Saturday, July 20, 2024

Can You Image Another 4 Years of This? So is Separation Anxiety, Normal After Near 40 Chernobyl Rapture Spring, Demos?


Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear July 22, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 

Elon Musk✅ X @elonmusk

Greg Price @Greg_price11

VP: "I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."

Can You Image Another 4 Years of This?


You don’t have to, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, yes frying saucer, (mrmbb333 just saw one, a triangle craft, parked aside the moon, not the first, why I think there’s a structure there); liftoff of the Biden, Harris Whitehouse. I can further tell you, they, their air forces, Whitehouse staff, safeguard details barely got out alive; we’re to scrutinize earth ending movie scenarios from here on.


I’d just asked American leaders what would they give in exchange for saving Gaza’s children, from their Frankenstein Netanyahu; how about forfeiting The Presidential Election? So did Biden just resign to save Gaza? Yes , but not intentionally, so does it count?


‪handwriting of judgement its first Jeremiah 37:8, saying defeated tremendously, King Nebuchadnezzar’s Chaldean army will take US soil, cities, burn them. Did Pres Raisi death like launch this event? I’m kinda thinking it did, can’t explain it, Pres Trump aligned to Dan 4 King Nebuchadnezzar! The Chaldeans Are here! Get Set designed Race-cars, racetracks to skyrocketing Mario Carts, RUN!!!‬

Okay guys, I’m cringing as so, I didn’t know this was Elon Musk, this phenom event here,; I said was for his benefit, even the chosen set, GOD DONT WANT HIS IN IMPACT ZONES NOR THIS CONTINENT! One time I had to do a retraction or I’m banned from X, but I’m okay we’ll see how it go. Noah’s Cousin, Elohim, Been mad at red states, US Georgia’s “COAST,” CROSSOVER, the exception. Since Gog and Magog Trump’s Covid year of its debacle, of a deadly pandemic; so knowing where, don’t marvel the single word inquiry, running? Run! HBOW/Ap

YouTube, Fill Spectrum Survivor, RED ALERT - GO BUY GAS - WE ARE IN TROUBLE - ISRAEL JUST BLEW IT ALL UP via @YouTube; odd is predicted Senator Hussein Obama come into the US White House on the premise, Rev 13 being fulfilled by way of US soil. When come an outbreak of Hussein filling stations and an outbreak of ambulances, during Covid and we just heard called to active duty. Like six years March 13, 2018 hundreds of millions escaping into US Georgia’s, African Landlord of blessed Blaexit! Marvel not THEY mocked, Hussein Obama’s error Col Gaddafi, it’s fallen world economy of a greased handlebar, soaring into heaven, funeral reef attachment! 

Whether They Will Hear Whether They’ll Stomp Their Feet, Dance Indian Style To Drown You Out Tell Them! Told FSS “since” during Bush, Clinton, Bush 50 Million US will die, GET TO ALTARS OF JESUS CHRIST, Know Bible Prophecy!

Been Told Since Bush, Clinton, Bush Into Every WH House 50 Million US will die, GET TO ALTARS OF JESUS CHRIST, Know Bible Prophecy, FSS!

Know, Rev 11:1,2, Eze 39/39, Dan 9:24-27, Rev 20, The same prophecies that predicted a Hussein WH, predicted Senator Hussein a two weeks and 7 year timetable. Miraculously descended Jesus millennium our meeting him in the air, I Thess 4:16-18, Rev 14 as to takeover the planet during Barack Hussein world reign its last months July 27/28 2016, Senator Barack Hussein, assigned two weeks and 7 years timeframe. These FSS are all the same prophecies that just remind President Trump stalled at Biden/Harris WH. How he still has 4 Years left of an April 2/20 his own Two weeks and 7 years timetables; prophecies announced during Daniel’s King Nebuchadnezzar being fulfilled during our leaders being aligned to especially hand writing Jeremiah 37 King Zedekiah and King Nebuchadnezzar their last days until Jesus millennium reign and the Royal Priesthood were with him, the planet was littered with the dead.

