Saturday, July 6, 2024

The hijacking Of Syed Farook Those Final 42 Months Islamic/Israeli Antichrist Reign, RUNNING!

The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, four days since The SUNLIGHT OF GOD, JUNETNNETH 2002, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit from Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024/Nuclear, Close To The Antichrist, Hussein Obama July 05, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024.

I know so missed Thanksgiving 2018, only the speed of one word passing to another I’m skyrocketing, trial; would that 2021 Thanksgiving seeming NOVA bursting lights display suffice; so swear it was Rev 19 Jesus Christmas star slashing across the sky coming for me, us, only I wouldn’t be in that Savannah Georgia Safehaven picturesque window being wowed out of my head I’d actually be with THEM looking down upon Twilight planet. more saddened it’s littered with the crying, burning, drowning, decaying, burying dead! 

And Signs Shall Go Up For 7 Months A Decaying Corpse Lies, here. Marvel Not Memphis TN, Those Endangering Dunlap Street, Obama’s All Is Now Pompeii movie of Memphis sparring gladiators an area littered with corpses, all!

YouTube Uplifted 13-year-old's Prophetic Dream: Blackout, Earthquake, Rapture, And Confir... via @YouTube


Revisited The TIFF/CME/EMP June/July 2023 Is A Sudden As May 10 2023 Not For 5000 Years SOLAR EVENT An Indefinite Subtraction Of 190 Years Back To New Madrid 1811/1812! 

Know also July 27 alone is a date Obama’s 2009 his entry and its 2016 exit is met simultaneously with Jesus Millennium Reign. Understand A year after THEY explained by text like messages the foot of my bed, Jesus was on HIS way here!

Frightnight the more aligned to your daughter’s dream, even her age is noteworthy seeing Rev 2/17 HE yanked THEM off the planet during a hammering June/Juneteenth 2023, translating to skyrocketing others! 

Frightnight its June 27/28 2023 I woke from calculating death tolls Britain 25 Million, Canada 25 million, that’s 100 million westerners. Presently designed Gog and Magog, close to the Antichrist, Trump’s inauguration morning revisited US leads aligned to 50 million US dead. HBOW/Apb

IRAQ MARCHING FOR JESUS CHRIST #viral #trending via @YouTube: before I knew winged he wasn't Jesus having wings, and how would I explain, it, was actually skyrocketing us off doomsday, planet, Eze 5, designed Ben Affeck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, fiery doomsday apocalypse was Mal 4, designed, Sunlight of God, having healing wings, is this what Mat 23, Jesus meant, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her "wings," and ye would not!Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, "Ye shall not see me henceforth," till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Marvel not, waking to a world, with celebrated marches worldwide, Jesus Millennium Reign Here!

Sulaiman Ahmed 

X Post/Video

38000 Palestinians killed in 9 months... half of them are children,

@ShaykhSulaiman, Anonymous holds a sign saying: Israel has broken 65 UN resolutions with no consequences; Iran broke 2, got invaded, bombed and destroyed! 

One Of Us Is Chained (Islam), None Of Are Free! One Of US (Britain, Canada, America), Is Chained! None of us are free!

Actually this wasn't demo, but a kitchen of revelation, marvel not seeing Golden boy, Ghost child, surveyor, translator, standing an opened refrigerator: both  3 to 4 year Grand Caden and Grand niece Lawren where standing the frig for lunch, soon I begin hearing him in my ear. "Do they know,  do your children, know, though they grew up in a free territory, thou you, grew up in free territory, they will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? Believe, hearing vice Pres Harris, was in South Africa, a tug same gender, agenda to school curriculum was one proof, of the Dan 4, madness curse, fast and furious, ludacrist and contagious; come out of them my people, their sins have reached unto me, and  hath remembered, for in one hour is their judgement come, I know you can't hear, but by the time, Rev 10, Mighty Angel warn, desolation predicted US soil now come, tens of millions it US W. Pacific were gone, I know what happen to the west pacific, as an entire, all I know, its Ring of fire does so viral, domino into an equally dominoing Hawaii, soon predicted, spoken and written on walls, 99 bowls of molten lava, 101 erupting volcanic, Yellowstone, type, swallows the entire American continent, its entire Atlantic! C, O. Showing THEY'RE ALL STAR WARRING, AODHF/JCON/JCOR, HBOW, Apb, THE RAM....        

