Tuesday, July 23, 2024

GERMANY WILL ALWAYS BE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY ❌ Those same Anubis demons, as friendly house, pets, taking our grands into their understand, were now as policing German Shepherds

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear July 23 Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 
See here, https://images.app.goo.gl/bk1ndzBVXUGumHg47; Ben Affleck and his son NBA appearance, it’s just past midnight 4 years 2022, hundreds of millions are escaping into Trump’s March 13 2018 US Georgia’s COAST, Grand Caden is seeing looking out the window seeing this, Warning ⚠! Angelic Encounters! Evacuate Texas! https://youtu.be/JLHy3U6_KYE?si=z0xNCmSnahDdfHMH via @YouTube; reluctant he’s calling me into that forbidden by his dad window so I verify what he’s seeing; when during an NBA commercial breaks, I’m seen the event of a death rider from beneath, I’m seeing a news break, this is happening 2012 (2009) - Yellowstone Erupts Scene (4/10) | Movieclips https://youtu.be/S1Kbym7WYzs?si=YNPs-JP9jsysvug- via @YouTube; yeah if you wanna knows what I’ve seen since Chernobyl April Spring Rapture Inyo it’s Sun Eclipse/Devil Comet April 8 2024 Spring Rapture watch 2009/2012 movie, it’s all of what, arks all, exile luxury Africa, it’s all what I been sharing on line Aol to My Space, since it been possible to do so! Plus after dominoing Hawaii into 101 YELLOWSTONES, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden/HARRIS Whitehouse we were to scrutinize earth ending movie scenarios from then, now on! See more here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html

YouTube Geology Hub, This Week in Volcano News; Iwo Jima Erupts, New Mayon Eruption https://youtu.be/Tx62foifJJo?si=SUeR-o_5VJ4_KmA6 via @YouTub; I know I was like, I didn't know Iwo Jima has a volcanic summit, but these days who isn't? We've went back and forth fr weeks his clarifying like since THEY again Sept 21, 2022, put them on high, orange  alert, its Nov warn a dominoing Hawaii is building, how many major volcanoes are erupting, it was fifty just hours ago, with 101 Yellowstone type, predicted, its dominoing West Pacific/US W Pacific just as. imminent as warn  beware of inundated with such tectonic to seismic activity, US W. Pacific! 

Yeah there’s a Dan 5 handwriting barely legible, what the heck! Ooooh, Escape Yellowstone! Ummm, there’s a handwriting only months prior, Rev 17:7th Angel, “99 bowls of molten lava! Exactly a month prior Oct 11 2021 THEY mocked Brad Pitt and Jolie's, red carpet to gaming kids. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, an out the front door, seeing with their own eyes building covertly in neighborhood trees, there's a guerrilla war/safehaven/bomb shelter, hotel Oct 21, flash forward dad Brad Pitt stuck in multimillion traffic jams; some lately bout molten lava flooding. 

When I come into the maze of revealing judging sin, Nov 11, 2021 Ben Affleck is entering in, saying we’d missed a close one, ( check these dates); instantly as I’m  Eze 5 barbershop, I go off looking for my clippers, taking long I soon find him in my bathroom, like Ezekiel shaving; if you read the scripture, Ezekiel in a public place is then told to measure said shaving into three perfect lengths of measures each would act as a form of GOD designing mass disasters and their demeaning, disastrous, deadly aftermaths, as shown  here Ezekiel 5 until  there's seeing  stampers, Isa 16. 1-5, and John 's Rev 7. to Rev 12:1-6.  

