Monday, August 12, 2024

Talk About Fast And Furious A Tokyo Drift, Decades Back, A Japan Fire Tornado Killed 38,000 People In Only A 15 Minute Spanse! Wow!

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling flood water down pink martyred blood, breakage of the Genesis rainbow covenant Nuclear, SOLAR Aug 11, 5 Years The Handwriting Clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE, Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse, 2024, See more here,  Article, Has Ukraine’s incursion into Russia's Kursk changed dynamics of the war? - Al Jazeera

Hearing Breaking News, Its A Hit, Cities Hit Guam Just Did It? Mighty Angel Saying Beware The Eastern Sea Is Gone!

-Do you know where your US Troops Are? I know where your mocked as endangering Pres/First Lady The Obama’s, the children are, US Funding wars on two fronts, involving four countries. A tug of westernized democracy Gaza’s charcoal children, weights of blood, guts and gore! Clearly Those Anubis demons all around pray for all human beings at wailing walls!!



CBN News LIVE: Palestinians Leaving Gaza and Migrant Weaponization via @YouTube; remember when I told you, in a n authentic leave the world behind scenario, including Trump/The Abraham Accord attempted assassination, my waking the next morning speaking a non-human language, hearing a box language, all coupled with these surreal to paranormal events,; and how planet has been literally turn upside down, inside out, spinning, shaky, quaky since,,

I yet contend, these were all a run signal, Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Coast, CROSSOVER, Africa's SW Atlantic coast, even how I witnessed THEM Jan 16, 2023, designing race cars, racetracks and skyrocketing into safehaven second haven intercessions; marvel not mystery moon, witnessed lately having parking spaces, for triangle/Angel, crafts; I know grand Caden/Cameron, Sept BETA 22/23 2015, boarded a craft, but is Prophet Ezekiel, Chpt 1, also describing something UFO as The Movie, Nicholas Cage, Knowing, escaping children, fallen Angel, hybrid, Aliens? Its The End Of The World, And Like Jesus Warn, Its As The Days Of Noah, And Though Knowing, We Wouldn't Know!




Yes, yes but who, N. Korea, Russia, China, BRICS, will stop Islamic blood thirsty US genocider, Frankenstein, Netanyahu armies from pursuing them? I know its prophesied Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, but these evils time come, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9. Understand up there Star Warring, Gog and Magog debated The Abraham Accord/Michael’s List Sept BETA 22/23 2020.

Know also STAR WARRING INTRAVENOUS Safehaven territory is limited; there’s, yours heartily I remind, Jordan/Jordon’s desert city Petra. Thus saith for millennia now Isa 16:1-5/ Zech 13/14, Mat 24 Jesus/Rev 12:1-6 explains during Antichrist reign, COME, how long is commanded exile luxury, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit? HBOW/Apb 

YouTube Alerts On ‼️ Typhoon Maria' Leaves Japan in Ruins! Brutal winds and rainfall in nort... via @YouTube; by the time we’re hearing Mighty Angel desolations predicted US soil now come, millions are being incinerated; you’re not listening, even VP Harris Same Gender, campaign. marriage abomination breakage of the Genesis rainbow covenant; Noah’s Cousin isn’t just flooding waters but flooding magma, beware of dominoing, burning W. Pacific/US W. Pacific! 

Beware, BIG JUNE, 10, 2023 Revisit Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone as The Last Day Of America; what if all biblical prophecy is fulfilling like it’s the end of the world? What if Adam pushed to the edge Russia is the one aligned with China simultaneously as Iran take Israel they invade US soil? Those coordinated attacks I warn a week now, X’s The Saviour thinking y’all want this so bad. Frightnight, WH Obama to Jesus Millennium reign to burning California’s Kobe Bryant crash, July 27/28 2023, 100 million westerners UK, BC, US first to die! HBOW/Apb

He That Lose His Life For My Sake Shall Gain It Forever More; he that endures for me, I will grant him a crown of life! Hawaii Missile morning Hammering Rev 17:14 JCON/JCOR

Blessed Are Those In The First Resurrection Your Souls Are No Longer In Danger ALL OTHERS You’re In It For The Investment Of Your immortality, REPENT, RUN OR PERISH! 

Blessed Are Hearers And Doers!


