Friday, July 12, 2024

Believe Alex Jones Is Sobbing Like Backturn Throne Holy Father And It The Money


Links Prophecy Fulfilling, Nuclear July 12 2024, Apocalyptic Firestorms, All US States Of Emergency To Barbecue; Thus warn Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Stampeding You Into Trump Gabriel, Archangel Michael Safehaven US Georgia’s COAST, COAST,  CROSSOVER! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Bride Maqata Moath Kahlout and King, Lord Akmaid Syed Farook, Sulaiman 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Marvel Not, Tribulation Saints Branded The Blinking of An Tribe, see how fast, The Multi billion man royal priesthood, are no more this planet, here, I Thess 4:16-18/I Cor 15:51-58/Rev 12:1-6

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

{{{"Grandma, my god! Hearing the shock in her voice, stirred concern, "I didn't think, ah little Nill is here, I don't under, he just appeared here, said he was watching TV in Ohio and next he's here. You know, that translating us thing, you, ah my god, hearing her frightful, shock, Tesia, is here, my Lord, there's Cortez, ah, my god, lil Darius is, Dae, Dae, and there's Makhya, you should see their faces, wait where is Miya? I'm pretty sure showing her with that line upon line of children and Jesus right there that house, right before I left there, taking them out, she lead them all to heaven, I bet, What about Caden? Terra could hardly hear, they all talking, fussing at the same time.  Terra what about all the kids? They translated first, my god, she just send me that prophetic parable,; of  this happen to me and Kieanna, told me to send it to everybody I care about, now this is happen and none of those we shared our lives, to bed with know what to do. Well  Zavaius does, grandma told me, if I ever just disappeared, and I just did, he knew where to find me, US Georgia Coast. You said grandma you saw it again, during that really loud UFO event, right before you left. Caden! Caden! What is going on up here, my lord, I know, they just start appearing, just as grand said, she remind just a day past when she saw me just appear, she come out of the kitchen I was sitting on the sofa shocked, I'd just translated! Wait, she told Zaviaus that, told him in prophetic hindsight, the church bride, two witnesses and tribulation saints, I can't believe I remember all that, were now all in heaven together. I was getting ready for work, a few minutes, prior, I'll be standing here naked, that's Tesia why I'm thanking God for underwear, CADEN! Caden probably ain't here, but if so, I'll get him, we gotta go, we gotta get to the coast! Meka! Literally falling up the stairs, what is so loud, all the grand kids, the ground ones are downstairs, what, what, wait, Cay, CAYYYYYYY! Meka, we can't stay here, millions beginning to realize are hitting the streets to highways! It's just like she said, I think an airplane, no, that's a helicopter, it could be a private Jet! Everybody get to the cars, oh, grab tennis shoes, blankets, pillows, waters, all the non-perishables. Who has cash? I do, grandma stayed on me about keeping cash, our parents, what about our parents? Believe, once they realize what's happened they're on their way to Georgia coast, yeah I saw that, 18 years grand said, a Sunlight in called us into a Moses exodus, they were all down on all fours, crossing the old Arkansas bridge, into Georgia. You tried calling them? Since I been here, me too, it's like going to voicemail, I tell you, all of those your grandmother know what to do, where to go and how fast, ....and how fast. Come on people, clapping his hands intimidatingly loud, run, the things you think won't to be the most valuable, when money, gold, and other precious items all come worthless! I can hear you, saying from slurred speech to tears streaming down his face, I can hear you!" Soon welcoming his dad bear hug, finally, suddenly getting his hearing. "What about lily them? Went to heaven first, and Netta? Will run like everybody else, but keep trying to reach her, let's go, let's fill up as much as we can only to stay comfortable. Plead our sorrowful procrastination to Archangel Michael THEM, she said she’d tell Brad Pitt calling her, that THEY’D arrive us, angel wing speed! Which you guys think is the fastest?” Knowing he was distracting them from the unimaginable horror, facing them, those race cars she saw them building, that skyrocketing craft, or angel wings."  I believe, to translate so fast and do far, is angel wing speed, they put us anywhere this planet, to the first, second, third heavens, all it universe and galaxies in seconds Just think hundreds of millions were yanked off the planet an eyes blink, simultaneously taking every title of what those seven kingdom, passed on to West Rule with it, even The American Continent. That’s why she kept saying, hey gonna stop get some gas, though its probable, cash only, you can try to get snacks, whatever it is, do it fast, ‘the continuity of anything West Rule it's Antichrist rule and after his at present counting down 42 month duration, Jesus' descends, reigns for a thousand years, healing wings, peace, leaves from the tree of life. Then after those 1000 years Khya, a number, the grains of sand planet wide, gonna join a loosed Lucifer against him and what Tez, in a nano-second they're the lakes of fires, unimaginable tortures and no way out!" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4  