Also note predicting during Alex Jones 2015, all apocalyptic events launched, Incoming, impacting fulfilling, including a since Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! Also note Rev 7, loosed four winds, the four languages I woke speaking are presently the parts of the planet getting wiped out right now, including saying Duh/ Dutch/Dutchsinse earthquake forecaster, America, The Americas/western civilization. Frightnight to twilight skies, making our next President interim representative in a foreign land, not Mexico it’s no more nor Greenland nor Seeing the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden/Harris WH would you follow Trump, his Republican Party, its Juneteenth inherit a repatriation of Mother Africa?

Massive fire breaks out at historic Dallas church via @YouTube

See more here, Rev (11), When Where, Standing Over Sleeping Beds Anxious Ancient Of Days Holy Father Showed HIMSELF too, Rev 12 Star Warring 


Blessed Are Hearers And Doers…AND DOERS! 

I just saw Rome NY tornado damage, all those devastated churches! Decades ago they use the burning church; described Apostle Paul’s I Cor 3, to explain why THEY would design another foundation Apostle! (“Behold it is the church, it has been cast down and literally destroyed, but the foundation haven’t been destroyed, but the foundation haven’t been destroyed; the one laid by Christ and his holy Apostles , it can be rebuilt!” Last I saw it, there’s a ginormous carnivore beast stomping, chomping through its pulpits, pastors, pews and peace getting porches! 

You don’t realize next I hear then you were a disciple; I wasn’t having intravenous all around explaining I am an Apostle like the 12, I’d listened up to then, now I was done. The crawling into my portal closet, making Rom 12:1, 2 my heart, knees to face surrender. Like 30 minutes later I’m looking at a winged Jesus (Mal 4 Winged, SLOG); saying “come up here! These aren’t just written characters, THEY’RE live intravenous, then since my childhood, THEY’RE family.

There’s the overwhelming hunger for the word of God I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t stop! Unexplainable attention at church when I talk; by my Jacob Ladder, prayer closet, THEY’RE visiting me often, pointing all this miraculousness out, as evidence! Then come a knock on my door, whatta you know, also like Jesus, I have my own visiting Nicodemus! 

Most watch the chosen series, there’s the children episode. Only before Jesus is sitting in the wilderness camp sobbing. I sat my mother in law Mary back porch sobbing for the same reason. No way this world was going to accept this type of sacrificial love, they’ll mock me, abuse, persecute, execute me, they’ll make me cry, IT IS DONE! Just like ELO-HIM! HBOW/Apb

Daniel 9:24 to 27 Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks Explained via @YouTube

Remember Disney Dr Who, Dot And Bubble carnivore Beast Were actually Feb 12.13 2017, Daniel’s 7, The Lion, The Leopard and an Anubis Undertaker Who’d Slain Billions And Would Come Up By US Soil. Slay Billions, Especially Endangered Children! 

Could Pastor both Senator Obama and soon Pres Trump two weeks and 7 year US White House run be a spin of, from, of Dan  9 70 weeks of  years, prophecy; remember Hussein Obama’s 2016 finale with Jesus descending Millennium, I, well The ENTIRE Royal Priesthood is with him! 

Just know, cause when my book characters encouraged only days past that I put two weeks and 7 years in my search. Instantly it gave me that scripture Dan 9;24-27, 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and what popup reveals happened then, I’m just saying! HBOW/Apb 

YouTube Dutchsinse, 7/20/2024 -- Large M7.4 earthquake in Chile, M6.0 in Alaska -- seismic u... via @YouTube

Some Bout A Huge Enough To Block Out The Sky, In Plasma Form to Colors The Single Word TRIANGLE! 

Still Don’t Believe In Aliens? See, know I didn’t either, but  what I did believe, how about Rev 12 Interstellar Battle Being Witnessed by John 95 Ad and myself 2019 Ad? 

Hearing The Brides Triangle Craft Skyrocketing The Royal Priesthood Off The Planet Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above! 

