Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Whose name in the Hebrew Tongue Is Abaddon, but in the Greek Tongue Hath His Name Apollyon, I’m too Aug 24/25 2023 Seeing All This Unimaginable invading Satanic, Demonic to Alien Apocalypse! RUN!


Links Prophecy Fulfilling, Nuclear July 9, 2024, Apocalyptic Firestorms, All US States Of Emergency To Barbecue; Thus warn Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Stampeding You Into Trump Gabriel, Archangel Michael Safehaven US Georgia’s COAST, COAST,  CROSSOVER! 

YouTube Iuic Dallas REPRODUCEhttps://youtube.com/shorts/MwJlIntXzl8?si=QI9BtjD1_VzgZfeg


Commenter Dwyane Wade Should Be Ashamed Of Himself! 1.4 K likes; 


Marvel not dominoing, presently building Hawaii missile morning Rev  2 Jesus threatening a mass dieoff ascension of children, except the sweeping under the rug of  purposeful reconciliation of unleashing a BioCovid millions dead, survivors repent, reconcile, EXODUS! Remember belittling a deadly pandemic to go on sinning sinning regardless is what got the four bound Angels its 200 million demon army released and the keys to the bottomless pit turn over to Red Dragon Them, turn over to Rev 9,  And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon, I’m too Aug 24/25 2023 seeing all this unimaginable invading Satanic, Demonic to Alien Apocalypse! 

When they come into the church parking lot, Three to a bike a mother Mary, a brother Ruben a seventh son , smoke from the revisited Aug 24/25 2023, the bottomless pit is pouring up from the ground into the church; one they’re inside this horrid all teen males are cursed pedophers with erections wearing your infants.  Marvel not a decade since church choirs during the influx of triple great tribulations mocked as highchair type feeder, traps! 




What’s going on with Dewayne them is far stretching sinister as VP Harris same-gender agenda, genocide of the Genesis man, marriage. Until especially NBA to none-white sportsman. Instead of commanded Blaexit they’re aligned to California Dreaming and Senator/Pres Obama’s July 27/28 skyrocketing US soil deaths, funeral reef.

Marvel not Hawaii missile crisis morning mocked Gabrielle Union and Michael Ealy perfect, dangerous man as a pending Antichrist. Just a rumor Tiger Woods crashed on his way to meet Dwayne Wade? Before waking from seeing the barbecue bodies of Kobe Bryant’s crash, what were his rumored children books about? HBOW/Apb

Leep1285 until they’re ground, 18, you make decisions for them 


I heard, “kill all parents by,” before ebbing and flowing for two decades US lab bio Covid was released, targeting parents/grands. I saw this Disney New Dr Who, Dot and Bubble, Ep., happening all around your children 2017/2024 all around y'all, their parents, 1988/89. Knowing, what’s designed HD, 5G and Social Media screening were these assessable evil portals right into your children, disguised as friendly house pet; HBOW/Apb



 After all these decades I can write a book, red alert warnings about children. Just as wrapping around the planet long, surrealistically as that Uvalde school shooting morning. 

This eerie lining up behind Movie, Twilight Bella school office scene. Witnessing them one by one compiling line upon line, a never ending line of injured, orphan children; imagine, just imagine! Blessed Day, Sweet sleep; HBOW/Apb

YouTube Troy Black, God Told Me China’s Next Movehttps://youtu.be/Xah9UdTaTCA?si=5Z8PoRmvljdOSWRj no more than his everything followed by sudden destruction until he did, Jonah wanted to deal with Nineveh does China wanted interceded US/West Rule Billions endangered! Marvel not I approach all future plans with if Gamma Ray JESUS, to Eze 5 Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE or Chernobyl to Cuba missile crisis Russia/CHINA tarry! 





Know there’s a pending Islamic/Chinese invasion and some bout Jer 37:8 mentioned Chaldeans are coming US a few years before NY towers went down. For that long Troy I’ve warned Russia and China will ally each other! Just how ginormous of a threat, West Rule puppeteered by ancient evils to home planet? 