The skyrocketing Rev 12 New born, leading captivity capture described, "THE HOLY CHURCH BRIDE, flash back, star warring, hammering Jesus's ascending his Royal-priest out just in time to give, Isaiah16, witnessed holy land battled Gaza escapees, being pursued battled Gaza refugees, by a close to the antichrist, genocider Netanyahu type, its described even the molten death bringer from beneath rises up and swallow this evil menace! 

Scrutinizing Earth Ending Movies, After Those Two Earthing Movie, Left Behind 3: World At War | Full Action Movie | HD Movie | Action Disaster Movie | Armageddon/Fast For To The 135.17 mark, Kirk Cameron's, character goes through a type of burning hell to bring the gospel of Jesus, THE CHRIST to its's Lou Gossett Jr  Portrayal of The US President: 

-Marvel not during an on angelic wings flyover the country in dominoing US Volcanoes, fiery doomsday apocalypse. Witnessed a burning Whitehouse, that'd been decades, before witnessing, the Jan 22-29, 2021, flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden/Harris White, their air force ones, air force two's excetra, nothing was to be left. 

remember thinking with those kinda flames, no way they could survive, listen to the most intimidating  song, Refiner (feat. Chandler Moore & Steffany Gretzinger) | Maverick City Mus... via @YouTube: hearing, we were to scrutinize other earth ending movies, from here, witnessing the incineration of US Government and all its dangerous, damaging damning components. 

Reigning Sunlight Of God commanded at me, MOSES EXODUS! I suggested, its my online version, for decades prior, national to international apocalypse, the repatriation of awarding 1996/2012, graduating class, teen Genesis marriage worshippers a newly designed paradise, mother Africa, submersible, cruise-ships all, all 

Unquestionably Sunlight of God, adapted June/Juneteenth 17-19, 2002, world inherit, blessed BLAEXIT marvel not seeing, Senator Obama's campaign July 27/28, 2008/2009 hundreds of millions of Americans to westerns, pouring up outa Africa's Southwest Atlantic into it's coastal cities and towns; marvel not further its July 27/28, 2022, witnessing famed letters USA do the same, float off The American Continent as to witness it follow the same trajectory of its hundreds of millions into exile luxury!”

YouTube Short, Mayor DID NOT Hold Back via @YouTube;  From pray to all human beings At the Whitehouse to KILL SLL PARENTS BY; one stab the heart commanded slayers I witnessed running down I guess you say tardy stampeders, there are these huge swordlike syringes slashing through the air, point blank the telling heart, oh hint like Russia is threatening it was the Hawaii Missile Crisis! The Cuban Missile Crisis again! 

Know also Eze 9 saw it, heard it all first here, And the Lord said unto him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:

Like coronavirus, that killer mostly parents, grands, Ezekiel heard further, Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man ( those like this Mayor) upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house; i’m just here in Jesus, talking to the religious leaders you are of your father the devil and the last of him you would do he was a murderer of him beginning not in the truth; WATCH! RUN! LIIVE, (ASCEND);

YouTube Short, They Need To Be In Prison via @YouTube; “Kill ALL PARENTS BY, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! This I Heard After I Saw What’s Presently This Disney New Dr Who Dot And Bubble Monsters. Ancient genociders I witnessed 1988/2017/2024, Dan 7 The Lion, The Leopard, the bottomless Pit Anubis Demons as disguised house pets. 