And The Voice Of The Holy Church Bride Is Heard No More At All In Thee Only The Two Witnesses! 

West Rule No More, Besides states of  Britain, Canada and America who virtually within an hour this time of year goes off the planet simultaneously! Those three other warn countries to continent are The Americas to Asia, Japan, China! Beware also Spain to Spanish speaking people.  

The planet goes inhabitable for a time, the ending of Nicholas Cage Knowing, its world inferno. Here’s laboring many millennia you know it’s prophetic! Especially Joel 2/2  Pet 3:10, 11, which is why so many people despite your status que, billions are dying, hell enlarges itself. Here's hearing, The Antichrist will kill millions going broke! 

The Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 mocked multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth. This is the 666 economy you will trade your children to souls to. Presently the ascending church bride assignment and Michael’s List of escapees both divine intervention to intercession that tribulation saints endure! HBOW/Apb

People in, well of the West, they don’t have a choice, THEY GOT INTRAVENOUS all around, they’re virtually losing the ground under their feet. Frightnight as it goes to 101 Yellowstone eruptions and 99 bowls of molten lava. THEY even mocked famed letters USA as using the same trajectory its stampeding since campaigning Senator Obama hundreds of millions as the old trans-Atlantic slave trade route, going back to SW Atlantic, Africa!

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:Beast Of Beauty Featuring Goddess, Queen Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz and Lord Bridegroom Renaissance Bastion, desus Achilles

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nexus Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Tierney (Tier) Lorensen Fullback and Cassel Arlen Mothel was born a son Tuscany (Tus) Lawson Fullback a son Tyrannical (Tyran), Lincoln Fullback and a goddaughter Tristian (Trist) Leonardo Fallback

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

“I rather hear more bout Grand Sia waking speaking another language, only it wasn’t of human origin! Now,”as one easing in, smelling as magnanimous as he look, as to carefully say. “If those last three waking her languages were about the most populated areas, therefore the most to die, needing speedy escape. Like did fallen Angel, Hybrid Aliens earth inherit get the same message; take its advice and are literally also by the millions leaving this planet behind? Gotta go, what the heck Blazely man! It's Evden Blazely and we’re late for reveals class. Where, where we can get Tribunal Headwater two US quarters. toll booth worth! “Wait, they all one by one coming shockingly along. “Wait, but if they’re exiled here, but what did grand Sia see updated date, Aug 24/25 2023? Elevator anyone? Wait, how’s that an updated date and does anyone know the date she’s told aliens exist? But what's Socrates man more mind boggling? I’ll tell y’all, Red Dragon according to scripture and a third of mutineering Angels, which is procreating millions in Devilment. Multimillions since the war in heaven been exiled home planet to do all the evil entrapments they do. Straightly to guarantee our Genesis man, marriage extinction, frightnight, we won’t even exist, could be not for millions of years later. Human planet and the universe, all its wonders, galaxies all first hear alpha and omega, let there be light! All, all unimaginable but can we El Dae Dae, like turn the elevator back on? I wanna know if Aliens are stampeding skyward as well as hundreds of millions refugees getting to Safehaven territories? That’d be billions, Cruiser man, my name is not, okay, okay! Then what about Grand Sia’s shown Rev 9 version, make escaping to invading hybrid Alien Angels possible? Elevator Mesure Tristan Troy, back on, so hopefully is your shirt. Okayyy, entering class talking about lost shirts, Archangel and circling bride chariot, this Nexus Juttah, gonna be good.  Actually Tribunal Headwater can the same open portals, Prophet Ezekiel and now Archangel’s Grand Caden did see. There’s these entry holes torn out of heaven, there’s Jacob’s Ladder, be used by millions of Hybrid Aliens also escaping fiery doomsday planet, that’s slash Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE? Yeah and is that the wowing reveal that send dozens in Darius Queen  Wives and goddess Amphitrite walking as around we’re screening all earth ending visual aids as Jericho TV series? I know, please take your seats Nextus Juttah, the dozens in stammering Darius Queens were more pop up reveal. Pres Trump 2024/2025 thru 2028 of what remains, it’s Two weeks and 7 years timetable. Pop up reveal seeing ticking timeline paused four years short the Biden/Harris. Plus like you Nextus Juttah I have a Darius Queen Bride inside. What Tribunal Headwater, we have Aliens escaping instead of invading? Could Cruiser Canadian Tristian Troy , like descending, ascending, skyrocketing Holies, be both!” Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth,  Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see more, Regan Central, Phearson McPhearson here, See Also, here,

YouTube mrmbb333, Earth being CONSUMED by Massive DENSITY Waves!! via @YouTube

See here, FULL EARTHQUAKE COVERAGE: 4.4-magnitude earthquake hits Highland Park area via @YouTube; Pompeii of Memphis,  Highland Park area is the most prophesied in my reveals. 

