Friday, July 5, 2024

The Parable Of The Flush, Genesis Marriage Abomination!

The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, four days since The SUNLIGHT OF GOD, JUNETNNETH 2002, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit from Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024/Nuclear, Close To The Antichrist, Hussein Obama July 05, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024.

PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, close To The Antichrist, Hussein Obama July 05, one day At July 6, 2015, these recurring skyrocketing, some bout both error, era UK Cameron to Rev 12 Star Warring Red Dragon, Gog and Magog Them, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024.

See Rev 12 John saying and there was war in  Heaven; not even realizing the magnitude of what he’s describing, there’s my May 31, 2022 grand Caden testifying during an Archangel as the days of Lot’s incoming fireball, escape, they'd entered God’s Throne through a hole in heaven; marvel not in the spirit world I was seeing Rev 12  Holy Angels battling a Star Wars  up there, on the ground in surreal time there’s some both lost angels and not Los Angeles and the seeing  to the reporting of nearly 1,500 pulses of lightning recorded off Southern California coast in 5 minutes/a literally down LAX flight

And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke 10:18; Jesus but since Holy Spirit and Jesus are Alpha and Omega there’s still no dating the war in heaven or how long Red Dragon them, including their alien nation to invasion been exiled on planet earth;

Then I woke from interceding for husbands, being lead back to planet earth by Angels reassuring me THEY can’t wait to be down here where I am;

I know while you wrap your mind around that! It’d be years before I’d calculate I’d died during a 21 day Daniel 10 fast, intercession for The Lost Husband, apparently ascended and here descended, I say in time to have breakfast with my 2013 age grands, but what’s curious to amazing since, Did I chose to return or did I like Rev 8 John had no other choice? I’m kinda not liking here, 11 tribulation years later, I actually chose to return, and I don’t think it’s the first time, to last. I have to ask, you know I do, know you're working either way, but what would you do if given the chance to stay or return?

see more here,

Got me saying, if Jesus, THE CHRIST, YELLOWSTONE/TIFF/Russia/CHINA tarry, I'll do this or that; here's my baby son, my best friend, her baby daughter and I we're standing a duck pond, its breezy point, before I walked back into my house this stunning spring, day, hearing as I entered, "tell my people I'm coming soon." I'd just now been summoned up to him thrice, these huge white, Mal 4 describe, Sunlight of God, Come with Healing Wings, and while he's plucking us out of nuclear apocalypse, Chernobyl nuclear-plant meltdown, he's bragging, our enemies as ashes under our feet!


I tell you, Intervening when I was in my most danger, domestic violence, away from home, Angel Gabriel come, meaning Rev 12, shown Star Warring up there, Archangel THEM were all around, I was in fault his coming this time. Though I know he wanted us to make a fast and furious dash from not a safehaven Florida's coast to THEIR designed, safehaven coastal, crossover, US Georgia's Atlantic. Sincerely in my heart of hearts, wherever we were going, I just wanted to get there before that Oct 17, 2018, warning no flirting with Keanu Reeves movies,

Post 2020 Bio-Covid, The Frozen Movie series/ Jolie's Kids, "The Day The Earth stood still a 190 year subtraction pending since Dec 24/25 2001, US weights of martyred blood guilt, judgment, sentence, presently, more their error Islam 38, thousand Palestinians dead, half children. No wonder we have angels running in a race, it’s Dec 29, 2019, putting these earth enders, beginning US soil back on prophetic track. Know also there's Eze 5, designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, since, presently your daughters dreams, reminder, how imminent, is the 666 Antichrist bargaining the soul, economy, barter, balan, toll booth, and yes, those hundreds of millions an eye's blink, translating, crossing-over to skyrocketing! HBOW/Apb

See here,; note the title of this Mars region: here, Mars perseverance rover capture Entrance to an abandoned place containin... via @YouTube and here,, moon landing, fact or fiction?

Principalities In Heaven! For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’ Helel, Isa 14"13-14.