Anytime Dutch, they revisit The Tiff|CME/EMP again May through Aug 2023/2024 on repeat. THEY remind of what’s predicted to happen for example here, Tom Cruise, War Of The World, EMP event,

Here, by its actor’s name, no flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, The Day The Earth Stood, Still, PLANEWIDE SHUT DOWN

TV Series Revolution; suddenly giving us that multimillion man traffic jam. Then just as fast Dutch, as IT events yesterday we were 1811-1812, again, Dec 24/25 2001, a sudden lost of 190 years in tech, that’s not coming back! 

Evenly, Giving us an Eze 5 type Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; but his Batman vs Superman also reminds, we’re not staying away of apocalyptic events, coming from above! HBOW/Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:Beast Of Beauty Featuring Goddess, Queen Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz and Lord Bridegroom Renaissance Bastian, desus Achilles

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple, April 17, 1986, 2016, 2028/3028

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

“Okay, okay y’all do know Global Juttah, that’s standing him holy ground shoeless up top Moses Mt Sinai while Grand Sia’s Sunlight of God also from behind a Mt Sinai type, God's Throne, command Trump as President release his people to the 400 year, now Juneteenth predicted repatriation of mother Africa; marvel not grand Sia waking and she’s as Moses exodus the entire length of it her own alike Grand Silverton Nicholas and 12 couples from Aqua Juttah Genealogy ejected into Rameses of Memphis thousands of miles into their out type Mt of transfiguration of those 144,000, when they’re again Aqua Juttah translated. You already know, I mean you all think Trump's post near assassination going to follow a President of the African, American, Western Exodus? Cause I don’t, not unless they’ve joined him, all down on all fours Dan 4, King of the Planet Nebuchadnezzar, President of the Planet Trump again down on all fours the old Arkansas bridge, repentant into US Georgia’s COAST, CROSSOVER?" Look 👀 , does Ezekiel dry hill and Grand Sia Negeb Ophel skeletal remains date back to the Genesis curse of death Creator Elohim, saying from the dust you are,  into dust you shall return? CAN THESE BONES LIVE, Cheyenne Waterfall? I’d say  having Angel Men, a Richat Structure Genealogy is evident they live! Glory, glory all, you just had me revisit, Bronze Coten man, she waking, as exhausted, as having been running multiple races, soon realized, the Lambs  book of life, inherit from Genesis first family to skyrocketing holy church Bride, Us. Just now opened to a school name roll call and she's right there, witnessing it all; right there, Sabertooth man, as they all lineup behind Twilight's movie, Bella (The African Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele), office scene. Hey. hey, hey, you guys the order they're being summoned by, by realized recently Rev 14, standing the clouds, crown lord Jesus, thrusting in reaping sickle, Rev 2, threaten mass dieoff ascension of injured, orphan children. Miraculously global Juttah, the formation, recorded name by recorded name, whewwww, our God is God!  {{{"No mom, she’s saying pray my prayer only this time as to intravenous angels, pleading your procrastinating impact zones,”}}} "Hey, whispering off from Callen commy talk, "isn’t that what she said she’d tell stranded Brad Pitt said, flashforward, call? If you think, Bishop man, that’s what Mat 24 Jesus, telling his to run begin seeing, one taken, one left behind Michael’s list yanking theirs out of multimillion man traffic Jams."  {{{"think mom, how can THEY take you serious if you won’t forfeit impact zones. My Jesus is Christ and let everything that hath breath praise, THEM, your faith, your prayer is nothing short of those the sacrifices of the wicked, yes, yes mom!"}}} Seeing he’s walking off for better traction to persuasion, they all thinking, good blessings with that.  "So is it true Biden thinking about tossing in the drench sweat towels, but were does that leave VP Kamala Harris? Which Stellen man, the one mocked in South Africa pushing same gender, that’d be F for fornication, M for Monsters, M for Molesters, M for Mutilators. Then there's the one, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of everything Biden/Harris America, The American Continent to West Rule, yes lord Hawthorn and the speed. Hey, look what I found, searching for correct spelling, guess who's been endorsed by Biden to run in his place and guess why Grand Sia, witnessed, famed, letters, USA floating, off the American Continent, following its tens of millions the repatriation of Mother Africa. Which remind that's what else they have in common, only during their administration were hundreds of millions witnessed escaping during either, or of their Presidencies; like Rev 13, Obama, Hussein linage, beast by sea, Trump's Abraham accord, Islamic lineage, only saved, by the four year term left on Trump's Dan 9:24-26, two weeks and seven years timetable. So is that the sum of seven, stampeding them out of Florida's COAST, Guardian Trump, Gabriel bore along with those 3, assigned, designed, safehaven territories? Scrutinizing earth ending movies, scenarios, 'The Day After Tomorrow," the continuity of the US Presidency continue  into its migration into Mexico, is that what Grand Sia suspect is to happed with the next US White House? No, tribunal Headwater, remember like John she witnessed it all descend anew, plus she  keep saying not the continuity of America, of West Rule, how he's to act as a representative of westernized, exile luxury into SW Africa. Yeah, some describe, handwriting Jeremiah 37:8, King Zedekiah, as a  vassel king, you know why they use his reign as an American, West Rule, handwriting of judgment? Judah of that day were looking at their end just as West Rule, America. But there's another name for this type of temporal ruler, yeah according to intravenous, ticking down Daniel 9, last week of years. Know Trump becomes interim US President just as the Antichrist, comes into his 42 month rule.  Billions of people are about to die, while billions are in flight and there's nothing they can do but help intravenous help us into exile luxury. Which Jeremiah 37, this handwriting of judgment also point, they’re forced into exile, aligning President to King Nebuchadnezzar actual design him The President of commanded exodus. Creepy guys, Oct 2023, 2024 on repeat, Hallow eve to Halloween, hearing that single word inquiry, Mat 24 catastrophist Jesus saying, y'all running yet?” They did Lion Wolf man, it’s just Mighty Angel warn tens of millions were wiped out by then; who shall believe our report, watch, run, live?” Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4  