They just used a depiction of Eze 5 barber chair, designed a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Then it phenom fulfilling send an erupting with volcanoes asteroid into an eclipsing sun. Frightnight a year later 2025 we wouldn’t be having theses kinds of sharing,190 years of tech no more and just as many people and the speed! 

Clearly in the interstellar heaven this threat is so gargantuan Rev 11 Star Warring AODHF and Archangel Michael them wedge against Rev 17 Great Whore Mysery Babylon disguised 7 previous kingdom nations into West Rule Britain and Canada/The Americas can’t, stand anymore.

Therefore on the ground  you have to admit it’ll take superer powers and all their allies to supersede and overthrow and send fire-rocketing this ancient genocider of billions disguised as world diplomacy. Marvel not THEY showed reigning bride too possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 Stone from heaven. Endangered you? SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded Brexit BRIEXIT, Blaexit you’re translating, crossing over skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, designed exile luxury and the speed. HBOW/Apb 

Article, NEWSWIRE, More Than 700 Scientists Call on Biden, Congress to Scrap Plans for New Land-Based Nuclear Missiles, https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/more-than-700-scientists-call-on-biden-congress-to-scrap-plans-for-new-land-based-nuclear-missiles

That’d be a ginormous Hell-no to what would you sacrifice to save Gaza’s children from Frankenstein Netanyahu? Like, There’s wake up genocider world forfeiting 2024 US Election to Presidency! I know, Jan Rev 11 Star Warring AODHF settled along his most apocalyptic performances you wouldn’t sacrifice for US children! Soo, yeah that's a don't marvel the molten death rider from beneath presently a handwriting on a wall clumsily 'Escape Yellowstone, only it 101 of them, and they're all mocked, an Eze 5. designed, Pompeii movie of Memphis, dominoing into a Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! 

Right, right, right, still I need mentioned, that May 3rd, 37, day countdown into what has been the most unpreceded solar to atmospheric events ever, again ever, hurricane Beryl broke so many they needed a pen and paper, and still is. There's Rev 2, arriving as a Gama ray bursting, yes him, isn't just skyrocketing Sulaiman to Moath Kahlout broadcasting, injured to orphan to slaughtered Gaza's children, he's again hammering off of that reigning Mt Sinai type, reigning holy church possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2, stone from haven, it is said to be cut out without hands and, further, I saw it had a meteor surface? 

Then and then, and there's the speed, predicted, Noah's Cousin,, flooding 99 bowls of molten, lava, THEY'RE mocked, designing you racecars to racetracks and your children then soon at the theater Super Mario Brother's skyrocketing into the heavenly throne, carts. I know get that, yeah, yeah, I was up, witnessed a cloud balloon and balloon, with each its rapturous their capture! I know, I, know, I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!! Star Warring, AODHF! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Princeton Damien Norcross, Atrazor and Queen Bride Nyla Guineve  Gogle 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Richat Structure Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Maqata Moath Kahlout and Akmaid Syed Farook, Sulaiman was born a goddess Dina Mahdi Mohamed Kahlout, a lord Ahmed Nael Nizar, Kahlout, a lord Ibrahim Mohamed  Kahlout and a goddess Hanaa Farook Kahlout Sulaiman