See Prophet Ezekiel's measurements of judgements, were in measurements of 3 primary judgment, mine, when I woke standing this same mirror, soon my falling, crying to my knees, beegging Noah extinction level Holy father, give us this one other chance, it's live unveiling, GOD has taken up His Ancient Throne, turn it, so only his back, is at us, only this image I'm as bald, as them mocking, women to children, like Michael Strahan, daughter ( see I II,  King Elvis, Michael); like celebrating cancer treatment (pharmacies aligned to 50 million US dead, not counting their world dead) shaving off what make them his glory: Instantly I has three, ponytail judgments, until I realized, no, it happen so fast, no, I had four, one representing that Aug 5, 2019, skyrocketing, two West Rule system, presently Rev, 11, Aug 5, AODHF showing HIMSELF, too Star Warring 

. Apparently take all this designing of apocalypse , I seen kinda following its tracks, lite fuel canisters all in a circle,  W. Pacific, Ring Of  Fire, Us W, Pacific, dominoing Hawaii, the fiery doomsday apocalypse of a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone He’s Ben Affleck, the near miss he’s mentioning could be his and predicted Morgan Freeman Sums Of All Fears, mocked a Trump/Jong-Un Hawaii missile alert, we know it wasn’t a falsity’ Rev 2 Jesus, Holy Church Bride and the entire, Angelic, heavenly host! 

There's also, Prophet Zechariah's witnessed in its entirety Heavens host sat down upon Mt Olivet. Here’s a for three decades, pending Pompeii movie of Memphis THEYRE this Son home, some bout an intravenous Rev 17:14 Jesus' husband, Dan 7 Little Horn/Rev 13 Gabriel Union and Michael Ealy perfect dangerous man, also child mutilator, endangered to endangering, NBA California Dreaming, Dewayne Wade! 

Just aa Rev Jesus is asking, will Angels ascend? There's Rev 12 Star Warring Archangel, THEM, translating some, crossing over some, skyrocketing some, Ben Affleck, there’s his Batman vs Superman/no flirting with Cyborg or Keanu Reeves movies, THE DAY THE EARTH SROOD STILL; that while we’re warring among ourselves, Full Spectrum Survivor suggest, just say no to civil war, of course he know through me, the last time, we got Bio-Covid, killing to sickening o f millions. Mankind most apocalyptic troubles, triggering apocalyptic troubles, "coming from above!" 

Actually we just had near missed May 10 2023 The ginormous TIFF/CME/EMP Solar events to a near miss volcanic comet mocked a yet 2024 on the repeat pending Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE. Suddenly we're in Rev 10 Mighty Angel, further warning, tens of millions dead, hundreds of millions running away, unless Pres Trump, forfeit, his remaining, 4 years WH reign, clearly you’re voting in the President of the commanded American, western Exodus.

Knowing, thirty minutes past, the silence in heaven is Sunlight of God from behind an as Moses reigning Mt Sinai type commanded. "let my people go!" Like I remind my granddaughter just a few days ago, arguing DL Hugely JD Khalid side, https://x.com/shaykhsulaiman/status/1814970826380222669?s=46; he’s, she’s American no, you’re Mother Africa to Father Abraham, yours also as a Moses exodus, Juneteenth inherit, blessed, Brexit, BLAEXIT, Briexit...RUNNING? 

YouTube Brightside Global Why Yellowstone Volcanoes Might Be Huge https://youtu.be/95qY1vRrPSY?si=W8Adglj1Yh38_SR9 via @YouTube; I know how it sound, I also know what I saw, mother earth to Mother Eve to Mother Africa/Mary, lift her skirt and a rider of death leaped out: remember during Aug 2004, US labs reveal, making of what is now, yet a mutating Bio-covid, made sure, we understood, those designing our DNA into a more monstrous killer Swine to Avian Flu were persons we know, see also, after West rule judgment was mocked, Rev 6, John, 4th seal, pale horse of horse of hades, pandemic, horses of judgment following were US depopulationist, of those we trust; just saying, asking, who, do you trust?

Sulaiman Ahmed @Shaykhsulaiman


GERMANY WILL ALWAYS BE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY ❌ Those same Anubis demons, as friendly house, pets, taking our grands into their understand, were now as policing German Shepherds 

‪I See Britain, America take separate forks in the road; hear,  as to Dan 2 King Nebuchadnezzar’s Stone Separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada off the map! 