Rev 13:5 Tribulation Saints Designed Blinking Of An Eye tribe, see more here,

Your Enemies As Ashes Under Your Feet! Come Up Hither! Chernobyl 1896/Devil Comet 2024 SOS April Spring Rapture Sunlight Of God!

-When I come into the demo, the newborn skyrockets off the planet; I hear “yes, take him his, but this one, she is mine.” As soon as GOD say she is mine I lay back into a ground-up cradle; an unimaginable adoration to boisterous, intervening perfume wind overwhelmed me, who am I?

See also here, Heb 10, why this type of Savior, Once and for, all! “Will thou at this time destroy the entire house of Israel?” When AODHF explained to Ezekiel why HE'S sending him to a people who wouldn’t listen, too prudent, hard hearted but with him they’d know their God Is With Them! FOR GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD SACRIFICIALLY!

When I come into the demo I’m on my face, kissing the feet of Jesus Lazarus Mary anointed and wiped with her hair; before I’m brought up realizing we’ve by a number cleaving Mt Olivet in two, again intervening Israel’s escape, arrived, Jesus Millennium. Hawaii missile morning was the same apocalyptic event, innumerable in Holies until a dangerous, perfect Michael Ealy appearing Rev 2 Jesus look at me ask would THEY all too ascend? Who am I!
see more here,

That’s how fast THEY yanked us off of doomsday planet those who’ve read these prophetic parables doubt they’re based on true events. They are! I’m just gifted to take them and these incredible future genealogies and share them in ways so gloriously imaginative as I’m expecting a Thanksgiving Rapture and couple Kingsley Edward Artelon and Kieynan Deloris Mensdan are taken out live while Christmas shopping!

-Those Sulaiman who come and laid a Psalm 139 book of remembrance the foot of my bed. I know all the transcending to otherworldly events the foot of my bed. The same prayer bed AODHF and Michael’s List stood over, assuring THEY’RE together Star Warring Jesus intravenous Millennium Reign! Who am I, why won’t they sever this Ps 22, PTSD Christ’s Cross horrors of a leash? Don’t THEY, well don’t HE, trust me? HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddesses Bride, Ryleigh Alectrona McNamara and Lord, King, Bridegroom,  Alympus Torsten Botticelli,

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Ryleigh Alectrona McNamara and Lord Alympus Torsten Botticelli, was born A Lord, Tyson Cyrus Dorothea Botticelli McNamara, A Lord Theiadore Yperion McNamara Botticelli, A Goddess Theone Amelia Selene McNamara Botticelli, A Goddess Hargun Brigitte Anjea McNamara, Botticelli

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2013}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM

"Those found worthy to just as speedily Translations, who are they and from whence come, they, multicultural the planet? Apparently like Lot and family only made worthy because his Aunt Africa and uncle Abraham are worthy, we guess the same is so of all those unworthy found worthy by their biblical to faithful ancestry. Honesty Grand Sia witnessed simultaneously within that prophesied hour, within it prophesied nano-second translations, crossovers, skyrocketing, fire-rocketing to those cursed, descending. Which, which Lion Wolf is why she mock, the speed and THEY mock race cars to racetracks, again the speed! Grand Sia is like, look although January 2023, disappointed God explain you wouldn’t sacrifice to save your children.  How she's to still ask would you sacrifice the US election to save Gaza's children, are we sure, Global Juttah, his isn't Grands Sia, twice, now, to her Ben Affleck looking in Eze 5, barber shop mirror, for God so loves the world, stunning Tribunal Headwater,  and those who didn’t die by the plague went on sinning like millions in US Bio-Covid parental deaths, never, ever, happened. yeah but we are talking about the Trumpian Admin,  here's Rev 2 a threatening Jesus to Rev 14, crown Jesus already told you what he’s doing, dominoing Hawaii missile morning to hammering morning Big June/Juneteenth 10, 2023. Dead or alive, he’s taking all children off this planet, I suggest if you wanna be with your children, get Jesus get up yonder! Marvel not that line upon line never-ending line of injured, orphan children come to the school office administration of Jesus mocking having