Dancing Hallelujahs All Around The Sounding Of The 7Th Angel Trumpet! Since I pointed these covert evils out, US Surgeon General now says he wants like cigarette warnings on all HD, 5G and social media screening! Pray for all other human beings at the wailing wall marked for crowns of righteousness! 

2003, The Dying Of Schools Is Painful Asteroid Destroy! 

2023, I Will Strip Leaders, I Will Strip Schools, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE DESTROY! 

There’s The Uvalde School Shooting Morning Some Bout Gaming GTA And Netanyahu Giving US A Line Upon Line Of Injured, Orphan To Dead Children! 


How long ago did the government including schools, churches and such knew they weren’t to teach our children life issues? In short I’ll mention the birth control program alone, abortion program. Need I equally mention the preschool teacher who bragged she’s teaching children, same gender; no rejection. Others get hauled off to court, to prison for mentioning Jesus! That religious, political and social media, been going Antichrist and every evil work for our children long before pedophile churches. 

Pedophile Priest to Gog and Magog to Anubis undertakers home theater! A HANDWRITING A SAME GENDER SCHOOL CURRICULUM! Like long before June/Juneteenth 10, 2023 and 2024 repeating. Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband hammering off more incoming apocalyptic events. Marvel not that line upon line of stampeding anti same gender school curriculum, Islamic parents running to Safehaven school gym! 

HE, THEY Once more translated my older grands from Pompeii movie of Memphis and yanked all other Twilight Movie School Office Bella lead all the worlds young children out! I was there, I saw them building and building again like Netanyahu slaughtered Gaza children, like they could hear the lamb’s book of life now a school name roll call! HBOW/Apb


Commanded Sunlight Of God Teen Genesis Marriage Worshippers GET OUT!

God Showed Me False Prophets Changing the Gospel Message. via @YouTube

Interstellar Gog and Magog obsessing with Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM yet a missed Sept BETA 2020 Place Holy Church Bride In Their Timeline, Yes, No?

You have to remember Troy there’s a time when humankind are given over to false prophets, it’s even why The Holy Spirit and Jesus speak in parables. The more they  procrastinate the Sunlight of God commanding West Rule, Juneteenth inherit, blessedly Brexit, BRIEXIT Blaexit, repatriation of Southwest Africa’s Atlantic coastal cities, their exile luxury, the more Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONES Eze 5/Dan 2 designed earth Enders will target them. 

The video I shared above, the reason why it’s so important when Rev 10 Mighty angel stood The planet, the US map, it’s US W. Pacific. Clear where apocalyptic Hawaii builds into a continent and world ending YELLOWSTONE and 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava. There’s ten days since THEY showed up, its entire angelic host, that Hawaii missile morning translating, crossing over, skyrocketing. 

Mighty Angel warning desolations predicted US soil now come! Just think how long have they been warning about the monstrous threats W. Pacific/US W. Pacific. Convinced Troy it’s decades, it’s many demos tens of millions its procrastinating inherit all of a sudden incinerated. Like the days of Noah, equals hundreds of millions hitting the highway into itself SE Atlantic Coast. There’s where divine crossover like the days of Moses Red Sea, Trump Gabriel, Archangel’s list await! You, yours, your subscribers?