100 Million Will Die! Britain 25 Million; Canada 25 million, that’s 100 Million Westerners Dead Then I wake Trump’s Inauguration Morning, hearing 50 Million Will Die! 



See Rev 9, Germany referred to twice, during the unveiling of the Antichrist. Including whose army was that of the mummy movie Scorpion King Anubis disguised as policing German Shepherds.  I’d say Godzilla to Egypt’s Sobek red alert with Germany and worldwide Sodom, riches to rags sickbeds, sleepovers, US VP Kamala Harris, F Fornication, M for molester, M for Mutilator, M for Monster P for Pedophier Priest 

‪See here, Rev 12, see all the craziness going on with Lost Angels to Los Angeles, oh and unprecedented lightening storms. They were mentioned as I’m witnessing divine intervenous battling a Star War in the heavens, hearing Michael Is Setting his all around. I know like John uncorking these phenom events who’s believing any of it? ‬

‪See Dan 2, HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH, (HBOW), I know who is she? After THEY reassure adamantly Jesus on his way here; arrived as “The One, “ Senator Barack Hussein WH ended we’re told two weeks and 7 years in! I see this other, reigning Bride possess, preps and launch Daniel 2 stone; I hear Antichrist murderer; I hear this shall be the end, then I wake! ‬

‪See Dan 9/10, Believe it or not, arriving to me, Trump Angel Gabriel; these scriptures says Archangel is close by! THE FULFILLMENT OF ALL THINGS IS UPON MANKIND! SHES GOING, COMING WITH A SEVENTH ANGEL Daniel concealed; John revealed here we were fulfilling; know besides Obama exiting on point, know one other US Priz 3 years down, termed Dan 9:24-26 two 7 years, Pres Trump!‬ HBOW/Apb

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, BREAKING - WHERE IS BIDEN? TRUMP ALREADY WON? AMERICA IS FIGHTING FOR IT... https://youtu.be/H2J1QTvmaKk?si=gnF-9EMZz3NKhs8a via @YouTube; see here, www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com
FSS, marvel not I admonish pray, here Psalms 51, so you can then be heard, praying here, Daniel 9, begin vss 4; let’s be Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus clear, except they repent, threaten the mass dieoff ascent of all children under a democratic/Obams/Biden/Harris White House to world West Rule this planet is a pandemic of overdosing Matrix Blue Pills (Opioids); to molested, mutilated and murdered children; watch, run, live!

Hearing The Hand Writing Jeremiah 37:8 The Chaldeans Are Coming, Riches to Rags Sickbeds and Sleepovers Get From Jezebel/Harris Churches/California, Get To Jesus Christ, Altars/Archangel!

Hearing Kill all parents by, finish all schools, if he showed Noah’s flood the drowning of humankind, he can show me Noah’s Cousin to 99 bowls of molten lava, the burning of mankind. There’s the problem FSS, America fighting for its life. Frightnight to amazing Grace, standing over sleeping beds anxious, showing himself also Star Warring Ancient Of Days Holy Father, three hammering off of apocalyptic events since, warring for you? Is AODHF showing His Throne picked up and its back turned, I will not hear, I will not see, I will not intervene! There’s coming as a gamma ray bursting JCOR, arriving battling an interstellar Armageddon for the continuity of a religious, political worldwide spreading Sodom and Gomorrah; F for fornication, M for Molesters, M for Multilators, M for Murders and P for Pedophiers church teen, males; come out of them my people,” thus saith the calling for all Westerners/Juneteenth EXODUS/BLAEXIT, Sunlight of God, I judge them “double,” two US quarters worth, HBOW/Apb

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here, paypal.me/patriciabradford77@gmail.com or simply text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb

Pieces of Lord Urusalem, City Of   Peace, Confessions of The Rapture, www.invasionof peace2017.blogspot.com

