Friday, August 16, 2024

Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Now Is Your House Left Unto You Desolate. Imagine if a US leader said this about Nazi Germany during WW2!


Prophecy links fulfilling, Nuclear Aug 16,  Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024: the days surrounding Trump’s assassination attempt wasn’t just intravenous Angels but some to do. about Aliens! I want to answer this question: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Evidence of an Interstellar Portal? (S5) WHAT DOES IT MEAN? via @YouTube; what does it all mean? Rev 12 John begin to say, “ and there was war in heaven,” it’s Jan thru March 2022, intravenous just up and explained fallen Angels since the war and exile John witnessed; they’re why Aliens exist and predate the Genesis Adam/Eve, procreating human being by what could be hundreds of thousands to millions of years once you understand ELOHOM GOD and not Aliens created the human being you can better understand all the mysteries predating the Genesis God man! 

There’s this question I have are triangle crafts spoils of that interstellar battle, do they like the movies have beam me up Scotty technology? I know that’s two questions; I experienced two events, three actually that proves simultaneously separate timeline are being used or transporting portals. One shocking my socks off I’m looking at three, triangle darts, those multicolor lights and the next passenger jet it was like they passed right by each other, different directions or did they? 

Where I’d seen those triangle craft that 2022, was the same skyline that long, long long, shaking, quaking hovering and a Rev 17:14 hammer Jesus Christ leading captivity captured all orphan children just skyrocketed or was that beamed out! Again at this time, watching my grands suddenly translated from Pompeii movie of Memphis into Safehaven Georgia’s Coast, originally involved boarding a craft! 

Riddle Foundational Apostle/Prophet this, THEY at the height of our technology intervene by space ships THEY A TIFF/CME/EMP, 190 year deficit return us on horse back with wings; eerie coincidence? 

 Jackson Hinkley 


PRESIDENT TRUMP: "If you hate America, if you want to eliminate Israel, then we don't want you in our country."

Imagine if a US leader said this about Nazi  Germany during WW2!

Those Bullets Wizzing Around  Deaf Ears,

were to give him better clarity! 

Prophesy To The Leaders Of The Democratic Free World Repent Sickbeds And Sleepovers, Run Or Perish! 

-He still don’t realized he, his Abraham Accord been predestined as far back as Judas Iscariot; why Rev “11” AODHF shown HIMSELF Star warring Biden/Harris Genesis marriage abomination: Trump is to be the leader of American, of West Rule in exile Africa’s SW  Atlantic, plus I keep warning the speed hour glass ticks down the nanosecond, Apocalypse Now! 

YouTube Marfoogle News, MASS EXODUS, They are ALL COMING HERE! via @YouTube marvel not they just showed famed letters USA floating off The American Continent into Africa’s S. W. Atlantic after its hundreds of millions stampeding across there! Fretnot Isa 16/Mat 24/Rev 7/12 the same exodus Apb

See here, 

Gen 15/Mt 24/

get a glimpse of what Jacob, Jesus and my for 4 decades ministry has been like 

I want to ask parents and preacher and politicians alike 

If those Gabriel‘s trumpet run, how many of those archangels list will run with them?

See here, Hitler's Jurassic Monsters - The Untold Story | Free Documentary History via @YouTube; speaking of Nazi Germany this video help me re realize why that Hilter Germany Antichrist Army disguised themselves as policing German Shepherds!

Article. Pentagon says there is a 'deepening cooperation and relationship' between Russia and Iran; fretnot, here's why I  predicted a Hussein WH as Saddam was being prosected to executed. Like a campaigning Trump Pres Putin is getting on the right side of prophecy

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Queen Bride, Agdin Lakely Brodie and King Bridegroom Ersel Hedley Beckham

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nexus Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Wolfson Helston Calderon, Smith and Hollyn Aesleigh Naeleigh Ballerina was born a goddaughter Pietro Alessandro Smith a godson Sageon Remedy Smith a son Danielle Reedson Smith a goddaughter Alondra Chiara Smith 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM

“There’s no given thoughts until tomorrow, but the hour glass it’s sand particles speeding into the nanosecond simultaneously Trump Gabriel THEM are translating children and skyrocketing Saints, Archangel Michael firerocketing West Rule, crossing over tribulation Saints tens of millions are dying US soil, soon a billion planet wide and you Ten, Anonymous , Alex Jones, NBA’s California Dreaming; Canadian Prepper AMTV, Musk, Pastor Breaker, Pastor Begley and Evangelist Anita need to figure where you and millions you influence fit in these 4 categories; watch! run! live! Guys,” coming curiously as they all seem into Goddess Valdivia shoulder, “why is there a line around the building? Grand Sia here, she’s covering Tribunal Sioux Noel’s reveals for the  week. As you see, Wolfson man, standing room, hall the campus only. Paradise Skyfall, Grand Sia is here?” Okay then,  getting to, seeing to his timer, “how long? Like 3 noon, next 3 days, I know a better way,” seeming to stretch quite a few necks to ears his way, what you taking Hadleigh man? Quietly come this way, won’t see much of her, but we can hear her well, where y’all slipping off too, quiet, Quaid man, shhhhh, just come, quietly. No Tribunal Juttah, we better pray holy intravenous aren’t verifying an army of aliens aren’t as well being loosed out the bottomless pit, they referring to Brad Pitt isn’t equally his Ad Astra, a growing camouflage of a guerrilla war with hybrid fallen angels, again Aliens. What chance we have? With what Tribunal Medicine Bow, with Aliens? None, which is why THEY yank us all out, including Tribulation Saints, you can say in the movie The Tomorrow War, they got that part right. Marvel  not we wrestle not against flesh and blood, again explaining the mad dash to get off this planet Angel and Aliens alike, Trump’s attempted assassination. You do know that’s like saying he’s as important as the sounding 7th trumpet not him, The Abraham Accord, of fulfilling Daniel’s last weeks, Eve’s woman seed, Jesus Christ intercedes human extinction! So yeah that’s kinda important. Darius Lord Urusalem, all this time, exiled here the war in heaven predating the Adam for what could be hundreds of thousands to millions years. Then just as Rev 12 Red Dragon. waiting Tribunal Heelsfeet to devour husband and wife, The Adam, The Eve as soon as ELOHIM breath into Him/Her his breath a living spirit to godliness!” So Helston man, how you know about all this? Guess, just this once Reese hanging out with godtriplets who also Hels man hang out with Angel men, goddesses, even. So what else you’re not telling us, showing us even? Don’t go there Ashore Headwater man. What that mean? Imagine places you shouldn’t go because you can’t stay? You can’t unseen it, like UN-experienced it and all that’s phenomenally beyond, except heaven promised reck you, just reck you. Sound like you’re warn, but you still went, no Wolfson, we followed. You Danicka? Yeah, sneaking around as this, how many times darling wife Danicka have we ever done that again? Not ever husband, Helson, not ever, plus, I’d wouldn’t know how to get you there, without them, godtriplets, so! Grand Sia back, trying to hear.  “Then  African Juttah, understand this is America, The Americas to West Rule Trump will act as a proxy US Presidential Representative,  meaning seeing floating off the continent famed letters USA could have even greater consequences, Atlantic USA of America just come The Atlantic USA Africa; however, not the continuity of Great Whore Mystery Babylon West Rule Star Warring Gog and Magog Archangel Michael just sent firerocketing. I’m thinking since the 5 to 6th matrix tenth day count, both John 6, 6th seal and my The Phoenix of skyrocketing us through missiling down crystal skies.  You Lord Urusalem, made it clear, that four-day count was really quiescent, like we were to know and not know, simultaneously. More goddess Anjea Achelois Sanskrit, like you weren’t to be spooked, well some cursed territory, US West Pacific, know the latest Angelic warn territory was Texas, so how many miles in, since, Mighty Angels warn, being incinerated, US W. Pacific, especially Hawaii, Alaska, California? These tremendously warn areas, weren’t to be spooked, nothing was to, Judas Iscariot wasn’t to turn from betraying THE CHRIST, since the Genesis, it’s procreated and predestined. Howbeit not his suicide, that’s how he chose to deal with his bouts of disillusionment, now a spreading, contagion, Dan 4 madness curse. Too, think about Jesus explaining why he speak in parables, our sia grand, grand prophetic parables, Totally it’s unlikely but you just might hear, see and believe, Holy Father God to The Holy God of wrath, wins either way. I explained a year in, to go, since Jan and Sept 2023, He’s gotten HIS Genesis women seed/Virgin BIRTH EMMANUEL/Jesus Christ Cross gotten multibillion man, Royal Priesthood and gone, leaving what’s apparently it’s aftermath, recurring apocalypse upon the earth, warn extremely well known, like for millennia, by one watcher after another. Understand the rapture is an unprecedented catastrophe upon this planet, suddenly tens of millions dead, tens of millions, injured, tens of millions missing but, but how else will Eze 5, witnessed Elo-HIM get you running? Indescribably anxious Mighty Angel saying desolations predicted US soil, now come! The incineration of the West Pacific, US W Pacific saves how many billions of lives and therefore how many billions of souls? Ezekiel 5/9, How else’ Sia Maaseiah Lord Urusalem will he get them to run? Although I mocked would Netanyahu armies be allowed to claim they’re all terrorist and keep pursuing these helpless, most endangered women and children? CBN just reported Palestine is escaping, my explaining escape is better than sacrifice, the scripture used to mock an, Eze 5 a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE/Batman