Delivering Angels, see,

Assuring, they wanna be down here where I am, to being told assured Jesus was on His way here, to watch his millennium descend, a year later, only not yet: remember, by Feb 12.13. 2011, they'd explained, what all that arriving only two thirds the way was all about: how from up, Jesus partial arrival, where he wait us in the sky; from up there, deliver Holy Angels actual down here, with me,  here's the reason I shared these two three youtube vids remember, Sept Beta,  15, 2023, as to mock Pres Trump's Dan 9;27, Oct 17, 2021, skyrocket, I arrived in heaven, running, as we all where getting second heaven intercession or interstellar, Armageddon,  spoils of Rev 12, Star Warring these Mars, huge, structure studies! 

I shared before, I picked up a book, the religious section of the library, I don't know the name nor the author, I just know he posed a question very special to be, seeing the question of us arriving only two thirds the way, and I wasn't happy, was yet the mystery, his resolution regarding the war in heaven, was to clear out its regions, for the holy church bride arrival. Like I said it all made sense to me, knowing such a stayover in the interstellar actually existed: so I'm busy my kitchen, when he, stay around guardian began saying, "soon the holy church bride will be in heaven, looking and praying down here, for the tribulation, given over into the hands of the Antichrist? Remember, she that ascended, but that she also descended, inspected and witnessed its exile luxury, blessed Brexit/Blaexit, so there's be no question, but here were only the ones that translated to ran, to escaped, you, yours again yours?         

Prophecy Link

-Seem to have my unbelieving children to for a change forewarn me, how bad the last of this month, June, to the first of next month, July, 06/24/2016, see (2016-2017), (Holy Spirit forewarn something similar, 1998 (see Jer. 37:8, 1998), said lots of people would die, because of it.   

-Seen to be seeing families fragmented, and their children falling into the care of strangers, 07/16/2016

  -Seen to be seeing the entire country living on one plantation, and soon evacuated into a closed Mexican border, 07/16/2016, see the slow motion exodus, 2001-2017, 

The Lyrics Playing While The Lamb’s Book Was Opened, Names Written Called Out; Listening to Kim Walker Smith and crying my eyes out, “I Exalt Thee,”

Wake Up America

Do you agree that China should be BANNED from buying Farmland in America?

Yes or No?

I agree Daniel 4, six year old Trumpian madness curse is deceiving him and all other's putting any stock, no pundit intended into anything US Of America. There's still that old Arkansas bridge, King Nebuchadnezzar/Pompeii Movie of Memphians crossed down on all fours repentant into US Georgia's COAST

There's that showing me standing before a class of children showing them how the Chinese language work; here's it's Feb 12/13, 2023, I wake three times, fathers running with a single son, the bank, the store, a restaurant, speaking two Asian languages, the other Spanish to in Dutch!

-A question, knowing your world ends April, 2025, no more Country Continent World System, no allies. What do you do, if you have subscribers leaning on your every post, what you want them to do? Intravenous Gabriel and Michael keep translating mine into US Georgia's COAST, yours? HBOW/Apb

YouTube, Josh’s Severe Weather, 7/5/24: THIS COULD GET VERY BAD FOR TEXAS via @YouTube

Rev 7:1, And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree; One Of The Angels I saw up there, had a pitcher in hand, pouring flood waters on the planet. Though, I’m thinking we had a predicted Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era by then! Apb 

Like California two years straight getting hit recurring by those atmospheric to derecho like flooding to snow storms. I knew early on, if Beryl come into the US Gulf COAST. Kinda like all superstorms since that April 8, 2023 Eclipse to Devil Comet event, Texas would again be its primary target! Just remember God chasten those HE love, in an Eze 5, designing of mandatory, permanent evacuations, kinda way, HBOW/Apb

YouTube The Matthew Fam, Yellowstone Park Official Gives LAST WARNING After a TERRIFYING Incident... via @YouTube

Though I was entirely aware but couldn’t get up during that long, long, long duration hovering craft, one grand called a UFO. Know within its struggles was the warning two years now, Nov 11/21 2021/2022, that Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; finally waking hearing “Last Day Of America!”

I know which, triangle Craft invasion, Ben Affleck Armageddon or one triggering the other?
Frightnight is hearing back then King David Ps 37 sayings fret not thyself and here lately desolations predicted US soil now come, only that’s Rev 10 Mighty Angel. Both reference this death bringer from beneath the earth.

