Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Unto Preece Naksnawk Anonif Opiam and Preecest LaBelle Glades Iceman,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Flood, Water Down Pink Blood; What happen To Aug 5, 2019, when two world systems went skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, Nuclear Aug 1, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2024, my year prior Eze 5, Ben Affleck, Barber Chair, bald head shaving measured into 4, but instantly 3, that skyrocketing, fire-rocketing event; various, imminent mass disasters you're sure to run from and we talking run Mat 24, Jesus witnessed to fast and furious Vin Diesel to Dan 4, Ludacris and Contagious, my witnessed! Still, I hope you dance, https://youtube.com/shorts/04B8T9VfuOM?si=FIBwGDRyEuWK4rs0

Marvel not, there's so many similarities to both California dreaming, NBA Kobe Bryant Helicopter crash and Dreaming Iran's Pres Raisi Helicopter crash, 3 And their appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads, just as Daniel 7 witnessed this beast rise, and it sealed, just as john witnessed, this beast rise and had it reveal disguised as 6 previous world empires, including it 7th West Rule, Kobe Bryant, crash morning, beginning to name, and ordain these seven heads, tens horns and even crowns, mostly Islamic sounding names, we witnessed released upon the planet, Rev 13, these two beast, by way of only a few days past July 27/28, 2009, campaigning Senator Obama.

Here's Rev 12"; 4; and the dragon, first it had the Pride Flag as a breast plate, was described, Oct 17, 2021, Intravenous THEM, how come, for 7 years of days of apocalypse, DRAGON BEAST ANTICHRIST, RULE); 4: stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.  5: And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne; then ebbing and flowing date, July 6, 2015/2020, I begin to hear God, say, "yes, take him his, but this one, (instead an African birth mother), she is mine." I explained, since, and as soon as Father God, HIMSELF, said, 'she is mine. I laid back into a ground-up cradle, where I was cared after by the most boisterous all around, tremendously perfumed wind-man, evenly of indiscernible adoration;

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days; .(Isaiah 16:1-5,, Jordan's Petra); Rev 7, John's described, innumerable in tribulation saints); Rev 12:1-5. Archangel Michael, intravenous, also Jordan's Sela; Rev 12:1-5/Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, Jesus husband, Archangel Michael's Rev 20 List of Names, Mother Africa's Cradle, Abrahma's Bosom, Juneteenth inherit, ,SW Africa's Atlantic,

 -So who do you think God was talking to, holy Bride prepping Daniel 4 stone from heaven , or Rev 17;14, hammering off pieces, of its equally reigning, Mt Sinai typel; "separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, wipe   Canada off the map? I know it means, every war front root is bent on saving West Rule. We know for many millennia now, they have never failed him! Marvel not its Aug 24, 25 2023 we hear calculating death tolls Britain 25  million, Canada 25 million; US predicted 50 million lost; plus there is no where to run, then I wake! HBOW, Apb

-Can't say, youtube providers, we didn't see, and see, and see, until tens of millions caught as unaware, are without excuse, the end of this world, coming, and, coming and coming, https://www.youtube.com/live/co4t-2vnlRE?si=Sww-wa49813KM2dI YOUTUBE MARFOOGLE URGENT BROADCAST: EVENTS UNFOLDING https://www.youtube.com/live/gSXvbc_ip7s?si=Gul6DKTo2SV91gYA via @YouTube 

YOUTUBE AMTV MAJOR STOCK EXCHANGES COLLAPSE !!!!!! AMERICANS LOCKED OUT OF ACCOUNTS !... https://www.youtube.com/live/xICFaDa0hLc?si=-27HwQNrufwEYEh0 via @YouTube; when I advised that ginormous underwater anomaly as one of my for decades designed submersible sitting outside SW Africa’s Coast was Musk or AMTV, Musk you know, this is Amtv! 