vs Superman, again, and again, and again, one of those judgments is a catastrophe upon the planet for one reason, mandatory evacuation. Clearly because your genocider leaders just showed a US lab of a BioDNA Covid, show ain’t gonna do it, cull unrighteousness proven to be evident, here’s an article, the last time Harris was in South Africa it was to drive her same gender agenda, this tug of war with instead escaping them, a mass dieoff ascension. Jesus, THE CHRIST. Frightnight Harris and Democrats raging on, making the one world Sodom, beginning with the one populace that’s died from a sexually transmitted disease HIV-Aids more than any other legalized marriage abomination, her same gender agenda is like dropping nuclear bombs on top of atomic bombs, Asian Counties Nagasaki, Hiroshima yet I gave pause to the prepped, launched incoming Dan 2 meteor described The Antichrist, descript, murderer, but if you think that’s what Jesus described him, a murderers from the beginning! Feeling his heart sink, seeing fingers pressed to his lips El Shaddai them coming into their own hideout of listening in. “Seriously, all those great, small advising God’s people need to stand still long enough to reconsider why Eze 9 commanded heart stabbers, beginning at God’s sanctuary, all parents commanded dead are chasing down Stampeders and what does revisited Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 John hearing and those who didn’t die by the plagues repented not, to do with it? Remember, Hawaii missile morning, Rev 2 Jesus threaten unrepentant sickbeds to sleepovers, children California Dreaming Gov Newsom just theaten to emancipated from their parents for children transgender health, but, but, but also since Big June 10th 2023 a hammering off of more apocalyptic events skyrocketed all endangered children off this planet. I know you still have question, I can’t address right now, there’s meetings are disassembled,  blessed, day, African Juttah, sweet sleep! Dae, Dae, man, I know, I shouldn’t have brought them, yeah I know Helson, you want to be big man around campus! Look, all I can tell you he’s right, there see places along these portal you shouldn’t go. We, Chodna and I, haven’t been back either, none of us and best example. how little those who’ve been to paradise heaven, including our Sia moms. Like fail in giving us some real clarity describing what they saw; to what degree Jesus who come down from heaven described  paradise heaven, so well?  Blessed He didn’t! Wait, are you El Shaddai man saying we were in the paradise of God or some level? Hey, you guys see that you tube short lightening catching the shadow of someone walking around up there? I saw that Wolfson, thought about Grand Sia Rev 10 Mighty Angel stammering around up there. travailing like a husband, with a wife travailing in birth, then over W Pacific, US W Pacific predicted desolations predicted now come! That’s how Grand Sia describes it all, I mean, wow! So El Dae, Dae man, don’t know,  just so horrifically, mesmerizing to mesmerizingly intimidating! Remember the year the word, the descriptor unprecedented went viral, like there’s no explaining this outbreak of such phenomena events, hey we better go, some of you already late and burning costly credits! All forgiven Dae, Dae man?” Designing an agreeing fist to shoulder bump, “yeah Hels man, just can’t trust you no more, ah come on, who else you gonna trust? El, El, a little help, Evden, New Guy, really, okay making amends to God Triplets, what’s that about? “No Cheyenne just tell me this isn’t still about avoiding me, what if that’s what others are thinking? Just as beyond stunning as the day they met those piercing stirring the romantic heart, golden eyes and every Deburk brother wanted her their own, some still, tribunal Heelsfeet, Headwater, a questionable Sioux Noel!  My resignation to relocation to paradise skyfall wasn’t enough? You can’t think like that the sacrifices you’ve made. I know for a fact Sioux got the Richat Structure, oh my god, what? wait, what? Yes every tribunal here went after that position I know legitimately he’s and, ah, and, Eve Lynn, right Eve Lynn are on a trip there, meetings, assignments and such, my god, easing hand in hand into a seat, I know he’s to be on same said floor f the continent as you; which leave with another question reaching out to Skyfall sabbatical to pilgrims yet stalled if your Mesure Specialist Veneer has to do with it! Right well how about taking over Sia Sioux post, here, three days a week? Another’s shocker Cheyenne I didn’t see coming. You ready love, our transit here, I’m coming, I’ll think on it, see what Sia Coogan think, Specialist too I guess, okay, easing into feel good huge, I’ll see you Cheyenne when I see and we commy your brother for congrats, I guess, blessed day Sia Maaseiah, sweet sleep!”     >>>”No, tell me you were playing with Helson, giving baby Mem Tazaddl his evening bath and THEY both loving it! Yeah, yeah you like that don’t, love it to sleep fir the night, mom and I got plans planting your brother Koph Reshiram, look he’s already yearning himself asleep. Helson concern me and you know it, so better to keep him close or further away? Right, right, I’ll start dinner you work on him, it’s my time right, ah Saturday, fish and fries, green, salad, cranberry tea and lil Mem for dessert, I know, you’re getting yours, Dae, Dae! Just leave me some, Dae Dae, what he’ll understand what it all meant pretty soon, go, go, going, going, gone!” Closing the door, all!” >>> you okay, concerningly closing his pad, tending to her, was it that disappointing he wasn’t there, why so quiet? I just want this juicy shoulder and chest quietly all the way home. Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see more, Regan Central, Phearson McPhearson here, See Also, here, Ascension : The Gone In A Blink Of An Eye, Tribe (