Thing is THEY warn most recent was come further saying Hawaii is building, Hawaii Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano in the world it triggers in as far as all my ministering day on earth, a designed Pompeii movie of Memphis; lately schools on top children and like being devoured by that huge mortal engine!

Then you further hear beware the Midwest, the eastern seaboard, beware US states of barbecue exception US Georgia’s COAST because for many millennia intravenous wait to cross us, we’ll y’all over to Atlantic Africa from there.

I know their should’ve would’ve could’ve’s written in our martyred blood, here’s totally explaining there’s a hovering craft outside the Biden/Harris flaming, blazing, burning Whitehouse, yeah like John his descending New Jerusalem I did witnessed a new, White, Holy House descending billions it’s Royal Priesthood, yeah Jesus explained it to Nicodemus no man has gone up heaven to come back down, you, yours, again yours?

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Princeton Damien Norcross, Atrazor and Queen Bride Nyla Guineve Gogle

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Nicholas Edin Coogan and Tiffany Ann Saurus Coogan was born their twin sons, Agurus (Aggie) Heus Coogan and Heus Agurus Coogan and a daughter a years later, B. Karsiann Coogan

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2013}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM

“Frightnight is Global, Heelsfeet tribunal, Satan isn’t even bothered about The preaching of Jesus Cross anymore, for whosoever shall call upon Jesus' name shall be saved, kidnapped Angel Gabriel got him, threw him with that one. No, he's more concern with That since Juneteenth 17/19 2002 Sunlight of God, from behind a Mt Sinai type equally reigning God's Back Turn throne/DOME even. Unimaginably there’s an as the days of Moses commanded exodus! Marvel not that like Rev 12 skyrocketed New Born/New Born church, suddenly an eyes blink, moves hundreds of millions to  billions out of Red Dragon them reach; untellable blessed assurance, Star Warring Archangel Michael, even Michael’s List to THEIR exile luxury is setting his all around, it’s interstellar Armageddon. Yes, yes, y’all just turn y'all feet to faithfulness toward safehaven  territories. Trump Gabriel June 27/28 2022 reminding there’s Jordan’s Petra, US Georgia’s coast, CROSSOVER, Africa’s SW Atlantic. Soon all the wait to Rev 7 described Jesus Throne bosom, THEY got y’all, 1260 day’s of it, beginning Chernobyl to Devil Comet April Spring Rapture 2025, until October 17, 2028, THEY got y’all! You see her YouTube Jonathan Cahn saying God HIMSELF has verified that exact date April 2025 as America’s extinction! Yeah Tribunal Headwater remind her hearing as recent as Hussein Obama’s aligned Jesus Millennium reign descent July 27/28 2016, here, July 26/27 2023 she wake from hearing West Rule death tolls, exactly 100 million, as in this order, Britain, 25, Canada 25, and 50 The US of America come The US of  Africa, howbeit, right, right, howbeit not the  continuity of WEST RULE, it’s done in indefinitely, so yes Mar 24 Catastrophist Jesus says Run!”     >>>”So Nextus Juttah Obama’s admin two weeks and 7 years timetable began with those two Rev 12 Antichrist beast rise and go futher Inyo prediction and ended with Jesus Christ millennium descending and go further Into perfection presently a post apocalyptic The American Dream Also the entire west rule system is a line to God and God. They both are reference close to the Antichrist their two weeks and seven year timetable and Trumps other timetables based global Juttah on what scriptures maybe then we can count them, perfect Bronze man, Genesis, Grsnd Sia huge then ever sun just set a Death Valley temp records 130 degrees highest record in the planet ever! “ Why Don’t won’t y’all just get it?” Godtriplet, Sia Darius Mahaseiah soon stirring them all into tumultuous celebrations possibly a hallelujah Jericho walk “The Chosen Mary Magdalene seizing up Lazarus empty tomb they still not realizing what HE is! We serve as a Heavenly Father, an Ancient Of Days, Daniel called him; Alpha, Omega, The beginning and the end; the first and last Revelation Book describing HIM, blessed are hearers and doers, and doers. Nothing the universe the galaxies to the worker ant to worker bee exist except by ELO-HOM Surrealistically we get to call him father because he used the women seed he  made from creating the Adam put on holy flesh and entirely broke indefinitely whet it’d taken Red dragon them possibly millions of exiled years to build upon our human extinction; there’s two of us John was told, one who no longer commit sin one that does;? accordingly to the same gender movement happily, if what they’re doing is wrong in Elo-HIM’s heart they don’t wanna be saved!” Soon bringing other’s  classes a celebrating; “so marvel not since he stood over sleeping beds anxious to snatch us out, showing himself Star Warring alongside Archangel Michael THEM intravenous human extinction Jesus millennium reign, she, our grand Sia Parental Juttah can’t stop calling him Ancient of Days Holy Father and that’s ultimate dancing hallelujahs all around, I even hope you dance drummers, be bobbers, hummers let all that hath sound worship him, right now, right now, right now, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!” Yeah Jesus left us with the image of anointing to washing his feet, grand Sia mom gave us the image laying atop my Olivet return kissing his feet, whewwwwwwwww, dancing hallelujahs!"     >>>“What? I'm sorry what? I asked first,” causing them both to break into charming grimaces, surprisingly was Nicholas Edin well enough to even drive, this miraculous recovery. “I still can't believe you're driving, I feel just fine, what got you so stirred? A revelation Nicolas for sure, tell me, you sure? Yeah, tell me, did I ever Nicolas tell you the dream of the Leopard Skin Coat? It originates at the prophet Jeremiah and Holy Spirit inquiring or suggesting how profoundly intertwined are his people in or with sinful abominations. To the point He ask this weary prophet having preached some 40 years, can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his spots? That’s as we here presently Nicholas look at Michael Jackson (see Tower of Babel, Mystery Babylon) as far as skin, and Britain (westernized civilization) as far as spots, ...and the answer Tiffany is no, said change can only come at the heart, it being wicked all the time, right?" Truly astonishing her, a Christian Cros, or a Sioux Noel, or the Juttah Tribe period, giving her these divine responses, but not her Nicholas Edin, not at all him. “You told me something about it, ...yes, artificial loan from the beginning, right? Yeah, whose beauty was like this major, even Nicholas, this genius distraction, ...yeah, yeah, you said you lost it and found it many times, but as you did, I, that’s the husband in the dream was often lost in the midst of it soon to be this beyond blunder of  all things, right? Ah my God, you do remember all those finding the artificial coat Nicholas were always of another ethnicity and all completely mesmerized and inundated heart, mind and soul by it's beauty and celebrity. Though still Tiffany, remind me, ...ok, ok, so in the dream Nicholas, you and I were leaving a party, that even as we made this exit, the host of the party held me up, just me, you darling Nicholas, you went on ahead. This host held me up and both presented and offered up to me this stunning beyond description Leopard Skin Coat, and when Nicholas I say stunning, I mean simply bedazzling. Now as she offered it I knew two things to be true though they weren't evident, this stunner cover was made of artificial fur, and it was strictly on loan from her. So I received it, not considering any of that I just mention, you was already ahead of me, so I had to hurry to catch up. Only as I did hurry, I lost it, I lost the loan, and that too was devastating, it being on loan from the beginning. So as I ventured off from you, from this primary mission of following you, to rediscover it, I found it, but women of Latino Origin, just as mesmerized by it, had taken possession of it. So explaining it was on loan to me, I was then able to retrieve it, only with my husband, you Nicholas, that much more gone ahead of me.  So I’m back on his trail you see, only just as soon I discover, I’ve lost the Leopard Skin cover once more, again I’m heart broken by this, so I go a wondering from my husband, from you once more to find it. Quite this clever, now to discover it, it’s in possession of Asian people and they’re Nicholas with mouth dropping awe at the sure beauty of it. Additionally I explain, though it’s beauty is beyond compare, not only it is of artificial fur, it’s a loan, entrusted to me alone, I see now to us, so I yet take it's possession. Now I 'm as one running to catch up with him, you, the husband, barely able to see him at this point, then of course I lose this by now damning, damaging gift of it. Not as yet realizing being artificial and having no value, none of this is worth losing complete sight of the husband, it's just crazy. Next I know, well in my final research of the lost and found, I arrived in a bedroom, bathroom setting, where in the bed is a white man. You're Nicholas to remember Jesus first punishment toward sexual  promiscuity is to cast them into a cursed bed. That hopefully in the bath, I'm unto this artificial loan, impossible now to find, though by now this distractor above distraction had served its purpose, for glancing from the window of this apostate bed and bath, I could see this awful to describe thing. How on the top of the high rise buildings, beds and baths, they’re all filled with these gloomy people, all just as mesmerized as before. Only this time, it's as they're to realize the husband in