then used the unveiling those worthy, the Lamb's book of life into a school name roll call of summoning them name by name, tribe by tribe and genealogy by genealogy off your evil gotten doomsday planet."     >>>”Ouch, ouch, ouch goddess this world!" Squealing to digging, in burning heel, her biting, climbing, licking, I’d swear arg, argg, you’re punishing me, arggg, arggg, I could stop," ascending, cutting her stunning into his stunning, "focus all this blood curling juiciness, like right here, arggggggg, geezeee, grimacing, twisting, gnashing her ear, pounding his head the pillow such climatic outbursting. I give up, goddess, goddess, I’m giving, giving, there’s no, noooo, more! You got me screaming like a, like a what Lord Torsten? Beautiful, beautiful Lord Torsten, like a what? Let me up, goddess, let me, whoa, whoa, whoa, I can’t bre, it's like this combustion firing inside, out, I can’t, can’t bre; terrifyingly springing up I, I can’t, bre, obviously choked up, tears spinning around, down. 
"Torsen!" Jumping up, running around to him, catching his horrid face, breath Torsten, feel that, breath with me, good, that's good, okay, okay, I’m okay, wiping both cheeks, pushing her away, getting clumsily to the bathroom, a splash of cold water to his artist face, neck to shoulder, to perfectly carved chest, panicking, just cut the shower on, leap in. "Torsten, I’m okay," hearing the emotions in his voice, "I’m sitting the cold shower, I’m okay. Look, just go to your goddesses, I’ll be fine, find you there, no," also hearing the emotions in her voice, it's sincerity "no, I’m sitting right here, with you sitting in there, I’m sitting right here.  Alectrona hear me, Lord Torsten, I don’t need you here. I need to be here,” quickly spinning to twisting her waves, tying them up, in! "After all that, I want, I want to be here. I’ll order us, Alectrona,” she's hearing the waters shut off, "I don’t want you here!” A better Torsten in the mirror, drying, wrapping his stunning body, into this really huge, soft tower. Thinking, needing to get to his closet no interruption, as goddess Alectrona. “You don’t have to be. I don’t have to be what? Embarrassed. What make you, I can feel it, just come out, I’ll go in, we don’t even have to see one the other! Alectrona please, no, it’s not happening, I’m not leaving you. We're one now Torsten and these things will work themselves out, we are new here, these Genesis marriage beds. Turn your back then, please, do not see me, please Alectrona! It is turned, I promise, I am not playing.” Watchfully easing out, shaking his head at her being this stubborn, quickly the walk-in-closet, this convenient hideaway. “You could’ve fought me off you know, I asked should I stop. How Goddess Alectrona one minute I was peaceful sleep next I’m being electrified by blood raging orgasms. There's no escaping such extrasensory, its engrossing intercourses. We are late by the way, please goddess love, Alectrona, the shower waits. Just know Lord husband Alympus Torsten Botticelli,” he was inspecting its timely get away just right, hearing her cut the shower waters on. “You run from me, from us, I will find you and make your Genesis marriage bed even more supersensory. menacing. Otherworldly Temptress, is that a threat though? Oh, I guess there’s our order, see, I’ll be right here goddess Ryleigh Alectrona McNamara saving you some! You better and yes in case you are wondering that’s a threat-at-at-at! Got you on that, my favorite pasta bowl," still feeling jetleg, tasting, sniffing its salty tears, 'how thoughtful. So how’s the water? Looking, easing around yet contemplating getting out, but just how convincing was goddess' threat, how scarily haunting even?”     >>>“We Heelsfeet Juttah have to reconsider after Grand Sia little Zole 7 thousand, piece burn as Father King Solomon II Chron 7, offerings of the temple she ask these western leaders already aligned to 100 million westerners death. Frightnight there's them also allying  Islamic/Israeli Antichrist slaughter of billions, more what would world leaders sacrifice in place of Netanyahu genocide of Gaza’s children and going on with abominable, detestable genocider great whore West Rule. Honestly,  isn’t the answer the reason they’d virtually hidden what happened to August not only did it's 2019 05/07/31 skyrocketing to firerocketing of it two world systems, but it’s complete incineration, it’s Aug 5 2021, showing HIMSELF too it’s interstellar Armageddon it’s 2023 revisit Nov 2021, Nov 2022, Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE. Heelsfeet Juttah,  reconsider a year prior Chernobyl/Devil Comet April Spring Rapture 2024, that’s has Youtude Pastor Jonathan Cahn predicting this, God said America will be extinct by 2025 - see Jonathan Cahn New via @YouTube; WATCH AND SEE WON’T I DO IT; DOMINOING HAWAII MISSILE CRISIS MORNING REV 2/Rev 3 JCON, LIVE BY RUNNING! HBOW, see here, Dan 2/Zech14/Joel 2/2 Pet 3/Rev 6, 6 seal/; the stampeding elephants in the room, and Grand Sia during those burnt offering calling on to reconcile, with those stampeding in his name, they're just now a major run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware, is also Rev 10, Mighty Angel reminded US West Pacific for generations inundated with these warnings of desolations, now come!"    >>>“Torsten, I’m talking to you, ah, sorry, say that again. He’s angry at me," seeing him cut near to tears eyes sideways, up, away! “I did something very good and not so good. Torsten, Lord, it happens to us all, we are not just Holy Spirits anymore, but vulnerable Genesis man, marriage bed procreating flesh and flood, we can’t go overboard. I'm getting something to drink, you can not goddess Alectrona go embarrassing him like that, I’m just stating the obvious. Yeah, be careful, it will happen to you. Says the Lord Bastian who trapped me underneath those amazing Skyfalls, Goddess Amphitrite, no, no, no, those crowded healing skyfalls, pleading they can’t see us, stripping, drinking, swallowing every electrifying flesh and blood ounce of me, I’m climbing these blistering streams, screaming into high heaven, overwhelmingly horrified if these crowds of families, children, children all can’t see me. Look here, carrying our first, I bet the Richet Structure genealogy they can hear us, me, they hear me crying mercy, Renaissance Bastian, desus Achilles, so don’t take it overboard he is the last to give its advice. They could hear us, Goddess Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz, my drinking you to manic pieces, was goddess love deliciously ripping, and tearing and so amazingly torturous, believe, darling one, it was us crying up to high heaven, these please have mercy and not sacrifice, so wonderful it’s regenerating streams! Plus you left out Goddess Amphitrite, your apologizing to Holy Spirits, ah my god you didn’t, our, our carrying on in Heavenly Streams so salaciously, like that, I did, I didn’t just try I did apologize and didn’t speak to you for days and days. But when you did goddess Amphitrite speak to me again, you better not, ah Jesus is my, our Christ, now, wait there’s something about a shower, you suddenly popping 