see also here, https://youtu.be/M2JElqpO7Cg?si=bBROJDLbh7hhxjxL,  YOUTUBE mrmbb333 who warn the last not for 500 years my May 10 2023 TFF CME/EMP had come; Not For 500 Years Flood Event Will people be PREPARED for what's coming! https://youtu.be/Z3DzvG7zOSE?si=_S-PWZsEYdk9LetW via @YouTube; this mean mrmbb333, possibly three times we've seen Rev 17;14, hammering off of that reigning Mt Sinai type, three times, like a thief our world has ended and we been in the apocalyptic clutches to church choirs, high chair feeders of it's aftermath predicted catastrophic SOLAR events not for 500, years May 10, 2023; Solar Eclipse, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, April 8, 2024 and since. 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, my oldest who's 48, was 20, the US dollar been predicted to be taken out of commission, failed US banks, housing, churches. Let's like, rephrase, all having forsaken God, abominable, detestable, all of those, since he was 20, even mocked the Nov 5, 1975, paperboy, on the bike who's handlebars attached itself an Obama's error col Gaddafi's, petro- currency, funeral reef into heaven Rev 6, 4th seal John, Trump into Biden, into Trump, US lab, Bio-Covid, soon billions dead; marvel not college campus DRAGON BEAST ANTICHRIST RULE TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS! It’s The End Of The World And We Know It! It’s The End Of The World And We It know it! It’s The End Of The World And We Know It! Fret, Not, Thy Self, Appearing Father King David, PS 37 


 After 5 years an Apocalyptic Aug 5, They just Faintly count us 4 days into these world ending Aug 5 2024 events. The emphasis Anita on faintly; like it’s to all sneak up suddenly. Take you knowing as unaware as Jesus warn we’re as the days of Noah only ours is 99 bowls of flooding magma. This imminent extinction Mocked Dec 2021 by Rev 3 Jesus saying if you don’t watch I will come upon you quickly and you won’t know what (fiery doomsday) hour to nano-second, I come. 

The Savior✅ @stairwayto3dom In your opinion, will we see some sort of response from Iran tonight? https://x.com/stairwayto3dom/status/1820525327011217686?s=46 



 Aug 5, 2024, 964 votes, 11 Hours 13 Minutes Left  I can’t answer unless you know this is a coordinated attack. Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, Russia to China simultaneously hitting US soil targets! Here’s April 3, 2019 apocalypse now launched, incoming, impacting! Then I know how long Putin been threatening and regularly Dan 4, Ludacris contagious US leads bating him and bating him. Just be clear, Israel failed during burning Bush error Islam to an enemy Hamath, when US West Rule went fire-rocketing off the planet, can’t go home, no where to run, y’all ready for that? HBOW/For Decades Rev 17, HAMMERING, SKYROCKETING CHILDRDEN, JCOR

See also here, The Day After Tomorrow Full Movie Review |,The Day After Tomorrow Full Movie Review | https://youtu.be/FCb8mLMD8eU?si=wZpQ2md5EB4pxiQf,https://youtu.be/FCb8mLMD8eU?si=wZpQ2md5EB4pxiQf via @YouTube,YouTube


In the movies y'all control the status quote but in the real, mocking heart stabbers, stampeding elephant of stay unaware, matrix blue pills to red matrix pills HE'S Star Warring GOD, right along, Star warring, Archangel Michael's List 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring Queen Bride, Deer Horn, Bristle Thorne Headwater and King Bridegroom Gallant Adam Belcourt, Salami 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nextus Juttah Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Maqata Moath Kahlout and Akmaid Syed Farook, Sulaiman was born a goddess Dina Mahdi Mohamed Kahlout, a lord Ahmed Nael Nizar, Kahlout, a lord Ibrahim Mohamed  Kahlout and a goddess Hanaa Farook Kahlout Sulaiman