 -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast 1986/2016/2028/3038 Beast Of Featuring King Bridegroom, Callen Adonis Jasmine and Queen Bride Adonai Harper Amelia 

Unto Callen Adonis Jasmine and Adonai Harper  Amelia was born, a daughter Gianna Penelope Jasmine, a goddaughter, Aaomi Delilah Jasmine, a godson Kingsley Josephine Jasmine, and a godson Quinn Aaliyah Jasmine, Amelia

Act One, Mother Dear, The Light That Shines, By Day! Article, I

"Mine disappeared from the bathroom," looking for his heads laying on the table, your mom, disappeared from the bathroom? No, sitting up, looking around, better, the lengthy study hall. "My sister, my two brothers from their beds, literally every time I close my eyes, Liliana, I hear her screaming, babe?" Wife Adonai Harper, rubbing his shoulder, comforting him, I'm okay, then you could hear panic the neighbors, screaming, crying, panic, looking for one or the other. Then the ground begin to erupt, the sky and planets are crashing and booming. I'm sitting here quietly listening to these testimonies, not wondering how I survive, but anybody? No way, like Noah's world stretching flood, should there be any land life left on this planet and everyone here know, it. Ah, I know, by now, billions are dead, billions dying, a predicted 3 to 4 billion, if you can imagine. Praise to be God, alone, only  holy Jesus descending millennium keep us from human extinction, Then, then, even after his thousand year reign, millions gonna realize they don't won't freedom after all if, it's gonna be righteous Jesus to, Holy God's kingdom. The Holy God's Kingdom, I remind they been begging, pleading for millennia, all your  911 loved ones, called whosoever they could, begging for that prayer, before Jesus taught us to pray, thy kingdom, come, thy will be done! I'm  to foundation, get some air, where, Callen man ais mom, your parents, lost in all that black, burning, smothering, mess, she's one of the pictures of the millions in the missing, dad too, he neve return form work as a security guard, why you asked? Brook man, just wondering, I'm coming with you, yours, your parents to family, Bailor man? Basically the same, only they disappeared in front of me, I mocked I wanted none of it, it was all crazy talk, like all the bible to gospel, so like you said I don't know, how am I here, exile luxury?" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

He’s the 7th Angel trumpet, June 27/28 2022 stampeder out of Florida Angel Gabriel bearing the number 7, we just asked, ah my god, ah my god, Maha, Grand Sia mom describing 2004 Trump Angel Gabriel referring to, right the 7th Angel only later she saw the Trump passed to him, like since the mutiny/war in heaven he’d earned it! Why godtriplets does that seem so familiar, even ceremonial. ask the Angel man ex  Orphanim, Negeb Ophel reaped, Richat Structure Genealogy. Right , right, Darius Kroc, I could’ve been there, grand Sia Lord Urusalem was there, she saw it too. What’s the black shadow El El passing over you? I overheard a conversation Nibewe new position brings her to Main Street. What, wait, what? You tell anyone, Specialist Veneer at least, Global Juttah, I’ve told you Shaddai, just now. Wait, wait, wait does Darius Princesses Nibewe know? Wow you should Lord Hawthorne, see your other Angel men faces of unfamiliarity, keep up, They only months ago, whispered Grsnd Sia mom ear, like they would the two Rev 11 soon to be martyred two witnesses clarifying how they’d die or Richat Genealogy how she’d die. Wait, how she’d die, whoa whoa what? I know it’s like Jesus hinting he’d one day be martyred, seeing eyes glowing with tears, sniffing, clearing his words, like weren’t you told this? She’s even been sharing it in her work; they will kill you, sabbath day, on Main Street scriptures Egypt and Sodom, where Jesus was crucified, Shaddai, grands JSM, expositor Bible, oh, oh, I didn’t know they were left slain were Jesus was left slain; THEY yanked your Grand Sia, Lord Urusalem, out of Ted Dragon them hands, Rev 12 New Born style, next tribulation church bride heard, “ yes take him, his, but one, mother Africa’s Juneteenth tribulation saints, are we walking, yes. are we walking, yes, are we gonna let our moms, sisters and wives best us walking, yes, I mean no, soon realizing Darius Juttah Karsiann is She’s writing on the boards again, they’re reading Can a disembodied entity and a bodied entity reproduce? Your release inquiry, here’s my clue, when Grand Sia mom heard that about Aliens first she thought, Fallen Angels is why giants exist; I know rumors about aliens were paramount but after THEY revealed fallen angels is why Angels exist it blew the top off of brewing for millennia mysteries, to alien tech to pre-historic intelligences. Go walk, by the way I’m one of each of those women, they all start jeering, cheering clapping, I take your challenge, blessed day, sweet sleep!” Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4 