up. Anyway, anyway, you goddesss to Lords, you get the message, no overdoing it, no pundit intended, I guess."     >>> “Hey," taking a seat the bar to him, a kiss of his hand, a passionate lay of her forward to her Lord Torsten, I apologize for being so thoughtless and almost loving you to death, literally. But look, you just missed some truly wowing out, sexy, sexy confessions Lord Bastion and Goddess Amphitrite! How wowing out?" Instead adding another straw, they fondly sipping together, "well let’s just say Lord Torsten if we were a twelve just now, they were a Fifteen to twenty even! Stop it, a twenty, I admit I felt a bit jealous to challenged, ah, did you now? What is this delicious imbibe? Fireworks you guys, Sunlight Of God, commanded Juneteenth blessed Brexit BRIEXIT, Blaexit, enjoy! Go, I’ll order another, reconsider my supersonic retaliation, hurry on Lord Torsten, hurry on! There’s the filling up of the entire Richet Structure, we goddess doing our strenuous, sensuous sacrificial part, go, go I’ll find you as always! "Draw Me Lord Alympus Torsten Botticelli,
I Will Come After Thee!”      >>>"Looking around goddess Keisen seeing how well dressed everyone, reminds of Brad Pitt and Jolie kids encroaching guerrilla war demo, the out that door guardian angel, fashionable camouflage jacket, waist band, all. Who goddess love, is responsible for all our incredible wear? Dissuasion Avra of course, everybody keeps saying that, like I know what that is, even who that is. They have tours for god-sakes!" It was his eyes, like they’d been pinned into each corner, so sexy, sexy, lessening, artist. "We will time one perfect during our break tomorrow and go, it is so wonderful and laid back there you are not going to want to leave! So you have been there? I’m Lord Avra love, one of its Poseidon daughters, top models, all the goddesses are, silly you." It was her mouth, Goddess Keisen Sphiroth Ehuda had a mouth seeming designed for kissing and that’s all, just kissing. "I thought, well no, if you had known about the modeling Avra, you would know, The African Juttah, Dissuasion Fashion, center! Lord Avra, Goddess Keisen, we save you guys a seat, well more like a stand, you are missing the fireworks, just come, come over here!"     >>>”Everything she tell them, and they can’t see, hear, make contact, it’s knowing like Noah but dying like Noah’s Earth world, I mean Noah’s world. Remember Septennial Juttah, that first Sept BETA 2015, when translators Lamb Of God Bridegroom to Granddad and that Archangel Michael Caden to UK cousin Cameron, what was she doing until THEY come for her? Asking her was she ready? Yeah Ghost man, that back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter turn to her, assuring you got 100 million westerners death coming but she’d wait. Right, right Darius Meshullam Kadesh. Yeahs, hearing that inquiry, is she ready? Grand Sia Lord Urusalem was still at her outreach desk not that enthusiastic about leaving. Bridegroom Jesus had to go to the Cross, go up there and be glorified, Holy Church Bride must endure its trial, too ascend to be glorified! Fretnot since that multimillion man grocery store, store managers keys, barter balen toll booth Rev 9 Satanic, demonic and alien apocalypse is imminent 2 US quarter no more for nice Jesus again walk this planet, you have no other choice but watch, RUN, Live, and that’s Dec 3 2017, your stamping elephants if staying unaware; Dec 345, 2021 Mat 24 Catastrophist Jesus THE CHRIST!” Those firework man, yeah but who like me was hoping rapture happened and we ourselves come an otherworldly, a skyrocketing marvel to Spector; is us all Cassius man I’m sure, just think we don’t need jets, this mortal just put in immortality and thus corruption, incorruption the speed of a nano-second we’re jetting through infamous, mind to thought boggling space. Yeah right into that standing the cloud, reaping us, crown Christ, right into equally standing the clouds, Crown Bride capturing us, ballooning Cloud! I wanna be, I wanna be like, I wanna be with Grand Sia; I wanna be like, I wanna be with Grand Sia! Do not Ghost Horse man, let her hear that, I know Memphis man, I know!” Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4  