The little Miya girl, school falling on top of her, isn’t far from this area. Not only did those 4 days count us down to what happened to Aug 5 skyrocketing to firerocketing event, two West Rule systems no more. I explained by Sept 3, I was hearing shaky, shaky  shelter. Previously May 3, count us down 37 days to the hugest SOLAR TO CME/EMP/ SKYROCKETING event! 

There’s a a third hammering off of Apocalyptic events, a Noah’s Cousin. This impacting Solar Eclipse, Devil Comet. I asked a question what if we’re in recurring superstorms, the aftermath of a not for 500 years SOLAR event; presently with NASA warning an even superior , earth ending SOLAR event my date gone viral April 2/17/20 2025? HBOW/Apb 


YouTube CBN News LIVE ISRAEL UPDATE: Israel Remains on High Alert Waiting for Attack via @YouTube

YouTube USS GLOBAL BREAKING! Israel Ambushed the Most Famous Hezbollah Battalion in Ground-... via @YouTube;

Reigning Holy Church Bride Launched Dan 2 Stone From Heaven Kill All Procrastinating Parents; FINISHED Same-gender, Transgender, Pedophier, Schools/ abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches!


Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Map Into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic! No I’m not convinced, there’s a Dan 5, handwriting of judgment it’s first, Jeremiah 37:8, Stampeding elephants of staying unaware who are those invading The Chaldeans Are Coming!  There’s also a US General describing a buildup of torture vehicles a dirty Mede!

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies a US General citing no contest handing his horse to the prophet Jeremiah. A triggered by run amok SOLAR events triggering that 99 bowls of magma, Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; Israel losing to an enemy Hamath. Whereas both their error Saddam to Gaddafi send US death tolls soaring into tens of millions while hundreds of millions to a billion westerners fled into Africa's SW Atlantic!

So its really what YouTube FSS said, get out of the country, except the stay at home, surely you have a plethora of door jams to choose from. Plus, you won’t know if you’re on Michael’s list, those Juneteenth inherit, commanded by SUNLIGHT  of God, crossing back over the Trans-Atlantic basin unless you’re running! 

I think Elon Musk, we’re leaving out the question I ask right before Trump was assassinated, burning Bush expulsion and gazillions of US voters fund went to support a worldwide, Sodom and Gomorrah campaigning, agenda; who or what sacrifices, US Politicians to Presidents to save Gaza’s children; and he who didn’t die by the plague repented not lose the bottomless pity keys and four bound angels, 200 million demon army  HBOW/Apb

YouTube Marfoogle WILL IT START TOMORROW? | Urgent Update🚨 via @YouTube; I warn X’s The Saviour similar question, these will coordinated attacks that will hit US soil simultaneously, some bout invading Chaldeans, no more going home, no where to run, are you ready for that? HBOW/Apb

See here. Something went terribly wrong! Viewers watched it fall from the sky! via @YouTube; 

Beware May 10 2023/ April 8 2024 The TIFF/ CME/EMP 

Speaking Of Trump’s Trouble Flights mrmbb333 been reporting an innumerable of crashes planes to helicopters I warned were coming, Rev 12, Star Wars in heaven Jan thru March 2019; since he caught an unusual, not earth directed eruption on the sun! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Scripps News, In support of Israel, US deploys F-22's to Middle East amid rising tensions via @YouTube

ASTEROID DESTROY! Go And Get The Twelve Heirs! INVITE THE BETA! SO IF YOUR WONDERING WHAT GOD WANT YOU TO DO? There’s Blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit; SW Africa’s Exile Luxury! 