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"US States especially since error Saddam and error Senator Hussein went after the Whitehouse they're all states of emergency to states of barbecue, an outbreak of mortuary with the name Barack Hussein written on them, with all ambulances the stampeding of America refugees, March 2023, put on alert. Now Richat Genealogy, go to all public places shout it out loud, see how many pay you any attention. Then just tell them when tens of millions are incinerated W Pacific, US W Pacific, that’s when you run! I know you hear nothing but crickets, they can’t hear to know because of cursive strong delusions, before  the stirring in of counting Oct 17, 2019, Dan 4, fast and furious Ludacrist contagion. Yeah, there’s a vid topic, Obama’s guarantee that Biden gonna win, marvel not they’re all as you say, suffering for near 5 years King Nebuchadnezzar/Gog and Magog Trump Dan 4, madness curse.  Curious is Pres Biden/Harris performing their worst ever after being asked by grand Sia what would they sacrifice, even the American elections to presidency to save Gaza’s children? So President's Day, 2022, those huger than ever, hanging from electrical polls US flags burning and burning; well are those the Whitehouse to House Senate to Congress resigning in record numbers? That’d be yes, they like Jesus The Christ, are to be that unimaginably sacrificial, just saying, Alpha and Omega wish, then he could save them all, yeah but Daniel 2, madness curse, to the that left-behind burning Whitehouse version are acts of divine, intermission, behold he knock on your all doors, if any religious, political to monetary leader? Remember how grand Sia described those tribulation Saints, so immaculate AODHF couldn’t tell them from Jesus, THE CHRIST, she had to warn him, be careful his heart. So Is Netanyahu genocide left unchecked the tug of civil war, turf wars the US Whitehouse? Seems that way but remember it's mocked as the run on Matrix blue pills of staying unaware, beware, stay put programs religion, politics to Nimrod/Elon Musk type. The woman crying no not the blue pill, don’t give me the blue pill, is the tribulation church bride, oh and DEA tossing her Memphians homes they’re to rid of the matrix red pill of being aware! I’m hearing this Goddesses and Lord, events as I say!  My lord, goddess Maqata Moath, I know, I know! You too lord Bastion was saying, honestly, the truth is we don’t know what those two big ones are, sincerely there’s a designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE and three hammering off from the sky of apocalyptic events, they reigning since and a death rider from beneath decades prior.  So Maqata Moath you was saying how hard you laughed as well at the thought GOD in the mirror, picked up his throne chair and tossed it down at us, ah my god, so hard it scared me, plus I kept apologizing to God. Speaking of which, if we get YouTube mrmbb33 seeing a huge Asteroid shaped the look of a throne's chair I’m out, I’m walking and I’m not coming back. You better pack plenty its offering Memphians walking shoes, THEY proving her impossibles, everyone thought her Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE was non-sense. Right up until mrmbb333 start tracking that incoming erupting asteroid, he thought impossible but there it was. “You all do remember mrmbb333 witnessing the sun shooting charged particle at Devil Comet right before or after May 10 2023 not for 5000 years Solar event? We can tell goddess Maqata Moath sure tell where your loyalties lie, beyond the planetary bodies, where we goddesses and lords were made, were we not?”     >>>"When I Nicholas love walked out of cursed outer darkness through John’s Revelation, only presently Maaseiah we know they weren’t his but pending yours, even that book of remembrance, that page torn out, there's possibly Michael’s list! Right, right, I was just too naive Nicholas to revaluate any of it, but still the sacrilegiousness that land me in cursed outer darkness, black void in the first. You think that’s my punishment so far to endure like a recurring PDST form of Christ suffering cross? Girl when I saw you'd shared that, described your horrifying attacks that way, I didn't know how to, ah, digest it, i was John reconsidering, taking, eating and digesting that little book. 

I need to tell you something interceding little Zoe girl I come close, the chance Maaseiah you took for her. Come here, get into longing to hold, cuddle and love you simmering knight chest, if you’d ascended like the last I know, ouch, you punched me! They would’ve Nicholas send me back, yeah just as you you’ve requested, well at least living in prophetic hindsight we’re all dispensations righteous dancing hallelujahs around the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet!”     >>>“You’re taking down my hair, you didn’t mean for it stay up, right? Just Lord Torsten say you like it down, I do, I really do. You’re spectacularly mine either way, oou I like that word, spectacularly does this mean you forgive me for killing you softly? Softly killing me, what goddess Alectrona was soft to compassionate you snaking me, snaking, slamming me, stripping me and seducing me variousness it’s mercilessness horrifyingly in that order! I know, Brandy's Cinderella, that's the I choose, now you know 