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Bride Maqata Moath Kahlout and King, Lord Akmaid Syed Farook, Sulaiman 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Richat Structure Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Stefania Alwyn Monaliza and Lord Sean Cairn Lite Footprint was born a Lord Mahmound Khuloud Monaliza, Footprint, a goddess Shamrock, Dahdouh Monaliza, Footprint,  a Lord Nakba Adam Nuseirat Monaliza, Footprint, and a goddess Mahdiya Abdullah Monaliza, Footprint   

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"We could say it's burning Bush old age when actually we know for near six years since counting it’s The October 2019 Daniel 4 madness curse, like come on weeping Alex Jones, like causing the silence in heaven, say it with me, Gog and Magog Trump running for the US presidency again proves to be evident, He is Daniel 4, curse, fast and furious Ludacris and contagious. We all know in his right mind if there’s such a thing for western leaders, knowing and being able to hold on to what he knows, Unquestionably, having these gazillions, Elon Musk to other men/women of Mortal Engines, ingeniously navigating the heavens, the earth, the sea above and beneath, they'd get tired of me calling them trying to get me and mine off doomed, Noah's Cousin molten lava Continent first and if there's any intravenous star wars to allow it, get off this planet. Right, sweet dreams, all, his everything followed by sudden destruction, except he repent, there's one way off molten lava planet, Grand Sia saying Lord Lite, Footprint, get Jesus, get up yonder!"     >>>"So goddess Maqata Moath_Kahlout, you're named for the two reporters bringing your story to the forefront, right? Maqata is my family name, but Tribunal Cairn Lite Footprint Moath to Sulaiman is theirs. Tombola Arkmaid is too, is too what! You have special, specific names, like Syed Farook, what’s that about and are we there yet? You want the best scenic area, even your pick of your designed quarters The Richat Structure you’ll endure this line of tribulation. Look, I brought snacks, ouuu the nuts, juice, we’ve endured the hardest overnight bug out, surely cry-baby, this is nothing in comparison, I’m sorry," as to funnily raise her hand, make mockery, "what was hard about the bug out? Of course, yes, disagrees, says the couple goddess Stefania Alwyn Monaliza that’s married and Lord, Sean Cairn Lite Footprint, you want? Ah water for me! I hear Grand Sia, blesses it, even as it is bless for all our healing, speaking of which I saw goddess Amphitrite Afridi, earlier. Just saying she look, well like nothing happened, I know  it did, awful, but I hear Darius Sia's, some with children and experiences were with her often enough, I guess no real mystery there, she's doing so well.  Whoa, the line just moved, a lot, wait, is that bad or good, does that mean beloved Maqata those perfect, scenic areas are gone? Don't know, husband to be very soon, we'll waiting to see, remember?"    >>> "Where are you man? Both hearing the ruckus in one another background, surely they're on the same page, “we’re cutting it mighty close. I’m already gone man, gone, wait, how far ahead? Ah, see, hello, ah months now. Months, did you just say months? I couldn’t help it, nobody can be that right all the time and be wrong Jess man. I just couldn’t chance it, I rented an eighteen wheeler like she suggested to Candian Prepper, I mean, why let all this merchandise, hello, go to, ah waste? Hello, hello! "Dad, you okay? Don’t feel guilty, you did what’s right for us. Look, we got what’s marked for shelter inside. Dad, seeing tears dampening his phone, scrolling, his cheeks, come grabbing him into a huge hug. “Maybe I should’ve told him, you know she’s mocking those right now, I don’t, how while escaping triangle craft get burning Biden and burning Harris to safehaven, USA GA to exile luxury USA MOTHER Africa, their should’ve, would’ve, could've's all the way there still left millions of US inherit horribly dead and mostly waking up from horrid hell into eternal hell!” Anyway, mom say the storm has made daylight black, come in, outta the rain. Dad, his day-dreaming far off, fearful to faithful to fateful. “Please, she said that, so the spacecraft she saw during the incineration of West Pacific Coastline into the Biden/Harris White House, The American Continent. I don’t know son but why would he spare us?”  