Sulaiman Ahmed 



DJ KHALED IS THE BIGGEST L; Thirty minutes beyond God sobbing uncontrollably HIS PEOPLE being stripped, riddle me this DL HUGHLY why is Star Warring Ancient Of Days Holy God, reigning Sunlight Of God, so pissed at Juneteenth MOTHER Africa To FATHER Abraham inherit like you? 

-AODHF showing HIMSELF also star warring, holy bride leading captivity captured 190 million in Holy Saints; but once she's there, I clearly witness her possess, prep and launched what’s predicted Dan 2 a stone from heaven the splintering of all Empires, Kingdom Nation, Building! Frightnight the more, BIG JUNE/Juneteenth 10, 2023, Jesus, hammering off more apocalyptic events, as he’s skyrocketing all endangered children as his dominoing Hawaii missile crisis morning into YELLOWSTONE apocalypse, he again threaten! 

Then We, American Dreaming, Wake Up?

In the end since he has 4 years of a Dan 9:24-27 timeline securing him as US President for two terms, paused at Biden/Harris granting its 2025-2028 President Trump. Presently fast and furious speed Pres Trump need to build a cabinet of those from Turkey’s Erdogan to S African leads. Soon they’re all aligned from the Obama’s, Winfreys to especially mocked California dreamers NBA Players/Black American sportsmen.

There’s, here’s technical engineer Musk, like me, years prior, Angels just warn out of devastated Texas. Lest we forget there’s taking credit, philanthropist Gates, all a world summit their own figuring how to escape hundreds of millions to a billion Stampeding Eze 5, designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, news break 101 alike eruptions, hand writing 99 bowls of molten lava, escaping American, Westerners to one of three advised assigned designed territories. Then GOD as my July 14 2024 witnessed referenced equally endangered, getting off this doomsday continent to planet, fallen Angels mutineering Hybrid Aliens!