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix 

"Oooouch, arggg, ooouch, what are you doing?" I ever tell you delicious, so delicious Bristle Thorne I love raisins? Raisins, what’s, that to, your perfect navel, that tickles, stopppp it, whu, uoooooooooo! Leaping to his knees, loudly beating his chest, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WANTED TO WAIT FOR THIS! We are in a dorm, correction a honey-moon dorm, coming down, pulling her in tight, rub off on me, I wanna be Zebra. You so silly, I told you, it don’t rub off, plus our children will be Zebra! So, the Belcourt name? My moms, Somali your dad. Where are they now? Dead, I can still see the horrifying look when they knew, before any of us Bristle realized they were being taken by a rough wave. Even as skilled as I am, the anomaly taking them, was also keeping me from getting to them, it’d be days before we find them they were miles apart! I’m so sorry Belcourt, how unimaginable, yeah, another horror we weren’t Horn Thorne, originally designed to see nor suffer! So is that? Yeah . my nickname, beach boy, not just my looks, to skills, to my heart Bristle Thorne, only now I have you, my heart and wanna kiss you from toes to cheeks, FOR THE ENTIRE REST OF IT! Yessss, that feel so good, swarming to and fro, his biting, smooching and licking her back, to neck, incredible mouth, this, you taste so good. So for how long can I follow you today? I, with, tongue, wait, wait what’s that, I incredible husband can’t talk with your tongue in my mouth, how about with my tongue here> Argggggggggg,  overwhelmingly spreading of tears, still stressing this had to be dream, wowing blood, to skin to wall climbing, fantasy wedding bed. Belcourt listen, not while I’m feeding, Belcourt, seriously, oooou seriously, now that we’re married, there’s this other thing, ooou, so seriously, credits, I, we need credits. Credits?" Pushing up to be clear, his head, back into the headboard, "I don’t under, credits enough to enter the Richet Structure, lottery, Meaning," laying a head to his resting legs, living him, incredibly coming one with him. "No more loitering about. No, ah," actually transfixed by all her black panther, glorious nakedness, stretched before him. You Horn, Thorne are the most stunning creature Heavenly Father hath made, don’t cover up. What are you doing, where are you going? You’re not hearing me, I heard you, no loitering uselessly," coming up, following her, "you do know none of our reveal classes are together. We have lunch together and 3 honeymoon picnics due us. How you like your shower? He too, standing there in all his Gallant Belcourt, flawless beach body, "for now on Horn, Thorne, with you in it! Then come in here, show me, I thought you just said I couldn’t gorilla out, I thought you new husband said these are honeymoon dorms.”     >>>"I can’t believe you, you can’t believe, I know, look at him, he’s more astonishing by the day, the hour Chodne, his, our, godson. Wow, taking him, cautiously, look at the time, you better Dae Dae  hand him to me, run, geez, where the time, every credit count, saying, amusing as he speed towards the door. "That’s your dad son, Mem Tazaddl, he’s as possessed with you as he is with me, but Holy Spirit them first, so what song this morning? Readying in, readying to breast feed, guess what happens today, they begin posting the list of couples entering the Richet Structure, you can’t even imagine how long that line of interest! Reading a scripture, 'For thou hast possessed my reins, thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Amazing, Mem, that’s AODHF talking about the Genesis man, marriage, talking about you, first born son. Thousands of years before your parent's womb hath you, now say it with me, what a mighty god we serve!”     >>>“I know, know!" seeing the tears in his eyes, wife Mahaseiah approaches, moves in comforts. "This is impossible, I can’t go look for them, my parents Maha are missing, the fourth largest fire. California’s history, just as Mighty Angel and their Dutchsinse warn, burning along the North American Craton! I know, I know that’s how your Maipo went missing, going after his family I’m not him. What if you are him, return to do it all again; second chance Evden Blazely what is it you’ve said and said you wouldn’t do again given a second chance? Okay now you freaking me out, tens of millions of people by their most trusted gazillion dollar, presidential leaders sit as frying ducks and slowly boiling frogs because worshiping evil they too are human-being extinction level events. You know this Evden and so did they.” Where are your parents God triplet El Mahaseiah, your sister Aydin? Which one Evden, Angels will take her, trust it feathers and healing wings or she’d be horribly martyred; I’m sorry I didn’t, on sabbath day, on Main Street? I wasn’t thinking, don’t even, touch, there’s god forbiding both, like the two witnesses she’ll be horribly martyred, mocked its street for days street laying, until she hears, Sunlight Of God, come up hither, then, then, trust intravenous, skyrocketing, feathered, healing wings? Hold me, Maha, pleaae, I’ll meet you at the list unveiling, I can’t be late for Dissuasion dress rehearsal. Knowing how, pray Evden Blazely, the fire burning US West Pacific, acknowledges his righteousness to wrath; the thousands in itty, bitty pieces of Gaza charcoal children, commemorate coronavirus death and dying, and mass die off to come; the smoke of its burning Evden Blazely, rising up, into the brazen altar we El Mahaseiah, pray his response to Father King Solomon, offering of the temple in reverse."  If thy people," saying together, "which are called by thy name, which are stampeding by thy name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their wicked ways. Hear thou them from heaven, forgive their sins and Evden, by Jesus descending Millennium Reign for eons to come, heal from turf wars, Amen! How many ways Maha do you love me, how can I count them? See you at the unveiling, right, see you there!"     >>>"Yeah, but is it Ajiah love a better transit, because if it not, we might as well stay put, Grand Sia Mom, Skyfall, paradise. Hold up, it’s Evden {{{"Brother, am I El El, Miapo, the return? What, I’m sorry, what? That’s what your sister Maha just mocked me, well I'm sure, wanting to find my parents, how long before you guys are here? Not for 30 or so, well looks like everyone are shooting hooky anticipating that list, may as well El, El be Michael’s List, okay, you know where I’ll be, see you!"}}} "What, I can literally sense it's intensity, ah. that was your brother, well our brother-in-law, Evden Blazely, at the edge, wowing out, Maha just mocked him a Miapo, the return. Ah my god, what! Wait, could he be, though? Really blew his mind, huh? I doubt it Ajiah, But do we El, El, really know? Negeb Ophel reaped, angel men and goddesses with us since they ambushed our wedding extravaganza, Angel men, El, El, who were once, Ophanim Angels, before the mutiny in heaven. I'm just saying suppose she's been suspicious all this time. okay, okay, now you're Ajiah freaking me out! You ever see what's his name spell backward? I'm about to get off this train and start walking if you don't stop, look at the choir you're threatening, draw me loving husband, I'll walk with you! Scared, I'm not scared to see what's Evden Blazely spell backward, and, and if it, spell, Maipo Finona Kwanskan it won't Ajiah. But if it does? Then we walk it out! Aijah, it better not, ah my god, it better not and all this time she didn't tell us. What kinda name is Evden, then Blazely, then, Holstrom? Ajiahhhh!" Again two of the most stunning teens in christian-dom, flawless. "What, I didn't name him.  Okay here goes, Maipo Finona Kwansjan backward is Naksnawk Anonif Opiam and Evden Blazely Holstrom baxkwards, is Mortsloh Ylezalb Nedve. See, I told you, she was talking rhetorically, just jarring him, like awake! Wait, wait, you not gonna believe, Maipo, name, ...oh my god they, backward,  hookey, is waiting transit. Wait, what? It’s say's it right here, 08/05, 2024 Preece Naksnawk Anonif Opiam and a member of 3,” filling her cheeks with tears as she moved to share the mysterious posting with equally brought to tears husband Elyon, “are waiting transit, US Georgia coast! We better get off this, look there’s Evden waiting like he said, so it’s gonna be us telling Maha, not love until we know for sure, agree? Right, agreed. Darling husband, look, he has a genealogy. He has a What? Preece Naksnawk Anonif Opiam and Preecest LaBelle Glades Iceman, you have got to be kidding, there are pics! Ah, here comes Maha, we gotta tell her, yes, but not now and if she tells me she knows Aijah, you gonna have to hold me back. What you too over here whispering so suspiciously, you Maha heartlessly spooking Evden Blazely, he's Miapo return, yeah even spooking us. I was referencing his, well their alike recklessness, taking these unnecessary chances, he actually told you, he must've been spooked. I'll come apologize, you two coming? How many more minutes, until the reveal, yeah Evden played we could Maha be deciding Michael's List. No, I keep reminding, reversal of Gabriel's Trumpet, Michael's is for Churchians to Tribulation saints, so not us, born again Saints, blessed resurrection, ascension, Where is he?" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4, 