the dream was actually the Supreme Bridegroom. Henceforth they being distracted by the loan this idolatrous, adulterous kind and He, Jesus had instead taken those caught Righteous of the Bride and left behind to endure as forewarn these 2000 years, this last week of years, incalculable cataclysms, those who'd Nicholas forsaken Him these days without number. Ah my God," as one clearly blinking back stinging tears from his eyes, as so was she wiping just under her eyes, was there now this harsh revelation concerning all of it. "All of it Tiffany as you say happening right now, so yes, yes I do remember, ok Nicholas, here's the thing, I understood everything about this dream up to now, but the last scene. In the last scene, well as you said, I'd lost this master distraction many times and relocated it, not knowing losing sight of you, the Supreme Bridegroom was the most dangerous of all things important on this planet. At the last, seeming I was in this building (see Trump Towers), were I witness a White man in a bed, all with this dramatic lost and research climaxing here. That's there, within a bed/bathroom demonstration, just as what's going on with Target and other public places/restrooms right now, that after this useless research. Of course never again finding it, this indescribably costly loan, it Nicholas having served its purpose, this mountainous heart to mind intrusion. Yeah Tiffany, were you now peering from a bed to bath room window, ....horridly Nicholas, where I could see this disturbing beyond description thing, the husband I, and millions distracted thereby this artificial loan. Awfully who they'd wondered far off from was actually Christ the Lord, the Bridegroom and he’d taken the Bride and left those sorely involved, even dissolved, behind, all now this rooftop oblivion of a mankind. Now Nicholas honey I ask, what's topping and toppling the news right now? The white man/woman, again president over America, and thus it's world leader and all kind of debates and marches about ...ah my God, Tiffany, the old scenario of fitting the square peg into round circles, the gender related, even highly regarded public restrooms. That’s Nicholas, religious, to political, to social debates, even on campus marches, violently so about nothing other than the fate of public restrooms, just like in that dream and I never understood it. Evenly all this maniac of  a distraction, unto this bathroom madness coupled with the threat of an Islamic/Asian reign on American soil and Nuclear War to Armageddon. So not only is the artificial loan fulfilled here, but Nicholas all this is to mark a specific time in mankind's final dispensation, even the at present dwindled to fulfillment, church age, ...the Tiffany, great gathering of saints.” As one saying this with her, was this, itself this miracle, as husband Nicholas Edin had little belief not only in bible prophecy, but the bible period.  Instead it was Tiffany, and her three children, twin sons, Agurus, Heus and a daughter, B. Karsiann, all unto the proposed African Juttah, they were the believers. “Wow sweet heart, I see why you're so mesmerized, its happening, its as you been seeing and warning for years, ....not just me darling Nicholas, I don't want to take credit from the Prophets, to the Christ, and Acts of the Apostle, prior, unto the early church. Though it's all most definitely as the Angel Gabriel 2004, said, being fulfilled. right here, right now, before all seeing eyes, hearing ears, and receptive hearts unto repentant souls, all. You know what that mean right? As one having abruptly pulled out of  traffic, onto a parking lot out of the way, again mesmerizing wife Tiffany Ann, not seeing this side of husband Nicholas, ever. “It sweet heart mean that from the time this artificial coat, loan Tiffany was offered, it went on to represent various periods or dispensations (towers of babel), whenever you and another ethnicity made it’s contact. Don’t you see, right up to this very hour at present, all with the great gathering concerning your prophecies gone into prediction some thirty years this spring right? With Holy Lords now lamenting, “Jesus is on his way here, your argument Tiffany about all of this was, there are those given to know these things, remember? My working in another country for years Tiffany we clearly know the different between someone telling you they're coming. That's averse to someone trustworthy telling you they're on their way here, I can tell you and the kids for weeks I'm coming. Though once I call and say hey babe I'm on my way, on a plane in your direction, hell I can even give you my ETA, you then know, I'm  no longer just coming, I'm pulling up at home within the hour, right? Ok, who you are," opening the door, springing out of the auto, this flabbergasted at him, at this literal new husband to be, "and where is my husband? I know baby, I know, I never, counted it as foolishness,” with sparkling eyes of