‪Isn’t JD Khaled following his advisers like I did my holy advisers? It’ll be a year next month I text grand college campuses about to blow up over religious issues; keep cash, the mess about to hit the fan, shortly cash will rule, had just asked him about cash before the IT crash‬


‪Weirdo is right before Trumps Rev 13 described head wound, it’s Biden’s 5 year Dan 9 demential. I’d ask governmental leaders what would they forfeit, would they it be US elections, THE WHITEHOUSE to save Gaza’s Children’s? I know I don’t think about how intravenous Holies, Michael’s List gonna response when they don’t! 


‪Advisers, told mine be careful how you advise God’s people. Possibly how kept safe Brad Pitt now that multimillion man traffic jam; he did Shaykh have an adviser with him. Whoa was it his kid? Before Haiti, China 2010 biggest quake you’re advised get your endangered kids out! Run‬ ‬


‪So I’m in my get away of proving a point, 9 hrs drive from all family; Jacob ladder, Jesus’ CROSS intravenous all around. I’m dozing when I begin to see Brad Pitt, older, glasses, see Adam Project Zole’s fast get away truck, I can’t see it but his is red and white, sitting behind its steering, taking on the phone with me, I wake  from a memory of something that haven’t happened. flabbergasted.

 ‬A few days later the same, the same only its about my workaholic right hands, its wearing a dime and penny verifying by a speed incomprehensible Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband and SUNLIGHT OF GOD, HIMSELF, gold carved, crystal dove chariot, promise to skyrocket 190 million out of this area and I wake! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Mary Greenly Chile M 7.4 Earthquake, Preparing For The Dark Ages, No Technology via @YouTube


Come into the ear of my kitchen of reveals, my then three year old grands are in the frig for lunch, 'do they know, do their parents know, like their parents grew up in free territory, like you their grandparents, grew up in free territory, they will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? Some ginormity.

I been anxious about happening US soil, stranger things, since Pres Raisi, crash as Kobe's, crash, foggy weather, like signal attacks on US soil. Knowing, where, RUN and Gen 15, Ps 91, Ps 35. Isa 16, MAT 24/Rev 12/Rev 17:14, Divine, Intravenous, evidently THEY RUN with you and since yours is as Moses commanded exodus, THEY'RE assigned to cross you over into Africa's continent, as luxury exile, C. O, In Star Warring, AODHF absence, Mal 4, SLOG/HBOW/Apb

You know Mary, hearing Hawaii is building, while there's a hammering off up there, of more apocalyptic events, twice more since, one massive, tornadic, flooding storms; since, worsening planetary, SOLAR, tectonic, seismic events just going to exaccerbate predicted, Eze 5, designed, Ben Affleck, Armageddon YELLOWSTONE. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, until our future, into the distant lineage will one day discuss us, like we do The City of Atlantis and whether, areas now under of oceans of molten lava, did we Americans, The America continent ever existed? I've read its prophetic, parable, here.; talk about alarming, I just walk to heaven hum, tried that once, come out by way of Jesus threaten, outta darkness, ah yeah, way worst than hell, it really does exist. HBOW/HGOW/ Apb

“Alarming Signal” James Webb Telescope Receives a Signal from the Androm... via @YouTube; I woke a day after President Trump, 2025-doomsday final, 2028, near assassination, speaking a language not of humankind. I think like Pres Trump's attempted, you know what, it's all run signals, hearing speaking, speaking non-human, a box language I heard, this phenomenon, transmission? see here,, here, and here,; Ah, I know, even more frightnight, is that why said run signal have Holy Angels Michael's list and revisited running Brad Pitt arms filled with Jolie's Kids, Ad Astra, fallen, Angels, hybrid Aliens like all in a frenzy about getting theirs out, about, Netflix's, movie, "Leave The World Behind? GET JESUS, GET UP YONDER! Evenly here,; I wouldn't normally comment, I didn't believe in Aliens, but instead revisited Feb-March Pres Trump's 2019, the war in heaven losers, Rev 12 exiled here, Red Dragon, BEAST and a third of heaven's host, mutineering angels, only, only, all around intravenous Angels say they exist, Aliens, because of exiled, Angels, here's a day after Trump's shooting, I woke talking like them, a non-human language. If you remember, Feb 12/13/2023. other previous languages of those most endangered, were, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish. Marvel not stressing to yank us out, Hallow Eve, Halloween, the single word, inquiry, RUNNING?