SKYROCKETING THE BETA, Bride Estimated Time Of Arrival Through Missiling Down Crystal Skies!  Reminded even when Russian, US-Ukraine offensive began. How as all US’s offensives this would turn to Islam and of course Israel. Presently their since “BURNING.” Bush/Clinton/ Bush error Islam/ “BURNING,” BIDENHARRIS/Trump/Obama/ Trump, error Islam! 

Catastrophist Jesus Mat 24/Rev 3/Rev 18 RUN! 


Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, with a speed incomprehensible. For speed, See I Thess 4:16-18/Rev 12:1-6, 50 million US, 25 Million UK, 25 million BC, dead; why you hear me saying Rev 11/12 Star Warring AODHF don’t want westerners warring, HE want them repenting Ps 51/Dan 9 vss 4, while they’re running to Trump Gabriel or Archangel Michael to save their souls! HBOW/Apb

Elon Musk ✅ X


The origin of the word “slave” is slav, which referred to white people taken as slaves

Behold I Was Shappen In Iniquity And In Sin Did My Parents Mothers Africa, Father Abraham 

Conceive Me! 

Repent Or Perish, Your Children Equally Dead! 

-Born a slave to sin, Jesus described and designed Antichrist’s savagery to slavery of Tribulation Saints, the blinking of an eye tribe. See how fast your as Noah’s world ends here, I Thess 4:16-18/simultaneously no more two its world systems and tens of millions its inherit! Apb

-As many end of world scenario as near 40 Chernobyl April Spring Raptures! I was there during Moses exodus, after The UK/US separated into itty bitty pieces and Canada wiped out! Middle East refugees were mocked street to street vendors while Jerusalem danced in their heads! Apb

While my daughter in law church members a waiting area all around. The knotted rope I used to fish “orphan,” children out of Eze 9/Rev 9 described Anubis Under- Grounds. Where Did It Come From, how was Ps 2 Star Warring AODHF now mocking procrastinators beware you yours & yours? Blessed Exile Luxury, Isa 16:1-5, Zech 13/14, Rev 7:9-11 and Rev 12:1-6; admittedly Elon nuclear plant fires to threatening dominoing Hawaii intravenous show up big time; but we do have them all around Beryl headed for Texas lest we forget authentic Apocalypse Now all that’s holy in prophetic hindsight shown ascended the Lamb’s supper to 7 Angel Trumpet we’re no longer endangered no catastrophic events barred. 


Scrutinized All Earth Ending Movies Of Star Warring AODHF Saving From Human Extinction; From The Incineration Of Biden/Harris WH…. Cat 8, SOLAR APOCALYPSE, only Greenland world ending; and my for decades blessed exodus, 2009/2012 only, my Aqua Juttah submersible Cruiseships/Arks of threaten The Knowing Movie of 2 Pet 3:10, 11, Mal 4/Rev 12/19  SUNLIGHT OF GOD Africa’s SW Atlantic! 

Frightnight FSS last time a Chernobyl nuclear disaster threaten home planet, Mal 4 described Sunlight Of God. Witnessing live, He’s  here with healing wings skyrocketing us out while bragging our enemies as ashes under our feet. 

Pretty much the same Rev 2 Jesus and THIS INNUMERABLE in intervention showed up Pompeii of Memphis son home. Hawaii missile morning end of the world, scenario, so not a false alarm as they deceived across the planet, the world! 

Here’s June 10 2023 my Georgia son home, after a May 3 37 day countdown. Here’s during a long, long, long duration hovering, one grand described a UFO. It was their Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE/ Alien Invasion, Designed Last day of America and we’re watching it all up there, with gods as gods! HBOW/Apb

Youtube mrmbb333 ARE We Being Watched? WAY to many people NOTICING them! - See for Yourse... via @YouTube

Scrutinize All Earth Ending Movies From Here, Including Super Mario Brothers Skyrocketing Carts Molten Lava Spewing Dragon 

Beware Of  Alien Dangers From Above! I’m Skyrocket ing in a Craft At The Time! 

See here, Most INSANE UFO Sightings of 2024: From Iran, Russia, China & the US! via @YouTube; don’t know mrmbb333 if I shared this footage; don’t know equally if there’s been an explosion of these sightings. Simply, I’m just paying more attention since explained 2022, fallen angels is why Aliens exist. 

