elson Avion Brodie, a goddaughter Xenophon Erxes Brodie and a goddaughter Shaughnessy Xackery Brodie, Beckham

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM

"Come to bed sweetheart, I wanna hold you, will he at this time Akmaid Syed destroy the entire house of Palestine? You know, Goddess Maqata Moath what Hawaii Missile morning, Rev 2, Jesus threaten, how he’d use death to take riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers children, all being endangered. Then, then stunning love performed it, starting with those two drowned, school bus brothers, May 3, 2023, 37 countdown into June 10, 2023, a husband, updated, date. I know Akmaid, we're Palestine, we're but worms and no man, but even worms deserve feeding our decaying flesh, plus it's said the dead can't worship Elo-him, how mercy is better, than sacrifice, that these broken heart bones, mend. Come on," picking her up, carrying her his way, her absence getting too trying for him. "Well, I just read her saying, an inconsolably, even back turn throne of God, devastating even to planetary bodies all silence, " fitting her small frame so tenderly, lovingly into his warm, soothing self, them, his other part, "but what sweetheart was his agonizing regret, Noah’s flood or Noah’s Ark? Tribunal Deburk, reminding Manifest season finale Bowie, 57 had to reference grand Sia Brad Pitt, Jolie kids, encroaching guerilla war, fallout shelter to multimillion man traffic jams! His begrudging advisers screaming she wouldn't still be endangered if she'd been on the 57th. Here's Grand Sia thinking it's US Marine to submarine related and in real-time, its Oct 11, 2021, reports a trading with terrorist of info about US submarines tech. Right, right, but still loving husband, what does it all mean? You mean besides Goddess Maqata TV series Manifest, like the movie Super Mario brothers ending, don't forget Netflix Damsel, all, all, all, with Dragons and a molten lava escape. Remember, THEY portrayed Grand Sia a damsel in distress, that penny store reveal, the sunlight itself metamorphosis into that diamond carve, crystal dove chariot of a sky-rocketing escape. Reminded, Grand Sia CBN warning, Palestinians Leaving Gaza and this other, Maqata, Angels warning Texas, get out. Darius Sia Memphis Carter point out those biblically Grand Sia are describing the same, simultaneous each fast aways to arrival, Isaiah 16;1-5, Zechariah 13/14, Grand Sia, Lord Urusalem, Hawaii Missile morning, Mat 24/Rev 7 John, Rev 12 Archangel, Rev 18 Jesus. Lest we forget Sunlight of God, behind a silence in heaven, from behind a Mt Sinai type, is 'THE ONE," Goddess Maqata Moath commanding, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, even showing, Sept BETA, 22/23 2020, Rev 12, skyrocketing New Born, birth mother Frightnight to rolling twilight skies is first of all, though since indescribably adored, adulterous wife, mother Africa. Too, too, escaping, as into the wilderness for her life, as in Akmaid Syed, she too by John, seen running for safehaven territory. Yeah, maybe she'll run into famed letters, USA also seen floating off toward its SW Africa, its hundreds of millions in exile luxury. I think I just made a funny, I think you did as well, they both saying, yawning hard, into moisten eyes, "mocking them all, Psalm 2 Rev "11", scooching in better, praying for sweet sleep, "Star Warring, AODHF would be proud."  Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see more, Regan Central, Phearson McPhearson here, See Also, here, Ascension : The Gone In A Blink Of An Eye, Tribe (

Unto Goddess Maqata Moath Kahlout and Akmaid Syed Farook, Sulaiman was born a goddess Dina Mahdi Mohamed Kahlout, a lord Ahmed Nael Nizar, Kahlout, a lord Ibrahim Mohamed Kahlout and a goddess Hanaa Farook Kahlout Sulaiman
YouTube Marfoogle, DESTRUCTION IS COMING | MASSIVE HACK via @YouTube; and when you Adam/Earth’s Inherit Shall See The Abomination (DESTRUCTOR) That Maketh Desolate: RUN!
May 31 2022 Gen 15, Revisiting Pompeii movie of Sodom, Volcanoes to Fireballs, Skyrocketing US Trump Gabriel To Archangel Michael THEM, Staying Back Is As Lot’s Wife Deadly/ Damning As Going Back To Looking Back! Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic to Aug 24/25 Rev 9 Alien Apocalypse Destroy! See here, 5000 Degree Object SWARMING the Earth and Scientists DON'T Know What it IS! via @YouTube; Except You're Running to be counted as Michael’s List Some Translated, Crossed Over, skyrocketed, firerocketed. You’re In For The Ancient Hellis Of A Losing Battlefield Endangering The Soul, ever doomsday planet or ever again! HBOW, she’s seen Adam, launching Dan 2 Prophet Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed stone from heaven; 

Super Mysterious Atlantic 'Ocean Anomaly' RETURNS! via @YouTube

The Crossing Over The Old Arkansas Bridge Down On King Nebuchadnezzar/Perfect Dangerous Man Psalm 51/Dan 9 Repentant

First is a ticking down 7 years Oct 17, 2018/2019 Dan 4 fast and furious Ludacrist contagion dumbing down some of the most highly intelligent to technological on the planet? I know what if this underwater USO is of Mortal Engine Elon’s Musk them, Blessed Brexit/Blaexit? Remember, I been designing a blessed Blaexit by submersible paradise cruise ships decades before 2009 2012 movie. Even the Movie series highly technological submersible Aircraft Carrier. 