Wiping uselessly pouring tears, millions to billions dead? “Dad come!” Amazing Grace with those predicted millions in tribulation Saints John witnessed pouring into Jesus’s Throne bosom dances in sin decimals head. “Tell me that scripture again, John 3:16 and what could it for eons past to eons to go, mean? You dad was the one who told me, you believe her seeing, that father, with sons, sent out for more supplies, and father, moving to secure his hideaway, found himself surrounded by all types of doors jams, represented Full Spectrum Survivor or son prepper period, like spirit and Bride going from kindly summoning us home, to possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel, 2 stone from heaven. I mean suppose like seeing that trumpet passed to Guardian Gabriel, this is now her responsibility as Rev 6, 6th John, mocking our worthless hideaways, because of the mutiny to war in heaven and the exile of hundreds of millions of now fallen angels, demons, and their hybrids, Aliens? Dad, what's that son? Where did go, and are you back? No way that was all flesh and blood my recently turnt dad, but fast and furious with blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT and Blaexit, I don't know what you mean, I'm just saying son whatever blessed come to me. You two read further she saying, those who stay behind, go back or even look back, isn't only a slap in the face of intravenous God, but those Abraham's bosom, to Jesus' martyred to Harriet Moses, Truman to Michael's list; those saints mom, under God's throne, crying, God take their vengeance, as HE"S apparently doing, showing himself star warring. Don't worry bout him, none of them, she saw them all come, all autos, every brand loaded from car roof to tires she explain, it, saw them this huge number into, here, Georgia's coast, and by intravenous angels help, witnessed them all pour out of Africa's Southwest, Atlantic into its coastal cities, and town, even said to have witnessed and visited its perfect exile luxury, safehouses all, so they's coming, don't you worry bout it, this is god's grace, his blessed Brexit, Blaexit,  also 400 years predicted, nothing can prevent it, nothing."     >>>"So I'm like, you know mom you're telling me to sleep around, to have as many partners as I would like, before I get married, my god is that why you don't know who my father is? I never said that, well do you? When, Stefania Alwyn did this turn to me? I know life lessons mom, are to begin at home, but how long before y'all ship us off to sitters, then days cares, preschool, then elementary, middle and high schools. There's not including the insanity that goes along with preachers, choirs and churches, no wonder by the time we reach college, there's no telling how many people we've shared our my intimate selves, how many abortions, huh, mom? I don't want that for my life, for my children lives, talk about starting out on the wrong foot, darken path, ah I know, not the kind of life lessons Dr Phil types can tell us, staying on script the American genocidal whore. Oh, do you know how many so called lovers a person go through before they finish college, and how mind-bogging mom, that is, one foot, the mind in the cloud, one foot, the mind a tug of various ways you can exit by suicide? Again mom, not the life I want, not the genesis man, marriage God meant for us. I'm, you all just don't know how blessed I am I got chosen by Dissuasion Fashion, I guess you Richat Structure are the ones who do know, the only reason, teen worshippers of the genesis marriage, the only reason, the Aqua Juttah Genealogy exist. So goddess Stefania Alwyn, that's the last you spoke to your mom? No, my mom is here, well The Parental Juttah, when they presented her with the ideal, made her aware of the consequences of transgressions. Yes, she hopped right on board, arrived here only months after I did, we still have our Thursday girls out, been to ask if any of you would like joining us at times! Speaking of girls night out, Alwyn, the last time Grand Sia was shown how damaging, dementing and damning for most, these widely trusted wicked devises, was after you guys they arrived home from a family night on the town, like time they stepped the porch they knew, infiltration dangers, the whole neighborhood. I''ll tell you when I reconsidered all this, the ten things happen, between, Oct 30/31, 2023, Grand Sia researching, like what ginormity was happening to threatening that conferenced mother ships in the heavens, mother ships in the heavens, goddess Maqata Moath? Right, yes, that long, long, long, shaking, quaking event, she couldn't wake up to, the one she caught trailing them, only because he was searching the sky for a phenom fingernail moon that wowed her earlier. Wait, wait, wait pop up reveal here, I read where she witnessed something really weirding out going on with the moon, that made her described, it. Actually as like a Halloween night, she said it was like a child's paper, drawing, and they had a crayon in real time, as she watched, coloring, stripping the moon black, again as she watched from the window of the car. Now, now, now, for those who watch, mrmbb333 and his participating subscribers, they keep catching pics to videos of phenom things, crafts going on near the moon, even triangle crafts, yeah, like wasn't one Lord Lite Footprint, of those events capture by his son, his wife, and soon bringing him out to be caught by him? Well, I never said anything until now, but I thought I heard about another wowing solar event happened between Hallow Eve to Halloween, that could've spark, ascension concern, perhaps?"     >>>{{{"Grandma, my god! Hearing the shock in her voice, stirred concern, "I didn't think, ah little Nill is here, I don't under, he just appeared here, said he was watching TV in Ohio and next he's here. You know, that translating us thing, you, ah my god, hearing her frightful, shock, Tesia, is here, my Lord, there's Cortez, ah, my god, lil Darius is, Dae, Dae, and there's Makhya, you should see their faces, wait where is Miya? I'm pretty, showing her with that line upon line of children and Jesus right there that house, right before I left there, taking them out, she lead them all to heaven, I bet, What about Caden, what about all the kids? They translated first, my god, she just send me that prophetic parable, of  this happen to me and Kieanna, told me to send it to everybody I care about, now this is happen and none of those we shared our lives, to bed with know what to do. Well  Zavaius does, grandma told me, if I ever just disappeared, and I just did, he knew where to find me, US Georgia Coast. You said grandma you saw it again, during that really loud UFO event, right before you left, Caden! Caden! What is going on up here, my lord, I know, they just start appearing, just as grand said, she remind just a day past when she saw me just appear, she come out of the kitchen I was sitting on the sofa shocked, I'd just translated! Wait, she told Zaviaus that, told him in prophetic hindsight, the church bride, two witnesses and tribulation saints, I can't believe I remember all that, were now all in heaven together. I was getting ready for work, a few minutes, prior, I'll be stand here naked, that's Tesia why I'm thanking God for underwear, CADEN! Caden probably ain't here, but if so, I'll get him, we gotta go, we gotta get to the coast! Meka! Literally falling up the stairs, what is so loud, all the grand kids, the ground ones are downstairs, what, what, wait, Cay, CAYYYYYYY! Meka, we can't stay here, millions beginning to realize are hitting the streets to highways! It's just like, you said, I think an airplane, no, that's a helicopter, everybody get the cars, oh, grab tennis shoes, blankets, pillows, waters, all the non-perishables. Who has cash? I do, grandma stayed on me about keeping cash, our parents, what about our parents? Believe, once they realize what's happened they're on their way to Georgia coast, yeah I saw that, 18 years grand said, a Sunlight in called us into a Moses exodus, they were all down on all fours, crossing the old Arkansas bridge, into Georgia. You tried calling them? Since I been here, me too, it's like going to voicemail, I tell you, all of those your grandmother know what to do, where to go and how fast, ....and how fast. Come on people, clapping his hands intimidatingly loud, run, the things you think won't to be the most valuable, when money, gold, and other precious items all come worthless! I can hear you, saying from slurred speech to tears streaming down his face, I can hear you!" Soon welcoming his dad bear hug, finally, suddenly getting his hearing. "What about lily them? Went to heaven first, and Tilly will run like everybody else, but keep trying to reach her, let's go, let's fill up as much as can only to stay comfortable, plead our sorrowful procrastination to Archangel Michael THEM, she said she tell Brad Pitt calling her,  that they arrive us, angel wing speed! which you guys think is the fastest? Knowing he was distracting them from the unimaginable horror, facing them, those race cars she saw them building, that skyrocketing craft, or angel wings."  I believe, to translate so fast and saw far, is angel wing speed, they put us anywhere this planet, to the first, second, third heavens, al it universe and galaxies in seconds Just think hundreds of millions were yanked off the planet an eyes blink, simultaneously taking every title of what those seven kingdom, passed on to West Rule with it, even The American Continent, that's why she kept saying, hey gonna stop get some gas, though its probable, cash only, you can try to get snacks, whatever it is, do it fast, the continuity of anything West Rule it's Antichrist rule and after his at present counting down 42 month duration, Jesus' descends, reigns for a thousand years, healing wings, peace, leaves from the tree of life, and after those 100, years khya, a number, the grains of sand planet wide, gonna join a loosed Lucifer against him and what Tez, in a nano-second they're the lakes of fires, unimaginable tortures and no way out!" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4  