hers, of mistrusting him filling with new tears, her cheeks, her neck, even this harsh wiping at them, this blow away by him. "Yeah, ok, yeah, I admit that, but now I know that was all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding? Think about it Tiffany please, I’m surrounded by four intense believers, then these astonishing Jesus like friends, all of them, how can I not Tiffany know these things except it is hard for me to kick against the picks of arrogance, blinding me, my heart, all? Ah I can answer that, by Nicholas spending months at time away from all of it, like you just described, all the more this hatred. I,” as one wiping simultaneously and wondering what was happening to them, even making themselves this public speck able and people perhaps, thinking them crazy. “I had this dream the other night, I was on this search for you, and this odd, soft spoken woman Nicholas answered your phone, explain she had you and it seem,” that out of  a hard swallow, did she notice he too was wiping his eyes, his nose, into a brush of his cheeks, all melting away unto this new Nicholas Edin. “Well she said this odd thing, he’s no good to you anyway, because his knees are broken, ...because Nicholas, his, your knees are broken, who is she Nicholas, who is this person, who is not a person at all, but some demon pretending to be a soft spoken, denoting innocence, woman, even adultery? No, god no, I would never do that to you, to us Tiffany, never, never in a million years, ...ok, ok,” as one appearing genuinely broken hearted, that he’d been so unfair to them all, so harden against Holy Spirits, but now for some reason this was all different. “When I awaken Tiffany,” turning at her, she now the driver, where they yet a couple miles from home and yet full of firing inquiries, “my tearing eyes where stretched toward heaven and this indescribable song was pouring out toward Him Tiffany, toward God. “We exalt thee,” a chorus and all, ...I know, know? That out of a tighten throat did tears spin from them both, truly eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things a Holy Lord hath prepared for those who Love (believe) Him. “Yes, the night of Nicholas, and names, I kept hearing names being called, it too this glorious thing, like from this list, you know. The names from the book of life right? Right, how did you know that? You saw into that book Tiffany, as surely as you glanced behind those three time tested doors, the prophet Ezekiel showed you. You’ve kept that to yourself, ...a glance, a look, yes, I even knew the names, until I awaken here again, remember most of what I saw, come to me now at very specific moments, dreams, visions, words, my God is Christ  what is happening to me.  That's to Nicholas us, I think babe, Gabriel said it plain, all is unto fulfillment, so what they’re doing is for our blessed assurance, all of it, right? I tell you I, can’t wait to get home and find that song you know, that version, well, good blessings with that darling Nicholas, there are hundreds and hundreds and I’ve only been able to come slightly close to it. You, sweet heart, you felt it too, this beyond magnificent worship, ...that Tiffany felt so familiar, unchanging, but ever wonderful, you know. I know, but lean not darling dear unto thine own understanding, I saw you there, you saw, yes, only there Tiffany you was the now ascended Bride, I, I, you was in the possession of a stone cut out without hands, I don't, that's not all, this stone," having hit on breaks this stalled at a green light, did a few cars blow and just come around them. "It Tiffany had the surface of a meteor, you tallied back and forth with it, and when you, you Tiffany released it, I then heard a voice say, "this is the Antichrist murderer," then this beyond anything, ever celebration. Look, I know we're not to lean unto our own understanding, but I know that all mean something, actually Nicholas, seeing something like that would have the equivalence of John testifying of seeing a Lamb that looked as though it had been slain. It's the beginning, the end and fulfillment of all things divine, human being and Satan's Seat, all of it Nicholas, all.  "Look, as those finally pulling into the drive, would nothing ever be the same, "we're here, ....yes," as one solemnly popping the door open, easily making this his exit, around to her door, always the gentleman, with her patiently awaiting. "Like you precious wife, I'm just telling you what I heard and what I saw, ...O god," lifted into a feel good, smell good hug of his neck, that kind where you never let go or forget, "they're here, daddy's here, what took you guys so long?" Could they hear the children in the distant rushing out to greet and celebrate them, especially daddy who'd been away in hospice for months. That you be aware, that you be born again, as to pluck ambers from the burning, that you know an Apostle of Christ is among you, Apb, The RAM,   