If this is as I suggested they get here, why is Elon Musk waiting, Archangel Michael’s List permission? Remember, I explained ten matrix days that Hawaii missile scare innumerable in Jacob ladder skyrocketing US. Soon heard Prancing anxiously above the planet Mighty Angel were still here Jan 22-29, 2018 apparently a fiery crash, death and hell too good for them, when US R Congress escape train ran amok. 

So not a 2009/2012 movie Blaexit, they weren’t gonna bring the world to a presently ticking down human genocide and run off hiding somewhere. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, we’re in Sunlight Of God, God’s Back Throne, commanded Moses’ Juneteenth inherit exodus; mother daughters to father Abraham’s Sons! Presently Rev 20, Lamb’s book, of Michael Lists!

Frightnight and those who’s name weren’t written, Psalms 139
Book of remembrance; when I woke seemingly having run, plenty mad dashes, the lyrics “we exalt thee,” playing continuously in my head. I’d been in a school, name call of the Lamb’s book of life; Uvalde school shooting never ending line of orphan children! Knowing who, what, why, when and where to blessed exile luxury, you, yours, again yours, running? HBOW/The RAM

Adam ✅


The Real Reasons why Gaddafi was ki!!ed,

Seeing, Bush/Cheney error Islam they greasing handlebars disallowing China and Russia! 

Hussein Obama’s error father Gaddafi was killed because ally China betrayed him and his US of Africa and golden denair currency threaten US of America/Saudi/ Petro/currency. Ironic, mocked Obama campaigned US WH  hundreds of millions of Americans escaped to Gaddafi’s US of SW Africa’s Atlantic not the continuity of America nor West Rule! 

The Chosen TV series, Mary wondering outside Lazarus empty tomb; I said they still don’t know, “WHAT HE IS!” What he promised knowing Lucifer to extinct his Godman just as ELO-HIM CREATED The Adam and The Eve! Next I’m looking at mighty Angel saying desolation predicted US soil now come! BEWARE! GOD IS NOT MOCKED! 

I prophetically and knowingly predicted a Hussein WH as they persecuted and executed burning Bush error Saddam. Not only does Rev 11:1, 2 say for 42 months Israel’s neighbor will rule over her; I’d seen it, what happened to Aug 5, 7, 31 and Sept 3 send this monster system fire-rocketing that Jesus Millennium Reign!

Marvel not the Nov 04, 1975 Paperboy, Handlebars Grew A Saudi/US Petro-dollar funeral reef Into the Heavens! I still see him, the golf course of approving Israel using terrorism as a tool of genocide! I explained to AODHF if he doesn’t stop her, Dan ⅞, Eze 38/39 Rev 17/18 she, E for Egypt: A for Assyria: B for Babylon: M/P for Medo Persia: G for Greece: R for ROME: B for Britain/B for Britain, C for Canada: A for America: WR for West Rule and L for Little Horn, all her eight genocider world rule; until intervening Human extinction Jesus Millennium. F for Fornication; LGBTQ-MMM-P for Pedophier and that’s all I said! 

YouTube Alerts On ‼️ Typhoon Maria' Leaves Japan in Ruins! Brutal winds and rainfall in nort... via @YouTube; by the time we’re hearing Mighty Angel desolations predicted US soil now come, millions are being incinerated; you’re not listening, even VP Harris Same Gender, campaign. marriage abomination breakage of the Genesis rainbow covenant; Noah’s Cousin isn’t just flooding waters but flooding magma, beware of dominoing, incinerating W. Pacific/US W. Pacific! 

Beware, BIG JUNE, 10  2023 Revisit Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone as The Last Day Of America; what if all biblical prophecy is fulfilling like it’s the end of the world? What if Adam the last straw, break elephants 🐘 of staying unaware back, pushed to the edge Russia is the one aligned with China simultaneously as Iran take Israel they invade US soil? Those coordinated attacks I warn a week now, X’s The Saviour thinking y’all want this so bad. Frightnight, WH Obama to Jesus Millennium reign to burning California’s Kobe Bryant crash, July 27/28 2023, 100 million westerners UK, BC, US first to die! HBOW/Apb

He That  Lose His Life For My Sake Shall Gain It Forever More; he that endures for me, I will grant him a crown of life! Hawaii Missile morning Hammering Rev 2/Rev 17:14 JCON/JCOR

Blessed Are Those In The First Resurrection Your Souls Are No Longer In Danger ALL OTHERS You’re In It For The Investment Of Your immortality, REPENT, RUN OR PERISH! 