Khalissee ✅ @kahlissee•1d

Just Think About This

Hooded, shaded her holds up a sign, GAZA NOW HAS THE MOST CHILD AMPUTEES IN HISTORY !


My Bad I do call them mutators! F for Fornication, A for Adultery, A for Abortion, LGBTQB-M for Monster, M for Molester, M for Mutators, and CTP Church Teen Pedophiers! Sso if you want to be a Predator Antichrist raising a Generation of vampiric vipers then you know where to come, to be born! HBOW/Apb

I know HBOW, okay so if AOHF is showing HIMSELF Star  Warring alongside Archangel Michael’s List From A Page Torn Out Of Lamb’s Book Of Life then who’s minding his Back Turn Throne? I’ve seen a commanding Let My Juneteenth Inherit Go, from behind a Mt Sinai type! The reigning church bride possess, preps, launch Antichrist murderer and its newest dealing with sin, there’s now three hammering off the Sinai type, well remember May 10 TIFF to April 8 Devil cometh and Superstorms since; remember historic hurricane beryl come historic tornados outbreak in time for Twisters movie day view TIFF/Brad Pitt-Jolie- Kids don’t have that Red Carpet deal, right? 

Witnessed Designing A Shaving Celebrity In The Mirror, Eze 5 Ben Affleck Armageddon. YELLOWSTONE! THEY not gonna stop y’all have like a Pompeii Movie Of Sodom and Gomorrah slash finally stampeding Lot and Family, Jonah and the Whale situation stirred in of Daniel 4 witnessing the application of that Oct 17, 2018, begin 2019 7 year fast and furious contagious madness award and Pres Obama/Trump/Biden/Harris proven to be Ludacrist and religiously, politically, and socially contagious; LET MY PEOPLE GO! COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! STAR WARRING HBOW/HGOW!


Like Religious, Political and Parental leaders Social Media, Videographers, Podcasters are also responsible for their subscribers. We know during one witnessed the casting of line upon line of the damned one person was accused of her Facebook misleading a quarter of million people, in short you since the damning of one’s soul is involved you don’t want people following you unless you following Jesus The CHRIST and presently those Christ are The Sunlight Of God, commanded exodus the repatriation of Africa’s SW Atlantic you know where to be it’s blessed crossover US Georgia’s Coast! 

X Poster, Safiturk Murat


We are trying to understand Israel's influence on US politics and the unconditional support that the US gives to Israel, ignoring all reactions and disregarding the social and economic situation of its own people.

What we really need to know is what is the real reason for this non-religious and non-racial interest and loyalty?

Is it blackmail?

A nefarious complicity?

Or is it a secret cult membership of the rulers?

Knowing Russia, China As A Disobedient Jonah Everything As Trump Followed By Sudden Destruction Until They Do What? Marvel Not That April 8, 2024, Eze 5 Designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! 

The light of, Safiturk Murat


Clearly Chris he’s asking a nation as Turkey Erdogan 

Christmas Holiday, Christmas Holidays 2001,; aligned to an Antichrist, Unleashing Netanyahu! How can a World system, Country to Continent bringing the world Jesus THE CHRIST has as blinking light it caution Turkey’s 

Erdogan describe presently be a Netanyahu genocide driven world government of Gog and Magog Antichrist? I’d see more here, here, just saying when you’re one dominoing Hawaii morning tens of millions incinerated own for the rest hundreds of millions don’t you at least wanna know Dan 7-12/Rev 10-19, why? 


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