YouTube, Shawn Willsey Yellowstone's Hydrothermal Explosion Sends Visitors Running, Damages Boa... https://youtu.be/F-vn-tZp6kg?si=iaJe0pulw57QaWrG via @YouTube

See more here, http://2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com/2024/07/pieces-of-lord-urusalem-city-of.html; beware an Eze 9 designed dominoing Hawaii into a dominoing, Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon. YELLOWSTONE; plus, I explained run signals, blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit; Yellowstone's Hydrothermal Explosion Sends Visitors Running, Damages Boa... https://youtu.be/F-vn-tZp6kg?si=iaJe0pulw57QaWrG via @YouTube; Trump’s near assassination; nominated campaigning Sodom and Gomorrah VP Harris and that historic technical event; oh, lest I forget Pres Raisi as  Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash! 

FARSIDE CME PEPPERS EARTH WITH HARD PROTONS: Something just exploded on the farside of the sun--and it managed to touch Earth. Debris from the blast emerged in the form of a full halo CME, shown here in a movie from the Solar and Helospheric Observatory (SOHO): 

Is there an UNKNOWN *Invisible Force" causing this! Nobody is Talking! https://youtu.be/3sco2bKigU8?si=Da0WN2Ld9tj0eSoE via @YouTube; you know membb333 I been warning about these dangers since witnessing a Rev 12 Star War in the Heaven reference Lost Angels, Los Angeles; phenom lightning strikes; marvel not I as a in the tempering with autopilots cashing and burning! HBOW/Apb 

Jewish activists are protesting Israel's genocide against Palestinians at the US Capitol right NOW! 

Article News Week, China Makes Nuclear Weapons Demands to U.S. and Allies
Published Jul 23, 2024 at 6:05 AM EDT, https://www.newsweek.com/china-makes-nuclear-weapons-demands-us-1928848; lean not unto thine own understanding, must be the dominoing Dan 4, fast and furious Ludacrist Contagion! NASA is even warning an unprecedented ever this planet 2025 Solar event; bet you won’t go on YouTube research God said America ends 2025, I know, I know, counting down the prophecy predicting The Hussein WH, Rev 12:1, 2, 42 months since Oct 17, 2021, I thought it was just me!  Actually, it’s Rev 17:17 Puppeteering world Kingdom nations into the Interstellar to Megiddo Armageddon that ends all wars ever or ever again!

-Per this article, y’all still don’t believe there can be 3 to 4 billion people dead within 52 months more or less; America, The America’s, WEST RULE no more this planet, ever again? Horrifically an eyes blink, gone under dominoing W. Pacific Ring of Fire: Dominoing into Hawaii, warn again this morning’s; dominoing into Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE. Surrealistically the end of the world scenario, described “the last day of America. Fight night to rolling 99 bowls of flooding molten lava into Biden/Harris Whitehouse! Like right now, The TIFF/CME/EMP triggering worldwide tectonic to seismic events! You, your family, your subscribers; even your voting booths; RUNNING? HBOW/Apb 

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