goddess Maqata Moath, you are going to want to dance, it's huge threater room, Im sticking with Grand Sia's UK version, plus Cinderella's brothers are really yummy, more asking your husband yummy than I am, ah come on, Lord, Amitola Daamodar none are as blistering attractive as angel, men, this edible caramel skin, and your edible, hands, did goddess Xiomara Alantia tell you all she has a fetish for my hands? Perhaps because they were once attached to healing wings, hump, goddess Maqata Moath, I never thought of that. Goddess Amphitrite, you, no, no, no, either I just peed myself, so gross or something, oahu, oahu, oahuuuu!" Getting to her, helping, laying her carefully the floor! Others helping, paging {{{“we need help, in the drawing room, women in labor, maybe.”}}} “This is decided, right, can’t go wrong, I can’t lose him, right? “I, I, birth’s, ah genealogies are recorded, all’s I know goddess love.” Comforting her, brushing new tears from the side of her face, these in motion reddish strands. So so, hurry, hurry! I see them, they’re here! What's happen? We don’t, she’s talking, laughing, then, oh she lost water, don’t know which. You're Lord husband? Come, all others wait here or up there, but it’s waiting either way! Maqata Moath, you’re frozen, I think Lord Akmaid love I just horrified something,” sniffing tears, lining her nose, watching them take her, surrounded by worried friends. What's that? I mean, sorry, I think I terrified as well. Ah, right, this is the world still, the chosen series Jesus explained here, hearts, people, bones all goddess Mataqa Moath still break. Right Lord Akmaid soon by driving nails into his own darling, he’s ministering to the wounded Christ Lamb in darken mirrors, or Holy Father's back turn throne. We're waiting here, there? I think I’m too teary eyes to browbeaten to know, take my hand, draw me after you Lord, Akmaid Syed Farook, Sulaiman I’ll follow, I promise.”     >>>”When I May love saw Pastor Breaker on that train ministering nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ, you know what I thought about, Jesus telling religious leaders he heal on the sabbath day because He had to work while it was day for a darkness, no doubt that abomination of desolating billions is come. Then I thought about after 10 years of mass assembly and two millennia later they still want nothing to do with a HOLY GOD to a Christ Jesus of righteousness. I’m May to instead go into a street ministry, THEY knowing I’d completely made up my heart and my mind, THEY come to me that day I sat the front tv, eating. I begin to hear him May love, “somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them! Then love it repeats, “somebody needs to tell them, somebody needs to warn them! Like May love, pound described abominable, detestable lives, lands, churches, schools, guns, bombs, blue pills to voting booths into alters of Jesus THE CHRIST! A time May of Jesus mentioned darkness was coming. That was around Bush/Clinton/Bush 1998, the time the handwriting on a wall Jer 37:8 and we’re yet figuring what’s an invading Chaldean army, taking our cities, burning them with fire? So for me, that was about 10 years of growth in the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the spirit of prophecy that is Jesus THE CHRIST! So Grand when was the last time we calculated how many Rev 2 matrix tenth days Passover’s period of overcoming recurring tribulation? Behold May love he stand one foot the earth, one foot the sea, at all its closed doors and knock, if any dispensation to genealogy! Well love as I always say, you know at that precise time I was expecting a Thanksgiving rapture that Nov 23, 2017 when they assigned that Rev 2:11 blessed Passover come up its Thanksgiving 2018, I’m snatched out before another’s word passes to another. Here’s that Thanksgiving 2021, Savannah hideaway motel and a Nova erupting sunlight, is beyond comprehension! Soon 2022, your baking oven added that blastoff scar to your triangle craft scar, can you still see it? Since you ask," pulling her sleeve, seeing its faded but still visible, "some loving girl, yes!" Where we now? Ah 2023 May both that GA long, long long, duration craft and the Memphis one I caught trailing us that Oct, they contemplated mightily a Halloween skyrocketing, Kinda make you wonder Grand what ten things happened Oct 30/31 2023, (10 things you need to know today: October 30, 2023 | The Week/https://www.yahoo.com/news/10-things-know-today-october-112622711.html? "get Memphis Carter on it, I guess. Speaking of which May, you know what I realize? Any of Trump’s timetables at one or another coincide with Trump Gabriel and Archangel Dan 9:27 2021 two 42 months that's to finally reach a finale. In other words, they’re all gonna reach a post apocalypse West Rule/The American Continent simultaneously, all, all, all imminent as is possible I guess.  I wonder Grand has there been any other man in biblical history counting down so many timetables at once, which make him uniquely what? You know you thinking that Hawaii missile morning’s meeting of all parties good, evil it’s interstellar Armageddon, Michael Ealy appearing perfect, dangerous man was Trump, so grand you’re possibly right. Right May love, though that description does as well fit the false prophet, plowing and paving the way it’s Abraham Accord of desolating billions. I can’t tell you how it felt realizing after 7 years May The Sept BETA 15/2023 was updated to fit three years and ten months his, close to the Antichrist Trumps UAE And Israel’s Sept Beta 15, 2020 Abraham Accord, of Grand verifications you saying all along it was Daniel 9:27, 7 years non-aggression Abraham Accord! So including Dec 3, 2017, 3 per month, for 12 months a year, eight years, my Christ grand it’s been eight years! More like 7 Years and  7 months, two count this year it’s 13th, it’s 23ed, well imma need a calculator, no, Memphis Caden gonna need a calculator I’m sending it to him right now, blessed day love, sweetheart sleep, you too grand you too, love and kisses! Oh oh oh, you think this ticking down Matrix timetable was considered by that 2019 back turned Rite Aid Counter, saying she's to wait on you, like placing westerns insurmountable death tolls on hold for now, well back then? Oh, oh, oh, what you think grand, the Chosen Lazarus Mary anointing Jesus' feet, that perfumed oil, all. The easier it was May love, when I kissed his Mt Olivet arriving feet! Supposed Grand that was the same intensive, overwhelming perfume smell that all around you, indescribable with adoration, windman? Whewwwww, May love, I had ascension anxiety petty heavy before I commy you, felt like I did when I was in labor the second time and they had to admit me, they couldn’t send me back home, both the good to come the bad come, sweet to bitter, I still had this mentally gnawing wait! But yeah love, this helped, this really helped! Love and kisses to you, talk again soon, okay, bye. Let me see here, texting Grand Caden and his Monaliza, look, So, “including,” Dec 3rd 2017, there’s 3 counts per month, for 12 months a year. There’s seven years and 7 months that has past. How many passing over tribulations, counts it’s been so far, including the two counts do this month it’s 13th, its 23rd?” 