And The Voice Of The Holy Church Bride Is Heard No More At All In Thee Only The Two Witnesses! Waking speaking a none human language, see entire prophetic parable, here,

Article, Human Interest 12 Jarring article Photos of the Ongoing California Wildfires,

Youtube AMTV, BREAKING !!!! KAMALA WINS AND AMERICA IS DONE !!!!! CHANCES HIGH ✅ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ—½πŸš€πŸ† via @YouTube; Did I Hear You’re In A Mocked Pelosi’s USA Going Off The Map And Can’t Save Anyone, Taiwan? Beware, The Handwriting of Judgment, Jeremiah 37:8, at one point, King Zedekiah, thought he could burn God's forewarning scrolls, Egypt was coming to his rescue; those, warning the opposite, how he and his, like yours were headed for mass death tolls and exile to a foreign country. 


ASTEROID DESTROY Even Musk Warn, Newsom Mutilating (Transgender) Middle Schools  


Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael put us in Daniel final week of years Dan 9:27 / Rev 11:1, 2 Rev 13:5 Oct  17 2021 and America, WR goes away first; coupled with Trump’s Sept 16, 2020 Abraham Accord Remember Chris by Rev 11:1, 2 I predicted a Hussein WH while they were hunting down Saddam Hussein; know Bible prophecy THEY say, blessed are hearers, doers! 

The same Dan 9:24-26 two weeks and 7 years timetable that kept the Senator Obama WH for two consecutive terms, then Jesus millennium reign, July 26/27 2016! Know this is the same April 2/20,2019, two weeks and 7 year timetable that brings Trump back for his four years left, Jesus authentic reign Oct 17, 2028! Apparently paused by the Biden/Harris WH  which paused Rev 6, 4th seal version of US lab bio-Covid. 

I keep telling y’all these many ticking down time tables of Trumps is what keep saving him  and nothing else; Frightnight Chris this mean he, his Abraham Accord is the only its US representation during our exile luxury into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic that can carry a proxy US  presidency through the Antichrist reign April 2025 thru Oct 2028; even NASA’s TFF/CME/EMP April 2025 gone viral’, knowing where RUN! HBOW/Apb

YouTube, TRIBL, Rev 7:13-17/Rev 11: 11-13/Rev 13:5,(BLINKING OF AN EYE TRIBE), Refiner (feat. Chandler Moore & Steffany Gretzinger) | Maverick City Mus... via @YouTube; I looked at my grand, who’d  witnessed US escapees down on all fours, Kings Nebuchadnezzar and Pres Trump’s Daniel 4, crossing into US Georgia’s coast/ CROSSOVER, shockingly saying, asking 
do they know what they’re singing “I Wanna Burn for you, only for you!” did they equally know US states of barbecue though they’ll burning, there’s those found unworthy to burn for him? 

WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! Back Turn Throne, Backturn Rite Aid Counter, Backward Letter C Pandemic, US Lap/College Campus, Bio/DNA, Covid!

Wildfires rage in Pacific Northwest US and western Canada; "the fire Father acknowledges your righteousness to wrath, the thousands in pieces, commemorate coronavirus death and dying and mass die offs come; The smoke of its burning rising up forever and forever into the brazen alter, we pray your response to @ Chron 7, Father King Solomon offering of the temple, in reverse. "If the people which are called by that name, which are stampeding by thy name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their wicked ways here thou them from heaven, forgive their sins, and by the coming of Jesus with healing leaves from the tree of life, for eons and eons to come, heal from tugs of turf wars! HBOW, you're to imagine, Holy church Bride, arrives in time, to possess, prep and launched, Daniel 2 stone, from heaven, soon hearing in our ears, "The Antichrist murderer,  Apb, The RAM 

Again II Chron 7:14/15, Beware I just included all born-again and faithful touching and agreeing in a burnt offering prayer of interceding a miracle we’d soon be hearing about in the news. I know to post these II Chron 7, King Solomon type burnt offering prayers; was this why this elevation song, Refiner is the most intimidating ever? So I’d just watched Passion Of Christ to The Sound Of Freedom Jim Cavizel as imprisoned Apostle Paul’s Luke, Paul, Official Trailer | Now Playing via @YouTube; who’d at one time with Christians, faced. Let’s say @ shaykhsulaiman, Father Abraham’s 40,OOO Gazans dead, mostly women and charcoal children. Jan 12/13 2022, revisiting the house, Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus 2018, here it’s Hawaii is building into 2022, even my Memphian portrayed a Pompeii movie of Memphis my two brother nephews, gladiators all!

Luke, who would soon witness a Christian tied to a light pole poured over with pitch and set ablaze. He was this scene assuring terrified prisoners, they’ll be thrown into the Colosseum games tortured and ripped by beast animal to inhumane evils. 

Only know, death can’t contain them, a crown of righteousness await; saying Jesus himself a being beheaded, Ken Peters, was assured and instantly they’d be celebrating in Elysium, that’s actually The Lamb of God, Throne, bosom, you, yours again your names Michael’s list, I’m telling you. you won’t really know except you repent, Ps 51/Dan 9, vs 4, and knowing where, run! HBOW/Apb

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