Yeah FSS another reminder I explained to @shaykhsulaiman a week or so before Trump’s assassination; showing pieces of Gaza’s charcoal children. How it’d be them instead praying for us, here, Ps 51/Dan 9 vss 4! WP article just in 40 Thousand in women and children, dead, hundreds of thousands injured. Truly because Israel and Saudi Arabia made a historic deal. 

Dangerously a historic deal that didn’t include the Hamas to Medes and Persians Government! You do know where your US troops are, you do equally know they have refugees running for their lives in four different countries. Actually FSS that’s five when you  count us. Sunlight of God commanded as Moses exodus! 

So evidently world in chaos because of America and West Rule spreading democracy. Unimaginably a world of open rebellion, agenda, world-wide Sodom and Gomorrah! Marvel not when my  Pompeii movie of Memphis Grand’s again translated out of fiery doomsday apocalypse. One near a decade before she’s born, since I been doing this sharing online into these comments, she’s now 31. all come pouring in grandma you was right, about all of it!  Still This other other in only months ginormous crash is nothing in comparison to their Eze 5 designed THE TIFF/CME/EMP to its Ben Affleck Armageddon. Yellowstone,

You, thinking right, you gonna need spaceships to my designed submersible Arks, Aqua Juttah. You gonna need, and have circling the Bride chariot, all around,  as prophesied Ps 91/Rev 17 intravenous Trump Of God  to Archangel Michael, THEM, repent your procrastination, Eze 9 heart stabbers might not chase you, knowing where, now run!  HBOW/Apb

YouTube Marfoogle, PENTAGON'S ALERT | CANADA IS PREPPING ARE WE NEXT? via @YouTube; you all do know, Rev 6, 6th seal/Rev 22:17, mocking you’re uselessly running to mountain: mocked who’s also possessing, “prepping,” and launching Dan 2 world ending Stone from heaven, reigning Holy Church Bride! 

Hearing, Seeing, Breaking News “After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions; The Eastern Seaboard is Gone!”

In Response To Pelosi’s Taiwan Famed Letters USA Floated Off The American Continent The Trans Atlantic Slave-Trade Of Its Making The World Desolate!

Run! Then Adam I woke from the calculations of death tolls the date Rev 13, 2009 Senator Obama was declared “the one,” while hundreds of millions of you refugees pop up out of Africa's Southwest Atlantic; 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, it’s same date Eze 39:9- 13, Zech 13/14/Rev 19, 2016 Obama WH finale I witnessed the earth littered with the dead as Jesus millennium descended, took world reign, until Gods Kingdom come! 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, its date Rev 6, 4th seal, 2023, July 27/28 , I woke from hearing calculating death tolls, Britain 25 million Canada 25 million/(Canada only has 30 million it’s inherit); that’s 100 million westerners dead! 

Then I wake knowing since Bush Clinton Bush they’ve warn  our error Islam equals 50 million US dead! Incalculable death tolls suddenly tens of millions Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn desolations US West Pacific. THEY were working on with Obama/Biden/Trump skyrocketing funeral reef by US bio-Covid Obama/Biden/Harris WH!!!

This is the same God who in only hours just now, wiped out supervillains Trump, Biden and Harris refusing to forfeit US elections for Gaza’s Children Previously for millennia Has wiped out entire worlds, empires West Rule agenda, Genesis marriage abomination alone! 

Run, Jan 16, 2023 fast and furious a Tokyo Drift, race cars, racetracks and skyrocketing super Mario Brothers carts all had your Ps 139, Rev 20, lambs book to my torn out page to Michael’s list had yours names numbers, written on a them!

THEY Dan 7/Rev 12 Trump Gabriel and Star Warring Archangel; THEY Hawaii missile morning ALL THOSE JACOB’S LADDER! THEY Mal 4 Sunlight of god; Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17 7th Angel allies him; when Jesus explained to Nathaniel they’d know by those same angels ascending, descending upon him!

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