>>>”I told you, goddess Maqata Moath they’re all the waiting room, watching her pick of Cinderella movies, Brandy’s. “You would want to dance, I know.” Leaning in, whispering in “I can’t dance the hospice waiting room, not until we know Goddess Amphitrite is safe! Here comes Lord Bastion now, thanks so much for being’s here, waiting, supporting.  I’ll make this short, rush back to my darling love, Goddess Amphitrite Afridi and I, Lord Renaissance Bastion are no longer carrying our first child. I know, I know! Trying to explain better, hearing them fussing about, crying even. “I know,  I know how upsetting, but we are  fine, healthy, all. The  pregnancy just didn’t hold, it happens I was told, then asked to be the one to come and explain! Good news, they are going to be releasing us shortly, you can wait, that’s fine,” hearing them again fussing about, even come take his hand, kiss his cheeks! Thank you, thanks, but not to spoil your whole evening, you can go, we’ll meet you at the goddesses, place. What Lord Renaissance Bastion you think goddess Amphitrite Afridi, would want? Look guys, the god triplets are here, Sia Mahaseiah, Lord Evden, over here. Good question Lord Mneseus Rencor, I think she wouldn’t want to face all this head on so soon. Then lord we’ll be at the goddesses, thanks, blessed evening to you all! Godtriplets, knowing so much better, will you all stay? Yes, of  course, it’s why we come, we’ll be right, actually if you Darius Godtriplet Mahaseiah and your ladies, right, we can come, yes, here we come.” Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4  

Sulaiman Ahmed 




I Said I Could Write A Book About Red Alert Children; In Backward Running Flash Movie, The Book THEY Laid The Lighted Footprint Of My Sleeping/Prayer Bed Perhaps I, We Already Have? 