The Apostles Note, Written, 2020

One of Us Is Chained, (Islam), None If US Are Free, Prick Us Bleed Us!  written 02/12/2020

 -Even as I gave this title the flush, I was reminded of the F for fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ-B, M for Molestation, M for Mutilations and P for pedophilia all having their beginning in what used to be called bath houses, (thus same gender public bathroom). As so while watching the new barber shop movie, and they hinting around how Obama’s two consecutive terms as President was to bring the slave to civil right movement full circle, totally resolving it, surely what Dr. King must be thinking? That even as they debated such things, I could just hear the flushing of a toilet, just this eerie demonstration of those rebellious against the miraculous grace Elohim hath for them, and the making of horrors of it. Thus with their authentic Savior, as is portrayed by this parable, always forgotten and forsaken, is Jesus Christ, that immortal that mortals have always forgotten. 
     -The dream of the loan of the artificial leopard skin coat that mesmerizes into indescribable distraction everyone making it's contact. Oddly, It climaxes along this elaborate lost and found scenario of a bed and bath scene of said distract during which Jesus come in unnoticeably and snatch out the Righteous Bride from among them, His Blood, their Faithfulness causing them to be Worthy. Well I never understood why this mystery along a full bed and empty bath demonstration, except from who's window I could easily investigate people stranded on the rooftops as those sorely left behind and gone all the more this crazy, until now, the bed and bath brawls of the leopards verses the Ethiopians.
     -As usual by a portrayal of blessed assurance, doing a dream last night, I was in the midst of names from the book of life this glorious being called. I haven't said much about it but a few months ago, I did have a dream where I was allowed a look into a book written straight through with names of it, further proof I guess of it's existence. Then as I woke up there was this song playing in my head, "We Exalt Thee," so, so beautiful and of those I'm sharing two of the ones I found below, so you with me can also worship Him, a God beyond worthy, awake, be as aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see here,     

BREAKING - THEY ARE TURNING ON HIM - THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING via @YouTube; And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, (the ten horns FSS I heard being named to ordain Kobe Bryant helicopter crash morning and now Pres Raisi, alike helicopter crash, these shall hate the whore, (WEST RULE), and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire, Rev 17:16. 

Know, here’s the image Rev John saw of disguised West Rule for centuries enemies turning on her; remember the GOD she’s so positive she serve, is The One showing HIMSELF too Star Warring, The Sounding Of The 7th Angel Trumpet, heralding Jesus reign, is puppeteering all this! Rev 17:17

One Timetable Is 7 Years, 6 spent, So right into exile luxury, A Dan 4 Madness Curse Fast And Furious Ludacrist Contagion 

Handwriting On A Wall Clinton/Bush/Cheney/ error, era,  Jeremiah 37:8, “The Chaldeans Are Coming!” 

Know Gog and Gog, close to the Antichrist Trump is counting down too many time bombs their clear calculations. Each one FSS individually ends US all within an eyes blink. Okay Rev 18 Star Warring AODHF give it an hour, warning HIS come, get out, design race cars to mass disaster for stampeding “some.”accordingly, so if you’re running! 

Possibly FSS that sudden 190 years of tech lost to 100 million westerners suddenly dead to hundreds of millions its stampeders, escaping, marvel not famed letters USA floated off the American Atlantic continent into Africa’s Atlantic Continent! HBOW/Apb 
Listening to, LA Mass Choir, "We Exalt Thee,"

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