There's just as Frightnight to Amazing Grace, Mary, waking saying Duh, (Rev 17/18. in Dutch and Twitch/Youtube Dutchsinse earthquake forecaster. Still, still, still, days prior, July 10/11, 2024, like I explained, to youtube, mrmbb333, I heard The Movie, Signs, baby monitor alerts all around my kitchen of reveals, clearly like the Royal Priest/Two witnesses, Trib saints all, all, are escaping, but so are some, as of the Interstellar Armageddon, like Intravenous Michael THEM, List, to revisited, Aug, 24/25, 2023, Rev 9, also invading, multimillions his genocider monsters, Lucifer's keys to the Bottomless Pit, even the loosening of those four bound angels, behold he stands at the door, knocking, get Jesus, get up yonderr? HBOW/Apb

YouTube Troy Black, God Warned Me What's Coming In August. Prophetic Word. via @YouTube

Marvel not Troy Black, Rev 9/Rev 13, Those who didn't die by bio-covid, bless AODHF, didn't repent, the loosening of both the four Angels and the bottom-less pit, multimillions in demons; unimaginably was all mocked, what happen to updated Aug 25/26, 2023, a multimillion man, grocery store, store managers, keys. Fightnight a barter balan, toll both, of bargaining one souls, your Christ Cross restored freedom, will it be famine for crowns of righteousness, or extravagant restaurants, the 666 economy, eternal damnation?




-Frightnight to unimaginable for eons and eons to come, I have this pundit, what happen to August? There's since 2015, THEY been showing us what happened to Big June/JUNETHEETH/July 6/its Sept 22/23; but nothing about what happened to Aug until its entire month, 2019? First Aug, 5, two West Rule systems, including the American continent, like are you, yours and your subscribers, running since? Even get this, there's your elephants of staying unaware, too shown stampeding, so is that why they're all now, a huge run-on Matrix blue pills of staying unaware? Two world sent skyrocketing to fire-rocketing: by its 7th, my mom's BD, the hand Feb 12./13/ 2019, once writing on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, was a handwriting, clumsily I may add, like barely legible, "Escape Yellowstone!

-There's knowing also there's by its 30/31 something similar, only it's a breaking of news report, could be the one I witnessed, sent US W. Pacific inherit, hundreds of millions out their doors running, "after 101, YELLOWSTONE ERUPTIONS!" Only Troy what happened to undated, Aug 25/26, 2023, I woke to these apocalyptic events in death tolls, Britain, Canada and America, 100 million in all. Fret not, remember like Isa 16/to Rev 7 John, witnessed them all also, I witnessed, The Northern, Hemisphere, so a Sunlight Of God, commanded Moses, Red Sea Crossing, across The, Atlantic. Like escaping famed, letters USA in reverse of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, all commanded since, (2002), by Sunlight of God, Juneteenth inherit. Like any day, hour to nano-second right now, July 20, 2024, washed up, out of Africa's SW Atlantic, and I was standing right there with Star Warring Archangel Michael's List, THEM to from a Georgian/African Landlord, showing me, the surviving hundreds of millions pouring into African/Atlantic coastal regions, towns, cities! HBOW/Apb