Adam @AdameMedia 11h

Demon! https://x.com/AdameMedia/status/1820747209270231247

-For his thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are his ways our ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are his ways higher than our ways, and his thoughts than our thoughts. Trust, Delight And Commit And He Shall Bring Forth Thy Righteousness As The Light And Thy Judgments As The Noon Day?

Marvel not our instruction, "pray for human, beings at the wailing wall; the Ink-horn man's, "mark for life!" Those Slayers, take no prisoners, "slay, old, young!" Even as Rev 2 Jesus warn, Hawaii, missile, morning riches to rags sickbed, sleepover, I'll kill your children with death, except you repent, escape and after THEY counted May 10, into 37 days, its BIG June 2023, beginning with the two brother, who''d just drown, a wrong bus stop exit, snatched them all off the planet!


Marvel not Adam, Jan 12/13 thru its March, 2019, Antichrist, as Turkey's President described, America's Christmas holiday, Netanyahu like Antichrist. Only its connections were Alexander and Hitler's Germany, with Mummy 2, Anubis Demon Army, disguised as policing German Shepherds! HBOW, what she's arrived to prep, launch, isn't for us, but the Antichrist murderer, get with Jesus, THE CHRIST, get with intravenous angels and get out of the way of it, exile luxury they bless it!


What you not gonna believe, as Dan 9, prophet Daniel is praying, all this evil is come upon us, yet we make not our prayers before Holy father God, Aug 24/25 2023, Satanic, demonic, and alien apocalypse. Unimaginably is firmly set because, even knowing, a deadly, US Lab, Bio-Covid, killing millions, on to kill billions, wasn't enough to have us crossing into safe haven Georgia, into safe haven Mother, Africa down all fours. There's US leads repentant, that old Arkansas Bridge, of saving our own immortal souls, of Adam, saving our own immortal souls!