I frightened with burning Biden and close to the Antichrist Hussein and Gog and Magog Trump distracted saving the best most extraordinary world diplomacy happening to humankind. Netanyahu has gone unchecked but isn’t that Gog  and Magog WEST RULE it’s Dan 2 described world nations, they’re the accomplice to Gaza’s children’s genocide! AODHF!

Unelected, unaccountable https://youtube.com/shorts/2FBgWyuQgVY?si=ZRvo0fcEOkFonuDh via @YouTube; I woke from hearing “don’t touch Geneva!” Decades before I woke the ordaining of the ten kingly horns evidence Red Dragon rule! Retrospect GOD has left the world you build to duke it out with TIFF to Alien Apocalypse! 


See The rolling to boomeranging TIFF CME/EMP/Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE here, Rev 6, 6th seal/www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

THEY send Rev 10 Mighty Angel husband travailing over his

wife travailing with their New Born. Skyrocketing, leading captivity captured all dominoing Hawaii to Sulaiman’s “orphan” (ORPHAN); children! I’ve warned the nano-second speed, one prophetic YouTuber put your US death tolls at 300 plus million; whoa, alls I know it’s contagion horse and buggy days again to a jammed highway pileup of wrecked bikes! Woe is, Rev 17, 7th Angel is with Rev 10 Mighty Angel and he’s like bearing 7 more apocalyptic judgment bowls! 

YouTube Iuic Dallas REPRODUCEhttps://youtube.com/shorts/MwJlIntXzl8?si=QI9BtjD1_VzgZfeg

Hearing “Kill All Parents, By,” FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! During Biden/HARRIS Admin Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent following its during both Senator Obama and Pres Trump Admin hundreds of millions blessed Blaexit Africa’s Atlantic Coastal cities.  You not gonna believe who flew me on healing wings to go see all this and which other two biblically mention Angel THEM Allied Him; go see those  visiting intravenous that made Daniel 9/10 lose his cognition.

Marvel not both Hawaii missile crisis morning; Uvalde school shooting morning and the morning Rev 2/17 Jesus is  hammering off of reigning Mt Sinai type more apocalyptic events, as a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE is just as he’s skyrocketing endangered children off the planet, at the time those two t brothers that drown getting off at the wrong bus stop; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

Purposefully leaving designed again dominoing volcanic apocalypse The American Continent, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers of endangering parents as high as the Obama’s/Harris’/Trump’s a contagion pale horse, horse of hades pandemic. There’s wiping out a quarter of human-kind off the planet. Followed by the 666 Antichrist economy that’s to claim a quarter of earth’s inherit, more, it’s mocked Rev 9, multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth! Watch! Run! Live! 

Marvel not the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden/Harris Whitehouse! HBOW/Apb



Apb, The RAM

Satan disguised as the serpent Eden’s garden; God begin explaining he’d separate their seeds, satanic/Adam’s sin, Eve’s yet viable, soon predicted virgin birth; In short, next you hear Isa, 53:5, “he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement (priceless, divine contentment) is upon him and by his stripes we’re healed. See also, Ps 22/JN 3:16.. 

YouTube Out Pouring Gates Warning, Angelic Encounters Evacuate Texas, https://youtu.be/JLHy3U6_KYE?si=uIJwWVmYQYyLSjsJ

Michael Is Setting His All Around! 

We had more demonstrations of skyrocketing us all 2023 than  any previous year, including two intravenous triangle craft encounters. Looking up to out, seeing Holy Angels battling at a Star Wars. Hearing. “Michael is setting his all around!” So this is what that phenom arrival to intervention looks like! 