Beware, getting Brad Pitt, there’s his Alien Mysery, Ad Astra/ 

getting Ben Affleck there’s his Alien invasion, Batman vs Superman. Truly make you wonder are they just to be these wowing spectacles or are they on a mission, Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9, Satanic, Demonic, Alien Apocalypse? HBOW/Apb

Article, CNN Ukraine’s Zelensky finally confirms Kyiv’s troops incursion into Russian territory,

Fretnot,  Thus Saith Chernobyl April Spring  Rapture Skyrocketing Sunlight Of God, Your Enemies Are Ashes Under Your Feet! 

-Intercede y’all father…. The Devil!” They aren’t using US supplied weapons. This fret of US entering Afghanistan I warn a Hussein WH in return. How about Trump become President just as the 666 Antichrist economy takes center stage and billions of souls! 

Many people bout to die, get Christ’s alters over whoring. pedophier church’s learn end day prophecy. The last 7 yrs both Hussein and Trump’s 2 wks 7 yr WH. Yes counting his first, all come from Dan 9:24-27/Rev 11/13 equaling 7 yrs 3 down Oct 17, 2024! Marvel not even Jesus said RUN and Trump Gabriel and Archangel since 

Titanic movie of West Rule despite your financial status which are you? Lately I been saying run to learn whether or not you’re Michael’s List or the tens of millions suddenly incinerated! Marvel not yours is a system trained to go on like it never happened! 

From loved ones digging thru decaying remains: to regularly showing pieces of Gaza’s charcoal children; one crying father arms filled with charcoal infant; the one running just now plastic bags remains of his! Netanyahu US excuse he’s targeting terrorist!

The Saviour ✅


He’s carrying his family’s body parts in a bag…


Two decades this year I’m in a demo I witnessed UK/US take separate  forks in the road, hear  Britain, America separate them into itty bitty pieces my  in my demos Rev 17:14 Jesus husband ascent mocks the  2016 UK Brexit 

by Pres Hussein Obama for 2009 thru 2016 July 27 2023  I wake from Calculating Death tolls UK/BC/US 100 million dead! 

One of us is chained, none of us are free, one of us is chained; not only did both a Sunlight from behind a Mt Sinai type call for the Moses exodus of Africa’s to Abraham inherit; instructed Gabriel Trumpet to Michael’s List  some translated, crossed over, skyrocketed  ! Beware All Human Beings! 

Before THEY grabbed my shoulder shaking me, 3 times great tribulations , great tribulations, great tribulations ! THEY'D just explained our world’s ends as Dan 7/Rev 9 and 12  predicted to reduce earth's inherit by two quarters before Jesus again sat his feet atop 

Super Mario Brothers, Blinking in Of an eye tribe 


Died Suddenly✅



Susan Wojcicki, 56, was killed by rapid onset of lung cancer after being fully vaxxed. Her body was found in the same Menlo-Park Garage where Google was founded.

Under her leadership, YouTube censored over 1 million videos on v*ccine safety information and banned content creators they flagged as spreading medical misinformation.

She bragged about being on “the right side of history” after deleting Plandemic and calling the information about Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates preplanning through Event 201 a dangerous conspiracy theory.

Susan’s 19-year old son Marco Troper died suddenly in Feb. 2024 while attending Berkley. Susan’s mother Esther known as the “Godmother of Silicon Valley” claimed the death was due to a drug overdose.

Susan’s sister Anne Wojcicki co-founded the genetic testing company 23andMe and used top YouTubers to promote mass DNA testing.

If the 1% aren’t safe from their scientific ivory towers, why should they ever be able to dictate what is true and real?

Steve Kurst


this Newsweek article is compelling evidence that the truth is starting to come out despite their efforts to censor it. 

Americans Increasingly Think Vaccines More Dangerous Than the Illnesses.

Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.

Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.

See more here,; after sharing his vids with died suddenly I got Campbell as. A Word of warning; after my husband warn me, about dangers I got this  as being rushed upon by Rev 12 stars warring angels 

-Yeah that’s pretty much been my assessment for a while; how we weren’t gonna vax our way out of the US Bio-Covid. Mutating into Rev 6 6th seal/my Aug 10, 2004/Dec 25 2001/Aug 10 2023 Pale Horse/ Horse of Hades pandemic! Knowing where run to Safehaven territories of saving souls!