My little autistic Zoe, 7000 piece burn prayer, “the fire father acknowledges your righteousness to wrath. The thousands in pieces commemorate coronavirus death, and the time of death and dying that has come. The smoke of its burning, all Kingdom Nation building, predicted rising’s up forever and ever up, into the brazen altar. We pray your respond to father King Solomon, offering of the temple in reverse. If thy  people which are called by thy name which are stampeding by thy  name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their evil ways, her

land with your way down from heaven, forgive their sins and by coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for eons and eons heal their land I saw this too, nuclear rockets shooting through the skies only like Gods we watched it all from up there; witnessed a world Sulaiman littered with its  7 months to be buried dead on our way, Jesus millennium reign back here! 

Sulaiman Ahmed 

This Is How They Treat Children!

So what would sacrifices the Presidential election as solidarity toward a mandate to save Gaza children look like? Let’s imagine it begins with trying at ceasefires SOS Blinken behind him resigning would be a that line upon line, never ending line, instead of injured, orphan children here instead would be the never ending line of resigning American to Western religious, political leaders; also crossing over that old Arkansas bridge down on all four King Nebuchadnezzar to Pompeii movie of Memphians, gladiators all, all stampeding into US Georgia’s COAST, CROSSOVER! 

What your leaders are accused of by The Sunlight of God, rising from behind an equally reigning Mt Sinai type hammered off thrice now for its NEO, apocalyptic components, to save Gaza’s children? Pray for all human beings at the since molten wailing wall, assigned ink-horn man behold here’s where he wait to mark all compassion for life, immortal life to crowns of righteousness! Until then, watch, RUN, Live! 

Going on 3 years thus Saith Dec 3/4/5, 2021, 

Rev 3 Jesus, THE CHRIST; Dec 3rd 2017 alone revisit Gog and Magog, Close to the Antichrist Trump’s Abraham Accord tug of turf wars Abbas and his mentioned eight leads the bloodied cesspool of summit leaders Dragon Beast in only a prophesied hour will build his Antichrist, its genocider cabinet and scorpion King's Anubis Army, unimaginable building torture vehicles, ambulances and outbreaks of mortuary come, intercedes my as 2 Chron, 7 Father King Solomon offering of what’s left, the molten wailing of interceding The Jerusalem Temple in prophetic hindsight, who’s Gods Glory prophet Eze witnessed leave the temple by a sky phenomenon/UFO type exit; marvel not Lamb Of God, warning hammering Religious, Political leaders destroy this temple and in three days Sulaiman Ahmed it’d be rebuild. 

-Hum, I been wondering the 37 day SOLAR, weatherized countdown finale into a hammering, skyrocketing, leading captivity captured Uvalde schools shooting lil Miya Girl backseat, surveyor, translator, birthday morning. There's this line upon line behind Twilight Movie Bella Office scene! Marvel not the Lamb’s book of life made into a school name roll call of finally reining in a injured, orphan children, just saying if y’all wanna see them again, your children. That you're to be with them again, you know what to do get Jesus get up yonder! Where they are playing all around that spiraling under God’s pearl staircase remember that’s where I lead all visiting ghost children go up to golden boy Caleb! 

Raise your hand if you ever knew America, The Americas, to western civilization would end, raise your other hand if you ever prayed God's Kingdom reign for eons to come, in all kingdom, nation building place. Now with both hand raise thank God for knowing and for praying faithfully escaping according to what you know did hammering to skyrocketing, leading captivity captured all lall injured often children, y’all know who that is in my prophetic parable these three decades or Rev 1714 Jesus Christ, yeah know what he’s promising right to overcome, they were just assuring me they was gonna take my dying sister. They bless her by the crown of righteousness she will no longer. She will not take us straight to heaven to the kingdom of God that’s what now God is promising all overcome, in place instead of the multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen toll booth of bargaining the soul. 

YouTube Bright Side Global, What NASA Is Trying to Find at the Bottom of the Ocean Will Change Our U... via @YouTube

Sunlight Of God, Thirty Minutes That Silence In Heaven, “LET MY PEOPLE GO/LET THERE BE LIGHT! 

And There Was Universal Illumination Since!

Hearing Oct 1 2004, Two Big Ones Coming; hearing Oct 3,2021 Two Big Ones Coming! The ginormity that hit Memphis finished seducing spirits to demonic possession. You did say after the Big Bang, right? Cause that’s how some scientists are timing about when THE GENESIS AODHF saith “Let There Be Light!

Learning Fallen Angels is why aliens exist, well being told my guardian Angels or no way I’d believe it! I was convinced it was Lucifer them all long, for the ancient perpetrating these events. But BSG, does that mean there’s no telling to timing the war in heaven?