Even THEM seen right out my window, circling The Bride’s Sunlight Of God designed diamond carved, crystal dove chariot/triangle craft all around! Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above! I Hear as we’re skyrocketing off the planet into second heaven intercessions! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Poulet Guerrier A Horrible Evil About To Happen In 2025, Jonathan Cahn Sermon https://youtu.be/fyNEmkJBFSc?si=Io1BtW3dXFCAVzgs


I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS SHOWING HIS REV 11  SELF STAR WARRING AS REV 12 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM , AODHF! see more here, http://2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com/2024/06/see-here-httpthelightofmaaseiahadonai20.html


See Rev 6, 4th seal, Seeing The Word College Drilled Down To The  Letter C/Covid US Lab, Bio Swine to Bio Avian Genocidal Flu! AODHF/JCON

There’s it’s Dragon BEAST Sept BETA 2021, wearing a pride flag for a breast plate. Frightnight to Amazing Grace that New date Aug  24/25 2023 multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth. Surrealistically that’s for bargaining your soul either for Rev 17 crowns of righteousness or Rev 13 666 marks with these evils using the merchandising of food. 

But what do you care? THEY’ve mocked you rags to riches sickbeds to sleepovers to a run on Elon Musk religious, political yet driving the nails matrix blue pills of staying unaware. Presently a pandemic of overdoses, while showing DEA flipping your houses for stock piles of Morpheus red pills of staying woke; blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexix to you!

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies and a run on running shoes to bikes to wagons sales until HE come. All, all, all relative to what some call the worst scripture in the bible Rev 9, THEY’RE showing me these scriptures. Marvel not after THEY explained to us since Dec 2001, US assigned doomsday Oct 17 2021 this is Daniel 9:27 final week of years. In capital, bold letters SEVEN DRAGON BEAST years. 

THEY, seen battling a Star Wars in the heavens; said to be Michael setting his all around! THEY grab my shoulders THE MOST WOKE PERSON AMONG YOU, for shaking one into their senses. Three times saying, great tribulations, great tribulations, great tribulations! Marvel not who can make all this amazingness up? There’s a Rev 17, 7th Angel with Rev 10 Mighty Angel warning W Pacific, US W Pacific is disintegrating by a dominoing Hawaii Into YELLOWSTONE volcanic summit across THE AMERICAN CONTINENT, carrying tens of millions its inherit with it! Blessed SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit to you! HBOW/Apb 

Seeing a stone Anubis come to life, stretch his bow, launch a single arrow and return to his original position. Why to How Does The Alexander, Hitler’s Germany Antichrist have The Mummy 2 Scorpion King Army with him; what do they want, their excavated dead? 

See here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-it-you-may-as-well-tell-me-you.html; The Exodus Of First American, Seminole, Indian/Asian American Silverton Nicholas Coogan/Chow Moses Exodus! 

What if I told you THEY’RE about to do it again, lead a commanded Blaexit into exile luxury right through the American to African Atlantic, taking the Atlantic Basin Slave trajectory, THEY  just need you fast and furiously as a  Ludacrist contagion into US  Georgia’s coast, only US GA COAST this this exception.

I know, THEY Genesis 15/28; Ps 35/91/Rev 12 recorded Jesus confirmed innumerable in intravenous Angels. Surrealistically along with the employment of the Sahara sands and whatever its controlling hurricane building in these Safehaven territories! 

One night, and only hours at that a personal, hands on physical reenactment of Moses Exodus from Ramses of Memphis to the City Petra and eventual Canaan land the entire arduous journey then I woke with it all mapped out in my head; 

Moses were called into exodus their days of slavery done by a Mt Sinai burning, speaking bush; I was standing God’s Throne, flabbergasted over a Mt Sinai type being there, soon noting behind it is a rising Sunlight commanding as to Moses let my people go!”  

NTEB, Dignified Exit’ Will Kamala Harris And Michelle Obama Be The Ones The Democrats Put Their Faith In To Win It? https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/as-joe-biden-prepares-for-his-dignified-exit-will-kamala-harris-and-michelle-obama-be-the-ones-the-democrats-put-their-faith-in-to-win-it/


Since Geoffery they’re all of them aligned to Gog and Magog, an error Islam, 50 million US deaths; it’s Bush/Cheney gotten new fear factor, aligned to The Islamic/Israeli Antichrist, that’d be billions the world, just saying…Apb  

Article, Saudi Arabia flexes diplomatic muscle: warns G7 over Russian asset seizure, https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240710-saudi-arabia-flexes-diplomatic-muscle-warns-g7-over-russian-asset-seizure/  Being Up There, Second Heavens, Interceding Tribulation Saints As Holy Gods With Holy Gods Viewing Imploding THEIR Designed By Star Warring Intravenous, Turf Wars!  