Told Since Bush, Clinton, Bush Into Every WH House 50 Million US will die, GET TO ALTARS OF JESUS CHRIST, Know Bible Prophecy, FSS! Rev 11:1,2, Dan 9:24-27, Rev 20, The same prophecies that predicted a Hussein WH, predicted Senator Hussein a two weeks and 7 year timetable descended Jesus millennium our meeting him in the air, I Thess 4:16-18, Rev 14 as to takeover the planet during Barack Hussein world reign its last months July 27/28 2016 of his assigned reign. These FSS are all the same prophecies that just remind President Trump stalled at Biden/Harris WH. How he still has 4 Years left of an April 2/20 his own Two weeks and 7 years timetables; prophecies announced during Daniel’s King Nechadnezzar being fulfilled during our leaders being aligned to especially Jeremiah 37 King Zedekiah and King Nebuchadnezzar their last days until Jesus reigns. also note the four languages I woke speaking are presently the parts of planet getting wiped out right now, including saying Duh/ Dutch/Dutchsinse earthquake forecaster, America, The Americas/western civilization making our next President interim in a foreign! Seeing the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden/Harris WH would you follow Trump, its Juneteenth inherit a repatriation of Mother Africa

Pastor Begley Who’s In Charge? HOW MANY HORNS, CROWNS DO YOU WEAR? GOD! Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 I woke each morning hearing WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Rev 3 Jesus, THE CHRIST! Whether They Will Hear Whether They’ll Stomp Their Feet, Dance Indian Style To Drown You Out Tell Them! Told FSS “since” during Bush, Clinton, Bush 50 Million US will die, GET TO ALTARS OF JESUS CHRIST, Know Bible Prophecy! See also here,
D.L. HUGHLEY ON DJ KHALED’S SILENCE ON GAZA; everything DL Hugely criticizes concerning DJ Khaled Is How Sunlight Of God Feel About Americans Period. Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound, commanded them to exodus Juneteenth 17/19 (2002)! I was there 30 minutes past the silence in heaven when it happened. Recently, why I asked Your leads would they forfeit The Presidency To Save Gaza’s Children? Miraculously, since threaten to strip leaders, Biden Broke, VP Harris, highest ranking worldwide, same gender advocate, promoted. Trump, if it wasn’t for all his culminating by his 2028 interim, exiled WH, ticking down timelines. As I lament, more then any man in biblical to human history, he would be having his otherworldly funeral. Though, FSS was that bullet his penance stampeding Brad Pitt and Jolie kids to followed by sudden destruction, Jonah’s Whale? HBOW, Apb. See more here
YouTube Bright Side Global, A Huge Underwater Explosion Makes Earth Crack Open and Scientists Are at... via @YouTube
Dan 5, A Handwriting 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava; A handwriting clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING! The First Passed Away, And I Saw A New Heaven And Earth Descending I thought you was talking about what scientist couldn’t stop talking about for years. That’s 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption and how the interstellar to planet atmosphere would never be the same. This is the year 2022 warn all about volcanoes; including every time THEY warn Yellowstone, we got Tonga; volcanism was put on Orange alert; Hawaii was building into! They’d already used Eze 5 to design a Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone! There’s the hammering off of more apocalyptic events! THE AMERICAN CONTINENT IS GOING; Does any of it remind of a Super Continent reversal? HBOW/Apb YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, BREAKING - WHERE IS BIDEN? TRUMP ALREADY WON? AMERICA IS FIGHTING FOR IT... via @YouTube

Hearing Get From Jezebel Churches Get To Jesus Christ, Altars!

Hearing Kill all parents by, finish all schools, if he showed Noah’s flood the drowning of humankind, he can show me Noah’s Cousin to 99 bowls of molten lava, the burning of mankind. There’s the problem FSS, America fighting for its life. Frightnight to amazing Grace, standing over sleeping beds anxious, showing himself also Star Warring Ancient Of Days Holy Father, three hammering off of apocalyptic events since, warring for you? Is AODHF showing his throne picked up and its back turned, I will not hear, I will not see, I will not intervene! There’s coming as a gamma ray bursting JCOR, arriving battling an interstellar Armageddon for the continuity of a religious, political worldwide spreading Sodom and Gomorrah; F for fornication, M for Molesters, M for Multilators, M for Murders and P for Pedophiers church teen, males; come out of them my people,” thus saith the calling for all Westerners/Juneteenth EXODUS/BLAEXIT, Sunlight of God, I judge them “double,” two US quarters worth, HBOW/Apb

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