Revisited upon me as upon John as recent as Jan thru March 2019: there’s Sept BETA 2020, Gog and Magog questioning why Holy Church Bride still here? That hearing an interstellar Star Wars up there skyrocketing events 2013, 7th Angel trumpet all, and a Trump shall sound! 

And there was in heaven, witnessed left a breach in heaven, a hole, I know Ezekiel’s witnessed torn out hole, the worship more so of the creature? Kinda odd seeing Holy Angels battling like that, hearing “Michael Is Setting His All Around.” WAR between Lucifer and his, Michael and his, right? 

I mean I think so, knowing fallen Angels is why Aliens exist. Those store managers keys, that multimillion man grocery to that bottomless pit could be filled with them, also with The Antichrist scorpion king Army and those loosed angels 200 million demon army!

Meaning ancient times and Devil/Demonic/Alien tech could predate the Adam, us, The Authentic Godman by the days of the dinosaurs and the Chicxulub impact: wait is that an additional reference to Eze 5 barbershop Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE or in short Chernobyl/DEVIL COMET April  8, 2024 Spring Rapture?

See here, God Said!

Here’s a mission boomerang Chernobyl/Devil comet April 02/20, Spring Rapture 2025, see Dan 9:27. There’s its biblical alignment Rev 11:1, 2 42 month interval finale on that date planet earth ending goes biblical, for surreal, 42 months it’s Rev 13:5, interval to go! Let’s just say BSG there’s a Rev 17, 7th Angel bearing 7 judgment bowls also with a Mighty Angel. He’s at the time warning The W Pacific/US W. Pacific volcano summits are imploding. 

YouTube Bright Side Global, What NASA Is Trying to Find at the Bottom of the Ocean Will Change Our U... via @YouTube

Let My People Go, Let There Be Light!

Which is why Geology Hub just explained better a pyro-caustic cloud I saw swallow into Pompeii movie of Memphis, gladiators all , like the Movie Mortal Engine France, monstrosity and a school, well her school swallowed her. “The Little Miya girl back seat surveyor/translator! I know BSG, I know, but you know what they say about the prophetic movie Eze 1, I Cor 12, 2 Pet 3, Left Behind, Nicholas Cage, Knowing! HBOW/Apb, see also Rev 6, 6th seal,

Cracks Appear in Yellowstone: Are We Witnessing the Start of Something Big? via @YouTube

YouTube Bright Side Global

I know mocking we had a YELLOWSTONE on our heels as we were packing, should’ve done it. Admittedly when THEY hinted at molten lava flooding my pack was at my fingertips. Still in prophetic hindsight  glorified church bride come leading captivity captured The Two Witnesses, leading the tribulation Saints, we’re all gone to heaven; that’s recurring fiery doomsday apocalypse!

From the death bringer from beneath the earth to seeing all those canisters in a circle and one by one set a blaze; that I couldn’t wake from, to that long long long duration hovering, craft too was about THEIR Eze 5 designed, run everybody run Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Officially I’m hearing, the last day of America! 

We BSG, have three Dan 5 style handwritings of judgments on a wall. All equally volcanic to one those three hammering off of that reigning Mt Sinai type, predicting primary primer dominoing Hawaii is building!” Marvel not the hand writing escape Yellowstone, clumsily about shaky, shaky shelter, home earth. HBOW/Apb

YouTube Bright Side Global ALERT! via @YouTube 

Hearing Kill All Parents by; FINISHED ALL SCHOOLS 

AMERICA, THE AMERICAS/WEST RULE POST- Apocalypse 40 Moses Years Chernobyl 1986/Devil Comet 2024, April Spring Rapture 2025


Understand revisited Jan 12/13, 2022 THEY been portraying a Pompeii Movie OF Memphis the 30 years plus my ministry. Before a family ill-ness and soon death force us into Georgia 7 years Big June 27 2017/Big June 17, 2023


Hearing Major, Major earthquake west Pacific Canada followed with hearing 10.2 earthquake. These were escalations of what THEY’D been predicting like the death bringer from beneath! S. Cal is marked with an X with Hawaii shown the primary domino, US states of barbecue! 