Article, that such a seizure might set a dangerous precedent for other countries in the future, Article. Wow did Saudi/Islam come to Russia’s aid for a change? For decades Russia has flexed its superpowers standing up against westernized Islamic assassin creed. Apb 


If you remember the 7 yr old drag me out of my room to his, to view it was CNN breaking News Russia had thwarted UK Cameron covert attempt to assassinate Assad! What a wowing show of evidence Rev 18 AODHF warning not just his appointed watchers but HE sees us and much to I Chron Father King David, regret, He Remembers!  


Said evidentiary witnesse kept into the skyrocketing event of that day THEY'D yanked my grands out of Memphis, Hawaii dominoing volcanic apocalypse building. Come back for me, as Caden/Cameron mix was asking “ARE YOU READY?” THEY'RE warning there’s some bout Cameron, his signed Brexit is the date empowering this intravenous phenomenon!  


See http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html; FOR GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD; The Chosen Mary is standing, wondering outside Lazarus empty tomb. I say to myself, they still don’t know ‘what he is.’The improbability Geoffery eons past, eons the Royal Priesthood to go we can associate with Alpha and Omega as FRIEND and FATHER! God is not, mocked, God So Loves! HBOW/JCOR   

Article, Biden to hold news conference today amid debate over his 2024 campaign - CBS News

Article I’m running the world, the President said; What's happened at NATO?

Russia's war on Ukraine continues to be a key theme for NATO! Article, So no question left unchecked Netanyahu is committing genocide at NATO to world nations will; I said it’d all turn Islamic!!!

COME Into The Ark, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-ark1986-2016blogspotcom.html

Build The Ark,http://heartravising2017.blogspot.com/2017/07/and-these-are-descendants-of-beauty.html

I woke a day past, July 09/10 2024 hearing “Campbell,” after sharing this video https://youtu.be/OLD3JIWqr6w?si=L8SYJA_0Am-jRRgW; Stroke and Death after Moderna with X Poster @diedsuddenly_

Unelected, unaccountable https://youtube.com/shorts/2FBgWyuQgVY?si=ZRvo0fcEOkFonuDh via @YouTube; I woke from hearing “don’t touch Geneva!” Decades before I woke Jan 22-29, 2021 the Rev 17, ordaining of the ten kingly horns, evidence Red Dragon rule! Retrospect GOD has left the world you build to duke it out with THE TIFF to VOLCANIC/Alien Apocalypse! HBOW/Apb

Sulaiman Ahmed 


HOW MANY BURNT BODIES| HOW BEHEADED BABIES| HOW MANY DESTROYED LIVES? https://x.com/52patann/status/1811564964747821131?s=46


Decades before waking from burnt bodies to learn of Kobe’s fiery crash! Don’t ask me that question. I’ve seen charcoal bodies for thousands of miles it’s North American US W. Pacific multimillion man traffic jam, then woke hearing “ and this shall be the end!” Marvel not millions intravenous yanked us out W. Pacific Ring of Fire, Hawaii missile crisis designed the volcanic apocalypse that triggers into Pompeii movie of Memphis into Eze 5, my barber shop Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! 


Well family bombed goddess Maqata Moath would inquire those inquiring her lower body cast. You ever ask Jesus how he fret nothing but hovering room only left the innumerable in intravenous Angels all around his cross crying Eli, Eli lema sabachthani? Watch! Run! Live! Thus Saith Lot Them Pompeii movie event, Archangel


See Biden Commander And Chief here, Eze 38/39/www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com ASTEROID DESTROYED SAME GENDER GOVERNMENT, CHURCHES TO SCHOOL CURRICULUMS One of us is chained, none of are free, and since Sulaiman THEY just showed wise ole Morgan Freeman them warring with Antichrist/Scorpion King Anubis Army a pistol pulled from his crouch; just saying, with Dec 3/4/6 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, The Christ, WATCH! Run! Live/Ascend!

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