You may ask, what is all this Egyptian mythology Anubis to Sobek is about? Well aren't those Egyptian Pyramids like The Moon, rumored Alien Tech? Woe, woe, woe to earth's inherit, that old devil is come down to you; less than 2 years ago, confirmed by intravenous why they, aliens exist, what matter to me? I read Rev 12, that explains, there was a war in heaven and red dragon Lucifer and a third of its angelic host, who Adam could easily perpetrate everything for the ancients about Aliens, discrediting GOD to GODLINESS! Only the four bound angels and it 200 millions in demon, the keys to the bottomless and its incalculable in Lucifer them, procreated monsters: I just asked the question, can a non-body entity (demon), and a bodied entity (fallen angel), reproduce hybrid Aliens?  HBOW, Apb, The RAM

Article, Iran is 'highly vulnerable, much weaker' than people tend to think: Naftali Bennett https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/iran-is-highly-vulnerable-much-weaker-than-people-tend-to-think-naftali-bennett/vi-AA1olC9m?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=e707b489af1b41baa54fd9de92cb12e0&ei=13#comments 

Its True Only Days Before Aug 5, Rev 11, Star Warring Took Out Three Super Powers Biden, Harris, Trump, I Was Asking, @shaykhsulaiman, Would They Forfeit For Gaza's Children, The US Election To The Presidency? So far Iran, Turkey and Russia supplying weapons, Hezbollah, stepped up!  

I know, stop Asking These Questions, Don't Know How Astronomical Star Warring, AODHF Might Response, So No Telling you What I Asked Right Before Debby Went After US Georgia's Coast, Michael's List Of American/Western Refugees? OR, or, What I was stressing about Texas right before all around, Michael's Star Warriors Went To Warn About Beryl, Texas Musk, Dallas!


Sound Of Freedom, stats, America/The America's the primary supplier to connoisseur of trafficked/mutilated children so use for example what Gov Newson to Burning Biden/Harris WH were doing and even Elon Musk was crying, get your children out of public schools; actually Feb 12, 13, 2017, commanded finished, schools after all parents were equally commanded killed; before mocked, NBA'S California Dreaming erupted into flames, again, Canada too. He and Democrats, to protect Hawaii missile, morning, Rev 2, Jesus threaten, transgender kids health, involves kids emancipation from their "birth," the emphasis surely on Genesis man, marriage, procreation, naturally born, "birth," parents!!! 

Let me see, I got the death bringer from beneathe that year, that Bush WH following and by 2023 its a burning Biden/Harris Eze 5, designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE; and since you asked, yes, 101 YELLOWSTONE eruptions are as probable as an equally predicted US soil, Asian invasion; fret not, they told you during burning Bush, 50 Mil US would die, get from demonic churches designing pedophier teen males, get to Christ's repentant altars, learn of end-times events. I was putting a Hussein in the Bush's WH, Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 13, while they were hunting down Bush's Hussein, bible prophecy fulfilling, its neve runs, void, thus warns Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev 11, Guardian, Trump Angel Gabriel, daily.

It's kinda weird to cut on a weather alert, I'd not watched for months to years, to hear him say, "in four days," just as I'd heard him say, 4 days prior, putting us in the vicincity of recurring earth enders, by what happen to Aug 5, 2024: Bible prophecy says, while 2019, a Rev 6, 6th seal, ginormity Aug 5, again, Aug 7, is wiping Rev 17, described Great Whore Mystery Babylon America to WEST RULE off the planet, Aug 24/25 2023, we have 100 million UK/BC/US dead Rev 11:1, 2, Iran, Islam, even Mede, are ruling Israel as Hamath!     

God is not mocked but is extreme mockery, I explained to Memphis Niece, named for NATO warn, April 2025, The TIFF/CME/EMP, listen, "and I will send them strong delusions, that they may believe a lie, who believe not in the love of the truth but had their pleasures in unrighteousness. When you ask the prophet Ezekiel how did his people come so tremendously deceived, such whoring, genociders he said, they said, since Star Warring, AODHF lost all interest in the affairs of planet earth, apparently in a mother Africa, Father Abraham, death to the tester, CHRIST CROSS gotten multi-billion man Royal Priesthood, they took it upon themselves to rule the world; Jesus did mocked, parental, SOCIAL MEDIA, religious to political leaders as their father, SATAN, whoring, lying, murderers, repent or perish, behold I stand at the door and knock!  

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