What you think Rev 10 Mighty Angel meant, desolations predicted US W. Pacific, now come? It’s ten days now someone shot a missile at dominoing Hawaii and “every,” Holy Angel and more BSG up and down Jacob’s Ladder are in Memphis son home, getting us out of the way! Know with THEM, is Rev 2 Jesus threatening, yanking out children and whoever THEY think I Am, I Am with THEM As One Of THEM! HBOW/Apb, 


When I explained I was sitting wondering to thinking like a Noah that wasn’t a metaphor. Soon THEY remind yes billions will be lost 50 million US soil, but billions are also descending with Jesus! You yours yours 


THEY been showing me since Chernobyl April Spring, how this all end! How equally the speed of a nano-second it all begin again the Kingdoms of men, have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and THEY shall reign forever. So showing himself Star Warring Aug 5 Rev 11 fulfilled is this prophecy finale remember little Miya girl and I this US two quarters crossing over toll Jesus Millennium Reign! 

Youtube, Jonathan Cahn God said America will be extinct by 2025 - Jonathan Cahn New via @YouTube; circling the bride chariot all around, standing over sleeping bed anxious Trump Gabriel THEM, to Archangel Michael THEM, explained to me the same thing, how Daniel 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5, Daniel final week of years, begin counting down Oct 17, 2021, which will finale its midpoint, an apocalypse for the world Ben Affleck, Armageddon, YELLOWSTOME/FIERY DOOMSDAY APOCAPYPSE WEST RULE, April Spring Rapture 2025....I been saying, and saying and saying!

Showing HIMSELF Start warring, alongside Archangel Michael, AODHF, is put off with The Chosen Set, drawing people into these impact zones, all US States of barbecue are, exception, US Georgia's COAST, CROSSOVER! One of my grands had just left, not a safehaven territory just before all the flooding rain, left California, before fiery evacuations, one left Kenturky the same, missing a historic flooding.I call it all knowingly playing in traffic, that's North America, multimillion man traffic, Jams! Remember, one of the hammering off of the Mt Sinai type, were at these stilts that keep people houses from the breakage of the rainbow covenant, designed both a Noah's cousin and an Aqua Era, with an angel shown up there with a pitcher, pouring water on the planet?

YouTube Bright Side Global ALERT! via @YouTube

see here, - Well, here it COMES! via @YouTube: watcher, mrmbb333, just said, unprecedented in too many ways to count, hurricane Beryl never should've existed. He said the same thing, months we witnessed a comet, that would arrive with that April 8 Eclipse. A comet headed toward the sun, erupting wings, to horns, I know sound like THEIR Eze 5, designed Ben, Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, mrmbb333 asking how could anything like it, even exit?

Youtube, Outpouring Gates, Warning ! Angelic Encounters! Evacuate Texas! via @YouTube


What you think Rev 10 Mighty Angel meant, desolations predicted US W. Pacific, now come? It’s ten days now someone shot a missile at dominoing Hawaii and “every,” Holy Angel and more BSG up and down Jacob’s Ladder are in Memphis son home, translating, crossingover to skyricketing others, getting us out of the way! Know with THEM, is Rev 2 Jesus threatening, yanking out endangered children and whoever THEY think I Am, I Am with THEM As One Of THEM! HBOW/Apb,

Before I actually hear him, and I mean hear him, its h is feet I hear, he's walking back and forth the world 's ceiling, Home Planet, and that's all you can you hear, like someone is walking on the roof and you're looking up, spinning, wondering, even going out to see, what's going on! Then I hear him, "desolations predicted US soil now come, beware the midwest, the eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings US W. Pacific, equally He's not alone, Rev 17, 7th Angel is with him, with 7 more judgment bowls. US W. Pacific, Which at these sayings is being incinerated, I saw it, decades back, had it stripped from my memory until its time, Dan;12:4, woke hearing, during its Ps 91/Mal 4/ angel wing flyover, "and this shall be the end!" 

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