No different than building the first atomic bomb, they were caught in a US lab building this Bio-WMD. Know we were to understand one thing these were people we trust. Marvel not a class of children being assured thought enemy nations, like China would intervene I’m this westernized genocide! 

I don’t doubt anymore, sudden death syndrome is the vengeful retaliation of millions US- Lab Covid dead especially Trumpian swept under the proverbial rug to not only go on killing stealing and destroying but to put gazillions into a presidential campaign knowingly pushing a worldwide Sodom and Gomorrah!

There’s then something about even a deadly depopulation device US Bio Covid Aug 24, 25 isn’t encouraging repentance, then John hear this; loose the four angels bound at the great river Euphrates; when I’m done seeing it’s a multimillion man grocery store, barter balen, tollbooth of saving to forfeiting The Soul any doubt how seriously GOD take sin? 

Ezekiel sees this 6 slayers summoned from the higher gate north; another is an ink horn marking whore yet human beings; I see this, as day of  Trump being targeted like Pres Kennedy while Russia is threatening a Cuban Missile crisis 2 and Eze 9  slayers are chasing and striking down US stampeders! 

I see a curious thing, death being unleashed from beneath the earth; hear behold it is death and it rises against abominable detestable lives lands and churches for they have forsaken God; fret not thyself rather trust delight and commit; see Geology Hub and US soil long history with flooding oceans of magma! 


Remember FSS, I explain, this war, these wars, there'd be no more going home, no place to run; it's the proverbial leaping from Jeremah's boiling pot, into Joel's frying pan, 2 Pet 3/NASA April 17. 2025 SCORCHED PLANET, Jan 22-29, 2021, it's Biden/Harris Flaming WH/recently May 3, 2023, 37 days countdown BIG June 10, 2023/ Oct 11, 2021, Eze 5, designed, Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, imminent the last day of America! Father Abraham's Middle Easterners, see what I been seeing, especially since June/July/Aug 2015 here,; know, Ps 35/91/Rev 11/12, Intravenous, Trump/Archangel wouldn't mine at all if you all heartily stampede to THEM, Isa 16:1-5, SELA/Jordan's Petra, HBOW/Apb

LIVE: Palestinians Leaving Gaza and Migrant Weaponization via @YouTube;


-I can hear him, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, his feet pitter, pattering like he's on the roof only he atop the planet roof, "desolations predicted US soil now come!" Recently explaining escape is better than sacrifice, I'd seen this on US soil since there's been a predicted, Rev 11:1, 2/Dan 9:24-27, campaigning Hussein Obama; hundreds of million's US's pop up on Africa's SW Atlantic COAST, I was there, its witness!
X -Trump's Admin March 13, 2018, they all come, loaded from car roofs to tires. Every automobile there ever was made pouring into Trump Gabriel/Archangel's, US Georgia/CROSSOVER, into Africa's SW Atlantic! THE SUNLIGHT OF GOD CALLED FOR JUNETEEHTH INHERIT MOSES EXODUS, WHAT ELSE ARE HOLY INTRAVENOUS, DESIGNED MICHAEL'S LIST, GONNA DO! X -Like suddenly 30 mins past that silence, I'm God's Throne, a Mt Sinai, Sunlight of God rising, addressing, like I'm Moses, your lead an enslaving pharaoh, I'm hearing "let my people go!!" HBOW, when reigning Holy Church bride, possessed, prepped and launched, Dan 2, stone from heaven, "the antichrist murderer, I heard further! FOR WHEN THE SEVENTH ANGEL SHALL BEGIN TO SOUND!
Eph 4, explains while Jesus is ascending he's also descending; while we're ascending to intercede Rev 12:1-7/Rev 13:5, Tribulation saints, carried back, inspect blessed Blaexit as perfect exile luxury, coastal cities, towns; famed letters USA is there, witnessed it take the same trajectory as those escaping Senator Obama's campaigning, the original Trans-Atlantic Slave-trade, only back home, again blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! Star Warring AODHF/JCON/JCOR/HBOW, Apb, The RAM

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